A & R Kalimian Realty, 143

Abraham Lincoln High School, 9–10, 272

Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, 52


    of CEOs, 21–22, 267–268

    of civic leaders, 221–235

    journalists, role of, 21

    lack of at Lincoln Center, 22, 156

    lack of in United States organizations, 20–22

    of nonprofit organizations, 22, 258–259

    of politicians, 19, 21

    of private foundations, 258–259

Adams, John Luther, 44, 45, 58

Aguado, Bill, 86

Aimard, Pierre-Laurent, 44, 52

Akustiks, 250

Alice Tully Hall

    diversity of performances in, 75–76

    fashion shows in, 171

    IBM 100th birthday celebration in, 164

    rentals of, 165, 299

    reopening of, 109

    transformation of, 87, 114, 116, 202, 239–240

The Allen Room, 72

Alpert, Herb, 279

American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 258

The American Table, 76, 110, 299


    Akustics, 250

    Billie Tsien, 98, 106

    coordination among, 106–107

    David Rockwell, 77, 106

    Diller Scofidio + Renfro, 38, 73, 76, 91–92, 106–107, 114, 115, 117

    Fisher Dachs Associates, 76, 250

    FXFOWLE, 76

    Hugh Hardy, 75, 106

    Jaffe Holden, 76

    Norman Foster, 68, 73, 112, 120–121

    original Lincoln Center architects, 106–107

    Phillip Johnson, 147, 200

    Tod Williams, 98, 106

    Vinoly, Rafael, 72

    Wet Design, 91

Arpeggio, 110

Arup, 76

Ashcroft, John, 231

Ashton Festival, 108

Asphalt Orchestra, 51

Astaire, Fred, 215

AT&T, 7–8, 13, 26

AT&T Foundation, 6, 259

Austin, Ron, 102

Avalon, John, 112

Avery Fisher Hall

    acoustics of, 119, 134

    Alan Gilbert’s view of, 136

    fashion shows in, 170–171

    film and TV viewings in, 164

    food service in, 110

    Philharmonic’s agreement with Lincoln Center for use of, 122

    Philharmonic’s dissatisfaction with, 119, 134

    renovation, future prospects for, 248–251

    renovation, original plan for, 119–121

    rentals of, 165, 299

Ax, Emanuel, 39, 44

Baker, Susan, 143, 148–150, 223

Balanchine, George, 67, 109, 140

Ballmer, Steve, 229

Bamberg Symphony, 52

Bantecas, Alice, 272

Barbara and Donald Zucker Box Office, 99

Barenboim, Daniel, 180

Barnett, Gary, 112

Barnett, Kara Medoff, 40, 296

Barry, Gerald, 108

Baryshnikov, Mikhail, 62

Bass, Mercedes, 201

Beame, Abraham, 26

Behrman, S. N., 188

Belfer, Renee, 39

Bell, Joshua, 39, 52

Benanti, Laura, 39

Benedict, Pope, 221

Benjamin, George, 108

Bennack, Frank A. Jr.

    annual assessment of Levy’s performance, 267

    attempt to advise New York City Opera, 148–150

    fund-raising, 81, 82

    handling of Gelb’s complaints about Fashion Week, 173

    mentioned, 7, 90, 227, 244, 246, 247

    relationship with Gary Parr, 135

    trustees, building relationships among, 104

Bennetts, Leslie, 2

Benno, Jonathan, 38, 110, 299

Bergerman, Wilton M., 131–132

Berlowitz, Leslie Cohen, 258

Bernanke, Ben, 232

Bernstein, Jed, 256

Biederman, Dan, 165

Big Apple Circus, 47, 105

Bing, Rudolf, 188

Bishop, Andre, 17, 75, 105, 109, 238

Blades, Ruben, 51

Blaine, David, 247

Blanchett, Cate, 56

Bloomberg, Michael, 5, 15, 87, 210–213, 242

Bloomberg News, on New York City Opera’s bankruptcy, 156

Blythe, Stephanie, 44

Boeko, Jack, 226

Bondy, Luc, 179

Boston Symphony, 188

Bragin, Bill, 51

Brantley, Ben, 58

Breslin, Jimmy, 125

Brewer, Gail, 100

Brodsky, Daniel, 89, 90, 92, 112, 203

Brown University, 40

Brown, Kathy, 159–161

Brubeck, Dave, 51

Bruno, Joe, 200

Budapest Festival Orchestra, 44

Bush, George W., 228, 231

Business Improvement District (BID), 74, 101

Business Week, interview with Golub, 225

Calder, Alexander, 59

Cardiff, Janet, 62

Carey, Hugh, 26

The Carlyle Group, 206, 219

Carnegie, Andrew, 204

    Carnegie, Dale, 270–271

Carpenter, Cameron, 52

Carreras, José, 153

Carter, Jimmy, 228

Causen, Robert, 180

The Cellists of Lincoln Center, 109

Centro Dramatico Nacional, 58

Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center, 17, 18, 70, 72, 83, 108, 109

Channel 13, as tenant at Lincoln Center, 36, 299

Chaplin, Charlie, 215

Charles Benenson Grove, 96

Charles H. Revson Foundation, 256, 259

Charles Revson Fountain, 61, 90–91, 166, 202

Charlie Rose Show, 245, 275

Checker, Chubby, 51

Chekhov, Anton, 56

Chenault, Ken, 225

Cheney, Dick, 228

China Advisory Council, 300

Christie, William, 45, 180

Claffey, James (Jimmy), 46–48

Claire Tow Theater, 75, 78, 106, 238

Clark Studio Theater, 299

Cleveland Orchestra, 58

Cohen, Bill, 214

Colicchio, Tom, 110, 299

College or university presidents, challenges of, 261

Collegium Vocale Gent Choir and Orchestra, 52

Comey, James, 231

Compania Teatro Cinema, 58

Consolari, 41

Cooper, Michael, 191, 251

Corcoran Gallery of Art, 258

Counsel’s Council, 295

Cozen, Allan, 46

Crain’s New York Business, study of prominent civic and corporate leaders, 83

Crawford, Bruce

    annual assessment of Levy’s performance, 267

    on executive parking, 85–86

    Joe Volpe and, 103–104

    at Levy’s farewell gala, 244

    parking garage access, negotiation of, 103–104

    as partner to Levy, 66, 70

    Paul Guenther, meeting with about future of Philharmonic, 119–123

    welcoming back the Philharmonic, 134–135

Credit Suisse Bleacher, 96

Crimp, Martin, 108

Cromwell, Oliver, 229

Cumming, Alan, 56, 217

Cunningham, Bill, 50

Curry, Aaron, 61

Damrosch Park, 49–50, 99, 105, 165, 167

Dance in Cinema series, 299

David H. Koch Theater. See New York State Theater

David Rubenstein Atrium, 18, 100, 106, 110, 165, 166, 171, 299

Davidson, Justin, 46, 62, 87, 144

Davies, Peter, 46

Davis, Gordon J., 1, 2, 28, 71, 227

De Vecchi, Bob, 226–227

Deitch, Jeffrey, 257–258

Dicterow, Glenn, 113, 134

Diller, Elizabeth (Liz), 73, 90, 115–116, 239, 243

Diller + Scofidio, 73, 83–84, 115

Diller Scofidio + Renfro (D S+R), 38, 73, 76, 91–92, 106–107, 114, 117

Dine, Jim, 60

Dizzy’s Club Coca-Cola, 72

Docomomo International, 101

Domingo, Placido, 153

Donaldson, Bill, 295

Donnellan, Declan, 55

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 57

Dresden Philharmonic, 52

Drucker, Peter, 188, 266

Dudamel, Gustavo, 14

Edelman Trust Barometer, on declining faith in government and business, 20–21

Eiko & Koma, 51

Elinor Bunin Monroe Film Center, 77, 106, 110

Ellis, Adrian, 148

Emerson String Quartet, 45

English National Opera, 184

Exxon, 6

Fallon, Jimmy, 239–241

Farley, Katherine

    annual assessment of Levy’s performance, 267

    Avery Fisher Hall renovation, importance of, 250–251

    building personal relationships, 105–106, 135

    as chair designate, 224

    fund-raising, 82–83

    holding management accountable, 233–235

    mentioned, 239, 242, 244, 257, 296

Fashion Week. See Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week

Feinstein, Emily, 255

Fiedler, Johanna, 2

Film Society of Lincoln Center

    additions to, 77

    Elinor Bunin Monroe Film Center, 77, 106, 110

    fund-raising, 83

    as member of 65th Street Group, 70, 72

    New York Film Festival, 76

    offerings of, 17

    Walter Reade Theater, 77, 109

Financial Times, on transformation of Alice Tully Hall, 87

Finckel, David, 17, 109

Fischer, Ivan, 44

Fisher, Nancy, 251

Fisher Dachs Associates, 76, 250

Fishman, Jay, 158

Flack, Roberta, 51

Fleishman, Joel, 259

Fleming, Renee, 44

Footbridge, pedestrian, 78, 238–239, 242–243

Ford Foundation, 258

Forsythe, William, 62

Forty-Part Motet (Cardiff), 62

Foster, Norman, 68, 73, 112, 120–121

Foster and Partners, 115

Fountain. See Charles Revson Fountain

Franck, Elisabeth, 2

Frankenthaler, Helen, 60

Franks, Tommy, 232

Freiburg Baroque, 52

Freidberg, Barry, 89

Friedman, Bart, 39

Frost, Martin, 44

Furman, Roy, 39


Gagaliordi, Tino, 185

Gallup, study of dissatisfaction with big business and government, 20

Gandhi, Mahatma, 304

Gates, Bill, 214, 229

Gehry, Frank, 73, 115

Gelb, Arthur, 188

Gelb, Barbara, 188

Gelb, Peter

    accomplishments of, 178–180

    financial deficits of Metropolitan Opera and, 16, 182–190, 192–194, 230

    notable initiatives within Lincoln Center, 109

    reaction to Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, 172–173

Genet, Jean, 56

George Washington University, 258

Gerald W. Lynch Theater, 56

Gergiev, Valery, 108, 180

Gersten, Bernard, 17, 26, 247

Gerstner, Lou, 221

Gilbert, Alan, 108, 109, 135–137

Girard, Francois, 180

Giuliani, Rudy, 71, 211

Gockley, David, 147

Goldberger, Paul, 87, 114

Goldman, Lloyd, 112

Golijov, Osvaldo, 44

Golub, Harvey, 225

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 156

Governors Island, 57

Grand Staircase, 73–74, 91–92, 116

The Grand Tier, 110

Great Performers Circle, 39

Great Performers series, 108

Greenaway, Peter, 58

Greenough, Peter, 199

Grove, Andy, 213–215

Grove, Eva, 213

Guardian, on Metropolitan Opera’s financial situation, 182

Guenther, Paul, 88, 119–124, 134, 135, 222–223, 229

Hardy, Hugh, 75, 106

Harmony Atrium, 96–100

Harris, Patti, 167, 212

Harth, Robert, 127

Harvard Business School, 40, 299–300

Harvard University, 40

Hathaway, Anne, 170, 239

Hauser Lounge, 76

Hearst Plaza, 59, 164, 171, 299

Heifetz, Jascha, 188

Henry Moore sculpture, 38

Heras-Casado, Pablo, 44

Hilfiger, Tommy, 167, 170

Hirschman, Albert, 231

Hirshbein, Omus, 41

Hobart College, 10, 273

Hoelterhoff, Manuela, 157

Holbrooke, Richard, 232

Horowitz, Vladimir, 188

Hospital presidents, concerns of, 260–261

    How to Win Friends and Influence People (Carnegie) 270–271

Huntsman, Jon, 20

Hurok, Sol, 5–6, 35, 67, 188

Hurricane Sandy, 184–185

Hvorostovsky, Dmitri, 44

Hynes, Garry, 56

Hytner, Nicholas, 180

IBM, 164, 221–222

Icahn, Carl, 208

Icahn, Gail, 208–209

IMG, 165–167, 171, 172

Immelt, Jeff, 275–276

The Importance of Being Earnest (Wilde), 108

Indie, 77, 110

International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE), 46–47

International Contemporary Ensemble, 45

International Rescue Committee (IRC), 3–4, 8, 26, 213, 226–227, 241–242, 253

Jaffe Holden, 76

Jamison, Judith, 62

Jazz at Lincoln Center, 2, 16–17, 54, 72, 76

Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra, 108–109

John Wiley & Sons, 37

Johns, Jasper, 59

Johnson, Philip, 107, 147, 200

Jones, Bill T., 61–62

Josie Robertson Plaza

    fountain, redesign of, 90–91

    Grand Staircase, 73–74, 85, 91–92, 116

    mentioned, 166, 169, 173, 179, 201, 203

    Public Art Fund exhibitions, 60–62

    reconstruction of, 114

    rental revenue from, 299

    The Tangle art installation, 51

    uses of, 164

    winter holiday season event in, 47

Josie Robertson Plaza working group, 89–90

Journalists, role of in public accountability, 21

Judson, Arthur, 131

The Juilliard School, 17, 70, 72, 75, 78, 83

Kaplan Penthouse, 44, 165–166, 171, 299

Katzenberg, Jeff, 240

Kaye, Judith, 295

Keenlyside, Simon, 52

Keilin, Eugene, 190–192

Kellogg, Paul, 3, 15, 66, 140, 141, 143, 223, 230

Kennedy, John F., 122

Kennicott, Philip, 87, 114

Kentridge, William, 60, 179

Kilimnik, Karen, 60

Kirov Orchestra, 52

Kissinger, Henry, 214, 275

Kissinger, Walter, 275

Klein, Calvin, 167

Koch, Charles, 203

Koch, David, 200–205

Koch, Ed, 198, 227

Kohn, Henry, 226

Kovner, Bruce, 56, 70, 89, 107, 201

Kovner, Suzi, 56

Kozinn, Allan, 46

Kraus, Peter, 64

Kremer, Gidon, 45

Kremerara Baltica, 45

Kuhn Organ, 17, 52, 76

Kunqu Opera, 58

Kutcha, Guillermo, 60

Labreque, Tom, 214

Lake, Mary, 105

Lamos, Mark, 45

Landmark West, 101

Lang Lang, 39

Langrée, Louis, 44–46, 109, 217

Lauder, Leonard, 167, 225

Lauren, Ralph, 38

Leadership lessons

    acts of persuasion, 292–293

    asking thoughtful questions, 275

    assessment of CEO and trustees, 224

    CEO accountability and openness to improvement, 267–268

    consideration of employees, 303–304

    cultivating relationships, 270–271

    departing CEOs, responsibility of, 228

    employee recruitment and retention, 265–267

    exit interviews, 225

    expressing appreciation, 276–277

    fearing complacency, 278–279

    fostering increased productivity, 289–290

    importance of sound management and governance, 161–162, 234–235, 257–260, 293–297

    instituting organizational change carefully, 283–284

    leaders, characterization of, 197–198

    learning from outside sources, 284–285

    listening intently, 275

    living outside the bubble, 301–303

    maintaining an upbeat mood, 287

    making it easier for others to help, 297–300

    nurturing relationships at work and at home, 285–287

    picking up the pace, 282–283

    protecting and enhancing the brand, 287–289

    reading, traveling, networking, and encountering art, 271–274

    seeking teamwork, 277–278

    seeking work-life balance, 274

    self-discipline, 277

    setting daily goals and using time-saving techniques, 279–282

    staying focused, 269

    succession planning, 222–223

    timely departure of leaders, 221–229

    writing and public speaking, 290–292

Leipzig String Quartet, 45

Lenin, Vladimir, 160

Lepage, Robert, 179

Les Arts Florissants, 45

Leventhal, Nathan (Nat), 2, 28, 59, 209, 215, 227, 228, 284

Levin, Betty, 98

Levin, John, 98

Levine, James, 16, 180

Levy, Barbara, 198, 199

Levy, Elizabeth (Liz) Cooke, 7, 86, 207, 208, 245–246, 252, 255, 269, 282

Levy, Peter, 167, 169, 172

Levy, Reynold

    advantage of detachment, 26

    at AT&T, 7–8, 13, 26

    building a coalition of the willing, 66–69

    challenges of Lincoln Center presidency, 31–33

    on Charlie Rose Show, 245

    childhood, 9, 11–12

    concern for New York City, 4–5

    creation of new economic model, 35–41

    donors, affection for, 241–242

    education, 10

    employment background, 3–4, 6–8

    evaluation of accomplishments at 92nd St. Y and IRC, 253

    farewell gala at Lincoln Center, 239

    fashion industry, early awareness of, 174

    goals for Lincoln Center, 8–9

    on importance of sound management and governance, 160–161, 257–260

    at International Rescue Committee (IRC), 3–4, 8, 26, 213–214, 226–227, 241–242, 253

    interviews for Lincoln Center presidency, 7

    labor relations issues and, 41–43, 46–48

    life aft er Lincoln Center, 255–256

    Lincoln Center years, overview of, 13–18

    Mercury Marquis, 27–29, 86, 269–270

    Metropolitan Opera, revenue enhancement suggestions for, 187

    at 92nd Street Y, 26, 225–226, 253

    president, responsibilities of, 237–238

    regrets about tenure at Lincoln Center, 245–246

    trustees, expansion of, 33–35, 294–295, 300

    trustees, suggested oath for, 149–150

    See also Leadership lessons

Lewis, Paul, 52

Library for the Performing Arts. See New York Public Library for the Performing Arts Lichtenstein, Roy, 60

Ligon, Glenn, 60

Lincoln Center

    artistic cooperation within, 107–110

    Channel 13, tenancy of, 36, 299

    common functions of, 24

    Dance in Cinema series, 299

    emeriti group, 294–295

    as engine of economic development, 80, 110–113, 216, 300

    fashion shows at, 170–171

    fund-raising, 245–246

    generating additional earned revenue, 164

    Harvard Business School, relationship with, 40, 299

    international advisory councils, creation of, 300

    lack of leadership accountability at, 22

    as leader of redevelopment, 72

    Lincoln Center Development Project, 74–75

    maintenance costs, 163–164

    as member of 65th Street Group, 70, 72

    redevelopment, summary of, 16–18, 247–251

    rental of facilities, 164–165, 299

    trustees, assessment of, 224

    trustees, building personal relationships among, 104–106

    trustees, expansion of, 33–35, 294–295, 300

    See also Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week

Lincoln Center, funding of redevelopment

    dynamic ticket pricing, 37

    facility fee, introduction of, 37

    federal and state funds, acquisition of, 41

    fund-raising efforts, 71–75, 79–84, 94–95

    galas, additional, 38–39

    institutional consulting practice, 40, 296

    parking garage, maximization of revenue from, 37

    publication of books on performing arts, 37

    rental income, maximization of, 41

    staff services, sales of, 37

Lincoln Center, redevelopment of 2002, situation in, 1, 3, 66

    architects, coordination among, 106–107

    board of directors and trustees, contributions by, 39, 80

    City Council approval of, 100–101

    concessions to constituents, 78–79

    cost of, 79

    footbridge, pedestrian, 78, 238–239, 242–243

    fountain, redesign of, 90–91, 202

    funding for (See Lincoln Center, funding of redevelopment)

    garage access, 103–104

    goals for, 70–71

    impediments to, 23–24

    incentives for participation in, 71, 73–78

    leadership challenges, 25

    media coverage of, 2, 113–114

    meetings about, 83–84

    new board leadership at, 18

    normal activities, continuity of during construction, 102

    parking garage, renovation of, 37, 85–86

    performance venues, variety of, 56–58

    performing art, selection of, 58–59

    programs, planning of, 52–53

    public spaces, improvement of, 73–74, 95–100

    restaurants and catering, 36, 38, 110–111, 299

    summary of, 16–18, 247–248

    veto power, agreement about use of, 77

    visual art, 59–64

    See also Alice Tully Hall; Avery Fisher Hall; Juillard School; New York State Theater

Lincoln Center Commons, 18

Lincoln Center Corporate Advisory Group, 296

Lincoln Center Corporate Fund, 295

Lincoln Center Development Project, 74–75

Lincoln Center Education board, 295

Lincoln Center Festival, 53–58, 108

Lincoln Center Festival, productions of

    The Angel Project (Warner), 57, 58

    Boris Godunov (Mussorgsky), 55

    The Demons (aka The Possessed), 57

    Die Soldaten (Zimmermann), 53–54

    Druid Theater of Galway, three plays by Tom Murphy, 56

    DruidSynge (Synge), 55

    Fables of La Fontaine, 58

    Grand Kabuki Theater Company, 56

    Grendel (Taymor), 108

    Julius Caesar (Shakespeare), 55

    King Lear (Shakespeare), 55

    Kirov Opera Company, 108

    Les Ephemeres (Ariane Mnouchkine and Le Theatre de Soleil), 55

    Macbeth (Shakespeare), 56

    The Maids (Genet), 56

    New York Philharmonic, 108

    The Passenger (Weinberg), 55

    Prokofiev Marathon, 108

    Ring Cycle (Wagner), 108

    Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare), 55

    San Francisco Ballet, 108

    The Secret History of the Mongols, 58

    Ta’ziyeh, 58

    Teatro de Ciertos Habitantes, 58

    Uncle Vanya (Chekhov), 56

    Vietnamese water puppets, 58

    The Winter’s Tale (Shakespeare), 55

    Writing to Vermeer (Greenaway), 58

    As You Like It (Shakespeare), 55

Lincoln Center Global, 40, 296

Lincoln Center Out of Doors, 51

Lincoln Center Theater

    Claire Tow Theater, creation of, 75, 78

    as member of 65th Street Group, 70, 72

    Metropolitan Opera, collaboration with, 109

    new entrances and exits for, 85

    Tony Awards, 17

Lincoln Center Theater, productions of

    Coast of Utopia (Stoppard), 17

    Contact (Stroman and Weidman), 17

    Golden Boy (Odets), 17

    The Light in the Piazza (Lucas and Guettel), 17

    Other Desert Cities (Baitz), 17

    South Pacific (Rodgers and Hammerstein), 17

    War Horse (Stafford), 17

Lincoln Center University, 300

Lincoln Ristorante, 38, 95, 110, 171, 299

Lindemann Young Artist Development Program, 109

Lindsay, John V., 200, 227

List, Albert, 60

List, Vera, 60

Litwin, Lenny, 112, 175

Live From Lincoln Center, 24, 110, 243–244

Lizzie and Jon Tisch Media Wall, 98

Lombardi, Vince, 277

London Symphony Orchestra, 52

Lord, Winston, 227

Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art, 257–258

Los Angeles Philharmonic, 52

Los Angeles Times, on transformation of Alice Tully Hall, 87

Lourd, Bryan, 239

Luisi, Fabio, 180

Ma, Yo-Yo, 44, 51

Maazel, Lorin, 14, 124, 126, 135, 229

Macaulay, Alistair, 46

MacDonald, Dwight, 258

Machiavelli, 23

Malkin, Peter, 295

Mallis, Fern, 169

Manganiyar Seduction, 52

Marclay, Christian, 62

Mark and Bruce (car mechanics), 269

Mark Morris Dance Company, productions of

    Dido Aeneas, 45

    L’Allegro, Il Penseroso ed il Moderato, 45

    Mozart Dances, 45

Marsalis, Wynton, 16–17, 105, 108, 218

Martin E. Segal Award, 216

Martins, Peter, 26, 75, 78, 92, 105, 108, 147, 158–159

Marx, Karl, 146

Mazur, Kurt, 124, 229

McDonald, Audra, 39, 243–244

McVicar, David, 180

Mehta, Zarin, 88, 123, 124, 127, 128, 133–135, 222, 229

Meier, Richard, 73, 115

Mendez, Danny, 217, 218

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week

    Anna Wintour, advice from, 168–170

    Gelb’s complaints about, 172–173

    impact of on local community, 175–176

    move from Bryant Park to Lincoln Center, 165–167

    revenue from, 36

    Wolkoff as fashion ambassador, 170–171

Mercury Marquis, 27–29, 38, 86, 252–253, 269–270

Messiaen, Olivier, 108

Metropolitan Museum of Art, 203

Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute gala, 170

Metropolitan Opera

    annual operating budget, 177

    artistic productivity, 178

    board of directors, challenges for, 194

    bond sale, 181, 186

    Chagall tapestries, as loan collateral, 181–182

    employees, 177–178

    endowment, erosion of, 181, 186

    expenses, 181

    financial difficulties of, 16, 68–69, 182–190, 192–194

    fund-raising, 181, 185, 194

    Gelb’s excuses for financial situation, 184–185

    labor negotiations, 189–190

    Levy’s financial advice for, 192–193

    at Lincoln Center Festival, 108

    media coverage of, 2, 182–183

    movie simulcasting, 179

    obstructionist policy of, 88

    revenue enhancement suggestions for, 187

    ticket prices, 180–181

    unionized workforce, reaction to financial situation, 185–188

Metropolitan Opera, productions of

    Don Carlo (Verdi), 180

    Falstaff (Verdi), 180

    Le Compte Ory (Rossini), 179

    Madama Butterfly (Puccini), 179

    Maria Stuarda (Donizetti), 180

    The Nose (Shostakovich), 179

    Parsifal (Wagner), 180

    Prince Igor (Borodin), 180

    Ring Cycle (Wagner), 179

    Tosca (Puccini), 179

Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, 109, 180

Michalek, David, 62

Midsummer Night Swing, 49–50

Miller, Jonathan, 45

Milnes, Sherrill, 153

Milstein, Philip, 250

Minghella, Anthony, 179

Mitchell, Katie, 108

Mitsui & Co., 40

Mitzi Newhouse Theater, 75, 78

Mnouchkine, Ariane, 55

Moore, Henry, 59

Morgan Stanley Lobby, 76

Morris, William (Bill), 103, 173

Mortier, Gerard, 140, 144, 223, 230

Moss, Jane

    leadership qualities of, 147, 218, 233

    mentioned, 59, 64

    selection of music director for Mostly Mozart Festival Orchestra, 42–46

    suggested artistic initiatives for Avery Fisher Hall, 123

    White Light Festival, creation of, 51–52

Mostly Mozart Festival, operas staged at

    Cosi fan Tutte (Mozart), 45

    Don Giovanni (Mozart), 44

    A Flowering Tree (Adams), 44

    Il Re Pastore (Mozart), 45

    Laide (Mozart), 45

    Le Nozze di Figaro (Mozart), 44

Mostly Mozart Festival Orchestra, 41–46, 249

Mount Sinai Hospital and Medical Center, 258

Mubarak, Hosni, 222

Mueller, Robert, 231

Municipal Arts Society, 101

Munk, Nina, 182–183

Murphy, Tom, 56

Muschamp, Herbert, 87

Muti, Riccardo, 180

Myerson, Bess, 198

Nadel, Jack, 226

Nathan Cummings Foundation, 259

Nevelson, Louise, 60

New Orleans Musicians Village, 40

New York Choreographic Institute, 109

New York City Ballet

    Balanchine, design of New York State Theater and, 67, 140, 201

    evolution of interest in redevelopment, 68, 87, 88

    impact of NYC Opera’s dissolution on, 157–158

    Kathy Brown, as executive director, 159–160

    management and governance of, 159–160

New York City Ballet Orchestra, 109

New York City Center, 56

New York City Council, 74

New York City Economic Development Corporation, 166

New York City Opera

    Anna Nicole, performance of, 155

    bankruptcy of, 140, 155

    dissatisfaction with New York State Theater, 15

    George Steel, as director of, 140, 146–152, 156, 223, 230

    irresponsible management of, 230

    as itinerant company, 151–155

    Mortier, selection of as director, 144

    Paul Kellogg, as director, 3, 15, 66, 140, 141, 143, 223, 230

    search for new home, 15, 66–68, 141–143

New York Magazine

    on Cardiff’s Forty-Part Motet, 62–63

    on Lincoln Center redevelopment, 2

    on Mortier, 144–145

    on New York City Opera, 155

New York Observer, on Lincoln Center politics, 2

New York Philharmonic

    Avery Fisher Hall, agreement with Lincoln Center for use of, 122

    Avery Fisher Hall, delay in renovation of, 248–250

    Avery Fisher Hall, dissatisfaction with, 134

    Carnegie Hall, historic relationship with, 131–132

    Carnegie Hall, proposed merger with, 13–14, 68, 121–128, 130, 133–134

    current challenges of, 136–137

    fund-raising deficiency, 128–129

    in Great Performers series, 108

    internal problems, 14–15, 88–89

    at Lincoln Center Festival, 108

    operating deficits, 229

New York Public Library for the Performing Arts

    fashion shows at, 171

    Historic Debuts at SAB’s Workshop 75 exhibit, 109

    Lincoln Center: Celebrating 50 Years exhibit, 109

    Opera on the Air: The Metropolitan Opera Radio Broadcasts exhibit, 109

    as part of the 65th Street Group, 70, 72

New York State Theater (renamed David H. Koch Theater)

    Balachine’s influence on, 67

    dance performances in, 160

    fashion shows in, 170–171

    New York City Opera’s dissatisfaction with, 15, 66–68, 140–141, 147

    projection of Slow Dancing on, 62

    renovation of, 151–152, 200–201

New York Times

    on Levy’s tenure at Lincoln Center, 247

    on Lincoln Center redevelopment, 2, 65, 114

    on Metropolitan Opera’s financial situation, 182, 191

    on Mostly Mozart Orchestra, 46

    on need for renovation of Avery Fisher Hall, 251

    on New York City Opera, 143, 154

    on New York Philharmonic’s proposed merger with Carnegie Hall, 123, 130

    on Susan Baker, 150–151

    Tommasini, interview with, 153

    on transformation of Alice Tully Hall, 87

New Yorker

    on Lincoln Center redevelopment, 2–3, 114

    on Marclay’s The Clock, 63

    on Metropolitan Opera’s Ring Cycle, 179

Newman, Arnold, 106

Nézet-Séguin, Yannick, 44, 180

Nikolayevsky, Anna, 169

92nd Street Y, 5–7, 26, 225–226, 253

Nixon, Richard, 231

Nonprofit institutions (third sector), 19, 22, 257–263

Obama, Barack, 203, 228, 232

Oestreich, James R., 46

O’Hara, Kelli, 39

Ohlsson, Garrick, 52

Olney, Colette Elyse, 255

Olney, Eric, 255

Opera Bastille, 184

Oppenheimer, Martin J., 143

Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, 52

O’Rourke, Meghan, 63

Ouroussoff, Nicolai, 87

Ove-Andsnes, Leif, 44

Palmisano, Sam, 221

Paris Opera Ballet, 217

Park Avenue Armory, 54–56

Parr, Gary, 135, 137, 229, 249, 251

Parsons, Richard, 208–209

Paul Milstein Pool and Terrace, 38, 51, 59, 75, 171, 299

Paulson, John, 201

Pavlick, Kathy, 86

Perahia, Murray, 52

Performing arts administrators, challenges of, 261

Pew Research Center, poll on dissatisfaction with big business and government, 20

Philharmonia Orchestra, 52

Philip Morris, 6

Phillips, Susanna, 44

Podell, Tamar, 64

Pogrebin, Robin, 2, 123, 130, 150, 210, 247

Polisi, Joseph, 7, 26, 105, 108, 148

Polyglot Theatre, 51

Pountney, David, 54

Powell, Colin, 232

The President’s Bridge, 243

Prince, Hal, 153

Public Art Fund, 60, 61

Quasthoff, Thomas, 52

Quinn, Christine, 48

Ramey, Samuel, 153

Redden, Nigel, 53, 57, 59, 64, 147, 218, 233

Remnick, David, 168

Renfro, Charles, 117

    See also Diller Scofidio + Renfro

Rice, Andrew, 2

Richardson, Elliot, 231

Rieske, Phillips, 191

Rivers, Larry, 60

Robertson, Cooper, 73

Robertson, David, 14

Robertson, Julian, 201

Robertson, Rebecca, 54, 70

Rockefeller, John D., 204

Rockefeller, John D. III, 106

Rockefeller, Nelson, 200

Rockwell, David, 77, 106

Rockwell, John, 67

Romer, Christina, 232

Rose, Elihu, 54

Rose, Marshall, 1, 163

Rose Theater, 54, 72

Rosenthal, Lesley, 295

Ross, Alex, 3, 46, 154, 179

Ross, Arthur, 241

Ross, Steve, 117

The Royal Opera, 184

The Royal Shakespeare Company, 55

Rubenstein, Alice, 207

Rubenstein, David, 81, 82, 100, 205–206, 207, 244

Rubin, Dan, 102

Rubins, Nancy, 61

Rudel, Julius, 155, 156

Rupp, George, 253

Saariaho, Kaija, 44

Saint Francois d’Assise (Messiaen), 108

Salonen, Esa-Pekka, 52, 180

Samuelsson, Marcus, 76, 110, 299

Sandberg, Sheryl, 255

Santayana, 131

Schafer, Oscar, 251

Schola Cantorum, 52

School of American Ballet, 17, 70, 72, 75, 78, 83, 160

Schumer, Chuck, 5

Schumpeter, Joseph, 157

Schwarz, Gerard, 41

Schwarzman, Stephen, 201, 205

Scofidio, Ricardo, 73, 117

Segal, Edith, 215

Segal, Martin E., 215–217

Sellars, Peter, 45, 108

Serra, Richard, 60

Sharp, Peter Jay, 199

Sher, Bartlett, 180

Silk Road Ensemble, 51

Sills, Beverly

    accomplishments of, 198–199

    on acoustics at New York State Theater, 140–141

    birthday party for, 199–200

    as director of New York City Opera, 198

    friendship with Mayor Bloomberg, 209–211

    husband and children of, 199

    as Lincoln Center board chair, 1, 2, 3, 7, 42

    mentioned, 277, 284

    as president of Metropolitan Opera, 15, 69

Silver, Shelly, 200

Simon, Robert, 132

65th Street Group, 69–72, 73, 83, 87

Smith, David, 59

Smith, Steve, 46

Solomon, Deborah, 134

Solomon, Howard, 68, 88

Sonnenfeld, Jeffrey, 224

Sony Classical, 188

Sorensen, Ted, 209

Souter, David, 221

Southern, Hugh, 103

Spitzer, Eliot, 200

Steel, George, 140, 146–152, 156, 223, 230

Stein, Peter, 57

Stengel, Casey, 124–125

Stern, Isaac, 5–6

Sternberg, Carel, 226

Strickler, James, 227

Stringer, Scott, 100

Sullivan, Margaret, 257

Swartz, Steve, 295

Sydney Theater Company, 56

Synge, J. M., 56

Tallis, Thomas, 62

Tallis Scholars, 45

Task Force on the New York City Fiscal Crisis, 26

Taymor, Julie, 108

Tcherniakov, Dmitri, 180

Teachout, Terry, 193

Tenet, George, 232

Tetzlaff, Christian, 52

Le Theatre de Soleil, 55

Third sector (nonprofit institutions), 19, 22, 257–263

Tianjin, China, 40

Tiffany, John, 56

Tilson Thomas, Michael, 14

Time Warner Center, 17, 72

Tisch Illumination Lawn, 95, 116

Tisch, Jon, 98

Tisch, Lizzie, 98

Toledo, Isabel, 172

Toledo, Rubin, 172

Tommasini, Anthony, 46, 67, 87, 114, 152–155

Tony Awards, 17

Trump, Donald, 112

Trustees/boards of directors

    accountability of, 21–22, 149, 161, 224, 267

    assessment of, 224

    responsibilities of, 230–231, 259–260

    suggested oath for, 149–150

Tsien, Billie, 98, 106

Tully, Alice, 76

Tully Plaza, 96, 299

Twain, Mark, 131, 276

Ullman, Chris, 217, 219

Unterberg, Ann, 295

Urban Land Use Review Planning (ULURP), 74, 101

Urbont, Carl, 226

Valenti, Nick, 38, 299

Van DerCook, Marjorie, 78, 105, 160

VanBesien, Matthew, 135–137, 249

Vance, Cyrus, 231

Vanity Fair, on Metropolitan Opera’s financial condition, 182–183

Vanska, Osmo, 44

Varèse, Edgard, 108

Vera List Art Project, 60

Vienna Symphony, 52

Vilar, Alberto, 69

Vinoly, Rafael, 17, 72

Virginia, University of, 257

Visual art

    Alexander Calder sculpture, 59

    Big Pleasure Point (Rubens), 61

    The Clock (Marclay), 63

    Henry Moore sculpture, 59

    Nightsphere-Light (Nevelson), 60

    “Numbers” (Johns), 59

    Slow Dancing (Michalek), 62

    The Tangle (Polyglot Theatre), 51

    Zig IV (Smith), 60

Vivian Beaumont Theater, 75, 78

Vogelstein, John, 158

Volpe, Joe

    artistic productivity, 178

    Crawford, friendship with, 103

    garage access, negotiations about, 103–104

    mentioned, 3, 4, 26, 73

    Metropolitan Opera’s financial difficulties, 68–69

    resistance to redevelopment of Lincoln Center, 15–16, 84–85, 88, 103

    similarity to Gelb, 188–189

Von Furstenberg, Diane, 167, 174

Von Stada, Frederica, 153

Wakin, Daniel, 182

Waleson, Heidi, 145

Wall, Charles “Chuck,” 156, 223

Wall Street Journal

    on Metropolitan Opera’s financial plight, 193

    on Midsummer Night Swing, 50

    on New York City Opera, 145

Walter Reade Theater, 77, 109

Warhol, Andy, 60

Warner, Deborah, 57

Washington Post, on Lincoln Center redevelopment, 114

Weilerstein, Alisa, 44

Weill, Sandy, 121, 127, 129

Weinberg, Mieczyslaw, 55

Welch, Jack, 276

Welser-Möst, Franz, 58

West, Franz, 60

Wet Design, 91

Wexner, Les, 56

Whelan, Wendy, 62

Whirling Dervishes, 52

White, E. B., 8, 102

White Light Festival, 51–52, 62

Whitehead, John, 67, 227, 241

Whyte, William H., 100

‘Wichcraft, 110, 299

Williams, Tod, 98, 106

Wilson, Robert, 58, 68

Winfrey, Oprah, 38

Winters, Terry, 60

Wintour, Anna, 168–170

Wolfe, Zachary, 46

Wolkoff, Stephanie Winston, 170–171

World Trade Center site, performance space at, 15, 67

Wren, Christopher, 243

Written on Skin (Benjamin and Crimp), 108

Wu, Jason, 167

Wu Han, 17, 105

Yang Lan, 296

Yeshiva University, 257

Yours for the Asking: An Indispensable Guide to Fundraising and Management (Levy), 93–94

Zambello, Francesca, 147

Zeckendorf, Arthur, 112

Ziff, Ann, 39, 201

Zimmermann, Bernd Alois, 53

Zirato, Bruno, 132

Zitofsky, Bonnie, 216