




Nick sat in the guest bedroom, listening to the shower running and imagining Sarah—her body wet and naked, warm and slippery. He could step inside, behind her. Her skin would be so soft and smooth. Damn, he needed to jerk off. Again.

The water stopped. She may need him for something. His dick rose even more. No. She didn’t need that, not tonight. Maybe, never from him.

There was a tap on the door. “Nick? Are you in there?”

“Yeah.” He grabbed a pillow and put it over his lap. Even wearing jeans she’d have to be blind to miss the bulge in his pants.

She opened the door and stepped inside. The breath left his body in a whoosh and his head spun. She was wearing a tiny, green nightgown with black lace over her chest. It only came to the top of her thighs and it was low cut. If she bent even a little he’d be able to see her breasts.

His eyes lingered on her chest. Her nipples were hard. She was probably wet and ready. She had to want him. There was no other reason for her to come to his room dressed like that. He sat on his hands so he didn’t reach for her. That was old Nick’s way of thinking. New Nick understood that there could be other reasons that would make her seek him out dressed like that. He couldn’t come up with one but that was because all the blood had left his head and gone straight to his cock.

“I...I noticed that your clothes are gone and...Why are you in here?”

He inhaled deeply and it was a mistake. He could smell her perfume or shampoo or just her and his body trembled. He needed sex. He needed a woman but more than that he needed her. “I thought...I...Fuck, this is hard.”

Her eyes dropped to his lap as a blush crept up her cheeks. “I’m sorry. If you don’t want...”

She started to turn. He couldn’t let her leave, not like this.

“Wait. Let me try this again.” He took a deep breath and tried to keep his eyes on her face. “It’s been brought to my attention that I’ve been an overbearing ass.”


“I forced you to let me move in with you.”

“I wouldn’t say forced.”

“You didn’t invite me. I just came over and stayed.”


“I coerced you into being with me that first night.” The entire time she’d been gone, he’d replayed that evening in his head. He hadn’t forced her...not really, but he had pushed and persuaded.

“I wanted you too.”

“You don’t know how much I needed to hear that. Thank you.” He held up his hand as she stepped closer. If she got within reach, he’d grab her. He wasn’t strong enough not to. “Stay.”

She frowned.

“I’ve been bullying you to do what I wanted and when I wanted it since the day we met.”

“I’ve held my own.”

“Yes, you did”—he smiled a little—“but that doesn’t excuse the way I acted.” He took a shaky breath. “I thought that maybe...we can start over. You can decide what you want.” He looked down at his hands that were grasping the pillow. “If you still want me,”—he glanced at her, praying she still did—“we can go as slow as you like. We can date.” He almost cringed at the word. “I can stay here or move back to my place.” His gaze fell on the two dogs who’d followed her down the hallway. “Whatever you decide, I think Sweetie should stay here. I’ll pay for his care and visit him but I don’t think it’s fair to separate him and Tank.” Just because he’d screwed up the best thing that’d ever happened to him, the dogs shouldn’t suffer.

“You’re right.”

His shoulder’s dropped. Being right had never felt so hollow.

“You have tried to push your agenda on me. No condoms. Anal. Meeting more than once a week.” She stepped closer, her green eyes sparkling. “But I only agreed to the things that I wanted to do too.”

“What about me living here?” His heart picked up its pace. There was hope.

“I may have been broken Nick but I still had a spine.” She moved forward, stopping in front of him.

“You were never broken.” The scent of her was making him dizzy with need. His hand shook as he captured hers. “You’re the strongest person I know.”

“The two aren’t mutually exclusive.”

“Are you still broken?” He ran his thumb over her skin. She was so soft and warm. He’d dreamt about this—touching her, being with her.

“A little but not as much.”

“I fixed you then?” He pulled her closer, until she was between his legs. “It’s what I do, you know. I fix things.”

She smiled down at him. “I’m sorry, Nick but you didn’t fix me. I fixed me.” She grabbed the pillow and tossed it aside, her eyes widening at the bulge in his pants. “That looks like it hurts.”

“Aches. For you.” He grinned. “I bet you can fix that too.”

“I can.” She straddled his legs, brushing her hands over his face. “I want you to know that even though you didn’t fix me, you did give me new pieces—ones that replaced the broken parts.”

He almost moaned as she pressed against him, but the doctor had suggested they take it slow. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but are you sure about this...about us? If you need more time...” He’d died right here and now, his dick sticking up, but he’d wait if she wanted.

“I don’t need more time. I’m crazy about you. I want you here in my...our home, in my life with me. If that’s what you want.” Now, her eyes were uncertain.

Her saying she was crazy about him didn’t make him happy. She’d avoided the words just like he had but he was done being a coward. He took her face in his hands, wanting to bury himself in her softness, but needing to say this first. “I love you, Sarah. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

She smiled sadly, pulling his hands away and kissing his knuckles. “You don’t have to say that. I know we can’t promise forever.”

“But I can. I love my family. That isn’t going to change. I love those damn dogs. That isn’t going to change.” He held her face again. “And I love you. That isn’t going to change either. I love you with all my heart, Sarah. With everything I am.” He rolled his hips upward, inhaling deeply as he rubbed against her. “Including my body.”

“That’s a very important part.” She smiled as she pressed down on him. “Nick, I lo—”

He put a finger on her mouth. “I wasn’t supposed to tell you how I felt, not yet. I was supposed to give you time. I don’t want you to feel like I’m rushing you again because I’m not.” He took a shaky breath. “Take all the time you need to decide exactly what you want. I’m not going anywhere.” He kissed her forehead. “Think before you say anything. There’s no changing your mind about this. Be super sure because for me, this is forever.”

She nipped his finger, the slight pain going right to his cock. He couldn’t stop from pressing his dick against her.

“My mind has been made up for a long time.” She kissed him. “I love you too, Nick. I’ve loved you since our first night together. I was so scared and you were so kind and patient.”

It was enough to send him over the edge. He grabbed her, pushing her down on the bed and taking her mouth. He’d never wanted anyone like he wanted her. She reached between them and caressed his cock.

He broke the kiss, moaning. “That feels so good.”

She pushed against his chest. He wanted to hold her hands over her head and shove into her, but he rolled over instead. She straddled him, pulling off his shirt and tossing it aside. She bent, kissing her way down his body. Her mouth was hot and wet and he wanted it wrapped around his dick, but he couldn’t do that, not this time.

He grabbed her hair. “Wait. Stop.”

She was on her knees between his legs looking up at him with a mischievous glint in her beautiful, green eyes.

“Fuck baby, don’t look at me like that.” He scrambled off the bed and stood.

“What’s the matter?” Her hand rubbed his dick through his pants.

“It’s been too long.” He should step away, but he was weak. He leaned into her touch. “I’ll never last.”

“That’s okay.” She undid his button. “I’ll enjoy making you hard again.”

“Sarah.” His hand rested on her head. He wasn’t pushing her toward his cock. He wasn’t.

“Maybe, I’ll tie you up and get the vibrator and make you watch as I pleasure myself.”

“Fuck.” His legs shook as she unzipped his pants. His hands tangled in her hair as her hot breath whispered over his dick. “Please, Sarah. I need to be inside you this time. You can suck me off later.”

She leaned forward and kissed his dick through his underwear. His eyes almost rolled to the back of his head. He was a goner. He couldn’t fight her.

She stood and put her hands on his chest, angling him toward the bed. “Okay Nick, but I’ve missed you so much you better make this fast.” She shoved him, making him fall back onto the bed. She crawled up his body and straddled him, before kissing his chest. “I’ve missed you.” She sat up and lifted the nightgown over her head, tossing it aside.

“God, you’re beautiful.” Her breasts were even more perfect than he’d remembered—soft and round, highlighting her slender body. He cupped them, squeezing and molding them to his touch. She was warm, silky perfection.

She bit her lip, her eyes half closing. “Oh Nick, I can’t wait.” She was rubbing against him, her rhythm getting faster and faster. “I need you inside me, now.” She started shoving his pants down, trying to free his cock.

“Wait.” He stopped her again.

“What?” she almost snapped.

“I have to get a condom. Let’s go to your...our bedroom.”

“Forget the condom.” She pulled his dick from his pants, her hand tightening around him.


She kept stroking him as she lifted, pulling off her panties. She put his tip at her entrance. She was so fucking hot and wet. His hips rocked up and he slipped into her, just a little. She felt so good, so right but they couldn’t do this. He almost ground his teeth to powder as he grabbed her hips and lifted her off him. A groan of pain escaped—his entire body revolting at his betrayal.

He dropped her on the bed and rolled on top of her, straddling her legs and keeping his cock away from her. “Are you sure about this? It’s okay if you’re not.” He wanted, more than anything, to fuck her without a condom.

“I’m sure.” She touched his cheek, her fingers a light caress. “I love you, Nick. I trust you. I want you. Just you and me. Nothing between us anymore.”

“I love you too.” He leaned down and kissed her, keeping his body away from hers because this one moment wasn’t about sex. It was about so much more than that—love, their future, their forever.

Her leg came up, rubbing against his thigh. “Nick, please.”

He lowered himself to her, bracing on his hands. “Put me inside you.”

She grabbed his cock, leading him to her. He kissed her quickly and then stared into her green eyes, so dark with passion, as he slid slowly into her. Her mouth opened in an “O” as she gasped.

“You feel so good. So tight.” He slid out and back in a little farther, enjoying the feel, the heat.

She bent her knees making him slip in even more. He watched her face as he moved in and out, filling her more and more until he was inside her balls deep. He held still, relishing the feel of her tight body surrounding him, clinging to him but soon it wasn’t enough. His body wanted...demanded more and his hips rocked back and forth, in and out. She wrapped her arms around him, her nails digging into his back and her legs tangling with his.

“That’s it, baby.” He moved faster and faster.

She was moaning now, soft little whimpers that drove him wild. His pace became faster, frenzied. She was clamping onto him tighter and tighter, squeezing him.

“Come for me, Sarah. Come for me.” He reached between them and ran his fingers over her clit, stroking her until her body stiffened, her mouth opening in a silent scream. Her face was so beautiful in her orgasm that it pushed him over the edge. He came inside of her, filling her for the first time. Hopefully, one day, when they were both ready, she’d become pregnant.

He collapsed on top of her, unable to move for several moments. He breathed her in, her scent making him dizzy. He’d been too long without her, but never again. He kissed her neck and then rolled off her, pulling her into his arms. “I love you, Sarah.”

“I love you too, Nick.”

“Marry me, Sarah.” The words just slipped out. He’d been thinking them for months, but hadn’t meant to say them.

“Nick, isn’t this a little soon?”

He rolled over to look at her. “If it is for you, that’s fine.” It wasn’t. It hurt. “But I’ve been thinking about this from that night of the banquet. Deep down, I knew I’d never let you go.” He smiled at her. “I was lying to myself, hoping I’d tire of you.”

“Oh.” It was a soft whisper.

He kissed her. “I want you to know the truth. I didn’t want a relationship. I was scared. Scared to love you. Scared you didn’t feel the same.”

“How could you not know how I felt?” She touched his face.

“You didn’t contact Ethan. I thought you had a boyfriend.”

“I’m sorry about that.”

“Don’t be. We’re here now and if you aren’t ready to be my wife, I’ll wait.” He touched her face, his fingers worshiping her. “Like I said, I’m not going anywhere.”

“I...I’m not ready to be a wife.”

“Okay.” He kissed her to try and let her know it was okay. His heart was bruised but not defeated. “I’ll ask again later.”

“You don’t need to.”

Now, his heart was gone. Annihilated. She’d said she loved him. He stared down at her afraid to move because if he did, he’d leave and he’d promised he’d stay.

“Because I am ready to be your fiancé.”

He was able to breathe again. “Really?”

“Yes, but I think we need a long engagement.”

“Fine. Whatever you want.” He kissed her, so grateful and happy and then he paused. “How long? Six months? A year?”

“How about a couple of years. Three sounds good.”

“Three years? No. That’s not going to work. I want everyone to know you belong to me.” He ran his finger down her neck, over her collarbone and between her breasts. “Or would you rather I tattoo you again with my kisses?”

“You’d better never, ever do that again.” She sounded mad but there was a smile in her eyes.

“Then a year.” He kissed her neck, sucking gently before letting go. “Or else.”

“I need more than a year. It takes a year to plan and...I can’t focus on that right now.”

“Oh, right. Shit, I’m sorry, babe. I’m such a selfish jerk.” She’d just gotten out of the facility and he was pushing her, pressuring her to do what he wanted. He was doing the exact opposite of what the doctor had told him.

“Don’t be. I love you, Nick.” She kissed him. It was soft and sweet. “And I love it when you take charge, boss me around.”

“You do?” That was good because no matter how hard he tried, he probably wouldn’t stop doing that.

“Yes, because I only listen when I want to.”

“You do argue with me a lot. You’re going to have to learn to be a more obedient wife or I’ll have to punish you.” He swatted her ass.

“Oh, I see another fantasy coming. The naughty wife.” She grabbed his head and kissed him, her tongue slipping into his mouth and her hand sliding down his body to fondle his hardening cock. “I’ll need to be severely punished.”

“I think you need that now.”

“Do you?” She skimmed her nail gently over his balls.

“Yes.” The word hissed from between his teeth. He rolled off her, hopped out of bed and grabbed her, tossing her over his shoulder.

“Nick,” she laughed. “What are you doing?”

“Taking you to our room.” Tank gave a warning rumble but he just patted the dog’s head as he walked past.

“But this room—”

“Doesn’t have the tools I need.” He swatted her bottom and she squealed. “You, my love, need to be restrained.”

“Oh please, Nick. Punish me. I’ve been a very naughty fiancé.”



Thanks for reading Playing House. I hope you enjoyed the story.

If you want to read more about them, there’s an excerpt from Playing House next. Nick is ready for marriage, kids and everything with Sarah, but she’d rather take it slow. A weekend babysitting a friend’s three kids isn’t quite what either of them expected.

Or if you want to meet more of the gorgeous and kinky men and women of La Petite Mort Club, then check out the excerpts at the end of this book. There’s one for the following books:

The Voyeur (free ebook)See how Patrick (Adrian’s boss) and Annie meet. She’s a maid who likes to watch people having sex at the Club. He’s given the job of keeping her out of trouble, but he’s the biggest danger to her because no matter how hard he tries, he just can’t keep his hands off her.

His Sub (free ebook) — Terry’s a dominant but Maggie’s not his usual sub. She’s a curvy, single mother of three who needs a dominant’s guidance more than any woman he’s ever met. However, she insists on fighting him every step of the way.

The Mistletoe Game (free ebook): Ellie and Adrian meet at the Club on Christmas Eve and end up playing a kinky game, but can Ellie get over her mistrust of alpha men and see Adrian for the man he is?

The Baby Bargain (free ebook)Harker is rich, sexy and has everything he wants, except a child. He’s chosen Alison to be the mother. She extremely intelligent, warm, funny and even though she’s more average looking than beautiful, for some reason he really, really wants to fuck her. And when he wants something, he gets it. Now, he just has to convince her to have his baby and they will be conceiving the old-fashioned way.

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