





Nick’s stomach was in knots and his shirt was sticky with sweat as he got out of his car and walked to the facility. It’d been almost two months since he’d seen Sarah. They talked on the phone several times a week, but shortly after arriving she’d asked him not to visit.

It wasn’t a good sign. She may not want him anymore. Maybe, she’d only wanted him because she’d been lonely...broken. Now that she was better, she might realize what an ass he’d been and kick him to the curb. He felt like he was going to puke, but he wiped his hand on his pants and grabbed the door handle. The cold blast of air from the air conditioner hit his face, helping to push back his nausea.

In a few minutes, he’d see her, take her home...and find out if he’d ruined everything by being a controlling ass. He took a deep breath and walked over to the reception area.

“Who are you here to see?” asked a pleasant, middle-aged woman.

“Sarah Daly.” He was glad his voice didn’t shake.

“Sign in. She’ll be here shortly.” The lady smiled at him as he signed his name on a list.

He moved over to some chairs by the wall but didn’t sit. He was too nervous. His life was going to change today, either for better or worse, but he had to remember that no matter what, this was about her not him. He’d been seeing Dr. Smileworth since Sarah had been gone, getting ready for when she got out. He wanted to be the best boyfriend...No, he wanted more than that. He wanted to be the best husband she could have, but the doctor had warned him that things would be different when she came home. She’d be better but she may not want the same things that she’d wanted before—including him. Fuck. It’d kill him if she didn’t want him anymore.

She stepped out of a room and walked down the hallway, carrying her suitcase and purse. His breath froze in his chest and his dick hardened. She looked good. She’d always looked good but now, she looked happy. Her eyes sparkled as she talked to a lady who was walking with her and her stride was confident and graceful. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail and she wore jeans and a T-shirt. He wanted to tear them off with his teeth but he didn’t move—content for the moment to just look at her.

The other lady said something and Sarah’s gaze landed on him. Her smile faltered for a moment and his heart stalled.

“Nick...” It was a soft whisper but he felt it in his soul.

He moved toward her as if pulled by a string. He stopped in front of her, hands clasped at his sides so he didn’t grab her and wrap her in his arms. “You look good.”

“You too.” Her eyes had softened and she stared at him as if seeing him for the first time.

“Ready?” He took her suitcase from her.

“Yeah. Let’s go home.”

His breath came easier now. She wouldn’t have said it that way if she wanted him to leave, right?