This is my first OFFICIAL entry in the OFFICIAL LIBRARY NOTEBOOK ...
I am OFFICIALLY NOT happy that you have cheated your way into being an official library monitor. I OFFICIALLY think it’s a very bad idea and I OFFICIALLY object!
You’ve OFFICIALLY ruined literally everything! I mean everything! I’m meant to be library monitor by myself for Book Week! I have soooo many cool ideas for the Book Parade and now they’ll all be ruined!!! Every time I’m forced to do anything with you things turn out sooooo badly. OMG. OMG. OMG.
And if you think that OMG stands for Oh My Gosh, it doesn’t. Try:
1. Overwhelmed Mango Gurgle.
2. Oily Mongoose Groan.
3. Orange Moose Glitter.
Oh, this is soooooo terrible...How did you EVEN get that last signature? I thought I told everyone not to sign it! I EVEN promised the whole class they could be in this short film I’m making about ME. I EVEN told people you had a fungus growing on you that would get in all the books and tiny little mushrooms would nibble us all to death! And still you managed to get that last signature. Who was it? Tell me! Who???!
Yours troolie,
Alice Toolie