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analogue cameras
35mm 15
compact 15
ISO setting 22-3, 26. 68, 76
large-format 14
lenses 82
medium-format 14-15
SLR 16
underwater 15
angle of view 82, 84
aperture 30, 54-65
creative composition 56-7
depth of field 58-9
selective focus 61, 65
shutter priority 68
stopping down 62-5
wide-open 60, 65
background, out-of-focus 57, 59, 60, 65, 74
black and white 148-63
changing colour to 153
colouring 156, 157
film 26
filters 150, 152, 158, 163
light 112, 115, 159, 163
printing 151, 154-6
sun prints/photograms 161, 163
tonal abstracts 160, 162, 163
toning 156, 157, 171
books and albums 182
buildings 28, 87, 102, 103, 112, 134
camera, types 14-15
camera bag 36-7
camera movement 69, 76-7, 79, 90
camera obscura 10
camera support 38
see also tripod
candlelight 120, 123
cellphone cameras 15
checklist, pre-shoot 39
chromogenic film 27
cleaning equipment 36
close ups 91, 92, 93
camera mode 19
composition 106, 107
exposure 46
lightboxes 121, 123
macro lenses 29, 91, 121, 129
telephoto lenses 88
clothing 140
colour 124-35
adding 127, 173, 177
balance 34-5, 39, 127, 145, 169, 177
correction/enhancement 127, 145, 169, 177
depth of field effect 56-7, 60, 65
emotional effect 128-9
film 27
filters 139, 141, 144
manipulating 130-1, 147
relationships 133, 135
saturated 130-1, 135, 141, 172
shutter speed effect 68
spectrum 152
unsaturated 132, 135, 153
composition 94-107
see also creative composition
filling the frame 100, 107
finding a theme 184-5
focal points 104-5, 107
horizontal/vertical format 98-9, 107, 176
perspective 102-3, 107
rule of thirds 97, 105, 107
viewpoint 101, 107
see also Photoshop
black and white 153, 154, 157
downloading 25, 37
image enhancement 166-77
laptop 37
creative composition
aperture 56-9
black and white 151, 160, 162, 163
exposure 43, 51
filters 146, 147
image enhancement 127, 130, 131, 135, 166
lenses 82-3, 86, 88, 90
shutter speed 68-9, 73, 76-7
depth of field 56-65, 82
digital cameras
back-up copies 25
black and white 151, 152
cellphone 15
compact 15
composition 99
deleting images 21
downloading 25, 37
DSLR guide 16-21
factory presets 17, 19
formats 24-5
image enhancement 166-77
lenses 82
memory cards 25
storing images 180, 182
viewing images 20-1
digital transfer film 27
emotion 128-9, 139, 145
early days 10, 161
essentials 36-9
exposure 40-53
see also aperture; shutter speed
bracketing 45, 53
camera modes 18
choosing 44
and colour 130, 131, 135
compensation 32, 49
devices 30-2
high-key approach 40-1, 46-7, 53
low-key approach 48, 53
meters 31-2
multiple 51-3, 77
silhouettes 50, 53
sunrise/sunset 49, 53
see also analogue cameras
saturated colour 130
speeds 26
types 26-7
filters 136-47
black and white 150, 152, 158, 163
colour manipulation 145, 147
diffusing 143, 147
graduated 142, 147
on lights 144, 147
polarizing 130, 133, 141, 147
star 146
colour balance 35
flashgun 33, 37, 39, 116
using 33, 116-18, 123
background colour 56, 129
close-up 8, 91, 93, 100, 104
lightboxes 121, 123
orientation of frame 99
focal length 28-9, 82-5
focal points 104, 105, 107
auto-focus 83
depth of field 56-65
hyperfocal distance 63
lock 29
modes 29
foreground, out-of-focus 61, 65, 68
gifts using photos 182, 183
grain 23
greetings cards 182-3
high-key photography 40-1, 46, 53
history of photography 10-11
holding the camera 18, 98
downloading 25, 37
enhancing 164-77
format 24-5
management 21, 178-85
quality 22-3
scanning 180-1
sharing 181, 182
storing 25, 180, 182
infra-red films 27
ISO 22-3, 26, 68, 76
JPEG format 24
camera mode 19
colour balance 35
exposure 48, 49, 52
filters 139, 142, 147, 158, 163
focal points 104
light 111, 112, 122
posterization 175, 177
sunrise/sunset 49, 53, 83, 111, 139
lenses 28-9, 80-93
angle of view 82, 84
creative composition 82-3
perspective 85, 86-7, 88, 89, 93
prime 28, 84
telephoto 28-9, 82-3, 88-9, 93, 102-3
wide-angle 62, 82, 85-6, 89, 93, 102-3
zoom 28, 83-5, 90, 93
light 108-23
back-lit effect 128, 129, 132, 135
black and white 159, 163
candlelight 120, 123
and colour 130, 132
coloured filters 144, 147
daylight 112, 118, 123, 130, 159
from window 115
night photography 119, 123
single source 114
star filters 146
using flash 116-18, 123
using lightboxes 121, 123, 129
weather 113, 119
lightboxes 121, 123, 129
low-key photography 48, 53
macro lenses 29, 91, 121, 129
memory cards 25
meters, exposure 31-2
mood 128-9, 139, 145
movement 68-79, 90, 92-3, 119
multiple exposures 51-3, 77
night photography 119, 123
camera modes 19
shutter speed 68, 76, 77, 79
online galleries 182
perspective 28, 82, 85-9, 93, 102-3, 107, 133
photobooks 182
photograms 161, 163
Photoshop Elements 166
adding colour 130, 173, 176, 177
colour correction 127, 145, 169, 177
cropping 168, 177
hue/saturation 135, 172, 176, 177
posterization 175, 177
removing detail 170, 177
solarization 174, 176, 177
toning 157, 171, 177
pictures, framed 182
camera mode 19
depth of field 57, 59
environmental 89, 97, 99
exposure 43, 46
filters 143, 158, 163
flash 116
lens length 93
light 114, 115
mood and colour 129
multiple exposures 51, 53
perspective 89, 93
silhouettes 50, 53
solarization 174
posterization 175, 177
printing 151, 154-6, 181-2
RAW format 24
reflections, avoiding 116, 141
fold-up 37-8
using window light 115
rule of thirds 97, 105, 107
scanning images 180-1
self timer 32
shutter speed 30-1, 66-7
blurring movement 73, 119
camera movement 69, 76, 79, 90
capturing movement 70
fast 72, 79
freezing movement 71-2, 79
movement to camera 75, 79, 119
panning 74, 79
slow 73, 79, 119
time exposure 77, 79
silhouettes 50, 53, 97, 111, 159, 160, 162
slide film 27
snow 42
solarization 174, 177
camera mode 19
colour 134
lenses 88, 93
panning 74
shutter speed 68, 70-2, 74-5
still life 43, 58-9, 86, 104, 176
storing images 25, 180, 182
sun prints 161, 163
sunrise/sunset 49, 53, 83, 111, 139
texture 151
TIFF format 24-5
tone 56-7, 151, 160, 162, 163
transparency film 27
tripod 38, 62, 68, 77, 91, 119
underwater cameras 15, 126
vibration reduction 29
viewpoint 101
weather 113, 119, 130
white balance 34-5, 130
wildlife 83, 88, 107, 110, 132
zoom lenses 28, 83-5, 90, 92, 93
zooming movement 90, 92, 93