Dear Alice,

I wouldn’t be so sure about that if I were you. When I put my mind to something, stuff usually happens. You see, when you’re a world -famous explorer like me, you need a lot of determination because there are always unexpected problems, like fire-shooting space parrots or comets made of radioactive jelly, or YOU. So I never give up, otherwise I’d never make all the cool discoveries I’m ALWAYS making. Like just this morning I discovered a piece of the actual SUN that had landed in my backyard. Also, I should thank you very much for putting up those WANTED posters of me around school … you will now notice I have changed them slightly.

Yours persuasively,

Jimmy Cook

P.S. I notice that you say OMG a lot. Well, just today Ms Murtle said that OMG is not a very sophisticated thing to say. You will notice I NEVER say it, so I guess I COULD be a better library monitor than you after all!


Sign the petition for Jimmy to become your new LIBRARY MONITOR and you will go into the draw to WIN a trip TO SPACE! Real SPACE! Zoom past satellites, lick space rocks, bounce in zero gravity and find out if Jupiter’s rings are really made of alien dragon scales or just radioactive cake sprinkles!