




Nick and Mattie sat at the bar watching a football game. It was the second one they’d watch. Nick tossed back his shot and followed it with a gulp of his beer. He was drunk but it wasn’t helping him forget about Sarah.

The cute bartender came by and rested her hand on his, “Another round?”

She had dark hair and dark eyes and she’d been giving him hints all day that she was more than interested but he wasn’t.

“Sure,” said Mattie, before he could answer.

She smiled at Mattie and poured the rest of the pitcher into Mattie’s mug before going to fill it up.

“I should go.” At this point he was going to have to call an Uber because neither of them were in any condition to drive.

“Nah, come on. You wanted a drinking buddy and I took the day off just for you.”

“Thanks, but it’s getting late.”

“It’s five o’clock.”

“I’ve been gone a while.”

“Jesus, you might as well be married.”

“Not quite.” Although the idea of being married to Sarah wasn’t as unappealing as it should be. She’d be his and no one else’s. She’d actually have to go to court to get rid of him. He grinned as he finished his beer.

“She’s probably still pissed at you anyway.” Mattie tapped the shot glasses when the bartender brought the full pitcher back. “Two more.” He handed her some money and she left again.

“Yeah, and getting more pissed the longer I’m gone.”

The bartender filled their shot glasses and gave Mattie his change. His brother tipped her a ten and let his eyes linger on her cleavage.

She smiled at him. “I get off in an hour. You gonna buy me a drink?”

“Absolutely,” said Mattie.

“Great.” She turned and walked away to pour another drink.

“I’ll stick around for an hour but then I’m gone.” He’d be his brother’s wingman, not that Mattie needed it, especially with the bartender. She was set on getting laid by one of them.

“Right, you get to go home to your quiet sex.” Mattie laughed. “Oh right, she’s mad at you. You don’t even have that to look forward to.”

“I’ll have you know that Sarah gets as turned on as I do when we fight.” He almost sighed. “Pissed off sex is great.” All sex with Sarah was great.

“Oh, angry sex is the best but you”—Mattie slapped his shoulder—“don’t get to have that. Not with her dog around.”

“Fuck.” His brother was right. For a minute, he’d forgotten about Tank.

“You should get him a friend. The poor guy is probably lonely. There you are, fucking his master and all he gets to do is stare at you.”

“He’s neutered. He’s not jealous.”

“Even neutered guys need love.”

“You’re an idiot but...” He tossed back his shot. “You know what? That’s a great idea.” He texted Ethan and chugged his beer.

“I don’t like how you said that.”

His phone beeped and he read the text. “Mike will be here in fifteen minutes to pick us up.” He refilled his glass and topped off his brother’s. “Drink up.”

“Why are you calling Ethan’s driver instead of an Uber?” Mattie downed his beer.

“Because Uber drivers don’t let dogs in their cars.”

“What dog? What are you going to do?” Mattie refilled his beer.

Nick downed his drink. “I’m going to take care of the Tank situation.”