April 30
Dear Elizabeth,
I was just looking at the date on this letter.
It’s the end of April.
Who would have thought that so much would be happening when we started writing to each other at the beginning of the school year? (I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it, but I’m three inches taller … two shoe sizes bigger … and my bra size is bigger too…. Now I actually have a reason to wear a bra. And that’s just the physical stuff!!!!!!!!!!!)
When I looked at the date, I thought about that song — you know, April showers bring May flowers. I know that probably sounds “goopy,” but maybe it’s true. Now you’re editor of the poetry journal and two blocks from the library (remember how we used to go there every weekend and pick out our weekly books?) and four blocks from Dunkin’ Donuts. (Yum. Remember how we used to go there after the library? … You used to get the whole-wheat ones and I used to get the ones filled with custard and covered with vanilla icing and multicolored sprinkles…. I really miss doing that.)
About the “con” stuff in your letter…. I’m sorry that the place isn’t very attractive…. It scares me that your mom is worried about your safety. (Please don’t think I’m overdramatic for saying that.) As for being six blocks from Chuck E. Cheez … I’m with Emma on that one. That would definitely be one of my “pros.” (Please say hello to Emma for me. Tell her I miss her and that if I still lived there I would love to go the “The Chuckster’s” with her and jump up and down in that little cage with all the balls.)
I’m really sorry that you haven’t heard from your father.
I think it’s great that you’re learning to cook. If you want, I can send you some of the recipes I’ve used…. Remember the marshmallow meat loaf?????!!!!! You probably don’t want that recipe!!!
I left your letter to Barbara and Lucas on the table. They probably got it, since it’s not there anymore.
Well, that’s it for now. Gotta go.
Much love,