




Nick barely remembered leaving the office and couldn’t recall at all where he’d gone afterwards. He’d driven for hours, no destination, just the empty road and his thoughts. It was late when he turned the car down the street toward home—home to Sarah. The dogs barked as he pulled into the driveway. He walked to the house, praying she hadn’t changed the locks already. If she had, he’d pound on the door, break it down. He’d make her listen to him. He breathed a sigh of relief when the key turned the lock. He stepped inside, shushing the dogs as he went into the bedroom.

Sarah sat up in bed, turning on the lamp on her nightstand. Her eyes were wide and her hair rumpled.

“I’m sorry.” He wanted to fall into her and hold her, but he wasn’t sure he still had that right.

Her eyes glimmered with tears. “No, Nick. It’s my fault.”

He didn’t remember moving but he must’ve because he was on the bed holding her in his arms. She felt so good, warm and soft as she clung to him. He kissed her. It was supposed to be a soft kiss, a thank you for not kicking him out but as soon as his lips touched hers everything but his need for her disappeared. He had to know she was still his. That he hadn’t fucked up the best thing that’d ever happened to him. “I need you.” He whispered as his lips trailed down her cheek to her neck.

She pulled his shirt off as he removed hers. His hands cupped her breasts as his tongue thrust into her mouth. He was desperate for her. He shoved her underwear down her legs and she kicked them off, her hands unzipping his pants and taking him out, stroking him.

“Stop, baby.” He grabbed her hand. “I need to be inside you. Please.” He snatched a condom from the nightstand and covered his cock.

She lay back on the bed, spreading her legs. He kissed her as he lowered his body to hers and pushed inside.

“Fuck. You feel so good.” He loved the way she clung to him. She was perfect, perfect for him.

“You too.” She wrapped her legs around him, tipping her hips and taking him farther inside.

“Wait.” He stared into her eyes, so green and lush. “I’m sorry, Sarah. I shouldn’t have left.”

She cupped his cheek with one hand as the other tangled in his hair. “I should’ve told you.”

“No. I understand.” She was so hot and wet, so tight that his hips started moving on their own.

“Please.” She kissed him. “We can talk later.”

“Yeah.” He pulled almost all the way out and pushed back in, the pleasure of her pussy clasping onto him shooting down his spine and into his balls. He wasn’t going to last long. He hadn’t thought he’d ever feel this again. He grabbed her leg, lifting it and adjusting his angle so he hit her g-spot. He thrust into her in hard fast jabs and she closed her eyes moaning.

“Oh, Nick. Right...there...please.”

Her hands clawed at his back and her foot pushed on his ass as he thrust harder and faster. His balls tightened. He reached between them and skimmed his thumb over her clit, pushing her over the edge and making her body buck. She tightened around him almost to the point of pain and he came, collapsing onto her when he was done.

He rolled over, pulling her with him. He wrapped her in his arms, her ass to his front. “I have to tell you something.”

“You don’t need to ex—”

“I do. I-I haven’t been with anyone since you.”

“Really?” She wiggled until he let go so she could turn in his arms.

He stared into her eyes, no longer afraid she’d think he was whipped because he didn’t care. “Yeah. I was celibate for four months, waiting for you.”

She bit her lip and then laughed

“It’s not exactly funny.” It’d been excruciating.

“No. I know. I’m sorry.” She continued to giggle. “It’s just that...that explains why you were so pissed and...insatiable that first night.”

“I was crazy for you. Still am.” His hands skimmed down her back to her ass.

She sobered. “Why did you...Why were you celibate?”

He kissed her. “Because I wanted you to know that I was serious about this. About us.”

“Oh Nick, you must’ve been so hurt when I didn’t send the letter.”

He shrugged and took a deep breath. Honesty. He needed to be honest with her. “Yeah. I was.” He glanced away. “I was so sure you’d come to the Club.”

“Oh no, you were actually there?”

“Yeah, I got there early. The guys were taking bets and teasing me. It was fine...until you didn’t show.”

“I’m so sorry.” She pulled his head down and kissed him.

He wanted to sink into her but they were on the cusp of something beautiful, something more than sex and he needed her to go there with him. He broke the kiss. “Why didn’t you contact Ethan?”

She rolled away from him. He almost grabbed her but he’d learned that sometimes she needed her space. She sat up, taking the sheet with her and covering her breasts. “I figured you’d forgotten about me the moment I was out of sight.”

He sat up and leaned against the headboard—close to her but not touching. “Never. I waited for you. Everyone said I was crazy but...I didn’t care.” He shifted so he could watch her. “I was celibate for you. I haven’t touched another woman since the day we signed the contract.”

“Really?” Her eyes locked with his.

He shifted closer so there was only an inch or two separating him from her. “Really.”


“I’d think it was obvious.” His cock throbbed for her again. “I’m crazy about you. I can’t get enough of you.”

“Why? I-I’m not easy to be with.”

“You’re beautiful and smart and funny and I don’t really know why I can’t get enough of you but I can’t. You’re in my blood, Sarah.” He should tell her she was in his heart but he faltered. He pulled her close, letting her feel his erection. “I need you.”

She kissed him and rolled away, getting out of bed. “We need to talk.” She grabbed her shirt and covered herself.

His stomach dropped to his toes. She couldn’t be breaking up with him. They’d just fucked.

“ you know, I have some issues.” She began to pace. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. That wasn’t fair to you.”

“It’s okay. We can work through this together. I’ll go see Dr. Smileworth with you.” He took her hand. If he kept touching her, she couldn’t deny what they had. “I’m not going anywhere, Sarah. I swear.”

“But I am.”

“What?” He dropped her hand.

She sat on the bed next to him and kissed his cheek. “I need to go away. Get help.”

“I thought you were doing that with Dr. Smileworth.”

“I am but she thinks it’ll go faster if I go away for a bit.”

“You don’t need to rush this. Not for me.”

“I’m not doing this for you.”

“Of course. God, I’m an arrogant ass. Even when I try not to be.”

She touched his lips, silencing him. “I’m able to do this because of you.”

“What do you mean?”

“I need you...I’m asking you to watch Tank and Sweetie while I’m gone. If you don’t...”

He kissed her. “I’ll do it. I’ll do whatever you want.”

“You will? It may be a month or two.”

He’d die without her for that long. “Take however long you need.” He kissed her again. “I’ll take care of the dogs.”

“Can you also help Peter with the business if he needs it? He can handle most things but....I know it’s asking a lot, but...”

He took her head in his hands. “Baby, I’ll take care of everything. I promise. You just take care of yourself.” He kissed her. “Thank you for trusting me with this.” He kissed her again. It was slow and sweet. “When are you going?”

“Day after tomorrow.”

“Oh.” He wanted to beg her to stay with him, to get better slower but this was best for her and that was all that mattered.

“Dr. Smileworth wanted me to start tomorrow but...I wasn’t sure I’d be able to get a hold of you.”

He swallowed, hating the words that were going to come out of his mouth. “Talk to her. If you can still get in tomorrow you should go.”

“No. I want to spend tomorrow with you.”

“Are you sure?” He prayed she’d stay—give him one more day to worship her, to show her how he felt, to make memories that would have to last them both for months.

“Yes.” She kissed him and pushed him back onto the bed, shoving the blankets aside and straddling him.