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Nick rolled over, his hand searching the bed for Sarah. He was hard and ready to fuck again. Last night had been great. Now, all he had to do was convince her that she was better off with him than Little-Dick. That shouldn’t be too hard since no man with any respect would take a woman, even one as great as Sarah, back into his bed when she had love bites from another man all over her body.
His hand came up empty and déjà vu settled in his gut like bad sushi. “Sarah.” He rolled out of bed. “I’m gonna kill her.”
The bathroom door was open and it was empty. He hurried through his living room and into the garage. Her dress was gone. “Son of a bitch.” He ran his hand through his hair. “No. Not again. Not this time.” He strode toward his bedroom when there was a knock on the door.
Maybe, she’d gotten locked out, but that didn’t make sense. His alarm should’ve sounded if she’d opened the door. The person knocked again.
“I’m coming.” He went to turn off the alarm but it was disabled. He stared at it for several minutes. That couldn’t be. He’d set the damn thing. He opened the door.
The waiter from last night stared at Nick, eyes on his crotch. “Ah...I don’t need that kind of job.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Nothing.” The kid backed away.
“Jesus. I like women, okay. Give me a minute.” He walked into his bedroom and came back a moment later with jeans on. The kid still waited outside. “Now, what the fuck are you doing here?”
“You said to come by if I wanted a job.”
“Yeah, but I meant a weekday.”
“It’s Friday.”
“Shit. You’re right.” He turned. “Come in. I need some coffee.”
“I can come back later.”
“Get in here. You’re safe. Like I said, you ain’t my type.”
The kid followed him into the kitchen. “If this is a bad time, I can come back later or Monday.” His eyes darted toward the bedroom.
“It is a bad time, but not for the reason you think.” He pulled out his phone as the coffee brewed. “The woman I was with last night left without saying goodbye.”
“I take it that isn’t a good thing.”
He laughed. “Usually, it’s a great thing but not with her. She has a tendency to leave before...well, before I want her to.”
“Don’t oh me. It’s not like that. It’s just great sex.” Fabulous, mind blowing sex and he wasn’t done having it.
“Sure. Okay. Whatever you say.” The kid smiled. “You’re the boss.”
“I should record that so Sarah can hear it. Maybe one day it’ll sink into her thick skull,” he mumbled and the kid laughed. “What’s your name again?”
“I’m Nick.” He held out his hand and they shook. “Why don’t you pour us both some coffee while I find my wayward house guest.” He tapped on his phone bringing up Google and searching for Sarah Daly. He’d caught her name at the event last night. As the winner of the award, it’d been hard to miss.
Tommy slid a cup of coffee in front of him. “Milk? Sugar?”
“A little milk.” He grabbed the container from the kid and poured a dab into his mug. “Damn it, there are a ton of Sarah Daly’s listed.”
“Not her.” Tommy took his cup and went and sat on a chair.
“What do you mean not her?”
“They were complaining at the event...actually, before the event. They had to go through the guy that was with her to get in touch with her. It’s her business and she won the award but she is seriously unlisted...like they tried and couldn’t find her.”
“Why did they need to speak to her personally?” So, Limp-Dick worked for her. She sure liked being in control.
“I guess she doesn’t go to these events and they wanted a confirmation from her that she’d be there. They aren’t in the habit of giving away that much money to an office manager.”
“The guy she was with was her office manager?”
“I guess. I just overheard them talking when I was cleaning up the banquet hall after a different party.”
“Were they ever able to contact her directly?” He had no plans on going through her boyfriend to get to her. The guy would want to kill him as soon as he saw all the love bites.
“Yeah. The office manager came in and gave them the number on a piece of paper.”
“Do you know where that paper went?”
“The office manager took it back after they called.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me. What is she the CIA?” He’d ask Patrick but that wouldn’t go over well. He’d try Annie. She’d already helped him once.
“Not kidding but...” Tommy leaned forward. “Guess whose phone they used?”
“Yours?” He loved this kid.
Tommy’s face wrinkled. “No. Not mine. Why would they use my phone?”
Okay. He hated this kid. “Get to the point.”
“The manager wouldn’t let them use their cell phones for the exact reason you wanted them to have used mine. They used a landline.”
“How the hell does that help me?”
“Because they made me go get the phone and then the bigwig made me dial her number.”
“Do you still know it?” He was going to pound this kid senseless if he didn’t.
Tommy grinned. “Would I tell you all of this if I didn’t?” He leaned back in his chair. “I have an excellent memory for numbers.”
“What is it?” This is where the kid made the biggest mistake of his life. Tommy would ask for money. He’d pay the kid but he wouldn’t hire him and what he could teach the boy was worth a lot more than a one-time payout.
Tommy blurted out the number. Nick just stared at him.
“Do you remember numbers too? Why aren’t you calling her?”
“Give it to me again.” He added it to his contacts as Tommy rattled it off. “Thanks.”
“Aren’t you going to call her?”
He stared at his phone. If he called, she might hang up. “Do you have her address?”
“No. Sorry.”
He dialed Mike and as soon as the driver picked up he said, “Did...”
“Yes, she called me this morning,” said Mike.
“You took her home.” All he had to do was convince Mike to tell him where that was.
“No.” There was amusement in Mike’s voice. “She asked me to come over but also asked for the security code so she didn’t have to wake you.”
“How’d she know you’d have my code?”
“You had me disarm it last night.”
“Shit.” He had done that.
“Anyway, when I got to your house she was gone. She’d left a note on the door saying that she’d called an Uber.”
“Have fun finding her, dumbass. You never should’ve let her go if you wanted to keep her.”
“Shut the fuck up.” He hung up the phone and dialed Scott, a friend who worked for Patrick and owed him a favor.
“Hey, I need an address for a number and don’t tell Patrick.”
“Okay, but then we’re even,” said Scott.
“Really? You look up one number and that equals me spending hours helping your father?”
“You don’t want me to tell Patrick. So yeah, we’re even.”
“Fine.” His friends sucked.
“Give me a minute,” said Scott. “I’ll call you back.”
He grabbed a pen and paper and took a sip of his coffee, his heart pounding as he waited. She wasn’t getting away from him that easily. He answered the phone on the first ring. He jotted down the address and turned to Tommy. “You, my boy, need to come back on Monday. Bring your resume.”
“I have it—”
“Leave it on the counter and come back Monday.” He needed to shower and then hunt down his...What? What was she to him? She wasn’t his girlfriend.
“What time?” Tommy walked toward the door. “I don’t want to disturb you again.”
The kid had the audacity to chuckle and Nick couldn’t help laughing. “Eight a.m. will be fine. I’m usually up by five. Today was special.” And so was last night and the rest of today was going to be special too because whether she liked it or not, he and Sarah were going to talk and then fuck and then fuck some more. She may not be his girlfriend but she was his. She could ditch her boyfriend or take a break. He didn’t care. He ignored the anger churning in his gut at the thought of another man touching her because he refused to get hung up on any woman who’d cheat on her boyfriend.