Courtney G. Brooks, with International Business Machines since 1974, was a Research Associate in the History Department of the University of Houston, beginning in July 1969, and taught at Houston Community College (1974—1976). Born in Savannah, Georgia (1939), he received his B.A. degree from Huntingdon College, Montgomery, Alabama (1964), and his M.A. (1966) and Ph.D. (1969) degrees from Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana. Brooks is coauthor of The Apollo Spacecraft: A Chronology, volumes 3 (1976) and 4 (1978), and of Skylab: A Chronology (1977).
James M. Grimwood has been NASA Johnson Space Center Historian since 1962. He was born in Lincoln, Alabama (1922), receiving his A.B. degree in history from Howard College, Birmingham, Alabama (1948), and his M.A. from the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa (1950). He taught history in secondary schools (1950—1952) and at San Antonio College in Texas (1958—1960) and was an Air Force historian in South Carolina and Texas (1953—1960). Before joining JSC, he was historian with the Army Missile Command, Huntsville, Alabama. Grimwood is coauthor of This New Ocean: A History of Project Mercury (1966), On the Shoulders of Titans: A History of Project Gemini (1977), and Project Gemini Technology and Operations: A Chronology (1969) and author of Project Mercury: A Chronology (1963).
Loyd S. Swenson, Jr., Professor of History at the University of Houston, has taught history of science and technology at the university since 1963. Born in Waco, Texas (1932), he received his A.B. from Rice Institute (1954) and his Ph.D. in history from Claremont Graduate School and University College (1962). He taught at the University of California (Riverside) before moving to Houston. Swenson is coauthor of This New Ocean: A History of Project Mercury (1966) and author of The Ethereal Aether: A History of the Michelson-Morley-Miller Aether-Drift Experiments (1972).