May 13
Dear Elizabeth,
Of course I’ll share my recipes with you. The marshmallow meat loaf was just for fun … kind of a goof … but it actually tasted pretty good. Luke ate two pieces. (Whoops … I forgot … Now he’s Lucas … but this happened in the good old days when I wasn’t mad at him and I called him Luke.) I didn’t write down the recipes, but I remember them, and as soon as I have a chance, I’ll send them to you. They’re easy to make and not expensive. (I know. I know. Send them ASAP!!!!!!) One of them is Rosemary Chicken. (Doesn’t that sound like someone who’s afraid and won’t do things? … But it’s not. And it’s really good.) I also have a great macaroni and cheese dish and this thing that I invented called Chicken Bombay. (I don’t remember. Do you like curry? You’ve got to like curry A LOT for this to work.) Remember my mashed potatoes and Reese’s Pieces dish? I don’t suppose that’s one that you would like. (But it’s easy … and yummy. Maybe you could substitute granola for the Reese’s Pieces.)
It’s so wonderful that you have friends at Deer Run. (I am still worried about your safety. Maybe they should rename the place Run, Dear! … Was it bad to make a joke like that about it? Sometimes I can’t help it that stuff like that just pops into my brain … but I’m trying to learn where and when to say it out loud … and to whom.) Anyway, I am sooooooo glad that you have friends there, ones who are also on your “staff.” Susie is really nice … and so is Howie. (He’s also soooooooo cute. Hmm.)
Elizabeth … thanks for not saying much in your letters about the baby. I really appreciate that. I just don’t want to deal with it now.
There’s a lot of stuff that I want to ask, to say about your father, but I’m trying not to. I figure that if you are being sooooo good about not talking about the baby (did you ever think about the fact that “baby” is a four-letter word?), then I won’t push you to discuss your innermost feelings about your father and what he’s done. I do wish that you knew where he was.
Guess what. Everyone here really likes my column in the school paper. (Well, almost everyone … one of the teachers told me that I am “irreverent.” Look it up in the dictionary and tell me if you agree. Tee-hee.) I don’t know what Barbara and Lucas think because I haven’t shown them the newspaper.
It’s great that you’re earning some extra money. I wish I could do that … especially now that I’m not asking the Charents for anything. But I don’t want to baby-sit anymore.
Anyway, write back soon. I really want to know what’s happening.