June 17
Dear Tara*Starr,
Yes, yes, yes, I would love to come for a visit! And guess what — I can!! I already worked everything out. Here’s how:
1. Airline ticket — Mom has frequent-flyer miles left over from last year, and she says there are definitely enough for a round-trip flight to Ohio.
2. Spending money — I have saved a lot of baby-sitting money. I used some of it to buy my bathing suit and a few other things I needed, but I have most of it, and I’ll have even more, depending on how long I’ve been taking care of Emma before I leave for Ohio. By the way, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to Barb and Luke and you for offering to pay for all of my other expenses. That is so sweet, but I might be able to pay for most of them with my own money.
3. Emma — While I’m visiting you, Susie is going to take over my job. She says her mother will be able to spare her, plus my mom pays better than her mom, plus she adores Emma, and Emma and Matt can play together.
4. Timing — Mom says I can visit whenever it’s a good time for you and Barb and Luke. I just have to let Susie know ahead of time so she can make her plans.
Also, Mom adds THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to Barb and Luke and you for asking me to visit and offering to pay for stuff (and probably for a lot of other things too).
Tara, I’m looking forward to meeting Hannah and Bart and everyone in person. A double-date sounds like fun.
So when can I come? Please let me know. I am so excited I can’t stand it!!!
P.S. I want to be friends forever too.
P.P.S. A purple streak? In your hair???!