ABC network, football and, 349, 352–55
Abrams, Robert, 452, 455
gambling report issued by, 226–27
Adams, Cindy, 23–24, 85
Adams, Joey, 139
Ades, Alan, 165–70
Alexander’s, 459
Allegheny Corporation, 284, 287
Alten, Gene, 212, 214–17
Ameruso, Tony, 390
AMR, 451
Anastasi, Joe, 380
Ancorp, 163–64
Anderson, Dave, 361
Antitrust lawsuit against the NFL, 345, 346, 353–55, 359–60, 365, 366, 368–73
Architectural Digest, 205, 206
Armstrong, Valerie, 259, 260, 426–27, 463
Arria, Diego, 303, 305, 307–10
Art of the Deal, The (Trump, with Tony Schwartz), 35, 79, 96, 148, 246, 292, 330, 334, 337, 389
Arverne project (Queens), 405–6
Atlantic City, 2–3, 104, 212, 214–15
air rights for Trump Plaza Casino and, 235–38
Atlantic City Press, 226, 227, 230–31, 412, 427
Atlantis hotel and casino (Atlantic City), 261, 446
Atwater, Lee, 404
Auletta, Nick, 197, 199, 200
Badillo, Herman, 269, 283, 317, 381
100 Central Park South building and, 287–88, 289, 291
Bailkin, Michael, 117–24
background of, 118
Commodore deal and, 118–24, 127–28, 130–31, 133, 140, 141, 161
on emotional shallowness of Donald Trump, 136–37
law firm of, 130–31, 134
marriage of Ivana and Donald Trump and, 136, 137, 139
Bally’s, 252, 409–12
Bankers Trust, 449–50, 459
Banks, 251, 456–63. See also individual banks
financial problems of Donald Trump and, 10–12
agreement between Donald Trump and banks, 27–29, 31
foreign banks, 28
restructuring of debt, 27–29
loans from, 403–4, 448–51
personal guarantees for loans, 27
for Resorts, 425–26
restructuring of debt, 11–12
Barbaro, Gary, 348
Barbella, Ernie, 428–31
Barbizon Plaza Hotel (106 Central Park South). See also Trump Parc
purchase of, 265
Barron, John, 320
Barry, John, 244, 249, 423
Barry, Maryanne Trump, 16, 192
federal judgeship, 248–49
Barsky, Neil, 10–11, 27, 457, 458
Barwick, Kent, 321, 322
Bath and Tennis Club, 339
Battery Park City Authority, 379
Beach Haven apartment–building complex (Brooklyn), 49–51, 54–58, 65
Beame, Abe (Beame administration), 40–41, 51, 62, 80, 292
Cohn and, 85–86
Commodore deal and, 118–19, 124, 144, 146, 149
convention center site and, 104–6
fiscal crisis and, 103
Manes and, 202
1965 electoral defeat, 67
60th Street rail yards and, 93, 112
Trump Village and, 64, 66
Bear Stearns, 235, 255, 258, 408, 409, 411, 459
Bellamy, Carol, 317
72nd Street subway station renovation and, 325–26
Benavav, Jon, 19
Bentsen, Lloyd, 451
Berger, David, 97, 99–103, 106, 113, 114
Berger, Milt, 71
Bergerman, Milton, 63
Berryman, Jo Ellen, 282–83
Biaggi, Mario, 86
Bible, Paul, 411–12
Biderman, Abe, 395
Biggins, Jay, 394–96
Birnbaum, Philip, 78
Blue Gemini movie project, 20
Board of Estimate (New York City), 318, 390
Commodore deal and, 128–30
Rizzoli and Coty landmarking fight and, 323
72nd Street subway station renovation and, 324–26
Trump Tower and, 180
Bogatin, David, 203
Bond, Alan, 439
Bonwitt Teller, 179–81
demolition of old Bonwit building, 189–90
Boston Safe Deposit & Trust, 337–38, 459, 460
Bowery Savings Bank, 316
Commodore deal and, 129, 143–5
Brandstetter, Frank, 419
Brandstetter, Marianne, 415, 417, 418–19
Brenner, Marie, 164
Brighton Hotel (Atlantic City), 59
Brooklyn, Fred Trump’s building and real estate operations, 39–3, 45–47, 49
Brooklyn Democratic Party, 85–86, 90. See also Madison Club (Brooklyn); and specific politicians
Brown, John Y., 209 Brown, Mickey, 225, 246
Burstein, Karen, 384–85, 395
Business Incentive Program, 124
Byrne, Brendan, 224
Trump Plaza Casino and, 221–22
Caesars, 224, 252, 412, 447–148
Caiola, Benny, 243
Calandra, Tony, 25
Calvi Electric, 235
Cannistra, Frank, 162
Capalino, Jim, 315, 318–19, 396
Capehart, Homer, 55
Carey, Hugh, 90, 141, 295, 344
casinos and, 221
Commodore deal and, 122, 125, 126, 149, 151–52
gambling and, 213, 226, 227
Caro, Robert, 49
Carr, Joel, 308
Cars, Donald Trump’s, 155
Carter, Jimmy, 29, 111
Cashmore, John, 51, 58, 60
Casino bonds, 10, 31
default on, 25
payment due on, 11, 12
Resorts gambit and, 434–35
Casino Control Commission (CCC; New Jersey), 224, 248, 261, 276, 412, 447, 463
Resorts gambit and, 423–27, 435
Trump Castle and, 254–57
Trump Plaza Casino and, 214, 221, 222, 229–33, 245
Casino industry, 224
1980 downturn, 223–24
Casinos, legalization of, 212–14
Castellano, Paul, 26, 200
Central Park South (New York City), 295
Central Park South building. See 100 Central Park South building
Chalfonte site, 252
Charles, Kathleen, 50
Charles, Richard, 50–51, 60, 62, 375
Chase Manhattan Bank, 159–60, 220, 251, 462, 463
Lincoln West project and, 300–17
Mar–A–Lago mortgage and, 330–31, 332, 337
as real estate lender, 299–300, 317
60th Street rail yards and, 299
Chason, Herbert, 98, 100
Chemical Bank, 11–12
Chernoff, Mike, 343
Chrysler Building, 151
Cimco, 389
Ciminello, Manny, 26, 200
Cincinnati, FHA project in, 79, 81
Circle Industries, 163
Citadel Management, 278–79
Citibank, 28, 440, 441, 449, 450, 453, 456–57, 459
City Planning Commission (New York City), 319, 405
Television City proposal and, 391–92
Claridge casino, 222, 247
Clark, Dick, 209
Clark, George, 21, 380
Cleveland Wrecking, 163, 216, 217, 234
Cody, John, 193–201, 229
Cohn, Roy, 9, 85–88, 139, 261, 390
antitrust lawsuit against the NFL and, 355–56, 359
Commodore deal and, 130–32, 144
condemnation of old Commodore retail tenants, 168–69
disbarment of, 257
final illness and death of, 292–93
first encounter with Donald, 85
Grand Hyatt easement issue and, 175–76
Grand Hyatt project and, 163–64
Kean and, 248
law firm of, 257
mob connections, 256, 257
nuptial agreements between Donald and Ivana Trump and, 137–39
parking lot scheme, 133
physical appearance of, 85
racial discrimination suit against Trumps, 86–88
rail–yard investigation and, 113, 114
relationship with Donald Trump, 132, 164
Trump Castle and, 256
Trump Tower and, 180, 194, 200, 204–5
Colanzi, Ed, 235–39, 250
Colombo crime family, 199
Colts, Baltimore, 342–44
Committee for the Future of Fifth Avenue, 321–22
Commodore Hotel (New York City), 103, 118–34, 139–77. See also Grand Hyatt New York
approval of UDC and Board of Estimate, 128–30
Bailkin and, 118–24, 127–28, 130–31, 133, 140, 141, 161
Beam and, 118–19, 124, 144, 146, 149
Board of Estimate and, 128–30
city council and, 129
closing of, 129–30
Cohn and, 130–32, 144
Equitable Life and, 118, 123, 126, 130, 143–45, 147
escrow deal, 144–46
financing of project, 123, 126–27, 147–48
Stanley Friedman and, 131–34, 141, 142–46, 149
Garden Room restaurant, 143–46
groundbreaking, 151–52
guarantees by Fred Trump and Hyatt, 147
Hyatt Corporation and, 124, 147
lease negotiations and final terms, 140–41
Louise Sunshine and, 141–42, 145, 149
Palmieri firm and, 124, 129, 145, 150, 151
percentage rent idea, 128
picketing by hotel workers, 152
purchase agreement for, 123–24
Ravitch and, 125–27
rewards for key players, 148–49
second closing of deal, 146
tax abatement for, 119–20, 123, 124, 128
leasback idea, 120–21
Fred Trump and, 122–23, 146–17
Urban Development Corporation (UDC) and, 121–31, 133–34, 141–46
Zuccotti and, 119, 120, 123–25, 127, 130, 149–50
Comras, Joseph, 302, 307, 316
Conciliation and Appeals Board (CAB), 267, 269
Concrete industry, 26, 199–200
organized crime and, 193
Coney Island (New York City)
Luna Park site in, 53, 57, 58
Steeplechase site, 70–72
Trump Village project, 59–70, 78
Conrail, 115
Consolidated Insurance company, 39, 41
Convention center, New York City, 250
site for, 104–7, 125–26
Convention Center Corporation, 200
Convention Center Development Corporation, 104
Convention Hall (Atlantic City), 214, 233, 236
Cosell, Howard, 351
Coty Building, 321–23
Cox, Douglas, 3
Crain’s magazine, 299–300
Crews, John, 54
Crispino, Jerry, 26
Crook, Michael, 338
Crosby, Jim, 414–15, 416, 419
Crosby, Peter, 417
Crosby, Suzanne, 416
Crystal Tower, 443–44
Cunningham, Pat, 132–33, 143–44, 149
Cuomo, Andrew, 376–79, 382, 383, 385
Cuomo, Mario, 51, 288, 290, 291, 373–86
campaign contributions from Donald Trump to, 375–76
football matters and, 347, 349–50, 357–58, 368
personal charateristics of, 375
as possible presidential candidate, 374, 381
Curtin, John, 38
Cutler, Lloyd, 313
Daidone, Al, 234
D’Amato, Al, 369
Davenport, Henry, 37
Davis, Caroline, 22, 414, 418, 434
Davis, Gordon, 321–22
Davis, Jack, 22, 414–15, 418, 420, 421, 431,434
Davis, Marvin, 418
Degnan, John, 224–25, 227, 230
De Hoz, Jose Alfredo Martinez, 310
DeMatteis, Fred, 362
Demm, William, 36–38
Democratic National Convention (1976), 133
Democratic National Convention (1980), 160
DePaolo, Joe, 199–200
Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), New Jersey, 221, 222, 261
Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), New York City, 402
Department of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR), New York, 269, 288, 290
hearings on harassment complaints at 100 Central Park South building, 267, 274, 278–82, 287, 289, 290
Department of Transportation (DOT), New Jersey, 259
Department of Transportation (DOT), New York, 382–83
DeSapio, Carmine, 58
Dewey Ballantine law firm, 299
DHCR. See Department of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR), New York
DiBono (also DeBono) family, 52
Dickstein, Paul, 395
Die Underhill, 199
DiNapoli, Vinnie, 52
Dinkins, David, 280, 385, 405, 452, 462
Division of Gaming Enforcement (DGE; New Jersey), 248, 261, 276, 429, 447, 448, 453, 463
Resorts gambit and, 423
stock gambits and, 410–12
Trump Castle and, 254–57
Trump Plaza Casino and, 214, 218, 221, 222, 224, 225, 228–33, 245–46
Divorce of Ivana and Donald Trump, 457, 460
not wanted by Ivana, 6, 8–9
Donghia, Angelo, 205
Donnelly, John, 417, 418
Dormer, Robert, 141
Douglass, Robert, 308, 310, 316
Dow Chemical, 381
Drexel, Burnham, Lambert, 239, 255, 408–10, 435
Resorts gambit and, 433, 435
Dreyer & Traub, 139, 170, 239, 259, 260, 284–86, 308, 454
Driesen, Jerome, 258
Dublirer Haydon Straci & Victor, 243
Duncan, J. Walter, 343–5
Dwyer, Pete, 376
Eastern Shuttle, 439–40
East River Landing, 84
Edwards, Edwin, 27
Eichler, Joseph, 91, 92
Eichler, Ned, 91–100, 103, 122, 150
convention center site and, 104
Eimicke, Bill, 289–90, 349–50
Einhorn, Eddie, 354–55
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Eisenhower administration), 54–58
Eisenpreiss, Alfred, 119, 141
Eldridge, Russell, 293
Emil, Arthur, 149, 166–69, 171
Emmanuel (occult philosopher), 465–66
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 402
Epstein, Barbara, 2
Equitable Life
Commodore deal and, 118, 123, 126, 130, 143–5, 147
Trump Tower and, 179–80
Esposito, Meade, 52, 86, 390
Etess, Mark, 18
Fair Housing Act of 1969, 87
Falcone, Lucille, 376–80, 383, 385
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 194
Atlantic City investigations, 244–45
Federal Housing Administration (FHA), 42–6, 51, 79, 81–82
Eisenhower administration and, 54–58
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 411
Feriozzi, Joseph, 243
Fink, Stanley, 213
Finkelstein, Jerry, 283–85, 293
Fisch, Joe, 70
Fischbein, Rick, 269, 274, 277, 283, 291
Fischbein Olivieri Rozenholc Badillo, 265, 284, 285, 290–91
racketeering lawsuit against, 287–88
Fisher, Harold, 171
Fitzsimmons, Tom, 20–21
Flour City Architectural Metals Corporation, 162–63
Flutie, Doug, 360
Foederer, Norma, 21
Football, 342–73. See also National Football League; United States Football League; and other specific topics
Football stadium, proposals and plans for, 345–47, 349–50, 356–59, 361–73, 413
Trumpdome, 363, 365–66, 367
Forbes (magazine), 10
Forbes, Malcolm, 110
Fordham University, 77–78
Fortune magazine, 345
Foy, Charlie, 285–86
Franzese, Michael, 203
Freedman, Doris, 107–8, 111–12
Freeman, Harvey, 16–17, 223, 237, 394, 414, 431 454
Friedman, Jackie, 292
Friedman, Stanley, 120, 169, 175–76, 180, 200, 202, 243, 258, 315–16, 326, 390, 404
Cohn and, 143
Commodore deal and, 131–34, 141, 142–46, 149
100 Central Park South building and, 280–82, 285, 288, 289, 293
scandal involving, 289, 291–94
Friends of Mario Cuomo committee, 375–76
Frucher, Sandy, 378–80
Fullam, John, 95, 101, 102, 105
Fusco, Joe, 222
Galasso, Ralph, 301, 309, 310, 315
Galvin, Tom, 105
Gambino, Carlo, 52, 193
Gambino crime family, 52, 264
Gambling. See also Casinos in New York, 212–14, 225–27
Donald Trump’s views on, 212–13, 226
Gans, Stanley, 418
Garth, David, 221
Gavan, Hank, 168
Genetic factors, Donald Trump on, 29
Genovese crime family, 52
Gentile, Joanne, 380
George, Phyllis, 209
Gerace, Frank, 234, 243
German banks, 28
Gerosa, Larry, 62
Geto, Ethan, 227
Getzoff, Herman, 96–101
Gilbert, O.L. “Buzz,” 82, 83
Gill, Brendan, 401
Giuliani, Rudy, 405
Glasgow, Al, 404, 447
Gliedman, Tony, 16, 182–83, 269, 385, 388, 398, 405
100 Central Park South building and, 289–90
Gold, Hadley, 144, 324–26
Goldberg, Elliot, 217, 234
Goldberg, Howard, 218–20, 235, 236
Goldberger, Paul, 146, 186, 328–29
Golden, Howard, 326
Golden Apple Ball (1990), 317
Goldenberg, Harry, 235
Golden Nugget hotel and casino (Atlantic City), 409–10, 412
Goldfine, Milton, 270, 272, 274, 277
Goldin, Jay, 326
Commodore deal and, 120–22
Goldstein, Charles
Commodore deal and, 120–22, 140–42, 145, 149 condemnation of old Commodore retail tenants, 167
Goldstein, Joyce, 270, 274, 278–81, 286–88
Grand Hyatt audit by, 162
Goldstein, Shelly, 378
Golub, Richard, 286–87
Goodgold, Sally, 116, 297–98, 462
background of, 110
first meeting with Donald Trump, 107–10
Gordon, Richard, 380
Goryn, Zbigniew, 190
Grace, George, 56
Grace, Tommy, 42, 43, 45, 46, 56
Grand Central Terminal
easement issue and, 170–78
trust fund for improvements on, 160–63
Grand Hyatt New York, 11, 300, 452. See also Commodore Hotel
architectural design of, 157
audit of, 384–85
casino gambling plans for, 167
condemnation of old Commodore retail tenants and, 164–70, 173–76
construction work on, 154–64
check–paying system, 156–57
cost overruns, 159–62
Goldin audit of sales tax savings, 162
Grand Central Terminal improvements and, 160–63
Ivana Trump and, 157
sales–tax exemption on materials used in, 160–63
subcontractors for, 162–63
easement issue and, 170–78, 180–81
financing of project, 159–60
interior design of, 155, 157
Modell’s lease and, 172–75
opening of, 160
Vanderbilt Athletic Club lease and, 171–72
Greenberg, Ace, 416, 422, 423
Greene, Barbara, 155, 157
Greenwich house, 12, 206, 460
Gregory Estates (Maryland), 81–82
Griffin, Merv, 428–37
Taj Mahal and, 6
Grumet, Jacob, 67
Gruzen, Jordan, 114–16
Guccione, Bob, 214, 221
Hall, Tammany, 43
Halloran, Bif, 199, 295
Halpern, Ken, 170–71
Trump Tower and, 180–82
Hammer, Jolie, 182
Happiness, Donald Trump’s view of, 31
Harnett, Tom, 134
Harper’s bar, 127
Harrah’s, 234, 246
lawsuits involving, 253
Trump Plaza casino and, 238–43, 249–51
end of partnership with Harrah’s, 251–52
Harrah’s Associates, 245
Harrah’s at Trump Plaza. See Trump Plaza Casino
Hart–Scott–Rodino law, 411
Heilbron, Susan, 16, 289, 379–80, 432, 465
Heimann, John, 134
Helmsley, Harry, 129, 295
Helmsley, Leona, 7
Hennessy, Bill, 379, 382, 383
Herford, John, 432
Hess, Leon, 344–48, 357–58, 361, 363–69
Hess, Phil, 176–77, 324–26
High rollers (big spenders), 25–26
Hilton, Barron, 253–54, 461
Hilton Corporation, 252–54
Hilton hotel and casino (Atlantic City). See Trump Castle
Hirschfeld, Abe, 309, 326, 379, 381, 385
Lincoln West project and, 298, 311–12, 314–15
60th Street rail yards and, 115–16, 403
Hirschfeld, Eli, 311
Hixon, Verina, 195–99, 291
HME Records, 282–83
Holiday Inn, 234
attempted takeover of, 408–12
Holloway, Ben, 147
Holtzman, Liz, 455
Holzer, Harold, 392, 397
Home Title, 37
Hopkins, Robert, 204–5
Horne, Charles, 284
Horwitz, Sam, 75, 76, 391
Hotel Association, 129, 226, 257
Hotel Workers Union, 229–30, 234, 256–57
Houses of Donald Trump, 4
East 65th apartment, 84
800 Fifth Avenue, 155
first Manhattan apartment, 83–84
Greenwich estate, 12, 206, 460
Mar–A–Lago, 6, 330–40, 460
airport noise and, 336, 338, 339
beach front property across from, 331
bids for, 334–36
description of, 332–33
furnishings of, 333, 335, 337
new mortgage for, 337–38
personal guarantees for bank loan, 331–32
Post Foundation and, 333–37
tax assessment of, 335–39
unrecorded mortgage for, 330–31, 337
uses of, 340
Olympic Tower, 137
Trump Tower triplex, 205–6
vacation homes, 155–56
Housewrecker Union, 191–92
Howard, Willard “Bucky,” 17–18, 444
HRH Corporation, 65, 125, 315–16
Commodore deal and, 150
Grand Hyatt construction and, 159
60th Street rail yards and, 98–102
Hubbell, Martindale, 257
Hyatt Hotel. See Grand Hyatt New York
Hyatt Corporation, Commodore deal and, 124, 147
Hyde, Steve, 18, 21, 443
Hyman, Bill, 37, 39, 43–44, 48
Hyman, John, 46, 48–49, 52
Hyman, Lillian, 48
Hynes, Joe, 455
Iacocca, Lee, 339
Impellitteri, Vincent, 53
Irsay, Robert, 342–44
Jackson, Michael, 442
Jackson, Pazel, 129, 133–34
Jacobson, Joel, 253–55
Jahn, Helmut, 328
Jamaica Estates, 73
Japanese companies and businessmen, 11
Javits convention center (New York City), 250
site for, 104–7, 125–26
Jimmy the Greek, 351
John, Elton, Taj Mahal (Atlantic City) concert (1990), 24
Johnson, Don, 442
Johnson, W. Taylor, 45, 57
Johnston, Dave, 10
Joseph, Fred, 410
Judd, Orrin, 54
Junk bonds, 251
Justice Department, 411
racial discrimination suit against Trumps, 86–88
Justin, Kerry, 348
Kahan, Richard, 462
Commodore deal and, 142, 145, 146, 148, 151–52
condemnation of old Commodore retail tenants, 165, 166–67
Kane, Saul, 216
Karabashian, Peter, 235
Kass, Steve, 402
Kaszycki, William, 189–92
Kaufmann, Irving, 142
Kazan, Al, 60–61
Kean, Tom, 247–49, 261
Kelly, Frank V., 36–38
Kennedy, Joseph, 40, 41
Kennedy, Michael, 10, 158, 465
nuptial agreements and, 6–8
Kern, Martin, 429
Kew Forest school, 76
Khashoggi, Adnan, 206–7
Kimmelman, Irving, 246–48, 255, 257
Kimmelman, Wolf & Samson, 246–47
Kirschenbaum, Irving, 278
Klein, Alvin, 168, 169
Klores, Dan, 385
Knapp, Whitman, 287–88
Koch, Edward, 317–18. See also specific members of the administration
Allen Schwartz and, 319
campaign contribution by Donald Trump to, 182–83
casinos and, 213
corruption scandal and, 390
final months as mayor, 405–6
football matters and, 344, 346, 356, 361–62
Grand Hyatt easement issue and, 170–78, 180–81
Grand Hyatt project and, 162–63
lawsuits against Donald Trump and, 276–77
1985 mayoral campaign, 317
1989 election and, 404–5
100 Central Park South building and, 293–94
relationship with Donald Trump, 177
60th Street rail yards and, 112–13, 116, 328, 329, 391–404
Television City proposal and, 391–100
Trump Tower and, 180–86
Wollman Rink and, 387–91
Korman, Ed, 113, 114, 214, 228
Korshak, Marshall, 257
Korshak, Sidney, 253, 256, 257
Koskinen, John, 105, 150
Kriger, Charlie, 36–38
Labor Department, U.S., 191, 192
Labor unions. See also specific unions
Trump Plaza Casino and, 243
Lama, Al, 64
Lamagra, Robert, 205
Lambert, Ben, 253
Lapidus, Alan, 218, 223, 235, 246
Lapidus, Morris, 218, 220
Las Vegas, 413
Laventhol & Horwath (L&H), 350–51, 422
Lazarow, Joe, 235–36
Leach, Robin, 15, 26
Lebwohl, William, 50, 51, 53, 62
Lee, Daniel, 239, 408–10, 446
Lefkowitz, Louis, 62
Lefkowitz, Steve, 324
Lefrak, Sam, 52, 201, 467
Lehman, Herbert, 43
Lehrenkrauss, House of, 33–39, 102
Lehrenkrauss, Julius, 34
Leno, Jay, 12
Lentino, Frank, 234, 244
Leventhal, Kenneth & Company, 454
Levin, Kramer, law firm, 395
Levin, Norman, 315
Levine, Lee, 219, 235
Levine, Mark, 140, 150
Levitt, Daniel, 164, 168–70, 188
Levitt Corporation, 151
Levner, Larry, 138–39
Levy, Richie, 212, 246
Lewinter, Murray, 134, 292
Lifton, Robert, 215, 216, 218
Lighting Unlimited, 201
Lincoln West project, 31, 298–318, 329. See also 60th Street rail yards
amenity requirements, 318, 324–26
construction loan from Chase, 301–3, 306, 307
first agreement with Donald Trump, 301–2
foreclosure action against Macri and, 312–14
Hirschfeld and, 298, 311–12, 314–15
mapping agreement, 313–15, 324–26
presale notification requirement, 318
releases from agreements between Macri and Trump, 308–9
sale terms, 314–15
second agreement with Donald Trump, 303–6
72nd Street subway station renovation agreement, 324–26
Stephenson and, 299–300, 303,305–12, 316–17, 330
suspected Trump agents in Macri camp, 315
third agreement with Donald Trump, 311
Lindenauer, Geoffrey, 258
Lindenbaum, Abraham “Bunny,” 39–41, 51, 58–59, 71, 79, 100, 139, 171, 173, 202
Carey and, 122
convention center site and, 104
Trump Village project and, 61–64, 66–70, 78
Lindenbaum, Sandy, 105, 111–12, 139
Commodore deal and, 120, 121, 130
Travelstead project and, 321
Trump Tower and, 181
Lindsay, John, 67
Steeplechase site and, 70–72
Lipper, Ken, 374
LoCicero, John, 269
London, Marty, 287
Longo, Paul, 212, 215, 218, 235, 236, 238, 245–46
Lordi, Joe, 222
Lorenzo, Frank, 440
Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, 117
Lucchese, Tommy, 53
Luna Park Shopping Mall, 58, 59
Luna Park site (Brooklyn, NY), 53, 57, 58
Lynn, Frank, 63
Macari, Tom, 279
demolition of Trump Tower and, 190–91
McCluskey, Hugh, 224
McCooey, John, 36, 37, 39–40
McDonald’s franchise in Trump Village, 80–81
McGahn, Joseph, 236
McGahn, Paddy, 236–38, 242, 247, 416
McGarrahan, John, 105
McKinsey study, 354–55
Mackler, Kenny, 235
MacNeil, Robert, 22
McNulty, Raymond P., 50
Macri, Francisco, 116, 298–318, 329–30
background of, 300–1
first agreement with Donald Trump, 301–2
foreclosure action against, 312–14
mapping agreement and, 313–15
releases from agreements between Macri and Trump, 308–9
second agreement with Donald Trump, 303–6
suspected Trump agents among associates of, 315
third agreement with Donald Trump, 311
ultimatum from Chase to, 309–11
Macri, Mauricio, 301, 303, 305
MacTaggart, Russell, 207–8
Madison Club (Brooklyn), 39–42, 59, 104
Magnum Group, 216, 218–220, 235
Maheu, Robert, 215–16
Maloney, Andy, 455
Maloney, Richard, 455
Manes, Donald, 139, 201–2, 258, 289, 326, 361, 390, 441
Mangin, Margaret, 168–70
Manhattan Plaza, 127
Manufacturers Hanover, 147, 156, 251, 404, 459
Trump Castle and, 254, 255
Maples, Marla, 19–24, 415, 441, 444, 446, 464–66
Aspen incident, 22–23
disappearance after Liz Smith story, 21
first public appearance with Donald, 24
Penthouse purchases and, 447
“Primetime Live” interview, 22, 23
Mara family, 347
Mar–A–Lago, 6, 330–40, 460
airport noise and, 336, 338, 339
beach front property across from, 331
bids for, 334–36
description of, 332–33
furnishings of, 333, 335, 337
new mortgage for, 337–38
personal guarantees for bank loan, 331–32
Post Foundation and, 333–37
tax assessment of, 335–39
unrecorded mortgage for, 330–31, 337
uses of, 340
Marcos, Imelda and Ferdinand, 295
Marine Midland, 459
Mario & DiBono company, 52
Maritas, Teddy, 163
Marriage of Donald and Ivana Trump (marital relationship), 4–7, 14. See also Divorce of Ivana and Donald Trump; Nuptial agreements, with Ivana; Separation of Ivana and Donald Trump
breakup of, 7–8/11
family pressure to save, 24
Martin, John, 150–51, 228
Maryland, FHA project in, 81–82
Massey, Jack, 331, 335
Mass Mutual, 151
Mathews, Mike, 232–33, 236, 238, 240–45, 247, 257
Mattison, Bill, 51, 362–63, 368–70
Meadowlands stadium (New Jersey), 343, 344, 346, 347
Mehlman, George, 102
Menschel, Ronay, 174, 182
Merrill, Dina, 336
Merrill Lynch, 435
Metropolitan Investors, 39, 40
Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA)
Grand Central Terminal improvements and, 161, 162
Grand Hyatt easement issue and, 170–76
72nd Street subway station renovation and, 325–26
Miami Herald, 338
Mica, Dan, 334
Michael, Guy, 225, 246
Michaels, Walt, 348, 360
Midlantic Bank, 205, 460
Milken, Michael, 239, 255, 410
Miller, Robert, 462
Mirabel, Manny, 280–82, 285, 288–90
Mirage casino (Las Vegas), 410
Mitchell–Lama program, Trump Village and, 64, 65
Mithell, MacNeil, 64, 69
Modell, Bill, 175 n
Modell’s, 172–75
Mollen, Scott, 209, 280–81
Moore, John, 263–78, 282–85, 291
Morgan Capital Management, 429
Morgenthau, Robert, 455
Moscow, Warren, 58
Moses, Robert, 49–51, 53, 61–62, 109
Mullane, Robert, 409–10
Municipal Art Society, 320
Murphy, Charles, 417, 419
Murphy, Henry, 416–17
Murphy, Tom, 416
Museum Tower (New York City), 188
Musick, Richard, 372
Myerson, Harvey, 359–60, 368–73, 381, 382, 455
Narducci, Frank Jr., 241–42
National Football League (NFL), 342, 343, 345, 347–48, 351–58. See also Rozelle, Pete
antitrust lawsuit against, 345, 346, 353–55, 359–60, 365, 366, 368–73
National Kinney, 216
Navratilova, Martina, 209
NBC, 391–404
relocation to 60th Street rail yards, 327–28
Rockefeller Center renovation and, 397–101
Television City proposal and, 391–400
Nevada Gaming Commission, 409, 411–12
New York City. See also individual mayors, other officials, and government agencies
economy of, 103, 107
1989 mayoral election, 404–5
New York City Convention Center, 25
New York Conspiracy, antitrust lawsuit against the NFL and, 368–73
New York Daily News, 7, 123, 213, 393, 400–1
Marla Maples affair and, 21–22
New York Generals, 343–5, 347, 350, 354, 360–61, 366, 368–70
New York Herald Tribune, 49
New York Jets, 344–48, 357–58, 363–69
New York Magazine, 164, 188, 271, 320
New York Military Academy (NYMA), 76–78
New York Post, 10
New York State Thruway Authority, 379, 383
New York Times, 11, 18, 86, 123, 124, 181, 285, 311, 322, 393, 403
New York Times Magazine, 342
Nigris, Michael, 428–30
Noise Pollution Action Fund PAC, 338
Norfolk (Virgina), Fred Trump operations in, 43–5, 82–83
North Berry, 163
Norton, Steve, 421
Nuptial agreements with Ivana, 5–9, 157–58
civil suit filed by Ivana, 8–9
first, 137–39
Michael Kennedy–Trump negotiations, 6–8
1984, 206
second, 158
O’Brien, Tom, 246
O’Donnell, Jack, 18, 453–54
O’Dwyer, Bill, 46, 49–50
O’Dwyer, Paul, 80–81
Office of Economic Development, 167–68
Off–Track Betting Corporation (OTB), Trump Village shopping center site for, 79–80
Ohrenstein, Manfred, 127
Oil companies, lawsuit for overcharges by, 102–3
Olnick, Robert, 96
Olshan, Morton, 362–63, 364, 367
O’Malley, Charles Α., 39
100 Central Park South building, 263–96, 459
architectural plans of Donald Trump, 275
Citadel Management and, 278–79
conciliatory phone call from Donald Trump to Moore, 266–68
condominium development plans for, 265, 267
cutback in services, 279–80
demolition permit sought for, 267, 271–72
DHCR hearings on harassment complaints, 267, 274, 278–82, 287, 289, 290
harassment action against Trump, 266
New York City lawsuit against Donald Trump, 276–78, 293–94
purchase of, 265
racketeering lawsuit against Fischbein firm and, 287–88
renamed Trump Parc East, 294
renovations at, 294
sale of building to Tenants Association, discussion of, 272–75, 277–78, 284–85, 290
settlement of dispute, 269–70, 275, 282, 290–92
Tenants Association at, 264, 265, 282, 290
Onorato, Jimmy, 71
Orens, Morris, 428–30
Organized crime
Cohn and, 256, 257
Grand Hyatt construction and, 163
Tomasello and, 52–53
Fred Trump and, 52–53
Trump Plaza Casino and, 216, 217, 229, 234, 241–46
Trump Tower and, 193–94, 199–200
Organized Crime Strike force, 194
Palamino, Fabian, 51, 375
Palm Beach, 460
airport noise in, 336, 338, 339
Palm Beach County Commission, 338
Palm Beach International Airport, 336
Palm Beach Post, 337
Palm Beach Preservation Foundation charity ball, 339
Palmieri, Victor, 129
Palmieri, Victor, and Company, 91–93, 96–97, 104, 113–15
Commodore deal and, 124, 129, 145, 150, 151
60th Street rail yards and, 299
Pan Am, 440
Paradise Island, 414–16, 421, 433
Parking lots, Cohn’s scheme involving, 133
Parking ticket scandal, 202
Parks Department, New York City, 389
Parton, Dolly, 26
Pasquale, Joe, 235, 237
Patterson Belknap, Webb & Tyler, 308
Peale, Norman Vincent, 139
Pearce, Henry, 123, 139
Pelli, Cesar, 188
Penn Central
midtown hotels of, 103
60th Street rail yards. See 60th Street rail yards
34th Street rail yards, 90–107
Pennullo, Joe, 222
Penn Yards Associates, 315
Penn Yards Committee, 108
Penthouse casino site in Atlantic City, 446–7, 460
Persico, Carmine, 199
Perskie, Steve, 236, 463
Philbin, Regis, 209
Piscopo, Joe, 26
Pitta, Vito, 152, 256–57
Plaskin, Glenn, 465
Playboy magazine, 442, 464
Plaza Hotel (New York City), 295, 438–39, 443
Plaza Hotel Management Group, 215, 216
Police Athletic League, 455
Polo, Roberto, 202–3
Ponzio, Arthur, 235
Porizkova, Paulina, 442
Port, Barry, 280, 281, 286–88
Post Foundation, 333–37
Postnuptial agreements. See Nuptial agreements
Powell, Clyde, 56, 57
Powers, Peter, 455
Pratt Corporation, 416, 418, 447
Prenuptial agreements. See Nuptial agreements
“Primetime Live” (television show), 22, 23
Prince George County (Maryland), 81–82
Pritzker, Jay, 147, 159, 160
Public relations and self–promotion
Donald Trump’s, 342, 443, 466
Fred Trump’s, 35, 41, 47–48, 57
Racial discrimination, Justice Department suit for, 86–88
Ramirez, Adam, 279
Rapps, Herman, 53
Ravitch, Richard, 98, 101, 141, 316
Commodore deal and, 125–27, 150
Read, Walter, 255, 259–61, 412, 423, 427, 448
Realty Foundation, 317
Regan, Ned, 289
Rent stabilization, 83, 84
Res, Barbara, 17
Resnick family, 201
Resorts Corporation, 412–37, 452
bank financing for purchase of, 425–26
competing bidders for, 416, 418
debt financing of purchase of, 434–37
Merv Griffin and, 428–37
management and services agreement with, 416, 418, 420–24, 426
two–tiered stock arrangement of, 415
Resorts hotel and casino (Atlantic City), 212, 236, 261, 432, 433, 448
Restructuring of debt, 265–77, 282–84, 291, 294
Ribis, Nick, 218, 222, 224, 225, 231, 244, 259, 385, 427
Richardson, Hamilton, 172
Richenthal, Arthur, 277
Rickman, Herb, 405
Riverside Park, 110
Riverside South project, 462
Riverwalk, 405
Rizzoli Bookstore building, 321–23
Robbie, Joe, 358
Rockefeller, David, 310–11
Rockefeller, Nelson, 121
Rockefeller Center, NBC and renovation of, 397–401
Roffman, Marvin, 10, 27
Rogers, Doyle, 334–38
Rogers, Nicola, 334
Rogers, Paul, 333, 334
Roman, Freddie, 26
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 43
Rosati, James, 44, 45
Rose, Mike, 238
Rothman, Frank, 371–72
Rozelle, Pete, 343, 352–54, 369, 372
R. T. Winzinger Inc., 235
Rubenstein, Howard, 17, 323, 464
Rubenstone, Ed, 97–101
Rubin, Jay, 152
S&A, 197, 200
St. Moritz Hotel (New York City), 439, 450
purchase of, 295
Salerno, Fat Tony, 26, 200, 256
Salomon Brothers, 10
Salvestrini, Orlando, 303–5
Sanders, Grady, 216
Sasso, Bobby, 198
Satre, Phil, 238
Sawyer, Diane, 22
Saxe, Bacon, Bolan, 85
Scalise, Frank, 52
Scanlon, John, 7, 466
Scarfo, Nicky, 216, 217, 229
Scarfo crime family, 163, 234, 243, 257
Schrager, Jerry, 139, 140, 285–86, 303, 305–7, 440
Schulte, David, 417, 420, 421, 427
Schultz, Harvey, 402 Schwartz, Allen, 319–24, 326–28, 365, 366, 394
Schwartz, Tony, 14, 29, 271
Schwartz Klink & Schreiber, 319
Schwarz, Fritz, 286, 287
Scutt, Der, 17, 83, 139, 157, 292
Trump Tower and, 186–88, 193
Scutti, Fedele (Dale), 428–30
Seelig, Mac, 216
Seneca Democratic Club, 36
72nd Street subway station, renovation of, 324–26
Shafer, John, 383
Shafran, Lester, 390
Shapiro, Kenny, 217, 218, 229, 234–35, 240–46 261, 446–47
Shapiro, Stephen, 278, 279
Shargel, Jerry, 465
Sharkey, Joe, 58
Shea Stadium (New York City), 344, 346, 367
Sherry Netherland, 311
Shore Haven apartment building complex (Brooklyn, NY), 46–47, 50, 51, 57
Showboat hotel and casino (Atlantic City), 428
Silverman, Leo, 64, 66, 68
Simmons, Chet, 348, 349, 351, 354, 355
Simon, Stanley, 180, 390
Simon, William, 54
Simpson, John, 161
Sinclair, James, 359
Sipe, Brian, 348
60th Street rail yards, 89, 106–16, 391–404, 462–63. See also Lincoln West project; Television City proposal; Trump City
Beame and, 93–94
competing bids for option on, 95–97
convention center site, 104–7
court review of, 95–98
Eichler–Trump negotiations, 92–95
Getzoff and, 96
HRH and, 98–102
1985–1986 proposals by Trump for, 327–30
soil removal from, 402
Television City proposal for, 328–29
Upper West Side community boards and, 108
Zeckendorf group’s interest in purchasing, 403
Smith, Liz, 7, 14
Sobel, Nat, 40–41
Solomon, David, 323–24
SORA (St. Onge Ruff Associates), 389
Spence, Jim, 352
Spinelli, Joe, 288–90
Sports Illustrated, 342, 351–52, 354
Sportsplex, 349–51, 356, 362
Sprague, Blanche, 17, 453
SSG Inc., 217–19, 231–32, 235, 245
Stadium. See Football stadium, proposals and plans for
Stadtmauer, Dave, 130
Stadtmauer & Bailkin (law firm), 130–31, 150
Starr, Roger, 63
Starrett City (Brooklyn, NY), 56, 81, 92
Starrett Construction Company, 81
Penn Central West Side rail yards and, 95–97
State Investigations Commission (New York), 1966 hearings, 67–71
Stecher, Martin, 170
Steel Pier (Atlantic City), 433
Steeplechase site (Brooklyn, NY), 70–72
Stein, Andrew, 283–84, 293, 374
campaign contributions from Donald Trump to, 326
1989 fund–raiser for, 404–5
Trump Tower and, 180, 183
Stein, Pat, 331
Steinbrenner, George, 350
Steingut, Irwin, 40, 41, 43
Steingut, Simon, 40, 41
Steingut, Stanley, 59, 66, 90, 213
Commodore deal and, 119, 120, 127
Stephenson, Conrad, 299–300, 303, 305–12, 316–17, 330
Stern, Bill, 349, 350, 356–59, 375–78, 380
Stern, Henry, 127, 129, 388
Stewart, Charles, 192
Stitt, Theodore, 37, 38
Stock gambits, Donald Trump’s, 407–13
Bally’s, 409–12
Holiday Inn, 408–12
Resorts Corporation. See Resorts Corporation
Stone, Roger, 248–49, 261, 380, 404
Strawberry store, condemnation proceedings against, 165–70
Sturz, Herb, 324, 326, 367
Sullivan, Dan, 216–19, 234–35, 244
Division of Gaming Enforcement (DGE; New Jersey) investigation and, 229–32
Sunshine, Louise, 17, 125–26, 132–33, 292
Atlantic City operations and, 221
Commodore deal and, 141–42, 145, 149
condemnation of old Commodore retail tenants, 165
Trump Plaza co–op building and, 209
Trump Tower and, 179
Surviving at the Top, 24–26, 114, 139, 292, 466
Sutherland, Kenny, 39, 42–3, 45, 49, 53, 58
Sviridoff, Mitchell, 417, 422–24, 431
Syrovatka, George, 135–36
Syrovatka, Michael, 136
Szabo, John, 191–92
Taggart, Marilyn, 194
Taj Mahal (Atlantic City), 3, 261, 448
bankruptcy, 461
bond financing, 434–36
Elton John show (1990), 24
financial problems of, 10
forty–fourth birthday party for Donald at (1990), 1, 12, 15, 16, 24–27
opening of
Marla Maples appearance planned, 23–24
problems, 10, 15
Resorts gambit and, 413–15, 420–25, 428, 433–37
top executives of, 18–19
Tannenbaum, Myles, 348, 349, 351
Tarnoff, Jerry, 173
Taube, Ted, 348, 354
Taylor, Lawrence, 349
Taylor, Lester, 278, 279
Teah, Ted, 205, 390
Teamsters Local 282, 193, 195, 198, 201
Television City proposal, 328, 329, 382–83, 391–400
Tese, Vincent, 359–63, 366–71, 381–82, 384–85, 392
Testa, Salvy, 241–13
34th Street rail yards, 103–4
Thomas Roofing, 235
Tilyou, Marie, 70, 81
Tilyou family, 70
Tilyou Theatre, 81
Tinker, Grant, 327
Tisch, Robert, 104, 105, 226
Tomasello, Willie, 51–53
Tose, Len, 414
Tosti, Matthew, 87
Townsend, Alair, 327, 391–400
Tracy, Ed, 24
Transit–Mix, 163
Traub, Abe, 56–57
Travelers Insurance, 302, 307
Travelstead, G. Ware, 321–24
Truman, Harry, 47
Trump, Blaine (Fred Jr.’s wife), 16
Trump, Donald
childhood and adolescence of, 47, 76–77
fantasy life of, 6, 442
as father, 12–13
financial problems of, 9–12, 25, 439–40, 451–63. See also specific topics banks and, 456–63
first few years in father’s company, 75–76, 78–83
formula for investments, 240
forty–fourth birthday party of, 1, 12, 15, 16, 24–27
personal characteristics of, 441–43
aloneness, 3–4
as a child, 76
compared to brother Robert, 15
crowds, dislike of, 3
cynicism, 95
emotional range and depth, lack of, 136–37
fatalism, 29, 30, 95
at Fordham, 77–78
lack of friends, 4
manipulation of the truth, 87–88
physical appearance of, 84
political activities and views of 1989 New York City mayoral election, 404–5
presidential ambitions, 21
relationship with father, 13–14
relationship with Ivana. See Divorce of Ivana and Donald Trump; Marriage of Donald and Ivana Trump; Separation of Ivana and Donald Trump
wealth of, 7, 9, 10
income at the time of the Commodore closing, 148
1979–1980 upswing in income, 156
trusts, 148
women, relationships with, 127, 464. See also specific women
Trump, Donald, Jr. (son), 12–13, 114, 137, 158
Trump, Elizabeth (grandmother), 35, 74
Trump, Elizabeth (sister), 25
Trump, Eric (son), 12
Trump, Fred (father), 13–15, 25, 33–75, 258; 299, 413, 458–59
Abe Hirshfield and, 115–16
arrest in Maryland, 81
The Art of the Deal on, 35
Atlantic City operations and, 220–21
building and real estate operations
Avenue Ζ office, 57–58, 159
Beach Haven apartment–building complex, 49–51, 54–58
in Brooklyn, 39–43, 45–47, 49
FHA connections, 42–46, 51
FHA investigation and scandal, 54–58
FHA projects, 79, 81–82
Lehrenkrauss bankruptcy buy–out, 33–39, 102
Luna Park Shopping Mall, 58, 59
Luna Park site, 53, 57, 58
mob associations, 52–53
Moses connection, 49–51
Norfolk (Virginia) projects, 43–45, 82–83
Penn Central West Side rail yards, 93, 94
prefabricated homes opposed, 44–45
Shore Haven apartment building complex (Brooklyn, NY), 46–47, 57
Steeplechase site at Coney Island, 70–72
Tomasello as partner, 51–53
Trump Village, 59–70, 78, 80–81
UFH project opposed by Trump, 59–62
during World War II, 43–45
worst public humiliation, 67
Carey and, 122
Commodore deal and, 122–23, 146–47
Cuomo and, 375
death of mother, 74
financial problems of Donald Trump and, 14–15
Grand Hyatt construction and, 158
Marla Maples affair and, 24
marriage of Ivana and Donald Trump and, 139–40
personal charateristics of, 47
physical appearance of, 48
political activities of, 47–48, 54
public relations and self–promotion, 35, 41, 47–48, 57
residences of, 44, 47, 73
Trump, Fred (grandfather), 34–35
Trump, Fred, Jr. (brother), 4, 44, 74, 128, 139, 223
Trump, Ivana, 114, 134–39, 301, 439, 464–65
Atlantic City operations and, 215
child quota, 137–38
dating Donald, 136
as executive vice president of Trump Organization, 4–5
fantasy life of, 6
financial problems of Donald Trump and, 12
financial settlement with (1991), 457–58
first meeting of Donald and, 135
Grand Hyatt construction and, 157
life before meeting Donald, 135–36
Mar–A–Lago and, 331–32, 340
Marla Maples affair and, 22–23
physical appearance of, 22, 135, 156
pregnancies of, 137
relationship with Donald. See Divorce of Ivana and Donald Trump; Marriage of Donald and Ivana Trump; Separation of Ivana and Donald Trump
Resorts gambit and, 418
social climbing by, 6
Trump Castle and, 249, 254, 257–58, 443, 444
Trump Tower and, 186, 187
Trump triplex, 205–6
Trump, John (uncle), 74
Trump, Mary (mother), 16, 44
Trump, Maryanne. See Barry, Maryanne Trump
Trump, Robert (brother), 47, 83, 247, 394, 414, 431, 454
Atlantic City operations and, 223, 225, 249
relationship with Donald, 15–16
Trump Castle and, 258, 259
Trump Plaza Casino and, 237, 240–41, 244
Trump Air, 434, 459
Trump Castle (Atlantic City; formerly the Hilton), 17, 251–62, 443–45, 448, 454, 461
acquisition of, 251
bonds of, 11
financing of, 254–56
Ivana as manager of, 249, 254, 257–58, 443, 444
license application and review, 254–61
marina next to, 261, 444–45
mob connections, 256–57
parking for, 247, 261
road improvement near, 259–61
Trump City, 401, 404, 405
Trumpdome, 363, 365–66, 367
Trump Organization. See also Atlantic City operations; and individual properties
Crown Building offices, 158–59
1978 staff of, 154–55
top executives of, 16–18. See also individual executives
helicopter accident, deaths in, 17–18
Trump Palace (New York City), 440–41, 452–53, 459
Trump Parc (New York City), 4, 294–96, 316, 459
Brandstetter apartment in, 419
Trump Parc East (New York City), 294
Trump Plaza Casino (originally Harrah’s at Trump Plaza), 12, 18, 201, 209, 245, 251, 443, 448, 449, 453–54, 459, 461
buy out of Harrah’s interest in, 251–53, 258–61
construction of, 249–50
mob connections of subcontractors, 243–44
financing of, 233–34, 239–40
buyout of Harrah’s interest, 258
Harrah’s and, 234, 238–43, 251–53, 258–61
license application and review, 221, 222, 224–25, 228–33
lessors exempted from licensing requirements, 230–31
mob connections, 216, 217, 229, 234, 241–46
name of, 250
opening of, 247
parking for, 241–43, 252–53, 261
site for, 212
air rights issue, 233, 235–38
by and, 221–22
leases, 216–20, 232
plans approved, 223
problems of site, 214–15
riparian rights issues, 219, 221, 222
small lots, 223
skywalk, 242–43
Trump Plaza co-op building, 178, 182, 201, 209
Trump Princess (yacht), 6, 338, 445
sale of, 9–10
Trump Regency (Atlantic City), 446
Trump Shuttle, 11, 440, 459
Trump Tower (New York City), 4, 28, 178–209, 462
air rights and, 180, 186
apartment sales and rentals, 188–89, 195, 460–61
criminal elements, 202–5
architectural and interior design of, 186–88, 205–9
assembling site for, 179–80
Atrium of, 186, 201
blocking of 712–716 Fifth Avenue project and, 320–23
construction of
concrete contractors and unions, 193–94, 195, 199–200
lighting work, 201
mob associations, 193–94, 199–200
reinforced concrete, choice of, 193
demolition controversy, 189–92
Hixon apartments, 195–99
Koch administration and, 180–86
organized crime and, 193–94, 199–200
sculptures destroyed during demolition, 191–92
tax abatement for, 178, 182–86
triplex in, 205–9
Trump’s apartment in, 12
zoning changes and, 178, 181–82
Trump Village (New York City), 59–70, 78
condemnation awards and, 66
HRH as builder of, 65
Lindenbaum affair and, 62, 64, 66
McDonald’s franchise in, 80–81
state financing for, 64–65
UHF project and, 59–62
worst public humiliation, 67
Trump Village Construction Corporation, 65, 94, 158
Trump Village shopping center, 80
Turcol, Tom, 237
“Twilight Zone” (television show), 30
Tyler, Andrew, 175–76
Tyson, Mike, 6, 7
United Democratic Club (Brooklyn, NY), 42
United Housing Foundation (UHF), 69
United States Football League (USFL), 342–60
antitrust lawsuit against the NFL, 345, 346, 353–55, 359–60, 365, 366, 368–73
fall schedule proposal, 345–46, 351, 352, 354, 355
television and, 349, 352
Upper West Side (Manhattan) community board, 108
60th Street rail yards, 106–16
Sally Goodgold and, 107–12
environmental impact study, 112
fed investigation, 113–14
Abe Hirshfield and, 115
Koch, Edward and; 112–13, 116
Robert Moses and, 109
plans submitted by Trump (1976–77), 110–12
second option, 113, 114
title question, 111, 115
withdrawal of Donald Trump, 114–15
zoning changes, 112–16
Urban Development Corporation (UDC), 103, 349, 359, 360, 376, 377
Commodore deal and, 121–31, 133–34, 141–46
condemnation of old Commodore retail tenants and, 164–70
Grand Hyatt audit and, 384–85
Grand Hyatt construction and, 161–63
Television City proposal and, 392–95
Urban Relocation, 278
Usher, Harry, 355–56
Usry, James, 233, 240, 247
Vanderbilt Athletic Club, 171–72
Van Patten, Piggy, 45, 57
Vario, Paul, 52
Viggiano, Paul Victor, 243
Village Voice, 9
Virginia, Fred Trump operations in, 43–45, 82–83
Wachtel Plumbing, 163
Wagner, Robert, 58–64
Lindenbaum affair and, 62, 64, 66
Wagner, Robert, Jr., 113
Trump Tower and, 180–82
Walker, Herschel, 343–44
Walker, Jeff, 154–55
Wall Street Journal, 24, 27, 410
Walter, William, 74
Walters, Barbara, 450
Warbasse Houses, 60, 69
Warren, Bill, 201–2
Waters, David, 427
Weichselbaum, Joe, 203–4
Weinberg, Sheldon and Jay, 203
Weingrow, Howard, 215, 216, 218, 219
Weiss, Blutrich, Falcone & Miller, 376–79
Weiss, Jerry, 376–78
Weissman, Steve, 85
Westin Corporation, 124
West Palm Beach, condominium building in, 338–39
Westpride, 401–2
West Side Highway (New York City), 110–11, 382–83
West Side project. See Lincoln West project
Wharton School of Finance, 75, 78
White House Correspondents Association (1990), 24
Winklmayr, Alfred, 136
Winzinger, R. T., Inc., 235
Winzinger, Robert T., 243
Wogan, Tommy, 42, 43
Wolfe, Philip, 154
Wollman Rink, 16, 25, 387–91
Women, Donald Trump’s relationships with, 127, 464. See also specific women
Wood, Donald Trump on, 18
Wright, Bob, 398
Wynn, Steve, 228, 409, 410, 412–13
marina property of, 252
Yale, Frankie, 43
Young, Sid, 59, 72
Zeckendorf, William, 377
Zeckendorf, William, Jr., 403, 440
Zeitz, Carl, 253
Zuccotti, John, 93, 94, 108
Commodore deal and, 119, 120, 123–25, 127, 130, 149–50