Dear Alice,

I’ve got to agree with you there! This sure is a really BAD day. There’s NO denying that! But remember the old saying, ‘Behind every cloud is a flying wizard squid’. Whenever I’m feeling really down I always think of that, because I really like squids (they are super intelligent!) and wizards are awesome too, which means the combination is double awesome! The point is, you can’t let this get you down. There’s always a way out of even the very WORST situations – except if that situation is a radioactive tornado, then you’re in REAL trouble. BUT this isn’t that bad. I should know. I’m sure we’ll think of a way to become library monitors again. Actually, we have to! Because now that I’ve lost my special library monitor privileges, I can’t borrow any more books!!! As you know, this is a real problem for my space missions because I still need to read HEAPS more books on space stuff. So we’re definitely going to need to get our badges back … but HOW??

Yours ponderously,

Jimmy Cook