




Nick shoved his laptop in his car next to the packages and went back inside his house. He opened his closet, looking over all his toys. He’d bought so many for her, for them. He had at least six weeks and he was going to use every last one of them at least once. Sarah was going to have to learn to be quiet, because there was no way he’d be able to stay at her house with her all day and not fuck her brains out. The damn dog would just have to get used to it. He grabbed the leg and wrist restraints, lube and some other toys and stuffed them in his duffle bag before heading out the door. He got in the car and called Annie.

“Hey, Nick,” said Annie. “What’s up?”

“First, thanks for...everything. I’m going to Sarah’s.”

“That’s great.” She sounded like she was ready to clap her hands.

“Yeah, kind of.”

“What’s wrong? What did you do?”

“Why are you blaming me?”

“Because I know you.”

“Ouch. That hurts.” He laughed.

“Tell me what you did?”


“You called me, Nick.” She was growing impatient.

“Well...I told her I’d be over and—”

“You’re not there yet? It’s almost ten o’clock.”

“I know. I had things—”

“Did you call her and tell her you’d be late?”

“No.” Shit, he should’ve done that. “I got busy and—”

“And you what? Forgot about her? What did you have to do that was more important than the woman you lo...are crazy about?”

His breath froze in his chest. Everyone thought he loved Sarah. Did he? No. He didn’t. He couldn’t. She hadn’t even wanted to be with him.

“Nick? What’s wrong?”

“I’m starving and I was wondering if maybe I could swing by—”

She sighed. “Go to Patrick’s office. It’s pizza night tomorrow. Chelsea is still there getting everything ready.”

“Great! Thanks. Ahh...”

“What?” She sounded a little pissed.

“I’ll need to take one to go. You know with me being late and all.”

“I’ll call Chelsea and she’ll have one ready for you. What do you want on it?”

“Um...I’m not sure. I don’t know what she likes.”

“You’d better find out if you want to keep her. Good sex only goes so far.”

“Yeah, food is very important,” yelled Patrick from the background.

“Thanks, Annie.” He didn’t just mean for the pizza.

“You’re welcome but you’d better straighten up. Being late isn’t—”

“I know but I got stuck at the pet store.”

“The pet store. Oh, Nick. You didn’t get her a pet did you?”

“No. She has one. A dog that hates my guts.”

Annie burst out laughing. “That’s why you’re late. You were shopping for her dog?”

“Yeah. If I want to have sex, I’ve got to get that dog to let me touch her.”

“You have got to be kidding me.” Annie turned away from the phone. “Nick can’t have sex because Sarah’s dog hates him.”

Patrick’s laughter grated on his already raw nerves.

Annie spoke into the phone again. “I have got to meet this woman. When can we all go out?”

“I don’t know. Maybe, we can have you over one night.” He wasn’t spending his few hours away from that blasted dog with another couple.

“Patrick, Nick wants to have us over one night.”

“When’s the wedding,” yelled Patrick.

“Shut the fuck up.” He started to hang up the phone and hesitated. “Thanks again, Annie.”