




It’d been so hard to tell Nick no, but Sarah had to stay strong at least for an hour or so. The problem was she wanted him as much as he wanted her. She’d missed him last night but they needed to talk. Sex didn’t solve everything, although it did put a soft glow around their problems. She got out of the tub and dried off.

She dressed in a pair of shorts—ones that flattered her long, thin legs—and put on a push-up bra and tight T-shirt. Oh yeah, she and Nick would have sex, but he’d pay first. Now that she knew him better, she didn’t think he’d actually meant what he’d said about a baby, but if he did feel that way there was no future for them. She dabbed on some perfume and dried her hair. She was in this for the long haul—either until he left or they decided they wanted different things. She had to give him a chance to explain.

When she went into the living room, Nick was sitting on the couch watching football. Tank trotted straight to the guest room.

“You could’ve put Sweetie in the cage.” That was why she’d put it up.

“He wanted back in the bedroom. He’s still scared.” He turned toward her and his eyes darkened.

Her nipples hardened and she started getting wet–just by a look.


She walked toward her desk. “He can’t hide in the bedroom the rest of his life.” She stopped mid-stride. That’d hit a little too close to home. “I’m going to take Tank outside. Put Sweetie in the cage. He needs to get used to us. Used to new things.”

“Shouldn’t we give him tonight? This is all new.”

“No.” She swallowed. “He had last night and all of today. If you give him too much time, he’ll get comfortable being alone and won’t want to change.”

Nick’s eyes sharpened and that familiar panic started to claw its way up her throat. She couldn’t have him looking at her like that. Not with pity. “Tank, come.” She hurried to the door before she lost it.

Once outside, she took a deep breath. She hated that look, especially on Nick’s face. Logically, she knew it didn’t mean he was leaving her—going off with the woman he loved and then dying—but her mind wouldn’t believe it. She needed to see Dr. Smileworth. She needed to get better, not only because of Nick but for her. She followed Tank around the yard, taking deep breaths and by the time they were back at the door she was breathing normally again. When she stepped inside Sweetie was curled up on the blanket inside the cage. Nick was still on the couch but he was sitting as close to the dog as possible.

“Look how he’s looking at me,” said Nick. “It’s like I betrayed him by making him come out here.”

Tank hurried over to the cage, his tail wagging as he sniffed around the enclosure. Sweetie didn’t move, just continued to stare at Nick with disappointment.

“He’ll get over it. He’ll like being out here soon.” She hesitated again. “It’s for his own good.” And so were her sessions with the therapist.

“If you say so.” Nick glanced at the dog. “She made me do it.”

She laughed and Nick smiled at her, making her heart melt.


“You need to call your friend and cancel.” She interrupted him again. She wasn’t ready to let him touch her and that’s where his tone was leading. Her body was already responding. She moved across the room to her desk. It was safer.

“What friend and cancel what?”

“Next weekend. You should’ve spoken with me before you made plans.” Her eyes went to the dog. “Among other things.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I should’ve talked to you before getting the dog but...”

“Nick, if we’re going to try being a couple—”

“We aren’t going to try. We are a couple,” he snapped.

“If we’re a couple we need to discuss big getting a dog.”

“I just said that.”

“What made you think getting another dog was a good idea?”

“Do you have to talk to me from across the room?” He was really getting pissed now.

“It’s safer this way.”

“Safer? I’d never hurt—”

“I’m not afraid of you.” Her face heated. “I missed you too and...if we’re close, I don’t think we’ll finish our conversation.”

“Oh.” He grinned and patted the couch. “Then I insist that you sit right here so we can talk.”

“Too bad.” She laughed.

“What did you say? I can’t hear you from over there.” He patted the couch again.

“Seriously, Nick.”

“I am serious.”

“I’ll sit by you as soon as we’re done talking.”

He sobered. “Okay. I’m sorry about Sweetie, but once I got to the pound and realized that he was going to be put down...I couldn’t leave him.” He looked at the dog. “He’d already had a rough life. We can give him a better one.” He looked at her. “It may not be perfect, but what is? I’m not perfect, but I’ll love him and keep him forever.”

She was pretty sure her heart stopped. She didn’t think he was just talking about the dog. “What about the other ones?” Now, she was only half-talking about the dogs.

“Other ones? Who told you that I—”

“Ethan said you adopted five dogs.”

“Ethan has a big mouth,” he mumbled.

She bit her lip to keep from smiling. He didn’t realize it but Ethan’s loose lips had wedged Nick further into her heart.

“Actually, between Mattie and me we adopted six. Mattie is getting a Rottweiler that was due to be killed today. He had to wait for him to be neutered before taking him home. We took the other five to the Club.”

Her face must have twitched or something because he started speaking faster.

“I didn’t go into the business part of the Club. Only the office area to talk to Ethan. I swear.”

“I know.”

“How do you know?”



“And before you complain about his big mouth, I wasn’t going to let you in last night. I won’t tolerate cheating.”

“I understand and I agree.” His eyes had sharpened.

“Good.” Like she had anyone to cheat with.

“Are we done talking?” He patted the couch. “I think I’m all talked out and could use a break.” He glanced at the dogs. Tank was lying by the cage. “Tank seems preoccupied.”

“We still have more to discuss.”

“I was afraid you’d say that.”

She tried not to laugh, but he was so damn cute. “You haven’t called your friend yet.”

“Why do we have to cancel? You’ll like Patrick and Annie and you’ll love Annie’s food. It was her pizza recipe—”

“I already made plans for us”—she held up her hand—“and before you tell me that I shouldn’t have made plans without talking to you, I did it for you. I had to agree to watch Kyle next weekend if you want me to go to your sister’s party or if you ever want to spend another weekend at your place.”

“If I want to? Like you don’t want to do that too.” He captured her eyes with his. “Admit it, Sarah. You can’t lie to me. I was there.”

Her face heated and it was going to heat more. “Yes, I like going where we...can do whatever we want as much as you do.”

“Then why don’t you come over here and we’ll see just how into Sweetie Tank is.”

“Call your friends.”

“And then you’ll sit by me?” He pulled out his phone. “In the bedroom.”

“What about on the couch?”

“No reason to test Tank too quickly.”

“True.” She was more than ready to give in to his demands.

He hit a button on his phone, waited a moment and said, “Hey Patrick, we have to cancel next weekend.” He paused. “We’re babysitting Sarah’s nephew.” He rolled his eyes. “Stop laughing. I don’t know.” He walked over to her, holding out his phone.

“What? I don’t want—”

“Annie wants to talk to you.” He raised his voice. “Since Annie is a pushy brat, it’s best to just hear her out.”

“Hey,” yelled a female voice from the phone.

Nick, put the phone in Sarah’s hand. “Talk to her. You’ll like her,” he whispered.


“Sarah, I can’t wait to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you. Nick is...Stop that, Patrick.” Annie’s voice came back to the phone. “Sorry. Apparently, I’m not allowed to tell you how much Nick pined for you...Hey, stop it.” There were muffled sounds of arguing and then Annie came back and sighed. “I like kids and if you don’t mind we could still come over.”

“Um...I don’t know.” She glanced at Sweetie who was sniffing in Tank’s direction.

“I understand. That’s okay. I just want to meet another couple. All my friends are single. So, Patrick and I don’t do too much with them.”

“If you don’t mind hanging out with a ten year old then I’d”—she glanced up at Nick—“we’d love to have you come over.”

“Really? Great.”

“Do you want me to anything?”

“The booze,” yelled Patrick.

“Just supply the drinks,” said Annie.

“Are you sure?”

“I love to cook so yeah, I’m sure.” She almost squealed. “This will be so much fun. I can’t wait to chat and...Oh, sorry. I have to go.”

“Okay. Bye.” She hung up the phone and gave it back to Nick.

He caught her hand, his fingers caressing her skin. “Thank you.”

She nodded as he bent, kissing her softly. He straightened and tugged on her hand.

“We still have some things to talk about.” Not that she actually wanted to talk right now, but she liked making him work for it.

“We can talk in the bedroom. We’ll undress as we talk. Kind of a tribute to our first night together.” He tugged again and she stood.

She was already wet and ready for him, this would only make it that much more exquisite. Unlike that first time, she wasn’t nervous only eager. She followed him into the bedroom, glancing at Tank. The dog was watching her but he didn’t move even as she shut the door.

Nick was right in front of her, his chest brushing against hers. “Getting that dog was a good idea. Admit it.”

“It was an excellent idea.”

“I love when you admit you were wrong.” He grinned.

“I never said we shouldn’t get a dog. I said you should’ve talked to me first.”

He kissed her nose. “Same thing. It would’ve taken time and we wouldn’t be in here...alone...right now. Admit I was right.”


“Good. Now give me your shorts.”

“Oh, is that how this is going to work?”


“If I remember correctly, you remove them.”

His smile spread across his face. “That’s right. I do.”

“So, you were wrong and that means I get your shirt.”

“Ladies first.” He lifted his arms.

She took her time and not just to tease him. If he’d let her, she’d spend hours touching his body, but it always led to sex. Not that she minded that. Not at all. She trailed her hand up from his waist, enjoying the smooth warmth of his skin under her fingers. He was so hot and hard—everywhere.

“You’re a tease,” he muttered.

“It’s my turn. Deal with it.” She pushed the shirt upward so it trapped his arms.

“Payback, baby,” he growled around the shirt that was resting right under his chin.

“I’ll deal with that when it happens.” She squeezed her legs together in anticipation as she raked her nails down his chest, and then back up to circle his nipples.

He let out a low guttural groan and pulled his shirt over his head.

“Hey, I’m not done yet.”

“You’d better hurry. This game is ending fast.” His hand rested on the back of her head and the other one came to her hip. “I missed you last night. And this morning. And this afternoon.”

She glanced up at him and licked her lips, enjoying how his eyes darkened. She lowered her head and kissed his nipple, pulling it into her mouth and teasing it with her teeth and tongue.

His head dropped back. “God, Sarah.” One hand held her to his chest as his other one pulled her hips against his. He was hard and throbbing.

She couldn’t stop her hand from going farther southward and stroking him through his pants. “You have too many clothes on.” They both did. She was done with this game. She unbuttoned his pants but he stopped her before she could unzip them.

“My turn.” He backed her against the door and knelt.

Her body melted at the thought of the pleasure to come. He leaned forward, trailing hot, open mouth kisses across her abdomen. “I love these shorts.” His hands skimmed up and down her legs, in a whisper-like touch. “But they have to go. Rules are rules.” He grabbed her shorts with his teeth and tugged them downward, but only one side lowered. “Oops. Have to take care of this.” He kissed his way across her body again, but this time he was lower—his mouth dancing over the top of her pussy.

She shivered from the heat and promise. He grabbed the other side of her shorts with his teeth and lowered them. He pushed her legs apart so that the shorts didn’t drop. “Gotta fix this.” He kissed his way to the other side. His mouth still not low enough.

He tugged on her shorts and she brought her legs together, so they could fall to the floor. He rested his mouth on the top of her mound, breathing against her hot, needy flesh. She buried her hands in his thick, silky hair, pulling him closer, but the most he’d do was give her teasing little licks through her panties. She could fix this. She grabbed the waistband of her underwear, but he stopped her from pushing them out of her way.

“Question, Sarah. That’s the game.”

His hot breath teased her and she shivered. “Did you really sign over your membership to your brother?”

He froze like a naughty statue kneeling before her.

“It’s okay if you didn’t. I didn’t expect you to. I was surprised.” Happy was a better word. “I mean, I didn’t really believe it when Ethan told me.” But she’d wanted to believe him. “Two months without going to the Club would’ve been a very long time.” She stopped herself from saying for a guy like you. He hated it when she said that and she was in no mood to fight. She wanted sex.

“You have no idea,” he grumbled, his mouth still pressed against her pussy—so close and yet so far from where it needed to be.

Now, she stilled. Her hands were back in his hair. She didn’t remember moving them there, but she must’ve. She let the silky, soft strands slip through her fingers. “You actually gave up your membership? For me?”

He looked up at her, his eyes searching hers for something. “Yes.”

“Oh, Nick.” Her heart wanted to explode and melt at the same time. She cupped his face and started to lower herself toward him.

“Oh, no.” He grabbed her waist. “I answered your question. I get my prize.” He yanked her panties down so fast she gasped, but that gasp turned into a moan as he lifted her leg over his shoulder and kissed her. He didn’t play this time. He went right for the promised land—his tongue claiming her as he held her open, his fingers playing with her clit.

She collapsed against the door, her body shaking. She was going to come fast this time. His lips moved to her clit and he sucked as his fingers dipped inside her, searching and then pressing against her g-spot.

“Oh, oh, Nick.” Her hands dug into his scalp as she came, her body trembling and clenching as he continued to finger her and suck her clit, sending her crashing over the edge.

She hadn’t even stopped shaking when he hopped to his feet. The sound of his zipper made her blink and then he was sheathing himself in a condom.

“Tank’s whining,” he said against her mouth.

He was right. The dog was right outside the door, whining softly. She wrapped her arms around him. “You’d better fuck me fast then.”

“You got it.”

His mouth came down on hers, swallowing her moan as he shoved into her in one long thrust. He kept kissing her as he pulled almost all the way out and pushed back in to the hilt. She couldn’t stop her moan of pleasure. He always filled her just right. He was long and hard and he thrust into her again and again. She clung to him, wrapping her legs around his thighs. He lifted her higher, his hands on her ass as he slammed into her. She bumped against the door and Tank whimpered louder.

“Hurry.” She broke the kiss and shoved her tongue into his ear. That always made him lose control.

“Fuck, Sarah.” His pace became faster, more desperate—all rhythm gone but her body tightened in response.

He grabbed her hair, pulling back her head for his kiss as he rocked into her. He bent his knees a bit, shifting his angle and she screamed as he hit a spot so deep and so sensitive that it sent her flying into her release. Her body clutched at him, not wanting him to leave and then he was back, hitting that spot again, but this time he stayed there, his body shaking and he groaned in her ear as he came.

He was still inside her when he carried her to the bed. He slid out as he placed her under the covers. He kissed her and walked to the door, opening it for Tank.

The dog raced into the room and hopped on the bed. She patted the side, not Nick’s side, and the dog nudged her before stretching out next to her. Nick crawled into the other side, pulling her close.

“Tank’s getting better,” he said. “He didn’t try to bite me.”

She laughed. “No, he didn’t.”

“Sweetie is going to work great. I know it.” His hand skimmed down her body and slapped her thigh gently. “Soon, I’ll be able to turn you over my knee and give you the spanking you deserve for torturing me all the time.”

“Torturing you?” She leaned up. “Oh, I forgot to tell you something.” She bit her lip. “Tell. Ask. Whatever.”

“What?” His hand skimmed over her skin, sending little sparks of desire through her satiated limbs.


“Don’t be shy. Haven’t you learned that after sex, a man will give you anything you want?”

She smiled. “No, I haven’t learned that, but thanks for the tip.” She kissed him. “I don’t have all that much experience with relationships, as you know.”

“Well, there was Peter.”

“Um. That wasn’t...Let’s not talk about him.” She was going to have to tell him sooner or later, but later sounded good to her.

“Good idea.”

“You know that we’re watching Kyle next weekend.”

“Yep. You made plans for us without talking to me, but you didn’t get into any trouble for it.” He smiled. “See why you need that spanking?”

“I told you why I did that.” She kissed him again, but this time his lips captured hers for a sweet moment before she leaned away, slightly breathless. “Maisie wants to...wanted me to ask you...”


“She wants to try some kinky stuff and she has no idea where to get the things or what to get.” She lowered her face to his chest. “This is so embarrassing.”

“Embarrassing? Why? I had you strung up and hanging–”

“Trust me, I remember.” Those memories started a heat in her belly. “But, that was us, not my sister.”

“Sisters.” He laughed. “I just went through this with Patrick.”

“You need to explain that because I’m imagining all kinds of things that I hope aren’t true.”

“Annie is the sister of one of Patrick’s best friends. Let’s just say he had a hard time coming to grips with his desire to fuck her in every way imaginable.”

“Oh.” She laughed. “That’s much better than what I’d imagined. I was thinking that Patrick strung up his sister like you did me.”

“What? No.” He sounded appalled.

“Will you help Maisie? Will you tell her what to buy?”

“I’ll do better than that.” He crawled out of bed and came back a minute later with his phone. He got back in bed and punched a contact. “Ethan. Yeah, I need a favor.” He paused. “No, I didn’t adopt any more dogs. Shut the fuck up.” He mouthed asshole to her. “No. Sarah’s sister and her husband.” He held the phone to his chest. “She wants to do this with her husband, right?”

“Yes.” She slapped his arm. “Of course.”

He turned back to the phone. “Sarah’s sister, Maisie, and her husband want a tour of the Club.”

Sarah’s mouth dropped open. Her sister was in for a big surprise.

“Yeah, they want to start experimenting. I don’t know. Probably just together but you’ll have to ask them. Yeah, give them a room and put it on my tab. Next weekend.” He looked at her. “What days?”

“Friday through Sunday afternoon.”

“All weekend, starting Friday,” he said into the phone. “Thanks.” He hung up and tossed the phone on the nightstand. “There. Done. You can tell Masie she owes us the weekend after.” His hand trailed down her back and rested on her ass. “And you owe me too. It’s my turn to pick the fantasy.”

“I thought we were going to your sister’s party?” Hopefully, he’d changed his mind.

“We are, but we won’t stay long.” His hand began exploring her backside. “After that, we’ll go to my place. You. Me. Toys.”

“What fantasy did you have in mind?” Suddenly, she was looking forward to next weekend.

“I’d like to go back to teaching school.”