The head and antlers, viewed straight on, can be drawn symmetrically. The basic shape can be sketched as a straight vertical with horizontal lines. More fluid lines are developed throughout the drawing process.
STEP 1 Sketch the Basic Shape
Proportion and sketch a rectangle for the body and a baseline on which to rest the hooves. Sketch lines for the top and sides of the head.
STEP 2 Define the Animal Form
Add lines for the neck and torso area and the closer front and rear legs. Sketch squares on the side of the head for the placement of the ears.
STEP 3 Develop the Deer
Sketch lines for the other two legs and the tail. To keep elements symmetrical, sketch a center line for the face, lines for the eyes and a circle for the snout. Add lines to place the antlers and develop the form of the body.
STEP 4 Add Detailed Lines
Add details and refine the overall form, erasing unwanted lines throughout the process.
STEP 5 Add Values
Add the different values, use a kneaded eraser to lighten some areas, if needed.