The Cabal Cabal, for their enthusiasm, and for making me feel like the cool kid—a rare experience for me.
My agents, Sam Copeland in the UK, and Christy Fletcher and Melissa Chinchillo in the US, without whom none of this would have happened. Blame them.
My editors, Alison Callahan and Cory Hunter at Doubleday, for their professionalism, humour, and lovely telephone voices.
John Betancourt, Marvin Kaye, and George H. Scithers for first unleashing Cabal upon an innocent and unsuspecting world in H.P. Lovecraft’s Magazine of Horror. Warrants have been issued.
Linda “Snugbat” Smith, for producing the chapter heading art, and patiently weathering the blizzard of reference pictures and tweaking requests I threw at her as I fretted about Spanish police hats and barrel tops.
Graham Bleathman, for going away with my prose descriptions and clumsy scrawls, and coming back with wonderful pictures.
My best friends, Michael and Marsha Davies, and Katharine Long, for their support and advice.
Louise and Maddy, for being Louise and Maddy, which they do very well.