1 Creation: The Beginning of Life as We Know It
1. In what ways was life in the original creation different from life as we know it today?
2. Why did God create humans in his own image? What does this mean?
3. What was the root cause of Adam and Eve’s sin against God?
4. Why did God put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden?
5. Why did God bring the flood upon the earth?
6. What does this act of judgment tell you about God?
2 God Builds a Nation
1. Abraham left his homeland and family to follow God. What did God say his reward would be?
2. What might God be asking you to give up to follow him?
3. What made Abraham righteous in God’s sight? How is this fact relevant to your life?
4. Why did God ask Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac? What did Abraham — and Isaac — learn from this experience?
5. Because Jacob had shrewdly acquired Esau’s birthright and stolen their father’s blessing, Jacob feared his brother’s revenge. How did Jacob prepare for his meeting with Esau?
6. What attitude did Jacob have when he wrestled with the “man” who Jacob eventually realized was actually God?
3 Joseph: From slave to Deputy Pharaoh
1. Why did Joseph’s brothers want to get rid of him?
2. Why does God allow hurtful things to happen to people?
3. What were the positive effects of Joseph’s being sold into slavery?
4. What does Joseph’s statement to his brothers, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good,” tell you about God?
5. In what ways have you seen God work through the most bleak and hopeless situations to cause a greater good?
6. Why can God be trusted at all times?
4 Deliverance
1. What was significant about Moses’ birth?
2. How did God display his concern and love for his people after hearing their cries and groaning?
3. In what ways was Moses qualified to lead the people? In what ways did he feel he was not qualified?
4. Have you ever felt unqualified or unable to do something, as Moses did? How did you handle it?
5. The Story notes several amazing miracles in the deliverance of the people from Egypt. Do you believe God performs miracles today? Why or why not?
6. What can you learn about the character of God from the story of the Israelites’ deliverance from slavery?
5 New Commands and a New Covenant
1. How were the people to prepare themselves to meet with God?
2. What does this story of the giving of these new commands tell you about the character of God?
3. What was the purpose of the Ten Commandments?
4. How can God be both the merciful forgiver of sin and the punisher of the guilty?
5. The Israelites became impatient and finally made a golden idol in the shape of a calf for themselves. What are some false gods/idols worshiped in our society today?
6. The Lord spoke to Moses “as one speaks to a friend.” What steps can you take to gain a deeper understanding of who God is?
6 Wandering
1. What do you think was the root cause of most of the Israelites’ problems? Why?
2. How did God respond to the people’s lack of faith?
3. Why is God so radically opposed to sin?
4. What do you learn from Moses’ leadership throughout this difficult period? How did he display frustration and faith?
5. Have you ever felt as if you were “wandering in the wilderness” — spiritually or emotionally? Explain.
6. How can having faith in what God has promised help you in difficult times?
7 The Battle Begins
1. How could Joshua be “strong and courageous” in such intimidating situations?
2. What do you learn about God from the story of the salvation of Rahab the prostitute?
3. What do the string of amazing battle victories the people experienced as they entered the land reveal about who is really in charge of history?
4. Why did God order the Israelites to go to war against others? How was this war justified?
5. How did Joshua challenge the people in his final speech?
6. Why do you think God lavished blessings on Joshua and all the Israelites, who, like Joshua, trusted God?
7. What practical steps can you take to gain a deeper faith in God?
8 A Few Good Men … and Women
1. What does God’s choice of Deborah as judge during this time reveal about God’s view of women?
2. Why does God often use weak and uncertain people like Gideon to do his work?
3. If you ever feel uncertain about your gifts and abilities, how could the story of Gideon encourage and strengthen you?
4. What reasons can you give for why the Israelites kept repeating their downward cycle of sin?
5. What was the root cause of Samson’s fall? What was the result?
6. What are the strongest temptations that you face? How do you fight such temptations?
9 The Faith of a Foreign Woman
1. What does Ruth’s story reveal about the love of God?
2. What does Ruth’s story reveal about how God views all people groups? What does that mean for you?
3. Both Ruth and Naomi suffered tremendous loss. Why does a good and gracious God allow tragedy to come upon those who love him?
4. When difficult times come, what causes you to continue to hope in God?
5. Ruth left her home to follow Naomi and to follow God. How is God asking you to follow him?
6. In what way do Ruth’s actions and responses challenge you? Encourage you?
7. What steps can you take to become a more selfless, loving person?
10 Standing Tall, Falling Hard
1. What do you learn about prayer from Hannah?
2. How did Samuel show his faith in God?
3. Why was it wrong for the Israelites to ask for a king?
4. What factors led to King Saul’s demise?
5. How did Saul respond when confronted with his sin? How do you respond when confronted with your own shortcomings?
6. What instances of God’s grace do you see in this chapter?
11 From Shepherd to King
1. Why was David chosen to be the next king of Israel?
2. What obstacles did David face to become the king he was anointed to be?
3. How was David able to face a giant when so many others gave way to fear?
4. Why did David spare Saul when he had the chance to be free of Saul’s attempts to kill him? What would you have done?
5. David had a single goal (that the God of Israel would be glorified) because he had a single love (the God of Israel). What can you do to cultivate a heart like David’s?
12 The Trials of a King
1. What were some factors that led to David’s sin with Bathsheba?
2. Both Saul and David sinned against God, yet how did their responses differ? What was the result of their responses?
3. How did David’s sins affect the future of his family?
4. David was allowed to plan the temple, but God told him that his son would be the one to actually build it. How do think David felt about that? How did David respond?
5. Do you, like David, give God credit and praise for your successes and accomplishments?
13 The King Who Had It All
1. Why was Solomon’s request for wisdom and discernment so pleasing to the Lord?
2. How is wisdom different from mere knowledge and intellect?
3. Why is it vital to become wise?
4. What can you do to gain more wisdom?
5. How did pride and lust contribute to Solomon’s fall?
6. What can you do to guard yourself against these sins?
14 A Kingdom Torn in Two
1. What caused the kingdom of Israel to be divided?
2. How did Rehoboam and Jeroboam both make mistakes?
3. What observations do you make about God’s character and what is important to God, based on this chapter?
4. Why is it important to always remain loyal to God?
5. When have you strayed from God? What caused the straying?
6. In what ways has God been kind to you even when you didn’t deserve it?
15 God’s Messengers
1. What do you learn about faith from Elijah’s ups (victory over the prophets of Baal) and his downs (depression in the desert)?
2. God revealed himself to Elijah in a gentle whisper. What does this tell you about God’s character and methods of communication?
3. What steps can you take to hear the gentle whisper of God?
4. In what ways did the prophet Elisha live a life of faith?
5. Identify the ways God was faithful to Elisha.
6. How has God been faithful to you?
7. What specific message of social justice and spiritual faithfulness do you think the prophets Amos and Hosea would proclaim today?
16 The Beginning of the End (of the Kingdom of Israel)
1. Why did Hezekiah experience so many difficulties? Does obedience to God guarantee prosperity?
2. When Hezekiah received an intimidating letter from his enemies, he “went up to the temple of the LORD and spread it out before the LORD.” When have you reacted to an attack or urgent problem with a similar attitude?
3. What were some of the main themes in Isaiah’s prophecies?
4. How could God be merciful to his people in light of their actions toward him?
5. How has God shown mercy to you?
6. Isaiah foretold the rise and fall of nations. Is God still in control of world events in our day?
17 The Kingdoms’ Fall
1. Why did disaster come upon God’s people?
2. What negative effects of sin have you seen in your life?
3. What were some of the main themes of the prophets’ messages during this time?
4. Can you relate to Jeremiah as the “weeping prophet” who felt deeply the burden of God’s people’s sin?
5. How does God’s promise of restoration for his people still give you hope today?
18 Daniel in Exile
1. In what ways do you see Daniel exhibit his faith in God?
2. What enabled Daniel’s three friends to stand against the king’s orders?
3. Why did God choose to punish Nebuchadnezzar the way that he did? What was the result of this punishment?
4. Why did Daniel prosper under the kings of Babylon and Persia?
5. What can you learn about prayer from Daniel?
6. What steps can you take to become more devoted to prayer?
19 The Return Home
1. Why did God rescue the Israelites again?
2. In what ways have you seen or experienced the rescuing power of God?
3. What did the Israelites do to deserve the mercy they received?
4. What reason does God have for being merciful to you?
5. The Jews returned home to rebuild the temple, the dwelling place of God on earth. Why was it important for them to do this?
6. Where does God dwell on earth today?
20 The Queen of Beauty and Courage
1. What does this chapter of The Story teach about God’s work behind the scenes of history?
2. How did Mordecai respond when faced with disaster?
3. What character qualities do you observe in Queen Esther?
4. When was the last time you faced a threatening situation? What was your reaction?
5. In what ways have you experienced God’s faithfulness in your life?
6. What steps can you take to show that you trust in the faithfulness of God?
21 Rebuilding the Walls
1. What was Ezra’s role when he arrived in Jerusalem?
2. In what ways do you see God’s faithfulness in this chapter?
3. Why was Nehemiah able to rebuild the city walls amidst such severe opposition?
4. What can you do to gain a greater dependence on God in difficult circumstances?
5. According to the prophet Malachi, what did the Israelites do (or not do) that displeased the Lord? Why were these things so evil?
6. Are there areas of your life displeasing to the Lord? What can you do to make your relationship right again?
22 The Birth of the King
1. Why did God send Jesus into the world?
2. What can you learn from Mary’s reaction to her surprising and somewhat disturbing news?
3. Why was Jesus born into such humble circumstances?
4. What does this chapter reveal about who Jesus is?
5. What impact has the birth of Christ had on your life?
6. Why should you be thankful that God sent his Son into the world?
23 Jesus’ Ministry Begins
1. What purposes did Jesus’ baptism and temptation serve?
2. How would you sum up the main message that Jesus had for the people?
3. Why did so many people have a deep hatred for Jesus?
4. Jesus said that we must be “born again” to enter the kingdom of God. What does it mean to be born again?
5. What kind of people did Jesus typically reach out to? What kind of people did he oppose? Why?
6. Jesus stated that “whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” What do you think this statement means?
24 No Ordinary Man
1. Why might Jesus have used parables as a way to teach people?
2. What can you learn from Jesus’ parables that you can use in your own life?
3. If you would have heard Jesus’ sermon, what do you think you would have done? Would you have followed him?
4. Why did Jesus’ teaching bother some of the religious leaders?
5. Jesus explained that he is the “bread of life” — the source of sustenance and satisfaction. What can you do to gain a deeper satisfaction in your relationship with Jesus?
25 Jesus, the Son of God
1. How would you respond to someone who asked, “Who is Jesus?”
2. What was Jesus’ primary mission during his life?
3. What character qualities do you see in Jesus?
4. What changes do you need to make to bring your life into conformity with Jesus’ values and priorities?
5. In what ways did Jesus’ words and actions reveal the fact that he is equal with God?
6. How would you respond to the question, “How can you be sure that Jesus is God?”
7. What can you do to gain a deeper love for Jesus? Why is this important?
26 The Hour of Darkness
1. What did Jesus predict at the last supper with his disciples?
2. Why did Jesus have to die?
3. How did Jesus’ followers respond to the tragic events?
4. What implications does Jesus’ death on the cross for the sins of humanity have for your life?
5. What can you learn about God’s love through these events?
6. In what way has Jesus’ life and death affected the way you live your life from day to day?
27 The Resurrection
1. After Jesus died, why did some of his followers come to the tomb? What does this tell you about friendship and loyalty among Jesus’ companions?
2. Do you believe that Jesus rose from the dead? Why?
3. When Jesus appeared to people after his resurrection, how do you think their lives were changed?
4. What does Jesus’ resurrection from the dead reveal about God’s power over death and sin?
5. What difference can or does it make in your life knowing that Jesus is alive today?
6. Before Jesus ascended to heaven, he commanded his followers to “go and make disciples of all nations.” If you are a believer, when was the last time you talked to someone else about your faith in Jesus?
28 New Beginnings
1. Why was Peter’s sermon on the day of Pentecost so effective?
2. Why did the Jewish religious leaders dislike the early Christians?
3. What examples of Christian love and fellowship do you see in this chapter?
4. What factors helped the Good News of Jesus Christ to spread quickly?
5. How were the early Christians able to remain faithful even in the midst of extremely difficult circumstances?
6. What practical steps can you take to increase your faith?
7. How do you explain the drastic change in Saul’s (Paul’s) life?
29 Paul’s Mission
1. After Paul found the Lord, what was Paul’s passion and mission in life?
2. What is your passion and mission in life?
3. When in a new city, why did Paul invariably begin his outreach at the Jewish synagogue?
4. How would you define “the gospel”?
5. What impact does the gospel have on your life?
6. What would have happened to Christianity if the Jewish believers who insisted that Gentiles become Jews prevailed?
7. What does Paul’s letter to the Romans reveal to us about salvation?
30 Paul’s Final Days
1. How was Paul able to endure the pain and trials that he suffered for his beliefs?
2. What can you learn from Paul’s life about how to face difficult circumstances?
3. Why was Paul willing to walk into the face of danger?
4. What character qualities do you see in Paul?
5. What practical steps can you take to cultivate character qualities that resemble Paul’s?
6. How would you sum up Paul’s message?
31 The End of Time
1. What was John’s response when he saw Jesus in the vision? Why did he respond this way?
2. What were the warnings Jesus gave to the churches? In what way do these warnings apply to your life?
3. What do you learn about God from his actions and descriptions in this chapter?
4. What does this chapter reveal about what heaven will be like?
5. Why is it important to think about and set your hope on heaven?
6. What steps can you take to set your hope more fully on what you know about eternity from this chapter?