




“I’m going to kill him.” Sarah stared at herself in the mirror.

Nick had left marks all over her body—down her chest, her breasts, her calves and her inner thighs. She couldn’t stop the blush from flooding her cheeks. He’d spent a lot of wonderful time with his face buried between her legs. She was okay with those marks. The pleasure was worth her wearing long pants for a while but the ones on her neck and chest only a scarf would conceal and that was going to cause too many questions.

The front door shut and a car started in her driveway.

“Yes, they’re finally gone.” She’d been hiding in her room, staying as quiet as possible, for almost an hour waiting for Maisie and her family to leave. She was in no mood for the twenty-questions her sister would barrage her with about last night.

She pulled on her robe and opened her bedroom door, peeking into the living room. Empty. Perfect.

Tank nudged her hand.

“Can I shower first?”

His big, brown eyes looked at the door and he wagged his tail.

“Fine.” He’d been waiting to go outside since she woke. Her shower could wait ten more minutes. She opened the door wider and followed Tank out of the room.

“Good morning.” Maisie was lying on the couch.

Sarah jumped. “You scared me.”

Tank ignored the women and waited by the back door, his tail wagging slowly.

“What are you doing here?” She clutched her robe tighter around her neck and walked to the door. “I mean, why didn’t you leave with Peter?”

“It doesn’t require both of us to take Kyle to school.” Maisie was heading for the kitchen. “I’m going to make some coffee.”

Sarah opened the back door and walked outside with Tank. He trotted into the yard and sniffed around, looking for the perfect place to pee. He barely even glanced at her to make sure she was still there. He was getting better and she should be happy about that...No, she was happy about that.  “Hurry up, boy,” she said softly.

If her sister found out Tank was doing this much better, she’d never hear the end of it. Maisie would prod her to date, to go out and she didn’t want to. She was happy with her life. Visions of Nick flashed through her mind—him kissing his way down her body, his eyes dark with hunger, his face hard with passion.

Tank nudged her hand, bringing her out of her fantasies. She shouldn’t think about Nick. That was over. She wouldn’t see him again. She scratched Tank’s ear and opened the door following him inside.

“So?” Maisie sat on a chair at the kitchen counter.

“I’ll be right back.” It was time to dig out a scarf.


“I need to shower.” Sarah walked faster. She had to cover these marks.

“Stop.” Maisie hurried across the room, grabbing her arm. “!” She pulled the neck of the robe open. “Holy shit!”

“It’s nothing.” If her face got any hotter they could cook bacon on it.

“Nothing?”  Maisie’s gaze was part appalled, part amused and part envious. “I have never...ever...seen that many hickeys on one person.” She tugged the robe open more. “Did he...”

“Stop it.” Sarah fisted her hand in the cloth.

“He did!” Maisie grinned. “Come on. Let me see.” She tugged on the robe again.

“I’m not showing you my breasts.” She jerked free, thankful that Peter and Kyle weren’t here. “I’m going to shower.” She turned and headed for her bedroom.

“You naughty girl.” Maisie grabbed the back of her robe, stopping her. “Your legs too?” Her gaze was on the skin that was visible beneath the short robe. “I can’t wait to tell Peter about this.”

“Stop it.” She slapped at her sister’s hand as Maisie lifted her robe.

“All the way up your thighs. Even on your ass cheeks.”

She spun around. “Enough.”

“That is” Maisie was fanning herself. “I may have to go and find Peter right now.”

“Please do.” She laughed.

“So, who was this Romeo?”

“No one.”

“A one night stand? Don’t say it. My perfect little sister had a one night stand. Another one.”

“The other wasn’t one night.”

“That’s right. It was a six-night stand.”

“Yes.” She glanced at her hands, trying to stop the words but they slipped out. “It was him.”

“Nick? You saw him? You were with him last night?”

She nodded, blushing.

“That’s wonderful.” Maisie hugged her. “I told you that you should’ve sent the letter.”

“No, it isn’t wonderful.”

“It wasn’t?” Maisie raised an eyebrow. “By the trail he left, it sure looks wonderful to me.”

“The sex was great, as always.”

“What else is there to say?” Maisie grinned.

“You’re right. That was it. We bumped into each other—”

“Several times.”

She snorted back a laugh. “Yes, several times, but it’s over. Done.”

“Why? What did you do?”

“Me? Nothing. Last night was a...not exactly a mistake. It was a lovely meeting and now it’s over.”

“Again, why? Apparently, he’s still likes you.”

“He still wants to fuck me or he did last night” That was all it was to Nick...and to her. She couldn’t let it be anything else.

“Is that all? Are you sure?”

“You don’t know him. Yes, I’m sure.” She bit her lip. “I mean, he’d probably have sex with me again but he’s not the kind of guy to want more than that.”

“Did you ask him?”

“No.” By Maisie’s disappointed look her sister didn’t agree. “He told me that he grew bored with women within a month. A month!”

“But you told me he said you were different.” Maisie took her hand. “It’s okay to be scared but don’t let it paralyze you.”

She wanted to jerk her hand free. She was so sick of this lecture but getting defensive only made Maisie dig in her heels. “I’m only different because I’m not agreeing to his terms. If I did, he’d tire of me.”

“It’s possible, but it’s also possible that he wouldn’t.”

“Trust me. That’s not going to happen with Nick.” She kissed her sister on the cheek. “I’m not scared. I’m practical. Now, make me some breakfast while I shower.”


“No. Eggs, toast, bacon. The works. I’m starving.”

“I bet,” Maisie laughed and headed for the kitchen.