
Dear Jimmy,

NO! I was not thinking we become actual lizards! That would be impossible and ridiculous and is also not at all on my five-year, ten-year or even twenty-year successful life plan. I was thinking...

I need to win that Book Parade! I can’t believe I didn’t think of it before. Then Ms Murtle will definitely let me be library monitor again and give me back my shiny library monitor badge! :) I’m definitely sure, that unlike YOU one of my 600 friends will want to team up with me.

Okay, here are my top three inspiring costumes that will definitely win me the trophy:

1. Magical sisters Germima and Jenny Snoggletooth from Adventures of Amazing Wizard Girl.

2. Empress Buttercup and her bodyguard ladybug from Rainbow, Samurai of Kindness.


3. The butterfly and caterpillar from Clean-up Caterpillar and Flutterfly-Butterfly.



Anyway, I’m sorry things didn’t work out with us as library monitors or with our pop-up library. But now that I’m going to win the Book Parade, I won’t be having too much more to do with you, except for when I get my badge back and have to chase you up for that Princess Snow Cone book (I still haven’t forgotten). Now I’m off to see which one of my lucky friends wants to be part of my victory.

Yours troolie,

Alice Toolie