
Free: The Voyeur


A person in a black shirt

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Annie finished making the bed and gathered the sheets from the floor, keeping them as far away from her body as possible. These sex rooms were disgusting and Ethan was a jerk making her work as a maid. She almost had her Bachelor’s Degree in Culinary Arts, but he’d refused to hire her for the kitchen—too many men in the kitchen. The only job he’d give her at La Petite Mort Club was as a maid and unfortunately, she needed the money too badly to refuse.

She stuffed the dirty sheets into the cart and hurried out the door. She had almost thirty minutes before she had to be at the next “sex room.” She hid the cart in a closet and darted down a back hallway, staying clear of the cameras. Julie, the woman who supervised the daytime maids, was a real bitch. If she were caught sneaking away from her duties, she’d be assigned to the orgy rooms every day. Right now, they all took turns cleaning that nightmare. She swore they should get hazard pay to even go in those rooms.

She slipped through a doorway and hurried to the one-way mirror. She stared at the couple in the next room. From her first day here, she’d been curious about the activities at the club. She was twenty-four and wasn’t a virgin but she’d never, ever done some of these things. 

The woman in the room below was tied to a table, legs spread and wearing some sort of leather outfit that left her large breasts free and her crotch exposed. She had shaved her pussy and her pink lower lips were swollen and glistening from her excitement. The man strolled around the table as if he had all night. He still had his pants on but had removed his shirt. His arms and chest were well defined but he had a slight paunch. His erection tented his pants and Annie felt wetness pool between her legs. She had no idea why watching this turned her on but it did. Ever since she’d accidentally barged in on that guy and girl in the Interview room, she couldn’t stop watching.

The man below ran his hand up the woman’s inner thigh, glancing over her pussy. The woman thrust her hips upward and Annie ran her own hand between her legs. The man’s mouth moved but Annie couldn’t hear anything and then he slapped the woman across the thigh hard enough to leave a red mark. Annie jumped. She wasn’t into that, but she couldn’t stop watching the woman’s face. At first, it’d contorted in pain but then it’d morphed into pleasure. The man hit her again and then bent, kissing the red welts—running his tongue across them as his fingers squeezed her nipple.

Annie clutched her thighs together, searching for some relief. Her panties were soaked. It wouldn’t take but a few strokes to make her come. She started to slide her hand into her pants.

“Having fun?” asked a deep voice from behind her.

She spun around, her heart dropping into her stomach. “Ah...I was just finishing cleaning in here.” Damn, she should’ve closed the door but she hadn’t expected anyone in this area. The rooms were off limits on this floor until tonight and she was the only one assigned to clean here.

He shut the door and locked it before strolling toward her. She’d seen him around the Club, but more than that she remembered him from the military photos her brother, Vic, had sent to her. She carried one of the three of them—Vic, Ethan and this guy, Patrick—in her purse. He’d been attractive in the picture, but now that he was older and in person he was gorgeous. He had dark green eyes, brown hair and a perfect body. He stopped so close to her his chest almost brushed against her breasts. She was pretty sure it would if she inhaled deeply. She really wanted to take that deep breath and feel his hard chest against her breasts.

“Don’t let me stop you from enjoying the show.”

“I...I wasn’t. I should go.” She started to walk past him but he grabbed her hand.

His grip was warm and strong but loose enough that she could pull free if she wanted. She didn’t. Even though she only knew him from her brother’s pictures and letters, she’d had many fantasies about him when she’d been in high school. Her gaze dropped to the front of his pants and her mouth almost watered. He was definitely interested. She dragged her eyes up his body, stopping on his face. He smiled at her.

“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Watching turns us all on.” He kissed the back of her hand and she jumped as his tongue darted out, tasting her skin.

“I...I should go.” She didn’t move.

“No, you should watch.” He dropped her hand and grabbed her shoulders, gently turning her toward the mirror. He trailed his hands up and down her arms. “Watch.”

The man in the other room was now sucking on the woman’s breast as his fingers caressed her pussy. 

“Would you like to hear them? Or do you like it quiet?” His voice was a rough whisper against her ear.

“Sound, please.” She wanted to hear their gasps and moans. She wanted to close her eyes and pretend it was her. She shifted, squeezing her thighs together.

He chuckled as he moved away. She felt his absence to her bones. He’d been strong and warm behind her and for a moment she’d felt safe, safer than she had since her brother had come back from the war, broken and sad, and her father had started drinking again.

The woman’s moans filled the room and Patrick came back to stand behind her, this time placing his hands on her waist.

“I’m Patrick,” he said against her ear. 

She couldn’t take her eyes from the scene in front of her. The woman was almost coming as the man thrust his fingers inside of her. 

“What’s your name?” He nipped her neck and she jumped. 

“I...I...” If she told him her name, he might say something to Ethan. Ethan would kill her if he knew she was in here watching.

“Tell me your name.” His lips trailed along her neck and she tipped her head giving him better access.

The guy was kissing his way down the woman’s body. Annie wanted to touch herself, to make herself come but Patrick was here.

He nibbled her ear. “Why won’t you tell me your name?”

“I...I’ll get in trouble.” She rubbed her ass against his erection, hopefully giving him a hint.

“Tease.” His hand drifted down her stomach, stopping right above where she wanted him to touch. “Tell me your name or I’ll make you suffer.” He unbuttoned her pants and left his hand—warm, rough but immobile—resting on her abdomen.

“I can’t.” She stood on tip-toe, hoping his hand would lower a little but he was too tall or she was too short. He had to be almost six foot and she was barely five-foot four. “I could get fired and I need this job.”

“Darling, Ethan won’t fire you for fucking a customer.”

“We can’t.” She spun around. She hadn’t thought this through. He was her fantasy come to life and she wanted him to be hers just for a moment, but Ethan would find out and then she’d be in deep shit.

“Don’t worry. I’m a member and you work here, so we’re both clean.” He hesitated, his hands tightening on her hips. “Are you protected?”

“What?” She had no idea what he was talking about.

“Ethan makes sure everyone at the Club is clean but only the...some of his employees are required to be on birth control.” He ran his hands up her sides, getting closer and closer to her breasts. “Are you on birth control?” His eyes darkened as they dropped to her tits. “If not, it’s okay. There are other things we can do.”

Oh, she wanted to do everything his eyes promised, but she couldn’t. “No, I’ll get in trouble. I need this job. I have to go.” She tried to move but her feet refused to obey, so she just stared at his handsome face.

“Are you sure?” He bent so he was almost eye level with her. “I promise. Ethan won’t care. A lot of maids become...change jobs. The pay’s a lot better.” His eyes roamed over her frame. “Especially, for someone as cute as you.”

Ethan would kill her before letting her become one of his pleasure associates.

“I could talk to Ethan for you.” His hands moved up her body, stopping right below her breasts. 

Her nipples hardened and she forgot everything but what he was making her feel. He ran his thumb over one of them and she leaned closer, wanting him to do it again.

He did. He continued rubbing her nipple as he spoke. “I could persuade him to let me...handle your initiation into club life.”

Her heart raced in her chest. It could be just her and him doing all these things she’d seen. Her pussy throbbed but she couldn’t do it. She wouldn’t do it. She couldn’t have sex for money. Her parents were both dead but they’d never understand and she couldn’t disappoint them. “No. I can’t do that...not for money.” Her eyes darted to the door. She needed to get out of there before she did something she’d regret.

“That’s even better.” He smiled as he stepped closer. “We can keep this between us. No money. Only a man and a woman.” He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Giving each other pleasure. A lot of pleasure. In ways you haven’t even imagined.”

There were moans from the other room and she glanced over her shoulder. The man’s face was buried between the woman’s thighs.

Patrick turned her around, pulling her against him and wrapping his arms around her waist. “Are you wet?”

“What? No.” She struggled in his arms, her ass brushing against his erection again.

“Oh fuck. Do that again.” He kissed her neck, open mouthed and hot.

She stopped trying to get away. She wanted this...this moment. She shouldn’t but she did, so she wiggled her butt against him again. He was hard and long and her body ached for him. It’d been too long since she’d had sex. She needed this.

“Would you like me to touch you?” His hands drifted over her hips and down her thighs. 

She’d like him to do all sorts of things to her. She nodded. 

“Say it.” His words were a command she couldn’t disobey.


“Yes, what?” He untucked her shirt from her pants.

“Touch me. Please.” She was already pushing her hips toward his hand. She wanted his hand on her, his fingers inside of her.

“Are you wet?” he asked again.

She inhaled sharply as he unzipped her pants.

“Don’t lie to me. I’ll find out in a minute.”

She’d never talked dirty during sex and she wasn’t sure she was ready to do that with a stranger. Her heart skipped a beat. Maybe, she shouldn’t be doing any of this with a stranger. She grabbed his hand. “Maybe, we shouldn’t.” 

The woman below cried out and the man straightened, wiping his face and unbuttoning his pants.

“Watch. The main event is about to happen.” Patrick’s hot breath tickled her neck.

Her gaze locked on the man’s penis. It was large and demanding. He straddled the woman, grabbing his cock. 

“Don’t you want to feel some of what they feel?” He nibbled on her ear and then neck. “I can help you.”

She may not know him, but she trusted him. He was a former marine. He’d been a good friend of Vic’s. He wouldn’t hurt her and she needed to come. She loosened her grip, letting go of his hand. He slipped inside her pants, caressing her pussy through her underwear. His fingers were long and strong. She closed her eyes, leaning against him as he stroked her.

“You’re already so wet and hot.” His breath was a warm caress on her ear. “But, I’m going to make you wetter and then, I’m going to make you come.” His other hand shoved her pants down, giving him more room to work. “Open your eyes and watch the show.”

She did as he said. The man was inside the woman, thrusting hard and fast. The woman was moaning and trying to move but the restraints kept her mostly helpless. 

“Fuck, you’re soaked.” Patrick’s hand cupped her and she arched into his touch, rubbing her ass against his erection. He shoved his hand inside her underwear, his finger running along her folds until he slipped one inside.

“Oh.” She grabbed his hand—not to push him away, but to make sure he didn’t leave. 

He smiled against her hair. “Don’t worry, baby. I won’t stop.” He stroked his finger inside of her and his wrist brushed against her clit.

She needed more. She needed to touch him, feel him. She turned her head, wrapping her arms up and around his neck. He kissed her. It was desperate and wild, but he stopped too soon. 

“They’re almost done. You don’t want to miss it.” 

She turned back to the mirror. The man below continued to fuck the woman as Patrick finger-fucked her. His other hand slipped under her shirt to her breast. His lips sucked her neck as he rocked his erection against her ass. He was everywhere, and she was so close. The muscles in her legs constricted. Her hips tipped upward.

“Wait, baby,” he groaned in her ear, as he pushed a second finger inside of her. “Just a few more minutes.”

His fingers were stretching her and it felt wonderful. She moaned, long and low as he thrust harder and faster, almost matching the pace of the man in the other room. She could almost imagine it was Patrick’s cock and not his fingers inside of her. 

“Oh...oh,” she cried out. He was pushing her toward the edge. Her body was spiraling with each pump of his fingers. She was going to come—right here while watching that couple. It was so dirty and so wrong and it only made her hotter.

The woman below screamed and her body stiffened. The man thrust again and again and then grunted his release.

“Show’s over.” Patrick nipped her neck at the same time he pressed down on her clit with his thumb, sending her shooting into her orgasm. 

She trembled and he pulled her close, his hand still cupping her pussy and his fingers still inside of her. When her heartbeat had settled, he removed his hand and bent, pulling off her shoes and removing her pants before lifting her and carrying her to the wall. 

“My turn.” He wrapped her legs around his waist.

Her phone rang. “My work phone. I...I have to answer it.”

“When we’re done.” He unzipped his pants. 

“Annie, answer the phone. I know you’re around here. I can hear it ringing you stupid bitch,” yelled Julie.

“Oh, shit.” She shoved Patrick away, and ran across the room, grabbing her clothes off the floor. “It’s my boss. She’ll kill me if she finds me like this.”

“I’ll take care of Julie.” He headed for the door, zipping up his fly. “Don’t move.” He grinned over his shoulder at her. “You can take off your pants again, but other than that, don’t move.”

“No. Please.” She raced over to him, grabbing his arm. “I need this job.” And Ethan could not find out about this.

“She won’t fire you. She can’t. Only Ethan can fire you.” He bent and kissed her. 

His lips were gentle and coaxing this time and her body swayed into him. He pulled her even closer and she could feel his cock, thick and heavy, pushing against her. Her pussy tightened again in anticipation.

“Damnit, Annie. This is going to be so much worse if I have to call your stupid phone again. Get out here!” Julie was only a few doors down. 

She grabbed Patrick and tugged on his hand. “Please, hide.”  She glanced around, looking for somewhere that would conceal a six-foot muscular man.

“I’m not going to hide from Julie.”

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