OMG (Oily Millipedes Gallop) there is no way that you are doing all that fun microphone stuff. An important part of being a library monitor is introducing VIPs (even if I am more famous than them). Besides, last time you got your hands on a microphone you tried to evacuate the school because of a poison gas leak, which actually just turned out to be a very important sausage sizzle to raise money for blind cats. I’m much more responsible than that :)
Anyway, I’ve now read all Kitty and Noel Templestein’s books (it literally took six minutes since I am a state speed-reading champion), which is more than I can say for you. So, it’s probably best I hold the microphone and do most of the talking when they come because I’m basically amazing at that sort of stuff.
How many sleeps to go?
Only three?
I can’t wait :)
Yours troolie,
Alice Toolie