November 23
Dear Eliza*Beth,
Zounds! Zounds! Zounds!
A million times Zounds!
I don’t know what to say.
Your news is soooooooo awful!
When I got up this morning (I overslept), Barb told me that there was a letter from you. (She always leaves your letters on the kitchen table — but last night I got in so late and I was sooooo tired that I didn’t see the letter…. I can’t believe that the FIRST time I don’t come home and immediately check to see if a letter has arrived, not only has one arrived but it’s got the most awful news.)
Please forgive me for not reading it sooner but yesterday was soooo busy…. First, I had detention for talking to Candace — she plays one of my sisters in the play…. Then some of the kids went to Mickey D’s for dinner. (That’s what they call McDonald’s here.) Then there was play practice, which ran overtime because some of us can’t remember our lines. Then Alex’s father drove Alex and me home. (Have I mentioned he’s got the bluest eyes? I mean Alex, not his father.)
Oh, Eliza*Beth — As soon as I got into study hall, I read your letter (hiding it in my science book). I was stunned!!!!! And if I’m feeling like this, I can’t even imagine what you’re feeling like…. Uh-oh! Mrs. Cross, my study hall teacher, is threatening to check to see that we’re all really doing our schoolwork. (Just because a few kids keep whispering, passing notes, or playing battleship.) … It figures that someone named Mrs. Cross would be in a lousy mood most of the time. (Think about this: If Mrs. Cross’s twin sister married Mr. Cross’s twin brother, would they be double-crossed?)
I’d better stop writing now…. I’ll mail this letter between dinner at Mickey D’s and play practice.
Love and worry,