October 17
Dear Tara*Starr,
That was so cool of your mom to say I can call her and reverse the charges. I’ll probably do it sometime, even though I don’t know how to reverse the charges. I guess I just call the operator and tell her what I want to do???
Anyway, I really miss your mom. And your dad. (Since I’m not mad at them anymore, I’ve decided “Charents” is a nice word after all.) Mostly I miss you, though. Tara, don’t you think you could convince the Charents to come back here for a little visit? You could all drive out here one weekend. We wouldn’t have to figure out anything complicated, like how to get you here by yourself. Then I could see Barb and Luke too. Please? PLEASE? Just ask them about it, okay? If you can’t afford a motel, maybe you could stay at Sarah’s or something.
I liked hearing about the kids at your school. Have you tried to get to know anyone in the “we love being different group” yet? Or any of the social misfits? If I went to your school, I guess I’d be one of the social misfits. I wonder if I’d like it. I suppose if there were enough of us I wouldn’t think much about it. Besides, I’d rather belong to the social misfit group than to no group at all.
So did you try out for the play? YOU HAVE TO TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED. I’m dying to know!!! Did you get a part? A big part? Are you the star? I wish we lived closer. Then I’d come see you in the play. No matter what part you get I’ll be so proud of you. (I know you’ll get some part.)
I haven’t talked to anyone about the Drama Club yet. I don’t really have time for an activity. I have to baby-sit for Emma most afternoons. Mom is busy almost all the time working on PTA stuff and now also for this group called Kate’s Kitchen that helps feed hungry families here. (Mom told me the way it works, which is really neat, but it takes a long time to explain, so I’ll save it for another letter.) Anyway, I wrote this while Emma was napping, and now she’s calling to me from her room.
Gotta go.
(I love my name!!!)
P.S. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE think about visiting.