We would like to thank the many people who have been very supportive to us while we have been writing and shooting this book. They are:
Michelle Garrett and Margaret Harris for help and sound advice; Nick and Matt Garrett, Katherine Spencer and Jon Harris for allowing us to use pictures of them taken in the near and distant past.
Thanks also to Christine Richard, Andrea Alfonso, Yamila Navarro, Antonio D’Ario, Diego Alfonso Celis, Cecile Deneuville, Ines Parada Vilafani, Claire-Marie Ponthieu, Andrew and Ian Spencer, Chris and Ellie Knowles; to Vincent Forrester at Jessops for his kindness, letting us shoot pieces of equipment and giving advice on high street trends; to Howard Woodruff at Flash Photodigital for his technical advice and help; and to Norman Craig (Normko) for his support and internet advice and Judy Craig for her magnificent fruit cake that sustained us for some time.
Special thanks to our commissioning editor, Julia Thynne, for her enthusiasm and panic-free communications; to Denise Bates and Cathy Gosling, who kept faith with the project and got it under way; to Emma Jern for putting up with two very fussy authors and coming up with such good design solutions; to Diana Vowles for sensitive editing of our material; and to Kathryn Gammon for putting the book together with style.