




The damn dog started barking as soon as Nick pulled into her driveway. He got out of the car, grabbing the pizzas and the other groceries Chelsea had given him. He liked that girl. Annie had called her friend and between the two of them, he now had a very romantic meal complete with two pizzas—one vegetarian and one meat—some chocolate cake, a salad, wine and beer.

The door opened before he moved away from his car. Sarah stood in the doorway, that damn, huge dog by her side still barking.

“Hey,” he said.

She looked gorgeous in her jean shorts and T-shirt. His dick hardened as his eyes fell on his marks trailing up her long, thin legs and disappearing beneath her shorts. She could have his piece of cake. He was having her for dessert.

The dog growled as if reading his thoughts.

“Give me a break,” he mumbled.

“I-I didn’t think you were coming tonight.”

“Oh, we’ll both come tonight. Several times.”

Her cheeks flushed as she stepped aside, snapping her fingers. The dog groaned a little but moved aside.

He paused in the doorway, holding out his hand for the dog to sniff. While Tank was busy checking him out, he leaned in and kissed Sarah. It was soft and sweet, nothing like he wanted, but it’d do until he could get her away from that devil-beast.

“I brought dinner.”

“I see.” She said against his lips.

“I hope you’re hungry.”

“I kind of skipped dinner. So yeah, I’m starving.”

He followed her into the kitchen and put the pizza and groceries on the counter. “I have some other things. Can I go get them?” He’d never asked if he could stay with her. In the other contracts he’d had with women, they’d both stayed mostly at the hotel, but this was different. This was Sarah and honestly, he had no intentions of stopping when six weeks were up. That was only the amount of time he had to convince her that they should give this a chance long term. He was still hurt that she hadn’t sent Ethan a letter, but he could get over that. What he couldn’t get over was leaving her.

“Ah...sure. Do you need help?”

His hand trailed down her back to her ass. There was a slight rumble in Tank’s throat but he ignored it. “Nah. Make the plates and I’ll be right back.”

He stepped outside and grabbed his duffel bag and his laptop from the car and went back into the house. He hesitated at the bedroom door. He’d never lived with anyone. This was her house. Maybe, he should ask before putting his stuff in her room. Of course, that’d give her the chance to refuse. He dropped the bag on the floor by the door and put the computer on an end table in the living room.

He went outside again and brought in all the dog toys and other crap he’d bought. Everyone said dogs were like kids and if it were true he was going to buy his way into that damn dog’s heart.

Tank’s toenails clicked on the kitchen floor as he moved to the doorway. The dog stared at Nick and the bag.

Nick pulled out a large beef bone. The clerk at the store said dogs loved it. “You want this?” He held it out to the beast. Nick could’ve sworn the damn dog’s eyes narrowed before he turned and trotted back into the kitchen.

“What’s that?” asked Sarah as she carried the bottle of wine and salad to the dining room table. The plates, glasses and two bottles of salad dressing were already there.

“Nothing.” Now he felt foolish. “Just some stuff I picked up for Tank.”

She bit her lip and it was like a jolt of electricity straight to his groin, making everything stand at attention. He’d never wanted anyone like this. If it weren’t for that dog, he’d have her on the table right now.

“You didn’t have to do that.” She opened the bottle. “The pizzas are in the oven. Wine?”

“Yeah. Thanks.” He walked to the table and Tank huffed and moved closer to Sarah as she sat, pouring the wine.

He grabbed his plate from the other end of the table and took a seat next to her. He didn’t come all the way over here to sit a mile away – not that the table was actually that big, but he wanted to be close to her. Hell, he wanted to be inside her. He tugged on the front of his pants to give his growing dick a little room.

“I hope you like Ranch or Italian. It’s all I have.” She put salad on both of their plates.

“They’re both fine but wasn’t there some dressing in the bag.” He went into the kitchen. “I could’ve sworn Chelsea said she sent us some of Annie’s dressing.” He came back with a small container. “It was under the napkins.”


He opened it as he sat down. “Try it. Annie is a fabulous cook.”

She stuck the tip of her finger into the container and then between her lips. He couldn’t take his eyes from her mouth. He wanted to grab her and drag her into the bedroom, or better yet, fuck her right here. Tank growled. That proved it. Not only was her dog a pain in the ass but he was also a mind reader.

“That is fantastic.” She poured some on her salad and handed the container to him. “Nick?”

He blinked, dragging his eyes away from her lips and grinning at her blush. “Thanks.” He drizzled some on his salad and they both began eating.

“How long have you had Tank?”

Her fork stalled midair and she paled slightly. “Since right after Adam died.”

He wanted to bash his head against the table. Talking about her ex-lover and father of her miscarried child wasn’t the way he wanted to start their evening. “Oh.” He took a big gulp of his wine, wishing it were something stronger.

They ate in silence. The timer went off with a loud ding.

“The pizzas are done.” She started to get up.

“I got it.” He put his hand on her shoulder. “You rest.” He gazed down at her. “You’re going to need your energy later.”