




Nick pulled into the driveway at Sarah’s house. He couldn’t wait to see her face when she saw him at the door. If she thought she could get away from him that easily, she was in for a big surprise. Last night, he’d branded her with his kisses. Today, he wasn’t sure if he were going to spank her for sneaking away or fuck her first. He’d been aroused when he woke and the chase had only made him hornier.

He hopped out of the car and headed for the door, his step faltering. That was a damn big dog barking. He’d never considered that Sarah had a dog but he should’ve. She was running a business that helped dogs. Actually, he was a little surprised that there wasn’t more than one bark coming from the house.

Her dickhead boyfriend shouldn’t be here. There was no way any man would stay with a woman who came home with love bites all over her body. He smiled as he rang the doorbell. Nope, he’d ended that relationship. Sarah was all his for this weekend, maybe longer. He was going to bury himself so deep in her body that she’d never have sex again without thinking of him.

A woman opened the door.

“Ah, you’re not Sarah.”

“No. I’m not.” She seemed amused.

“I’m sorry.” He gave her his most charming smile. She was a cute, little redhead. Her hair was shorter than Sarah’s and more on the auburn side but she was definitely a relation. Sister probably. “Is Sarah home?”

“She is. Who are you?” She grinned. “Because you’re not Sarah either.”

“No, I’m not. I’m Nick.” The woman wasn’t upset about a guy showing up here so she must not be a fan of Sarah’s boyfriend—ex-boyfriend.

“Nick? The Nick?” Her eyebrows shot up her forehead. “Really?”

“Yes.” She’d heard of him. That was good. Right?

“Come in.” She opened the door wide. “I’m Maisie, Sarah’s sister.”

He stepped inside, glancing toward a closed door where a dog, a very large dog, was raising a racket.

“That’s Tank. Don’t worry about him. He’s a sweetheart. Do you want some breakfast?” Maisie closed the door and walked toward the kitchen.

“Sure. Thanks.” He followed her. “I’m starving.”

“So is Sarah. What a coincidence.” She smiled at him over her shoulder.

He grinned and shrugged. He had no comment for that. Sarah’s sister seemed to like him, but he wasn’t going to ruin it by joking about last night. The dog barked louder as he walked past and the door rattled. He couldn’t help it, he jumped.

“Oh, don’t worry about Tank. He sounds tougher than he is.” Maisie’s eyes hardened a little. “As long as you don’t hurt Sarah.”

“Okay. Ah...that’s good to know.” They were going to have to go to his house. He wasn’t going to risk getting torn up when Sarah screamed her release.

“Is it?” She stopped by the stove.

“Yes.” He looked her directly in the eyes. “I’d never hurt any female, especially Sarah.” Except in ways she enjoyed.

“Hmm. Coffee?”


She filled a cup and handed it to him.

“Sit. Have some toast. The bacon and eggs are almost done. Cream and sugar are there.” She pointed to containers near the butter and toast.

He sat at the counter, adding a little cream to his coffee. The dog continued to bark and growl. “So, where is Sarah?”

“Taking a shower.” She began filling three plates.

His dick hardened. Sarah was naked in the other room, her body warm and slippery. He wanted to strip off his clothes and get in the shower with her. She’d be surprised at first, but she’d melt into him. She couldn’t deny her body and her body wanted him.

Maisie put a plate in front of him. It was overflowing with food. She put another one that was just as full by the seat next to his and then sat across from him with a plate that looked sparse by comparison.

“Do you want some of this?” He used the fork to point at his food.

“No. I couldn’t.” She took a bite of her eggs. “Unfortunately, I didn’t burn as many calories as you did last night.” She sighed. “Having a kid puts a damper on that kind of exercise.”

He took a bite of his toast. He was actually blushing. These Daly women could turn him inside out. “How many kids do you have?” That was a safe topic.

“One. We’ve been trying for another luck yet.”

“So, kids don’t actually eliminate that kind of exercise.” The words slipped past his lips. “I’m sorry.”

“No.” She laughed. “Don’t be.” She took a sip of her coffee. “If kids eliminated sex there wouldn’t be any more kids.”

“That’s for sure.”

“So Nick, what brings you here?”

“Um, I wanted to see Sarah.” It was kind of obvious.

“Did she tell you to stop by?”

The woman’s eyes were sharp. This was a test. She damn well knew Sarah hadn’t. He was a businessman. When people expected him to lie, he did the opposite. “No. She snuck out of my bed early this morning and took an Uber home.”

“She did what?” Maisie dropped her fork. “That stupid...What time?”

“I don’t know. I was sleeping.” He was usually a light sleeper but she’d worn him out. They’d fucked almost non-stop and his body had collapsed in satiated exhaustion. The side of his mouth curled up in memory. He couldn’t wait to do it again.

“I can’t believe...” She shook her head and took a sip of her coffee. “She could’ve called me.”

“She could’ve woken me.” Sarah didn’t need to call anyone but him for a ride—any kind of ride.

“Yes, she could’ve done that.” Maisie studied him. “Why do you suppose she didn’t?”

“I don’t know.” He said it through gritted teeth because he knew exactly why she hadn’t. He wouldn’t have let her leave. He would’ve fucked her until she’d passed out. That’d been his plan for today and the rest of the weekend. It was still his plan. All he had to do was get rid of the sister.

“Hmm.” She took a bit of her toast. “Did she tell you where she lived?”

He took a drink of his coffee to give himself some time to think. Maisie knew the answer to that too. “Are you a lawyer?”

“No. I’m worse. I’m a big sister.”

He tipped his head. She was protecting Sarah. He appreciated that, but he needed her on his side. Actually right now, he needed her gone. He leaned forward. “You know as well as I do that Sarah didn’t tell me where she lived.”

“Then how did you find this place? It’s unlisted.”

“Trust me. I’m aware of that.” And the fact that Sarah didn’t want to be found by him or anyone.


“I know people.”

“Hmm.” She ate the last of her eggs. “I guess the better question is why did you come here?”

He was pretty sure saying to fuck your sister wasn’t the right answer. It was the honest one but not the right one. “I wanted to see Sarah.”

“But why?”

“Because I like her.” That was the truth or part of it. He liked to fuck her—a lot.

Maisie’s eyes narrowed. “Like her? You brand her body because you like her?”

“You saw that.” It wasn’t a question.

“How could I miss it? You made sure to leave your mark all over her. Why would you do that? Are you that possessive? Do you think she’s your property?”

“No. It isn’t like that.” She was his, but she wanted him too. She did. No one could fake attraction like theirs.

“Sure seems like that to me.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

Damn. He’d lost the sister. It didn’t matter. Sarah wanted him. Not enough to leave her number or to contact Ethan.

“I think you should leave.” She stood.

“I’m not going anywhere until I speak to Sarah.”

“Said the stalker.”

“It’s not like that.” It wasn’t. It really wasn’t. “I’d never hurt her.”

“Said the stalker. Every damn one of them, right before they do just that.” Maisie stood, pulling her phone from her pocket. “Don’t make me call the police.”

“Don’t do that. Please.” He stood.

“Then go.”

His hands gripped the counter so tightly his knuckles were white. “Not without seeing Sarah. If she wants me to leave, I’ll go.” Of course, she’ll have to say it after he kissed her.

Maisie pressed a button and then another one. “I’m not joking.”

The last string to his temper tore. “You know what? Do it. Call the fucking cops.” He leaned forward. “I have no record. I’m a respected businessman and they can’t do anything worse to me than what your sister has already done.”

“What did Sarah do to you?” Her finger froze above the keypad.

“What did she do to me?” He laughed but it was a hard and angry sound. “She stood me up. I waited four fucking months...” No, he wasn’t admitting that to anyone. “Forget it.” He sat down and took a gulp of his coffee. “Call the cops if you want. I don’t give a shit.”

Maisie’s eyes were wide. “You contacted the Club.” She dropped onto her chair. “Oh...You waited for her.” She leaned forward. “Did you really go four months without sex?”

“What? No.” His eyes darted away from her face. Sarah must’ve bragged to her sister about the guy she’d strung along.

“Liar.” Maisie grabbed his hand. “Have you told her?”

“What? No.” He repeated, sounding like an idiot.

“You have to.” She jumped up.

“No.” He stood, grabbing her arm. “Please.”

“Why? She’ll be so excited.”

“I’m serious. Don’t.”

“I’m not going to tell her.” She pulled her arm free.

“Maisie, who are you talking to? Is Peter here?” called out Sarah.

A huge dog charged into the room and Nick backed against the counter as it stopped in front of him, barking and baring its teeth.

“Nick...” Sarah stood in the kitchen doorway. Her hair was wet and hanging loose. She wore an old T-shirt and sweatpants. Her neck was covered in his love bites and they trailed down under her shirt.

He was hard instantly. He needed the sister and the damn dog gone, now.