Andy, a member of the Tableau Zen Master Hall of Fame, began using Tableau in April 2007. Since then, it has been Andy’s mission to help as many people as possible to see and understand their data with Tableau, which is the focus of his role as Head Coach at The Information Lab’s Data School. In August 2009, he launched, which is credited as the first ever Tableau-related blog and provides examples of data visualization best practices, methods for improving existing work, and tips and tricks with Tableau. He writes or has written three weekly series: Makeover Monday (along with Eva Murray), Tableau Tip Tuesday, and Workout Wednesday (along with Emma Whyte).
Andy writes every week about great data visualizations he finds around the web on his other website Data Viz Done Right ( and he is one-half of the Dear Data Two project along with Jeffrey Shaffer (
In addition to his recognized expertise in data visualization and Tableau, Andy is frequently invited to speak at conferences around the world. Prior to his role at The Information Lab, Andy ran the Tableau Center of Excellence at Facebook, providing data visualization and data analysis training at Facebook offices globally. Andy was also the first Tableau user at Coca-Cola before he was recruited to Facebook.
Twitter: @VizWizBI
Eva joined the field of Business Intelligence and Data Visualization in 2013 while living and working in Australia. After moving to Germany in 2016, she is now part of Exasol’s management team, responsible for executing the company’s data-driven strategy and developing an Analytics Center of Excellence. Eva is passionate about bringing data to more people and creating educational content and collaboration opportunities for data analysts across the world to build a community of like-minded professionals who drive action and change.
Eva is a Tableau Ambassador and 2018 Tableau Zen Master, has co-hosted the popular social data project Makeover Monday since January 2017, and blogs at, where she writes about her three passions: Tableau, Travel, and Triathlon.
Eva has successfully built her profile in the data visualization and Tableau community, starting in Australia, where she worked as a Tableau trainer and consultant, helping large organizations improve their analytics environments. Since moving to Europe, Eva has spoken at a number of international conferences and analytics events and was a judge for Tableau’s inaugural Iron Viz Europe contest.
Twitter: @TriMyData
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