Sexual purity is a concept familiar to most people who will read this booklet, and we think we understand what that means in relationships with those of the opposite sex. But in this booklet Sherry Graf has highlighted another term: emotional purity. As I read this booklet, I realized that emotional purity, as Sherry describes it, is actually more basic than sexual purity and in fact acts as a gatekeeper to help guard sexual purity.

But emotional purity does more than keep one from immorality. It also guards one’s casual—or not-so-casual—conversation with those of the opposite sex. Beyond that, it will help develop healthy relationships between men and women.

Sherry’s discussion of 5 Conversation Categories is very helpful. As I read through them, I was reminded of the practice of “due diligence” in the business world. Due diligence is the careful and thorough examination of another company’s management, financial condition, future growth prospects, etc., by two companies considering a merger, a buyout, or other organizational and financial contracts.

Sherry’s 5 Conversation Categories are in a general sense an outline for relational “due diligence.” At the beginning level, these conversational guidelines will help keep casual relationships from becoming awkward or hurtful. Categories 3 through 5 will prove valuable in helping a young man and young woman discern the will of God in leading them into marriage.

This booklet is a valuable contribution to the subject of God-honoring relationships between young men and women. As I read it, I kept thinking, I want my sixteen-year-old granddaughter to read this. I trust that it will be widely used.


Navigator staff member

Author of The Pursuit of Holiness