OMG (Organic Metallic Gum)! We did it!!! It sure was a good thing the library was pretty empty...although not empty enough because I did see Jenny Philpot poking around under the ‘Armadillo – Ancient Civilisations’ shelf looking for that mystery library poo/coconut date roll. So it’s lucky I’m highly trained in the art of silent sneaking (I have a level three certificate).
Still, you really can’t be too careful, and that’s why I think it was a great idea that we stayed right away from her and stuck to the other end of the library. It does mean that all the books we managed to grab started with ‘W’. Is it weird our library will only have books about things starting with ‘W’? At least our library shelves are stacked and look shiny and full! I have to say, The Alice and Jimmy Awesome Library sure is great! I can’t wait to cut the ribbon at lunch and declare our UNofficial library OFFICIALLY open!
Yours troolie,
Alice Toolie