Dear Alice,

I have to admit when Ms Murtle said Kitty and Noel Templestein were coming, I was a little confused. I was munching about six biscuits at once so I didn’t really hear her properly and when she said AUTHOR VISIT I heard ALIEN VISIT so that’s why I thought an alien lifeform from the planet Kittyennol was coming to school and as everyone knows THAT planet is highly toxic to humans and we’d all burst into flames if we ever got an alien visit like that. So, thank you for clarifying that we are not expecting an ALIEN visitor and it was actually an AUTHOR visit by someone called Kitty and Noel Templestein. I’m not as disappointed as you, although I do think it would be better if it was someone REALLY famous like at least The Cat in The Hat. Anyway, I bet I know why you haven’t heard of this Kitty and Noel Templestein, it’s probably because they write NONFICTION. I’m pretty sure you don’t read that much NONFICTION and I’m a bit of an expert when it comes to NONFICTION. I mean, I haven’t actually heard of Kitty and Noel Templestein either, but just looking at the titles of their books I bet they’re NONFICTION.


Cranky Cat Eats Children is probably serious journalism about a fluffy pussy cat that grew to the size of a bus after walking through a radioactive swamp and then tried to eat kids from a local primary school because he thought they were cat snacks.

Gronk the Caveman Has Worms sounds like a very interesting history book about illnesses and diet in the Mesolithic Period.

Russ the Walrus is clearly a marine biology book about an amazing walrus named Russ who escaped from the circus and ended up being captain of an aircraft carrier in World War II.

And finally, if you know your history (like I do), you’ll remember that Princess Prickle Poo was in charge of the Roman Empire for about 200 years and invented the first flushing toilet. I’m sure it’s a biography or something.

Yours sensationally,

Jimmy Cook