




“Are you sure this is a good idea,” whispered Mattie.

“Yeah. Of course.” Nick tugged on the two leashes, pulling the hound and the old dog behind him. The older one was lagging as if he were already tired and the younger one was busy sniffing the hallway at the Club. The black puppy in his arms licked his cheek. “It’s okay, sweetheart. You get to come home with me.”

He didn’t bother knocking on Ethan’s office door. He just barged inside. “Ethan,” he yelled.

“Back here,” answered Ethan.

“Come on,” he said to Mattie.

“I don’t think this is a good idea,” whispered Mattie, none too quietly.

He shoved into the back room. Ethan and Terry were sitting at the table playing poker.

“What the hell?” Ethan dropped his cards.

“Jesus, Nick,” said Terry. “Are you planning on taking your girlfriend’s dog out in a dog fight or do you never want to have sex again?”

“Had to tell him, didn’t you?” His friends gossiped worse than women.

“Of course, but what the fuck are you doing with...five dogs?” Ethan’s eyes darted between Nick and Mattie. “In my Club?”

Nick closed the door, dropping the leashes and putting the little dog in his arms down. “This was your fault.” He went to the bar and poured himself and Mattie a drink—not that either of them needed another.

“My fault? I wasn’t even with you,” said Ethan.

Mattie turned the two dogs he held loose. Diamond moved to the far side of the room and leaned against the wall, looking sad. The pit-mix slunk across the room and hid under Ethan’s desk.

“You called my brother.” He pointed at Mattie. “This was his idea.”

“Hey, wait a minute.” Mattie grabbed his drink. “I said you should get a dog—one—to keep Tank busy while you and Sarah fucked.” He took a sip. “Poor guy is probably lonely.”

Ethan scratched his head. “That might work but why five?” The hound ran over to him to be petted.

The oldest dog already had his head resting on Terry’s thigh.

Nick flopped down on the couch. “They were going to kill them. All of them.” He picked up the puppy and she licked his face, her tail wagging so hard and fast she was wiggling all over his lap. “Even this little sweetie.”

“Sarah’s not going to be happy about having another five dogs,” said Ethan.

“If you were married, I’d offer to represent you.” Terry had been one of the best divorce lawyers in town, but he left that kind of work to his employees now and mainly handled business law.

“I’m not keeping all of them.”

“What are you going to do with them then?” Ethan’s voice was tense. “You aren’t leaving them here.”

“I think you should have an office dog. It’ll be great for the place.” He nudged Mattie who’d sat next to him.

“Yeah. Women love dogs,” said Mattie.

“I don’t need a tool to pick up women,” growled Ethan. “And none of these dogs are staying here.”

“I’ll take this one.” Terry patted the old dog.

Nick’s mouth dropped open. He hadn’t expected that, not from Terry.

“What? I can’t like dogs?” Terry actually looked offended.

“No. It’s just...” He had no idea what to say. Terry wasn’t the warmest guy but he was a pure dom and he supposed dogs were natural submissives.

“I hate going home to an empty house and”—Terry shrugged—"we all know how Nick can be. We either help him or he’ll whine at us for eternity.”

“I don’t whine. I persuade.”

“Whatever. I figured I’d take the oldest. It won’t be around as long.” Terry scratched the dog’s ears and it closed its eyes in ecstasy.

“You work all the time and when you’re not working, you’re here,” said Ethan.

“I sleep at home. I’ll hire a dog walker.”

“That one doesn’t like to walk much,” muttered Mattie.

“Perfect,” said Ethan.

“Mattie?” yelled a guy from the other room.

“Back here, Jake” answered Mattie.

“You invited my sou chef here?” Ethan gave Mattie a disgusted look.

Jake walked into the room. The hound and the puppy raced over to him. He bent and petted them, laughing as they pushed against him knocking him to the floor. “What’s going on?”

“Your shift is over, right?” asked Ethan.

“Yeah.” Jake continued petting the dogs.

“Get a drink,” said Ethan. “You’ll need one.”

“Thanks.” Jake stood and made himself a drink, topping off the others’ glasses with their beverage of choice.

“Nick needs homes for four of these dogs,” said Ethan.

“Three,” corrected Nick. “I’m taking one.”

“Which one?” asked Ethan.

“The puppy.”

Ethan pulled out his phone.

“Who are you texting?” he asked.

“Annie. She loves dogs.”

“Great idea.” He should’ve thought of that.

“Patrick is going to be pissed,” said Terry. “Annie’s been pestering him about getting a dog and he doesn’t want one, not yet.”

“I know.” Ethan grinned. “Serves him right for fucking Annie when I told him to watch out for her.”

“What’s his problem?” Jake nodded at Diamond who was lying on the floor next to the wall with her head on her feet. “He sick or something?”

“No.” Nick tried not to snarl. People were so cruel. “She was surrendered with a friend. The friend got adopted and she didn’t. She’s been sad ever since.”

“That ain’t right.” Jake walked over to the large, fuzzy dog.

“They tried to get them adopted together but the people didn’t want her,” added Mattie.

“What kind of fuck-head does something like that?” Jake knelt and let the dog sniff his hand before petting her. “Who wouldn’t want her?” He lowered his voice and spoke to the dog. “You’re a pretty girl and sweet.” She licked his hand.

“Looks like you found a home for another one,” said Ethan.

“What? No. I can’t.” The dog nudged Jake’s hand and wagged her tail. He looked at her. “I would but I can’t. I work too much. You’d be lonely.”

The dog turned her head away from him and sighed. It was the sound of sadness and defeat.

“Ah, shit. Fine. You win.” Jake bent and kissed her head. “You come home with me.”

“Only two to go,” said Ethan.