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Sarah sat on the couch, trying not to cry but as soon as Nick’s car pulled out of the driveway, she let the tears fall. She didn’t just cry, she sobbed. Tank crawled up by her, nudging her with his hard head and licking the tears off her cheeks.
“I love you, baby.” She hugged him, burying her face in his soft fur.
She’d known Nick would be mad about her not being there when he woke but she hadn’t expected him to leave. Not yet. Not this soon. She sat up and wiped her eyes. It was probably better that he left now. She was falling in love with him more and more every day.
She went to her desk and tried to work but her mind kept drifting. Every time a car drove by her eyes would dart to the door, hoping it was Nick, but it wasn’t.
She started to do housework. It wouldn’t take her mind off him but at least she’d get something done. She opened her dresser to put away her laundry and Nick’s clothes were in there. He’d made a small space for his shirts next to hers. The same was true for his underwear and socks.
It was no wonder he’d left. She’d been horrible to him. She hadn’t even tried to make him feel welcome. She could’ve made some room in her closet and dresser but instead she’d kept pushing him away and now he was gone. She’d ruined this not him.
Her phone beeped and she grabbed it. It was a text from Nick. She dropped onto the bed, biting her lip to keep from laughing. She looked at Tank who was sitting next to her, head tipped to the side. “He’s coming back.” She hugged her dog. “He’s coming back. He invited people over without talking to me, and I should be furious with him but...he didn’t leave me. It isn’t over.”
She hurried to the dresser and began cleaning out her clothes, making room for Nick in the drawers and her life.
When she’d put away all his clothes that were in the laundry she stared at his duffle bag. That was his personal space. She shouldn’t go through it, but if they were a couple...Her heart raced and her breath was coming in short gasps. She inhaled deeply, fighting off the panic. No one could promise forever but she could at least give this relationship a chance. Try. Really try. She grabbed her phone and dialed her friend that worked with the PTSD dogs.
“Shelly.” Sweat was trickling down her back and her hands were shaking.
“Hey Sarah, what’s up? How’s Tank?”
“Good. Really good. I...I’m calling about me.”
There was a long pause and then Shelly said, “What do you need?”
“The name and number of that doctor.” She took a deep breath, wanting to vomit. “I threw it away the last time you gave it to me.”
“I’m not surprised. You weren’t ready.” Shelly’s voice was calm. “This is a good thing, Sarah. I’m glad you called. Give me a moment to find it.”
The time seemed like forever as thoughts tangled in her head. What if the doctor couldn’t help her? What if nothing could? She’d be alone. She sat on the bed and wrapped her arms around Tank. She loved him but he wasn’t enough, not any more.
“Here it is. Dr. Jemma Smileworth. I’ll text you her info.”
“Thanks.” Sarah’s phone beeped and she had the information.
“Sarah, this isn’t going to be easy but...it’s good and I know you can do it. Give it time. Work the process and it’ll get better. I promise.”
“Thank you.” She hung up and stared at the text for a long time before dialing the doctor and setting up an appointment.