This classic book, How To Trade in Stocks, was written by Jesse Livermore, and is in his original words, with additional comments and updates by Richard Smitten.

In this book, there are numerous secrets revealed on Livermore’s trading techniques, never before disclosed. The secrets come from extensive interviews with the Livermore family, Livermore’s private papers, and intimate conversations with Paul Livermore, Livermore’s son, who had never before spoken of his father. These personal insights were invaluable in understanding Jesse Livermore the man, and the trader.

In every human field of endeavor there are only a few individuals who tower over other men and women: Albert Einstein, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Louis Pasteur, Madame Curie; in athletics—Babe Ruth, Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods. Why does the individual often succeed in making landmark breakthroughs, and not the group. This remains an unanswered mystery.

Jesse Livermore was such a man, a leader in his field. Why is he not better known beyond Wall Street? Because he was a loner, a silent and secretive person. He had learned the power of silence and the power of keeping his actions secret. Throughout his career, he had often been hurt by revealing his secrets and hurt when he broke his code of silence…he paid the price on many occasions. He told his sons that the only time he seriously lost money was when he listened to other people.

His secretiveness and silence was legend on Wall Street and it only made the media hungrier in trying to get him to comment-to talk to them about his business. He was a media darling. He often refused to comment on the market, but the press would somehow find a story, even if they had to manufacture it out of rumors and innuendoes.

When the market was volatile, Livermore was the man everyone wanted to hear from. He was a legend on Wall Street. When he was fifteen, he started with his first trade of $3.12 and he was a millionaire before he was thirty. He called the great market crash of 1907, where he made three million dollars in a single day. In that crash J.P. Morgan, after he financed the brokers, to save them from bankruptcy sent a special envoy to beg Livermore to stop shorting the market.

He cornered entire commodity markets: cotton, corn, wheat, where he actually owned every bale or bushel in existence in the United States.

He was able to call market tops; he went short the 1929 crash and made a hundred million dollars in profit.

But he worked hard for his good fortune. As a boy of fourteen he kept a notebook with thousands of trades penciled in. He found patterns and trends, and practiced theories of his own and others.


A software package will be available very soon to help people to trade using the Jesse Livermore methodology. Inside this software package there will be an instructional “VIRTUAL STOCK MARKET COMPUTER SIMULATOR” to allow the trader to apply Livermore’s trading techniques and methods with no financial risk. Once a trader has progressed and gets mastery over the “Virtual Stock Market Computer Simulator” they can move to the other side of the software and actually trade for real. This virtual stock market simulator is designed for both the seasoned trader as well as the novice.

And as he said to Paul his son: “Perhaps by reading of my mistakes and shortcomings you will be able to avoid the pitfalls that wait and befall every active trader and speculator. Learn through my mistakes and my victories in the market and you will prosper.” Be sure to read both of these great books for a complete study on Jesse Livermore.

Why numerical and chart formations repeat themselves is unknown. Livermore explained it away to human nature:

“All through time, people have basically acted and re-acted the same way in the market as a result of: greed, fear, ignorance, and hope-that is why the numerical formations and patterns recur on a constant basis.”

Jesse Livermore

Richard Smitten