Dear Jimmy,

ONE BOOK?!?!?!? What do you mean ONE book???? We can’t have a library with just ONE book! What kind of a library is that??? You need HEAPS of books for a library. ONE book isn’t a library, it’s just ONE book. No one ever heard of a library with only ONE book! Plus, I’ve made all these awesome shelves and now I’ve told all the class that we’re having a huge party at lunchtime to open the new library.



I even got a big purple ribbon to cut like they do in the movies. AND I made us official UNofficial library monitor badges! We can’t be official UNofficial library monitors for ONE book! It’s unheard of. That’s like calling yourself a zookeeper because you have one old three-legged dog.

Yours troolie,

Alice Toolie

P.S. Just curious... what is the book? It better be REALLY good!
