I can’t wait! I love meetings! I wonder what the exciting news is! I love exciting news! I love knowing exciting news first! I love cookies! I can’t wait! Also, I hope we’re going to talk about the Book Parade! You know, where you dress up as your favourite character??? Truth is, sometimes the theme can be a bit yawn.com like ‘Books are fun’ or ‘Books have pages’ or ‘Blah blah books are lovely.’ You know what I mean? They always sound like an adult came up with them. Let’s have a really awesome Book Parade theme this year. Here are my top three suggestions:
1. Unicorns, cute mushrooms and rainbows. Dress as your favourite super cute book character!
2. Come as your best BOOK friend.
3. Inspirational book friends!
Can you come up with any???
Yours troolie,
Alice Toolie