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Sarah hurried into her house. She had to get her sister and family out of there before Nick came home. She paused, her hand hovering above Tank’s head as he nudged her. Home. This wasn’t Nick’s home. No matter what he’d said last night, he’d never stay with her. She was too messed up for anyone. She had to remember that this was only temporary—wonderful, but temporary. Tank nudged her again and she scratched his ear.
“Hey, you’re home early.” Maisie yawned as she came out of the guest bedroom and went into the kitchen. “Where’s Nick?” She started making coffee.
Sarah followed her sister. “Still sleeping at his place.” She put a couple of slices of toast in the toaster. “Doesn’t Kyle have baseball practice?”
“No, he has a game this afternoon.”
Shit. She had to at least get rid of Peter. A car drove by and she glanced at the door. The toast popped and she jumped. “You guys have plans for the day besides Kyle’s game?”
Maisie poured two cups of coffee. “Do you need us to stay?”
“No!” She almost clamped her hand over her mouth.
Maisie turned and handed her a cup. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing.” She put some cream and sugar in her coffee and buttered the toast.
“You’re acting like you did when we were kids and we’d done something wrong.” Maisie took a piece of toast and sat on one of the chairs by the counter. “Spill it.”
She sighed. It was time to come clean. “I...um...” She sat. “Nick kind of thinks that Peter is my ex-boyfriend.”
“What?” Maisie almost spit out her coffee.
She shrugged.
“What the hell, Sarah? Why did you tell him that?”
“I didn’t. Not in words.” She tore off a piece of her toast and slid it back and forth on the counter. “He saw us at the awards banquet and assumed.”
“And you didn’t correct him?”
She shrugged again. “I didn’t want to admit that I hadn’t been with anyone since him. It was only supposed to be for that night and then he showed up here and...well, things kind of got out of control.”
“Out of control? He’s living here. How long do you think I can hide my husband from him, especially since we watch your dog when you two run off to have kinky sex?”
“It’s not...” She blushed. It was very kinky. “Tank doesn’t like...” This was even more embarrassing.
“What? What doesn’t Tank like?” Maisie leaned closer. “Does Nick tie you up? Spank you?”
“Stop it.” Her face was on fire now. If her sister only knew.
Maisie frowned but a gleam came into her eyes and the hair on Sarah’s neck stood on end. That look was never good.
“First, you need to tell Nick the truth.”
“Why? It’ll be over in a month or so.” Her mood dropped through the floor. She didn’t want to go back to being alone.
“I don’t think so. Not unless you make it end.” Maisie grabbed her hand and squeezed. “Give him a chance, honey. He’s crazy about you.”
“Yeah, until he learns that I’m actually crazy.” She wiped a tear off her cheek.
“You are not crazy.”
“What do you call a hermit then? A person who can’t stand crowds? Who doesn’t like to go out?”
“Sarah, this is good.” Maisie hugged her. “You need to talk to someone. Get help.”
“I know.” She sobbed against her sister’s shoulder. She should’ve done it years ago when it was only a little thing—a little flutter of fear not the full-blown panic when others looked at her, believing they felt sorry for her because something horrible was going to happen. If something bad happened again, she wouldn’t survive.
Maisie squeezed her tighter. “Oh honey, you don’t know how long I’ve waited to hear you say those words.” She kissed her sister on the top of the head. “You’re going to be fine. You’re strong. You can get through this.” She kissed her again. “But you need to tell Nick.”
She shook her head. “I can’t. He won’t understand.”
“Then he isn’t good enough for you.” Maisie leaned back, taking Sarah’s hands in hers. “But I think he will understand. No guy would put up with all this if he weren’t mad about you.”
“You have a point.” She bit her lip.
“You’ll tell him then?”
“Yeah.” She would. As soon as she was better or mostly better.
“Good.” Maisie stood.
“Where are you going?”
“To wake my husband and son so we can get out of here.” Maisie turned toward her. “But you owe me for this.”
“What exactly do you think I owe you?” Her sister was loving and sweet but Maisie could also be a little nuts.
“Does it matter?” Maisie looked at the kitchen clock. “Tick-tock. Nick could get here any minute.”
“Fine. Go. I owe you.”
Maisie grinned and hurried into the other room. She came back a few minutes later and poured another cup of coffee and threw in two more pieces of toast. “We’ll be out of here in five.”
Sarah glanced at the door. Hopefully, that’d be soon enough.
Maisie sat next to her again. “I want you to watch Kyle for us this weekend coming up.”
“That’s all you want?” That was nothing. She watched her nephew a lot.
“You’ll have to take him to his game.”
“Okay.” She could drop him off and come back later or stay in her car.
“And, I want to know where to go or where to get...things.”
“Things? What kind of things?”
“You know.” Maisie’s face turned red. “Kinky things. I want to try some with my husband.”
“Oh.” Now her face was red. “I-I don’t know. I guess you could get them on online or something.”
“You’ve never bought any handcuffs or restraints or anything? I mean, I don’t want to get crappy ones that might break or cause a rash.”
“No.” She’d never tell her sister that she’d bought the suspension rack. “Nick supplied...supplies that stuff.”
“Ask him.”
“I couldn’t.” She’d die of embarrassment.
“You owe me.”
“Maisie, I can’t ask him that.”
Peter came into the kitchen. “Ask who what?”
“Nothing,” they both said.
“Okaaay.” He grabbed a cup of coffee and the toast off Maisie’s plate.
“Where’s Kyle? We need to go,” said Maisie.
“What’s the hurry?”
“I’ll explain later.” Maisie looked at Sarah and smirked.
This was going to be embarrassing.
Peter sat down, sipping his coffee.
Kyle stumbled into the room, rubbing his eyes. “What’s for breakfast?”
“Toast.” Maisie took the two slices from the toaster and buttered them, handing them to Kyle.
“Hey, what about me,” said Peter after he shoved the last bite of his bread into his mouth.
“You can have mine.” Sarah handed him her slice, giving Tank, who was begging at her side, the little piece she’d torn off.
“Come on,” Maisie tugged on Peter’s arm. “We need to go.”
“I haven’t finished my coffee,” grumbled Peter.
“Take it with you.” Sarah wanted to shove them out the door.
“Kyle, get your shoes,” said Maisie.
The kid stumbled into the living room.
“Come on, Pete, before Sarah changes her mind.” Maisie winked at her sister from behind her husband. “She’s agreed to watch Kyle next weekend. Friday through Sunday afternoon.”
“Why?” Peter’s eyes darted between the two women.
“Remember those things we wanted to try?” Maisie gave her husband a speaking look. “But can’t with Kyle around.”
Peter frowned and then grinned. “This weekend?”
Masie blushed. “Yep.”
“Kyle, let’s go. We’ll stop at Denny’s for breakfast.” Peter hurried to the door.
“Find out where I can get some of those...things.” Maisie hugged her. “And talk to Nick about...everything.” She turned and then stopped. “And tell him the truth about Peter.” She playfully slapped her sister’s shoulder. “I don’t like him thinking you two...You know.”
“Okay. I will.” Later. Much, much later.