Abandoned (forsaken, friendless, left alone, orphaned, rejected)
When you are left to your own resources or devices and feel as if no one cares about you; when you withdraw your support from a person or a cause
Deuteronomy 4:31. He will never abandon you.
Deuteronomy 31:6. He goes ahead of you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:5. He will never abandon you.
Joshua 24:20. A warning against abandoning the Lord
Psalm 27:10. A place to go, even if those closest to you abandon you
Abase/Abasement (humbled, rejecting prestige, giving up pride)
A lowering of rank; voluntarily humbling yourself for the sake of someone greater
Genesis 18:1–2. Abraham’s abasement
Ezra 9:5. Ezra’s self-abasement
Philippians 4:12. Paul knew how to abase himself.
Abhorrence (disgust, hatred, repugnance)
A feeling of disgust or repugnance for a person or object
Leviticus 26:11. God will not abhor His people.
1 Chronicles 21:6. Joab’s abhorrence for David’s command
Job 19:19. Job’s friends’ abhorrence for him
Psalm 119:163. Lying is an abhorrence to God.
Isaiah 66:24. What happens to the disobedient
Ability(ies) (gift, talent)
The quality of being able to do something
Exodus 28:3. God gives people abilities.
Deuteronomy 8:17–18. Don’t count on your abilities; count on God.
1 Chronicles 26:8. Our abilities help us serve.
Proverbs 18:20. Abilities help provide for your life
Daniel 5:12. Some abilities are special.
Matthew 25:15. Given money according to abilities
Abolish (destroy, do away with, end, set aside)
When you annul or end something, i.e., a law, a kingdom
Isaiah 2:18. God promises one day to abolish idols.
Daniel 11:31. A prophecy of the future describes the end of daily sacrifices.
Hosea 2:18. God will one day abolish war.
Micah 5:14. God will abolish sites dedicated to idols.
Matthew 5:17. What Jesus did not come to do
Abomination (disgusting, unclean, unholy)
An item of disgust
Genesis 43:32. Some food is an abomination to others.
Exodus 8:26. An abomination to the Egyptians
Leviticus 11:10. What not to eat
Daniel 9:27. Abomination of a future ruler
Matthew 24:15. Jesus confirms Daniel’s message.
Abortion (killing, life, murder)
The termination of a pregnancy that results in the death of the fetus
Genesis 1:26. Made in God’s image
Genesis 4:8–10. Innocent blood calls to God.
Exodus 1:16. Murder is the same before or after birth.
Exodus 21:22. It is a crime to destroy life before birth.
2 Chronicles 28:3. God judges nations that kill children.
Psalm 139:13–16. Alive and loved in the womb
Isaiah 49:1, 5. Called and known by God
Jeremiah 1:5. God forms the child.
Abound (abundant, increase)
To flourish; to increase in number
Genesis 1:20. Let the creatures increase.
Psalm 4:7. Joy comes when resources abound.
Psalm 72:7. Increase of peace
2 Corinthians 9:8. Grace abounds.
Philippians 1:9. Let love abound.
Abrahamic covenant (promise)
A series of promises God made with Abraham and his descendants
Genesis 12:2. First promise
Genesis 12:7. Second promise
Genesis 13:15. Third promise
Genesis 15:4–5. Fourth promise
Genesis 17:2–8. Fifth promise
Genesis 18:10. Sixth promise
Absent (away, dead, not present)
The state of being away from a group; dead or imprisoned
Proverbs 10:19. Sin is not absent.
2 Corinthians 10:11. Paul’s defends his actions when present and absent.
2 Corinthians 13:2. Warnings during absence
Philippians 2:12. Paul reminds the Philippians to remain obedient—not just when Paul is present.
Colossians 2:5. Absent in body, present in spirit
Absolute (unlimited, unrestricted)
Not limited or restricted
Psalm 147:5. Unlimited understanding
Song of Solomon 7:6. Absolute beauty
Ezekiel 43:12. Absolute holiness
Matthew 20:25. Absolute power
John 5:22. Absolute authority to judge
Absolutes (moral thinking, complete in itself, perfect, set apart, ultimate)
A belief system that adheres to a moral code; the ultimate basis of thought; something completely independent of something else
Genesis 18:19. Do what is right.
Deuteronomy 5:20. There is truth.
John 14:6. Jesus is truth.
1 Timothy 5:1–2. Morally pure
1 John 4:8. God is love.
Absolution (seek or grant forgiveness, make peace)
To absolve a wrongdoing; seeking forgiveness through an offering made
Exodus 29:14. Seek absolution with an offering
Exodus 30:10. Aaron seeks absolution for Israel’s sins.
Leviticus 4:3. Absolution for a priest
Numbers 19:17. Red cow as absolution for sin
1 Samuel 15:25. Saul begs Samuel for absolution.
Abstinence (avoidance of indulging, resistance)
To abstain from sex, drinking, or drugs
Exodus 19:15. Abstinence is a must when preparing to go before the Lord.
Numbers 6:3. Nazirites must abstain from wine.
1 Samuel 1:14. Eli warns Hannah to abstain from drinking.
Song of Solomon 3:5. Keep away from premarital sex.
Acts 15:20. Warnings from the apostles
Abundance (plentiful)
Something that is great in number; an increase
Genesis 41:29. Abundant harvest in Egypt
Deuteronomy 33:19. Abundance God promises
1 Chronicles 29:16. Offering abundance to God
Psalm 49:6. Wealth in plenty
John 10:10. The abundant life
Abuse (mistreatment)
Hurting or injuring someone with words or actions
Deuteronomy 28:33. Promise of abuse to come
Proverbs 9:7. When offering correction
Proverbs 22:10. How to stop abuse
Amos 4:1. Amos rebukes abusive women.
1 Corinthians 4:12. What to do when verbally abused
Abyss (bottomless pit)
The pit reserved for Satan and demons
Luke 8:31. Where demons are sent
Revelation 9:1. Key to the abyss
Revelation 9:1–11. A vision of dark times to come
Revelation 11:7. The beast from the bottomless pit
Revelation 17:1–8. The beast from the bottomless pit
Revelation 20:1–3. The power of one angel over the abyss
Acacia (tree)
A tree the wood of which was often used in building
Exodus 25:10. Making the ark of the covenant
Exodus 26:37. Making the tabernacle
Exodus 30:1. God’s plan for the altar of incense
Exodus 35:24. Contributions for the tabernacle
Exodus 36:20. Building the tabernacle
Exodus 37:1. Craftsmen shape the acacia.
Deuteronomy 10:3. Moses remembers
Isaiah 41:19. A promise of restoration
Acceptable (adequate, pleasing, satisfactory)
Worthy of being accepted
Exodus 5:8. Unacceptable in brick making
Exodus 30:15. Acceptable lives
Judges 6:17. Gideon inquires about his acceptability.
1 Samuel 18:26. An acceptable son-in-law
1 Chronicles 6:49. Acceptable to God
2 Chronicles 36:21. Acceptable land
Psalm 19:4. Acceptable words
Acceptance (approval, inclusion, recognition)
Having favor or approval; coming to a point of belief
Leviticus 23:11. Waiting for acceptance
Isaiah 60:7. Acceptance at God’s altar
Romans 11:15. Acceptance of Gentiles
1 Timothy 1:15. A statement worthy of acceptance
1 Timothy 4:8–9. Paul urges Timothy to accept the truth of godly living.
Access (admission, approach, entrance)
A way of approaching
2 Kings 25:19. Access to the king
Esther 1:3. Access to Xerxes
Jeremiah 52:25. Taking the people with access to the king
Amos 5:12. Denial of access
Zechariah 3:7. Free access
Accident(s) (calamity, collision, mishap, mistake)
An unexpected event that causes problems
Exodus 21:13. A place to go in case of an accidental slaying
Joshua 20:6. A place to go in the event of an accidental slaying
1 Samuel 6:9. God’s doing or an accident?
2 Kings 1:2. A terrible accident
1 Corinthians 4:9. How bearers of the gospel sometimes feel
Acclaim/Accolades (approval, applause, fame, praise)
Public praise
1 Chronicles 29:2. Solomon’s acclaim
Psalm 89:15. People are blessed who acclaim the Lord.
Isaiah 24:14. The Lord’s acclaim
Luke 4:15. Approving Jesus
Accommodate/Accommodation(s) (lodging)
Something that meets a need; providing room for someone
Genesis 24:23. Abraham’s servant seeks the right accommodations.
Genesis 26:22. God accommodates Isaac and Abimelech.
Genesis 34:21. The men of Shechem are fooled by the accommodating Israelites.
Isaiah 26:15. Stretching the borders
Accomplishment(s) (achievement, success, triumph)
Something completed successfully
1 Kings 10:6–7. The queen of Sheba praises Solomon’s accomplishments.
2 Kings 10:34. Jehu’s heroic acts
Ecclesiastes 2:11. Nothing gained from accomplishments
Ecclesiastes 9:1. People and accomplishments are in God’s hands.
2 Corinthians 10:16. Not boasting in another man’s accomplishments
Galatians 6:4. Proud of accomplishments
Accountability (answering to, liability, responsibility)
Taking account of one’s actions; answerable to another party for one’s actions
Ezekiel 3:18. Held accountable for failure to warn
Ezekiel 33:6. Watchman accountable
Daniel 6:2. Satraps accountable
Matthew 23:35. Pharisees and teachers of the law held accountable
Matthew 23:36. Others held accountable
Accountants (auditors, bookkeepers)
Those who keep or audit records
Esther 6:1. A king consults his staff about the records.
Matthew 18:24. Servants give an account.
Matthew 25:19. Settling accounts
Accuracy (correctness, exactness, precision)
Being careful or exact; not making mistakes
Deuteronomy 25:15. Use accurate weights
Proverbs 11:1. Accuracy is pleasing to God.
Proverbs 22:21. Give an accurate report.
Acts 18:25. Accurate teaching
Acts 23:15. Faking a need for accuracy
Accusation (allegation, charge, indictment)
A charge of wrongdoing
Ezra 4:6. Enemies’ accusations against the Israelites
Psalm 52:4. An enemy who loves to accuse
Matthew 18:16. What to do when accused
Matthew 27:37. An accusation against Jesus
John 18:29. Pilate demands to know the Jews’ accusation of Jesus.
Acts 22:30. The Jews’ accusation of Paul
Accuser (allegation, charge, indictment)
Someone who accuses someone of wrongdoing or shortcoming
Job 1:6. Satan accuses Job.
Job 31:35. Job defends himself against his accuser.
Psalm 109:6. What to do when accused
Isaiah 50:8. Vindication before accusers
Zechariah 3:1. Satan seeks to accuse Joshua the priest.
Achievements (accomplishments, feats, triumphs)
Results gained by effort; great or heroic deeds
1 Kings 15:23. Asa’s achievements
1 Kings 16:5. Baasha’s achievements
2 Kings 10:34. Jehu’s achievements
Proverbs 31:31. Reward for achievements
Ecclesiastes 4:4. Meaningless achievements
Acknowledgment (credit, greeting, recognition)
Admitting the rightness of or praising the actions of someone
Deuteronomy 33:9. Lack of acknowledgment from the tribe of Levi
1 Samuel 11:14. Acknowledgment of Saul as king
Hosea 4:1. Failure to acknowledge God
Hosea 6:6. God wants to be acknowledged.
Titus 1:1. Paul acknowledges the truth.
Philemon 6. Acknowledgment of good
Acquiescing (agreeing, complying, yielding)
To agree with or yield to someone without protest
2 Samuel 12:12–13. David acquiesces to Nathan’s accusation.
Matthew 5:40. Jesus preaches acquiescence.
Matthew 26:42. Jesus acquiesces to the Father’s plan.
Acquittal (discharge, exoneration, freedom, release)
Setting free from the charge of an offense
Exodus 23:7. No acquittal for the guilty
Isaiah 53:11. We are acquitted, thanks to God’s righteous servant.
Jeremiah 26:16. Jeremiah is acquitted.
Micah 6:11. No acquittal for a dishonest man.
Romans 3:27. We are acquitted by faith.
Acrostic (poem)
A poem with lines the first letters of which form a word or name or follow a pattern (i.e., the Hebrew alphabet)
Psalm 25. An acrostic prayer for mercy
Psalm 34. An acrostic of praise to God for His help
Psalm 37. An acrostic of wisdom
Psalm 119. An acrostic on the value of God’s Word
Psalm 145. An acrostic of praise for God’s character and deeds
Proverbs 31:10–31. An acrostic to a virtuous woman
Action(s) (achievement, battle, deed, work)
Performing an act or engaging in battle; usually a plea for God’s assistance or for people to obey God in some way
1 Kings 8:31–32. A call to take action against the guilty
Ezra 10:4. A call to righteous action
Ezekiel 8:18. God will act against idol worshipers.
Daniel 11:28. A prophecy of a future war
Luke 12:35. Be ready when Jesus returns.
1 Peter 1:13. Peter urges believers to be ready to act according to their faith.
Adapting (changing, conforming, modifying)
To change one’s behavior according to a situation, climate, or to obey a rule; a hereditary change
Genesis 3:17–19. Because of the curse, Adam and Eve’s descendants will be forced to adapt.
Leviticus 25:1–2. Festival adaptations
Deuteronomy 18:19. God warns against changing in the way of the Canaanites.
Judges 2:10–12. An evil adaptation
Adequacy (competence, satisfactoriness, sufficiency)
Sufficiency to meet a need
Deuteronomy 1:15. The adequacy of officials
1 Samuel 6:4. Adequate compensation
Ecclesiastes 5:18. Tools for an adequate life
1 Corinthians 2:3–4. Paul is totally inadequate?
2 Corinthians 2:16. Who is adequate?
Adhesive (glue)
A substance providing adhesion
Genesis 11:3. Tar used as mortar
Exodus 2:3. To seal a water vessel
Daniel 2:43. Lack of adhesion
Administration (government, management, organization)
Management of business affairs; the activity of a sovereign state in the exercise of its powers or duties
1 Kings 4:1–28. Solomon’s administration
Nehemiah 2:16. Nehemiah bypasses the administration.
1 Corinthians 12:28. The gift of administration
2 Corinthians 9:12. The administration of this service
Ephesians 3:2–3. Administration of God’s grace
Admirable (estimable, venerable, worthy)
Something or someone deserving admiration
Genesis 32:10. Jacob doubts that he’s worth admiring.
Esther 1:19. Vashti is replaced by someone more admirable.
Psalm 106:2. The Lord is admirable.
Matthew 6:16. Is fasting admirable?
Philippians 4:8. Think about what is admirable.
Admonish (caution, rebuke, reprimand)
Gently reprove
Psalm 81:8. God admonishes His people.
Romans 15:14. Admonish one another.
Colossians 3:16. Admonish one another.
1 Thessalonians 5:12. Respect those who admonish you.
2 Thessalonians 3:15. Respect those who admonish you.
Admonitions (advice, reproofs, warnings)
Advice or warning
Malachi 2:1. Admonition for priests
1 Corinthians 10:11. Paul’s admonition
Ephesians 6:4. Warning for fathers
Titus 3:10. Reject a divisive man.
Adolescence (childhood, puberty, youth)
The period of development from puberty to maturity
Genesis 21:8–10. Problems during Isaac’s adolescence
Genesis 37:3. Joseph reaps trouble with his brothers during his adolescence.
2 Kings 2:23. Elisha jeered by adolescents.
Ecclesiastes 12:1. Adolescence is a time to remember God.
Luke 2:52. Jesus’ adolescence
1 Corinthians 10:1–11. What Paul gave up as he grew older
Adoption (acceptance, embracing)
Taking someone into your family
Romans 8:15. God’s adopted children
Romans 8:23. Waiting for adoption
Romans 9:4. Adoption as sons
Galatians 4:4–5. What Jesus did to bring about our adoption
Ephesians 1:5. Jesus freely chose to adopt us.
Adoration (adulation, love, worship)
The act of worshiping or honoring God; the act of regarding someone with love and devotion
1 Chronicles 29:11. David’s adoration of God
Psalm 45:11. Adore your king—the Lord
Psalm 139:14. Worship in adoration
Song of Solomon 1:4. Adoration of the bridegroom
Adornment (clothing, embellishment, raiment)
To clothe or adorn a person or thing
Job 40:10. God challenges Job to adorn himself.
Psalm 144:12. Children are adornments.
Proverbs 1:9. Wisdom as an adornment
Isaiah 60:13. Adorning the sanctuary
Adulterer(s) (adultery, sinner, unfaithful)
One who commits adultery
Leviticus 20:10. What the law says about adulterers
Job 24:15. Adultery under cover of night
Proverbs 5:3–4. An adulterous woman
John 8:3–4. Woman caught in adultery
Romans 7:3. Who is an adulterer?
Hebrews 13:4. Judging the adulterer
Adultery (disloyalty, infidelity, sexual sin)
A relationship between a married person and a person to whom he or she is not married
Exodus 20:14. One of the Ten Commandments
2 Samuel 11:2–5. David and Bathsheba
Psalm 50:18. God rebukes the wicked.
Proverbs 6:32. The destruction of adultery
Proverbs 30:20. The way of an adulterous woman
Jeremiah 3:8. The adultery of Israel and Judah
Advantage (benefit, gain, profit)
Benefiting or profiting, sometimes at the expense of another
Exodus 22:22. Avoid taking advantage of widows and orphans.
Leviticus 25:14. Sellers to avoid taking advantage
Leviticus 25:17. Fear God, instead of taking advantage.
Nehemiah 5:15. Using power to take unfair advantage of others
Job 24:21. Men who take advantage
Proverbs 16:26. Hunger works to your advantage.
Advent (arrival, beginning, coming)
A coming or arrival; the four Sundays before Christmas commemorating Jesus’ arrival
Isaiah 7:14. The Savior will be born of a virgin.
Isaiah 9:6. A child will come—the Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 53:2–4. A Savior born to die
Micah 5:2. The Savior will be born in Bethlehem.
Luke 2:10. Angels announce Jesus’ advent.
Adversity (calamity, hardship, trouble)
Hardship or affliction
Deuteronomy 29:21. Separated for adversity
2 Samuel 4:9. Redeemed from adversity
2 Samuel 12:11. Adversity is the result of adultery.
Proverbs 17:17. A friend in adversity
Isaiah 30:20. Bread of adversity
Advice (counsel, guidance, recommendation)
An opinion given about what could be done to solve a problem
Exodus 18:19. Jethro’s advice for Moses
Numbers 24:14. Balaam’s advice for Balak
Judges 20:7. A Levite seeks advice.
2 Samuel 15:31. Ahithophel’s advice
1 Kings 12:6. Rehoboam seeks advice.
2 Kings 1:3. Consequences of seeking the wrong advice
Advocate (backer, helper, supporter)
Someone who pleads the case of someone else.
1 Samuel 24:15. God as David’s advocate
Job 16:19. Job’s advocate
John 14:26. The Holy Spirit as Advocate
1 John 2:1. Our Advocate—Jesus
Affectation (artifice, mannerism, pretentiousness)
A pretense; artificial behavior
Isaiah 29:13. Wrong worship is really an affectation.
Jeremiah 3:10. Judah’s return is an affectation.
Matthew 6:1–2. Good deeds as affectations
Matthew 23:5. Affectations of the Pharisees
Affection (fondness, love)
Tender feeling toward someone
Deuteronomy 7:7. The Lord’s affection
Esther 2:9. Esther wins the king’s affection.
2 Corinthians 9:14. Affection of the Christian community
2 Timothy 3:2–4. In the last days, some people will lack affection for others.
2 Peter 1:5–7. Add affection.
Affirmation (avowal, encouragement)
The act of affirming someone; a positive statement or judgment; a solemn declaration
2 Kings 23:3. The people affirm God’s Word.
Romans 3:8. The wrong thing to affirm
1 Corinthians 15:31. Paul’s affirmation
1 Timothy 1:7. What false teachers affirm
James 1:25. Where affirmation can be found
Affliction (see Disease; Sickness)
Affluence (see Prosperity; Wealth)
Agape (communion, love)
Greek word for “unconditional love”
John 15:13. The greatest love
John 21:15–16. Jesus asks about Peter’s love
1 Corinthians 11:21, 33. The love feast
2 Peter 2:13. False teachers wrongly take part in the love feasts.
1 John 2:5. Agape perfected
Age (era, epoch, time; mature, old)
The length of one’s existence; a period of time in history
Genesis 15:15. God promises that Abraham would live to an old age.
Genesis 25:7–8. God keeps his promise.
Leviticus 19:32. Respect the aged.
Judges 2:8. Joshua dies of old age.
1 Samuel 2:32. Living to old age is a privilege that God can revoke.
Esther 9:28. Purim to be celebrated through the ages
Psalm 71:18. Praising God in one’s old age
Luke 1:36. An elderly woman is pregnant.
Titus 1:2–3. A message for every era
Agony (anguish, pain, suffering)
Intense mental or physical pain
Nehemiah 9:36–37. The Levites express the agony of their people.
Psalm 116:3–5. A psalmist praises God for deliverance from agony.
Jeremiah 51:54. A prophecy about the future suffering of the Babylonians
Matthew 24:30. Agony at the second coming
Matthew 27:45–46. The Savior in agony on the cross
Revelation 12:1–2. Prophecy of the end times
Agreement (accord, harmony, union)
A union of opinions; acting with one accord; a legally binding contract
Genesis 21:27. Abraham’s agreement with Abimelech
Genesis 31:43–44. Laban and Jacob agree to part peacefully.
Deuteronomy 32:31. Even enemies should agree that God is dependable.
Joshua 24:24–25. The people of Israel agree to serve God.
Ruth 3:13. Naomi cautions waiting for Boaz to agree to become Ruth’s kinsman-redeemer.
Matthew 1:19. Engagement is an agreement as binding as a marriage.
Agriculture (cultivation, farming, gardening)
The act of farming
Genesis 26:12. Isaac’s crops blessed by God
Genesis 41:5–7. Pharaoh’s dream about a rich harvest before a famine
Exodus 9:31–32. Crops in Egypt destroyed by the plague of hail
Exodus 23:16. Harvest festival
Leviticus 19:9–10. Grain to be left in fields for the poor
Air (atmosphere, sky, space)
The atmosphere; mixture of nitrogen and oxygen
Genesis 1:6–8. God creates the sky.
Genesis 2:7. The first breath in man’s lungs came from God.
Job 38:29. God reminds Job that he created all things.
Psalm 144:4. The fleeting life of a human compared to air
2 Corinthians 2:14. Christians are like a fragrance in the air
Alarm(s) (fear, danger signal, warning)
A warning of danger; a sudden fear
Nehemiah 4:18. Alarm system used when rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem
Hosea 5:8–9. Prophecy of future alarm
Joel 2:1. Alarms will sound on the day of the Lord.
Amos 3:6. God responsible for the sound of alarms
2 Corinthians 7:11. Alarm due to godly sorrow
Alcohol (liquor, wine)
Intoxicating liquor
Proverbs 20:1. The influence of alcohol
Proverbs 31:6–7. Drinking to forget
Isaiah 5:22. Sorrow for those who indulge in alcohol
1 Timothy 3:8. Deacons to avoid alcohol addiction
Titus 2:3. Older women to avoid drunkenness
Alcoholic (drunkard)
Person who suffers from alcoholism
Genesis 9:20–21. Noah’s drunkenness causes problems.
1 Samuel 1:13–14. Eli mistakenly believes that Hannah is drunk.
1 Samuel 25:36. Nabal gets drunk.
Proverbs 26:9. A proverb about an alcoholic
Isaiah 5:11. The sad life of an alcoholic
Alien(s) (see Foreigner[s])
Alive (animate, breathing, living)
Having life
Genesis 6:19–20. God’s instructions for keeping animals alive during the flood
Genesis 43:7–8. Joseph’s brothers report on Joseph’s inquiries about their father.
Numbers 16:31–33. Korah and other rebels swallowed up alive.
Joshua 14:10–11. Caleb marvels how God kept him alive while many others died in the wilderness.
Mark 16:14. Jesus appears to his disciples to show that he is alive.
Romans 6:13. From death to life
Romans 8:10. Spirits are alive.
Allegories (fables, metaphors, parables, stories)
Using characters or events to represent ideas or principles
2 Samuel 12:1–4. Nathan uses a story to rebuke David’s adultery.
Ezekiel 23. An allegory for Samaria and Jerusalem
Hosea 1:2. Hosea’s marriage is a living allegory.
John 16:21–25. Jesus uses an allegory to explain his understanding of the disciples’ upcoming grief and joy.
Galatians 4:21–31. Paul uses an allegory to explain the difference between enslavement to the law and the freedom of grace.
Alliance (association, coalition, union)
An association of nations or groups
Psalm 83:5–7. A psalm pleading for God’s help against an alliance of enemy nations
Isaiah 7:2. Aramean alliance
Jeremiah 50:9–10. An alliance against Babylon
Daniel 11:6. Daniel’s vision of an alliance
Almighty, the (all-powerful, invincible, omnipotent)
A name for God
Genesis 17:1. God names himself to Abraham.
Genesis 35:11. God names himself to Jacob.
Deuteronomy 3:23–24. Moses discusses God.
2 Samuel 7:18–19. David talks to the Almighty.
Job 13:3. Job argues his case before the Almighty.
Alms (charity, gifts)
Money or goods given to the poor
Luke 11:41. Alms to the poor
Luke 12:33. Jesus preaches about giving.
Acts 3:2–3. A lame man asks for alms.
Acts 10:1–2. Cornelius, a centurion, gave alms to the poor.
Acts 24:17. Paul gives alms to the poor.
Alone (lonely, solitary, unaccompanied)
Apart from others
Genesis 2:18. Not good for man to be alone
Genesis 32:24. Jacob alone before he met with God
Exodus 18:14. Moses alone had the responsibility for judging the disputes of the people.
Ruth 1:3–5. Naomi alone
Ecclesiastes 4:8. Sadness of being alone
Alpha and Omega (beginning and end)
The Greek letters of the alphabet ( the beginning and end respectively) used as a name for God
Revelation 1:8. Jesus is the beginning and the end.
Revelation 1:10–11. John hears from the Alpha and the Omega.
Revelation 21:6. Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega.
Revelation 22:13. Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega.
Altar(s) (table of worship)
A structure, usually a table, used in the worship of God
Genesis 8:20. Noah’s altar
Genesis 12:7. Abram’s altar
Genesis 26:25. Isaac’s altar
Exodus 20:24–26. God’s requirements for building an altar
Exodus 27:1–8. The altar for the tabernacle
Lamentations 2:7. God rejects an altar.
Amazement (astonishment, surprise, wonder)
Great wonder or astonishment
Genesis 43:33. Joseph’s brothers show amazement at Joseph’s knowledge of them.
Daniel 3:24. Nebuchadnezzar is amazed that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego lived after being tossed into the furnace.
Matthew 8:10. Jesus is amazed at the faith of a centurion.
Matthew 27:14. Jesus amazes Pilate.
Luke 24:41. The disciples are amazed that Jesus is alive.
Ambidextrous (right-handed or left-handed)
Able to use both hands equally well
1 Chronicles 12:1–2. Ambidextrous warriors
Psalm 74:11. Psalmist urges God to use both hands to help.
Psalm 89:25. Ambidextrous metaphor to show God’s promotion of David
Micah 7:3. Both hands involved in wrongdoing
Matthew 6:3. Jesus uses a hand metaphor.
Ambiguity (haziness, uncertainty, vagueness)
Uncertainty as to interpretation
Numbers 23:25–27. Balaam is ambiguous about cursing the Israelites.
Job 31. Job tries to process what he sees as God’s ambiguous punishment.
Daniel 5. Belshazzar was puzzled when a mysterious hand wrote an ambiguous message on the wall.
Habakkuk 2:2. God desires clarity, rather than ambiguity.
Luke 9:45. The disciples find Jesus’ words ambiguous.
Ambition (aim, goal, objective)
Desire for rank, fame, or power; desire to achieve a particular result
2 Samuel 15:9–11. Absalom’s ambition—to usurp the kingdom from David
1 Kings 1:7–8. Adonijah’s ambition—to become king after David
Romans 15:20. Paul’s ambition—to preach the gospel
Galatians 5:19–21. Selfish ambition is part of the corrupt nature.
Philippians 2:3. Be humble not selfishly ambitious.
Ambivalence (hesitance, indecision, in two minds)
Having contradictory feelings toward a person or object
Joshua 24:14–15. Joshua refuses to be ambivalent about God.
2 Samuel 13–14. David’s ambivalence in regard to Absalom
1 Kings 18:21. Israelites criticized for ambivalence
Matthew 6:24. Jesus cautions against ambivalence.
James 1:8. Doubts show ambivalence.
Ambush (ensnare, trap, waylay)
A sneak attack
Joshua 8. Ambush at Ai
Judges 9:25. Abimelech ambushed
Judges 20. Benjamites ambushed during the war between Israel and the tribe of Benjamin
1 Samuel 15:5. Saul and troops ambush the Amalekites.
1 Peter 5:8. Satan seeks to ambush believers.
Amen (agree)
A solemn ratification or statement of assertion; in other words, “let it be done”
Numbers 5:21–22. Say amen to an oath
Deuteronomy 27:16. Agreeing to a curse
Nehemiah 5:13. Giving an amen to a promise
Psalm 41:13. An eternal amen
Jeremiah 28:5–6. A false prophet’s amen
Amends (atonement, compensation, reparation)
To compensate for a loss
2 Samuel 21:1–14. David seeks to make amends to the Gibeonites.
2 Kings 8:1–6. A king makes amends to a woman of Shunem.
Nehemiah 5:1–13. Amends made to the poor
Job 20:4–29. Amends of the wicked
Proverbs 14:9. Fools mock making amends for sin.
Luke 19:1–10. Zacchaeus makes amends.
Amillennialism (end times, second coming)
The thousand-year reign of Christ
2 Samuel 7. God promises David that his kingdom would last forever.
2 Samuel 23:5. A lasting promise
Psalm 89:3–4. Praising God for the promise of an unending kingdom
Daniel 12. An angel interprets Daniel’s vision of the end times.
Revelation 20:1–7. Christ’s thousand-year reign
Amputation (deducting, cutting off, excluding)
Removing, excluding, or cutting off a limb or a person
Isaiah 38:12. When faced with a life-threatening illness, Hezekiah feels amputated.
Jeremiah 48:25. Figurative amputation of Moab
Matthew 5:29–30. Amputation to avoid sin
Matthew 18:8. Amputation to save faith
Acts 3:23. Amputated from the community
Analogy (likeness, similarity, parallel)
Comparison based on the similarity of two or more objects
Genesis 13:16. Descendants like the dust
1 Samuel 17:36. Analogy of the lion and bear
Psalm 80. Analogy of the vine
Proverbs 9. Wisdom analogy
John 15:1–8. Jesus’ analogy of the vine
Anarchy (chaos, disorder, rebellion)
State of lawlessness or political disorder
Judges 10:6. Anarchy of Israel
1 Kings 11:26–40. Anarchy of Jeroboam
Isaiah 3. Anarchy in a time of judgment
Galatians 5:13. Antidote for anarchy
2 Peter 2:10. Anarchy of false teachers
1 John 3:4. Anarchy of sin
Anatomy (composition, framework, makeup)
Structural makeup of an organism
Genesis 2:7. What we’re made of
Job 39:13. Anatomy of an ostrich versus the anatomy of a stork
Job 40:15–18. Anatomy of the behemoth
Psalm 139:13, 15. God knows our anatomy.
1 Corinthians 12:12–31. Anatomy of the body of Christ
Ancestor(s) (antecedent, forebear, forefather)
One from whom a person is descended
Genesis 10:21. Shem as ancestor
Joshua 17. Land allotments in Canaan according to ancestry
Matthew 1:6–17. David was an ancestor of Jesus.
Hebrews 7:9–10. Abraham was an ancestor of the tribe of Levi.
James 2:21. James writes of his ancestor Abraham.
Anchor(s) (affix, fasten, secure)
A principal support; something that holds an object firmly; a device on a ship that serves to hold the ship firmly
Deuteronomy 11:18. Anchor God’s Word firmly to your heart.
Acts 27:13. Weighing anchor off Crete
2 Corinthians 4:18. Anchor your eyes to the unseen.
Hebrews 3:1. Anchor your gaze on Jesus.
Hebrews 6:19. Faith in Christ is an anchor for our lives.
Ancient of Days (God)
A name for God
Daniel 7:9. Daniel’s vision of the Ancient of Days
Daniel 7:13. Appearing before the Ancient of Days
Daniel 7:22. Judgment of the Ancient of Days
Anesthesia (God)
Loss of consciousness; drug used to put the body to sleep
Genesis 2:21. The first need for anesthesia
Genesis 15:12. Deep sleep of Abram
Matthew 27:34. Gall used as an anesthetic
Angels (archangels, cherubim, messengers)
Spiritual beings created by God often used as messengers; the word angel means “messenger”
Genesis 3:24. Angels guard the tree of life.
Exodus 25:18. Cherubim sculpture on the ark of the covenant.
Ezekiel 1:4–21. Ezekiel sees cherubim.
Luke 1:26–38. An angel appears to Mary.
Luke 2:8–15. Angels announce the good news.
Revelation 8. John sees angels in his vision of heaven.
Anger (annoyance, fury, rage)
To make angry or become angry
Genesis 4:6–7. God urges Cain to master his anger.
Numbers 14:18. God is slow to anger.
Proverbs 15:1. Antidote for anger
Proverbs 27:4. Cruel anger, but jealousy worse?
Ephesians 4:26. Rules for anger
Anguish (agony, pain, suffering)
In extreme pain, agony, or distress
Exodus 15:14. Prediction of anguish
1 Samuel 1:16. Hannah wants Eli to know that she’s in anguish.
Job 3:26. Job’s anguish
Jeremiah 4:19. Jeremiah is in anguish at the coming destruction of Jerusalem.
Matthew 26:37. The Savior in anguish in the Garden of Gethsemane
Animals (creature, fauna, mammal)
Any of the organisms classified as single-celled or multi-celled and differing from plants; members of the animal kingdom
Genesis 1:24–25. God creates animals.
Genesis 3:1. The craftiest animal
Genesis 7:14–16. Animals saved during the flood.
Numbers 18:15. Priests and Levites own firstborn animals.
1 Kings 4:33. King Solomon classifies plants and animals.
Animism (belief system, philosophy, worship)
The belief that all created things (including animals, rocks, and rivers) have souls and can be worshiped
Exodus 12:12. The last plague is a strike against Egyptian animism.
Exodus 20:3–4. God condemns animism.
Deuteronomy 17:2–3. Moses warns the Israelites against animism.
1 Kings 20:23. The Arameans believe their god is stronger than the God of Israel.
1 Corinthians 8:5–6. Paul discusses animism in his letter.
Annals (chronologies, histories, records)
A chronological record of the kings of Israel
1 Kings 14:19. Jeroboam’s reign
1 Kings 15:31. Nadab’s reign
1 Kings 16:5. Baasha’s reign
1 Kings 16:27. Omri’s reign
2 Kings 1:18. Ahaziah’s reign
Anniversary(ies) (date, celebration, yearly event)
The annual recurrence of a notable event
Exodus 12:14. Israelites to celebrate the anniversary of Passover
Leviticus 16:34. Anniversary of atonement
Deuteronomy 16:5–6. More instructions on the Passover anniversary
Joshua 5:10. A sacred anniversary
Esther 9:20–21. Purim anniversary
Hosea 2:11. God threatens to end some anniversary celebrations.
Announcement(s) (declaration, proclamation, statement)
A public notification
Leviticus 23:4. Festival announcements
Judges 13:2–20. Announcement of Samson’s birth
Isaiah 48:12–22. An announcement of freedom
Luke 1:5–22. An angel announces the birth of John the Baptist to his father Zechariah.
Luke 1:26–38. Gabriel announces the birth of Jesus.
Annul (cancel, invalidate, nullify, withdraw)
To make legally invalid
Numbers 30:13. A husband can nullify a wife’s vow.
Deuteronomy 22:13–19. No annulment or divorce possible in this situation.
Matthew 1:19. Joseph considers an annulment.
Mark 7:13. Pharisees’ actions nullify the Word of God.
Romans 3:31. Is the law nullified?
Anoint (daub, oil, rub)
To apply oil in a sacred rite
Exodus 28:41. Aaron and sons to be anointed as priests
Exodus 29:7. Method of anointing
1 Samuel 10:1. Saul anointed as Israel’s king
1 Samuel 16:12–13. David anointed as king
2 Kings 9:3. A hurried anointing
Anonymity (mystery, obscurity)
One who is anonymous; remaining nameless
Psalm 100. Anonymous psalm
Acts 17:23. An anonymous god
Galatians 1:22. Paul is anonymous to the churches in Judea.
Hebrews. Anonymous epistle writer
Revelation 19:11–12. Rider has a name no one knows.
Answer(s) (reply, respond, response)
Something spoken or written in response to a question
Genesis 41:16. Through Joseph, God answers Pharaoh’s request.
Numbers 22:8. Balaam answers Balak’s request.
1 Samuel 14:41. Saul complains that God hasn’t answered.
1 Samuel 28:6. God refuses to answer Saul.
Jeremiah 33:3. God promises to answer.
Ant(s) (social insect)
A hymenopteran insect of the Formicidae family
Proverbs 6:6. The lesson of the ant
Proverbs 30:25. The wise ant
Anthems (see Music)
Anti-Semitism (hatred)
Hostility or hatred toward the Jews
Exodus 1. Egyptians oppress the Israelites.
Numbers 22. Balak wants the Jews cursed.
Judges 6. Israelites overpowered by the Midians
Esther 3:5–6. Haman’s hatred
Nehemiah 4. Anti-Semitism of Sanballat and others
Anthropomorphism (human characteristics, humanization)
Attributing human traits or actions to nonhuman things
Exodus 15:8. The nostrils of God
Job 38:35. Communicating with lightning
Isaiah 55:12. Nature worships God.
Habakkuk 2:11. Stones and beams speak of crime.
Luke 19:39–40. Stones will worship if people don’t.
Antichrist (beast, man of lawlessness)
The great antagonist who will be opposed by Christ in the end times; those who claim to be the Messiah, but aren’t
Matthew 24:5. Antichrists’ claims
2 Thessalonians 2:3–4. Antichrist will oppose anything worshiped.
1 John 2:18. Antichrists here already
1 John 4:3. Spirit of the antichrist
2 John 7. Mark of the antichrist
Antinomianism (against the law, lawlessness)
A heretical belief that a Christian is above the law because of Jesus’ death on the cross
Romans 3:31. Paul denounces antinomianism.
Romans 6. Not controlled by laws? Unthinkable!
Romans 7. The purpose of the law
Romans 13:8. How to fulfill the law
Jude 4. Jude condemns lawless behavior.
Anxiety (apprehension, fear, worry)
A fearful concern
Deuteronomy 28:65. Anxiety due to being cursed
Psalm 94:19. Soothing anxiety
Ecclesiastes 11:10. Banish anxiety
Ezekiel 4:16. Famine anxiety
1 Peter 5:7. Give God your anxiety.
Apathy (ennui, indifference, lack of interest)
Lack of interest or feeling
Proverbs 21:13. Don’t be apathetic to the poor.
Jonah 1. Jonah’s apathy
Romans 12:11. Don’t be apathetic; serve God instead.
Hebrews 12:25. Apathy of the Israelites
Revelation 3:14–22. Apathy of the Laodiceans
Aphorisms (adages, principles, proverbs, sayings)
Concise statements of truth or sentiment
Proverbs 3:15. Aphorism about wisdom
Proverbs 11:3. Aphorism about integrity
Proverbs 12:1. Aphorism about discipline
Proverbs 25:11. Aphorism about words
1 Corinthians 13:1. Paul’s use of an aphorism
Apocalypse (catastrophe, disaster, Judgment Day)
A prophesied battle during end times when God destroys the power of evil
Daniel 10:1. Daniel’s vision of the apocalypse
Daniel 12:1. A time of trouble
Revelation 6. Riders of the apocalypse
Revelation 19:14–16. The rider who will conquer
Revelation 19:19–20. Apocalyptic war
Apocalyptic literature (Daniel, Zechariah, Revelation)
Revelatory books describing end times activity and also with a view to encourage God’s people
Ezekiel 38–39. Ezekiel’s prophecy
Daniel 8–12. Daniel sees the end.
Joel. Joel’s vision of judgment
Zechariah 1:7–6:8. Zechariah sees the end.
The book of Revelation. John’s vision
Apocrypha (3 and 4 Esdras, Tobit, Judith, I and II Maccabees)
Books not adopted as part of the biblical canon
Numbers 21:14–15. The Book of the Wars of the Lord
Joshua 10:13. The book of Jasha
2 Chronicles 12:14–15. Book of Shemaiah
Nehemiah 12:23. The Book of Chronicles
Jude 14–15. The Book of Enoch
Apologetics (convincing argument, defense)
Systematic argument in defense of a doctrine
Romans 3:5. Paul’s apologetic
Titus 3:3–8. Apologetic on everlasting life
Hebrews 6:16–18. Convincing argument
1 Peter 1:10–12. The apologetic of the prophets
Apostasy (falling away)
Renunciation of faith
Mark 4:17. Falling away from the faith
Luke 7:23. Those who avoid apostasy are blessed.
1 Timothy 4:1–4. Believers who fall away
2 Timothy 3:1–9. People of apostasy
Hebrews 6:4–6. Deserters of Christ
2 Peter 3:17. Don’t fall away.
Apostle (disciple, messenger, missionary)
One sent on a mission, particularly to carry the Gospel of Christ; one of Jesus’ twelve disciples sent with authority after the death and resurrection of Christ
Matthew 10:1–4. Jesus chooses the apostles.
Acts 1:26. Matthias replaces Judas.
Acts 2:14. Peter and the apostles
Romans 1:1. Paul the apostle
Ephesians 1:1. Apostle by God’s will
Appearance (form, exterior, look)
External manifestation of a being or object
1 Samuel 16:7. God cares about the heart, rather than the appearance.
2 Samuel 14:25. Absalom’s unblemished appearance
Isaiah 53:2. The suffering servant’s unassuming appearance
Ezekiel 40:3. Bronze appearance of the man at the temple
Joel 2:4. The soldiers of Joel’s vision
Appeasement (conciliation, peace making, sacrificing)
To bring to a state of peace; buy off an aggressor through a sacrifice
Judges 3:15. Tribute money as an appeasement
Proverbs 16:14. Appeasing a king’s wrath
Micah 6:7. Is God appeased by sacrifices?
Acts 16:39. Appeasement of the officials of Philippi
1 Thessalonians 5:9. The ultimate appeasement of God’s anger
Appetite (craving, desire, hunger)
A strong wish or urge, especially for food and drink
Numbers 11:5–6. Israelites complain about appetite loss.
Proverbs 13:4. Appeasing an appetite through work
Proverbs 13:25. Appetites of the wicked
Ecclesiastes 6:7. An appetite never satisfied
Isaiah 5:14. Appetite of the grave
Appoint (assign, choose, select)
Select or designate to fill a position
Genesis 41:34. Joseph suggests the appointment of supervisors in Egypt.
Numbers 3:10. Aaron and sons appointed as priests
Deuteronomy 16:18. Appointment of judges
1 Kings 14:14. Appointment of a king
1 Chronicles 15:16. Appointment of musicians
Appraising (assessing, evaluating, judging)
Estimating the quality of something
Genesis 30:33. Jacob submits to a wage appraisal
Leviticus 27:11–12. Priest’s appraisement
Leviticus 27:14. House appraisal
Leviticus 27:18. Field appraisal
1 Kings 20:22. Appraising an army
Appreciation (approval, gratitude, recognition)
Recognition of the quality or value of people and things
2 Chronicles 17:5. Appreciation for Jehoshaphat
Job 12:5. No appreciation for misfortune?
Acts 24:3. Paul’s appreciation for Felix, the Roman governor
1 Corinthians 16:18. Show appreciation for those who comfort others.
1 Thessalonians 5:12. Appreciation for leaders
Apprentice (beginner, novice, trainee)
One legally contracted to work in return for instruction
Exodus 24:13–14. Joshua—Moses’ apprentice
2 Kings 2:2–3. Elisha’s brief apprenticeship
Daniel 1:4–6. Daniel’s apprenticeship
Matthew 10:42. A true apprentice
2 Timothy 3:10. Timothy—an apprentice of Paul
Appropriation (authorized usage, taking possession of)
Setting apart for a specific use
Exodus 3:22. Appropriation of Egyptian wealth
Exodus 13:1–2. Appropriation of firstborn
Exodus 29:27–28. Appropriation of a ram
Exodus 32:2–4. Appropriation of gold for a golden calf
Leviticus 24:9. Bread of the presence appropriated for priests
Approval (acceptance, consent, endorsement)
Official sanction; favorable regard
Genesis 6:8. God approves of Noah.
Genesis 15:6. God’s approval of Abram
Deuteronomy 6:25. How to gain the Lord’s approval
Matthew 5:6. Thirsting for God’s approval
Romans 5:1–2. Why we have God’s approval
2 Timothy 2:22. Seek activities that have God’s approval.
2 Timothy 3:16. Training for a life with God’s approval
Approximating (estimating, figuring, guessing)
Estimating based on previous information or no information
Matthew 16:2–3. Approximating the weather
Matthew 24:36. No one can approximate the return of Christ.
Matthew 27:46. Approximate time Jesus fulfilled yet another Scripture
Luke 14:28. Approximating the cost
John 6:5–7. Philip approximates the cost of food for over 5,000 people.
Arab (Middle Eastern)
A member of the Semitic people inhabiting Arabia
Genesis 25:13–18. Arab ancestors
1 Kings 10:14–15. Gold from Arabian kings
Nehemiah 2:19. Ridicule of Geshem
Isaiah 13:20. Prophecy against Babylon
Aramaic (language)
Semitic language begun by the Arameans
2 Kings 18:26. Speaking in Aramaic
Ezra 4:7. Enemies of Judah write in Aramaic
Daniel 2:4. Language of the astrologers in Persia
Mark 14:36. Jesus speaks in Aramaic.
Mark 15:34. Jesus cries out in Aramaic from the cross.
John 5:2. Bethesda—an Aramaic word
Arbitration (adjudication, mediation, negotiation)
The process of settling or judging a matter between two parties in dispute through the use of an arbitrator
1 Kings 3:16–28. Solomon’s arbitration
Job 9:33–34. Job seeks arbitration.
Isaiah 47:3. God will not arbitrate.
Ezekiel 44:24. Priests act in matters of arbitration.
Luke 12:13–14. Jesus asked to be an arbitrator.
Archaeology (science)
The study of material remains from past life and culture
Isaiah 58:12. Ancient ruins restored
Isaiah 61:4. Renewing the ancient ruins
Jeremiah 49:13. Ruins of Bozrah
Ezekiel 26:20. Among the ancient ruins
Zephaniah 2:9. Just like Gomorrah
Archangels (angel)
High-ranking angels
Daniel 10:20–21. Archangels in battle
Daniel 11:1. Helping an archangel
Daniel 12:1. Michael will act during the end times.
1 Thessalonians 4:16. Voice of the archangel
Jude 9. Michael the archangel
Archery (bow and arrow)
Skill of shooting with a bow and arrow
Genesis 21:20. Ishmael skilled at archery
2 Samuel 22:33–35. God helps with archery
Psalm 46:9. End of archery?
Jeremiah 51:3. Archers against Babylon
Architecture (building, structural design)
The art and science of designing and erecting buildings; buildings and other large structures
Genesis 11:5. Tower of Babel
1 Kings 6:2. Solomon’s temple
Ezra 6:16. Zerubbabel’s temple
Acts 3:10–11. Temple architecture
Acts 17:19. City court of Athens
Arid (dry, parched, waterless)
Lacking moisture
Deuteronomy 8:15. God led Israel through arid lands.
Psalm 107:35. What God does to arid places
Isaiah 58:11. Guidance in arid places
Joel 3:18. Arid valleys watered
Matthew 12:43. An evil spirit’s journey
Ark (ark of the covenant, Noah’s ark)
The sacred chest of the Israelites; large boat Noah built to save his family and animals from the Flood
Genesis 6–8. Noah’s ark
Exodus 25:10–22. Ark of the covenant
Exodus 40:21. Ark of the covenant placed in the tabernacle
Joshua 3:14. Carrying the ark of the covenant through the Jordan
Joshua 6:2–4. The ark goes into war.
Armageddon (final battle)
The final battle between good and evil
Daniel 12:1. Armageddon—time of trouble
Revelation 16:16. The place called Armageddon
Revelation 19:19. War with the beast
Armor (breastplate, chain mail, protective covering)
Defensive covering worn to protect the body against weapons
1 Samuel 17:5. Goliath’s armor
1 Samuel 17:38–39. Saul’s armor is not a good fit for David.
1 Samuel 31:10. Philistines dishonor Saul by displaying his armor.
1 Kings 22:34. Ahab wounded even while wearing armor.
2 Chronicles 26:14. Armor of Uzziah’s army
Armor of God (breastplate, sword of the Spirit, truth)
Metaphor Paul used for the tools of spiritual warfare
Ephesians 6:11. Put armor on.
Ephesians 6:14. Belt of truth and the breastplate of righteousness
Ephesians 6:15. Shoes of the Good News
Ephesians 6:16. Shield of faith
Ephesians 6:17. Helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit
Army(ies) (armed forces, military, soldiers)
Large body of people organized and trained for land battle
Exodus 14:4. Pharaoh’s army will pursue the Israelites during the Exodus
Exodus 17:13. Joshua’s army beats the Amalekites
Numbers 2. Armies of the tribes of Israel
Joshua 5:13–14. Commander of the Lord’s army
Judges 4. Sisera’s army defeated by God
Aroma(s) (fragrance, odor, smell)
A pleasant odor
Genesis 8:20–21. Soothing aroma
Exodus 29:41. Aroma that pleases God
Leviticus 6:15. The aroma of a grain offering
Leviticus 23:13. Firstfruits aroma
Numbers 28:1–2. Offering a soothing aroma
2 Corinthians 2:15. Aroma of Christ
Aromatherapy (fragrances, oils)
A term coined in 1928 by Henri Maurice Gattefosse to define the essential oils used to promote healing
Exodus 30:34–36. Fragrant spices
Psalm 51:7. Hyssop
Proverbs 7:17. Myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon
Matthew 2:11. Frankincense and myrrh
John 12:3. Nard
John 19:39. Myrrh and aloe
Arrogance (see Pride)
Arrow(s) (barbed word, dart, projectile)
Thin shaft with a pointed head used for fighting or hunting; metaphor for malicious comments
1 Samuel 20:35–36. Arrows as a signal
2 Kings 13:17. Arrow of the Lord’s victory
Job 20:23–24. Arrow of suffering
Psalm 91:5–6. Don’t fear the arrows.
Jeremiah 9:8. Tongues like arrows
Arson (combustible, fire-starting, inflammable)
Willfully setting fire to one’s own or someone else’s property
Joshua 8:19. Arson at Ai
Joshua 11:13. Hazor razed
Judges 15:4–5. Foxes used in arson
2 Kings 25:8–10. Setting Jerusalem on fire
Isaiah 1:7. A prophecy of arson
Art (drawing, painting, pottery, sculpture)
Human effort to imitate or supplement the works of nature; producing or arranging sounds, colors, forms to affect the sense of beauty
1 Kings 6:29. Art in the temple
Psalm 74:6. Vandals destroy art.
Isaiah 29:16. Pottery
Ezekiel 8:10. Ezekiel’s vision of bad art
Ezekiel 4:1–3. Instructive art
Ascension (ascending, climbing, rising)
The act or process of ascending; the bodily rising of Jesus into heaven after His resurrection
Judges 13:20. Ascension of the Messenger of the Lord
Psalm 47:5. God has ascended.
Mark 16:19. Jesus returning to heaven
Acts 1:3–11. Jesus ascends.
Ephesians 4:7–10. Christ’s triumphal ascension
Asceticism (plainness, severity, starkness)
Self-denial and austerity
Matthew 9:14. Jesus challenged about non-ascetic lifestyle
Colossians 2:21–23. Asceticism rebuked
1 Timothy 4:1–4. Warning Timothy about asceticism
Ashamed (embarrassed, humiliated, mortified)
A feeling of shame, guilt, or inadequacy
2 Samuel 19:3. Troops ashamed of David’s mourning
2 Kings 8:10–11. Hazael ashamed
Ezra 8:22. Ezra ashamed
Isaiah 24:23. Shame of the moon and sun
Mark 8:38. Ashamed of Jesus?
Romans 1:16. Not ashamed of the gospel
2 Timothy 2:15. How to avoid shame
Asherah (goddess, Ishtar, queen of heaven)
Canaanite goddess often paired with Baal
1 Kings 18. Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal and Asherah.
2 Kings 23:4. Ridding the temple of the worship of Asherah
2 Chronicles 15:16. Removing the aspects of Asherah worship
Jeremiah 7:18. Worshiping Asherah
Jeremiah 44:17–18. Consequences of Asherah worship
Asherah pole (grove, tree)
Sacred tree honoring Asherah, the Canaanite goddess
Exodus 34:13. God warns the Israelites to tear down Asherah poles in Canaan.
Deuteronomy 16:21–22. Avoid Asherah poles.
Judges 6:25–26. Asherah pole to be cut
1 Kings 14:15. Ahijah the prophet condemns the use of Asherah poles.
1 Kings 16:33. Ahab’s Asherah poles
Asia Minor (southwestern Asia, peninsula, Roman province)
Peninsula also known as Anatolia (part of modern-day Turkey); Roman province
Acts 6:9. Stephen faces opposition from men of Asia Minor.
Acts 9:30. Saul (Paul) is sent to his hometown of Tarsus in Asia Minor.
Acts 16:6. Paul prevented from going to Asia Minor.
Acts 19:10. Paul preaches in Asia Minor.
Acts 20:16. Paul bypasses Asia Minor.
Ask/Seek/Knock (make request, pray, seek)
Phrase uttered by Jesus containing metaphors for communicating with God
2 Chronicles 7:14. Seek him.
Matthew 7:7–8. Ask, seek, and knock.
John 14:12–14. Ask in Jesus’ name.
John 15:7. Yours for the asking
John 15:16. Chosen to ask
Revelation 3:20. Jesus knocks.
Assassination (elimination, killing, murder)
Murder of a prominent person
Judges 3:12–30. Assassination of Eglon
2 Samuel 3:27. Assassination of Abner
2 Samuel 4:5–6. Assassination of Ishbosheth
2 Kings 11:1–3. Joash saved from assassination
2 Kings 12:19–20. Joash assassinated by servants
2 Chronicles 32:21. Sennacherib assassinated
Assembly (assemblage, gathering, meeting)
A group gathered for a common purpose (i.e., sacred or social)
Genesis 49:5–6. An assembly to avoid
Exodus 12:16. Passover assembly
Leviticus 4:14. Sacrifice of the assembly
Leviticus 23:7. Festival assembly
Numbers 29:35. Assembly on the eighth day
Assertive individuals (forceful, pushy, self-confident)
Aggressively self-assured people who didn’t end well
Genesis 49:3–4. Reuben
1 Samuel 17. Goliath
1 Kings 1:5–53. Adonijah
1 Kings 21. Jezebel
2 Kings 19. Sennacherib
Assets (belongings, possessions, resources)
Useful or valuable qualities or people; valuable items owned
Genesis 13:2. Abram’s assets
Exodus 19:5. Israel is an asset.
2 Kings 20:12–21. Hezekiah foolishly shows his assets.
Proverbs 31:10–11. A wife who is an asset to her husband
1 Corinthians 11:15. Hair as an asset
Assistance (aid, help, support)
Aiding or helping
Numbers 8:26. Assisting Levites
2 Chronicles 8:14. System of assistance
Ezra 8:36. Official assistance
Job 29:12. The assistance of Job
Romans 15:24. Paul’s need for assistance
Assurance (confidence, guarantee, pledge)
A statement that inspires confidence
Esther 9:30. Mordecai’s assurance
Ephesians 1:14. Holy Spirit: a believer’s assurance
1 Timothy 3:13. Assured faith
Hebrews 10:22. Approach with assurance
Hebrews 11:1. Assurance of faith
Assyrians (conquerors, Sennacherib, Shalmaneser, Tiglath Pileser)
Ancient empire who conquered the Israelites; name comes from Asshur, a city-state
2 Kings 15:29. Territories captured by Assyria
2 Kings 17:3. Israel defeated by Assyria again
Isaiah 10:24. Isaiah’s prophecy: don’t fear the Assyrians.
Isaiah 19:23. Assyrians and Egyptians will worship together.
Ezekiel 23. An alliance with Assyria angers God.
Astrology (reading the stars, zodiac signs)
Study of the positions of the celestial bodies and the belief that they influence human matters
Deuteronomy 4:19. Don’t worship or serve the celestial bodies.
Isaiah 47:13–14. Consequences of astrology
Jeremiah 10:2. Don’t be caught up in astrology.
Daniel 2. Nebuchadnezzar’s astrologers fail him.
Daniel 4. Nebuchadnezzar’s astrologers again fail him.
Astronomy (stars, planets)
Scientific study of stars and planets
Job 26:7. God made astronomy possible.
Job 38:31–33. Laws of the sky
Psalm 8:3–4. Star gazing
Psalm 19:1–6. Display of the sky
Isaiah 13:10. Disaster in the sky
Atheism (agnosticism, skepticism, unbelief)
Disbelief in the existence of God
Psalm 14. There is no God?
Psalm 53. Godless fools
Romans 1:19–20. No excuse for unbelief
2 Timothy 3:1–9. Unbelief in the last days
Athletes (competitors, contestants, participants)
Persons with the natural abilities to participate in physical exercise
Judges 20:16. Athletic soldiers of the tribe of Benjamin
1 Samuel 17. David’s athletic prowess matched with the strength of God
1 Corinthians 9:24–26. Athletic advice
Philippians 3:12–14. Athletic metaphor for the Christian life
2 Timothy 2:5. Athletes who win
Hebrews 12:1. Christians as athletes
Atonement (amends, appeasement, reparation)
Reconciliation between God and man brought about by the continual sacrifice of animals in Old Testament times and once and for all by Jesus Christ
Exodus 30:10. Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur today)
Leviticus 4:3–21. Atonement for wrongs
Leviticus 23:27. A special day for atonement
Numbers 29:7–11. Atonement offerings
Hebrews 9:23–28. Christ’s once-for-all atonement
Attitudes (feelings, mindsets, outlooks, thoughts)
A state of mind or a feeling
Genesis 31. Laban’s attitude change toward Jacob
Ezra 6:22. Changing a king’s attitude
Daniel 3. A change in attitude
Philippians 2:5–11. Have the attitude of Jesus.
Attributes of God (characteristics, qualities, traits)
Qualities or characteristics inherent in God as revealed by God
Exodus 3:15. God is eternal.
Exodus 15:7. God’s anger
Exodus 33:19. God’s mercy
Exodus 34:6–7. God reveals His attributes to Moses.
Deuteronomy 7:9. God’s faithfulness
Matthew 9:35–38. Jesus’ compassion
1 John 4:7–21. God’s love
Aurora Borealis (lights, northern lights)
Bands of light visible in the northern skies
Job 37:22. A golden light
Job 38:19. Where does light live?
Authenticity (genuineness, legitimacy, validity)
The quality of being authentic, genuine, or trustworthy
Isaiah 29:13. Lack of authenticity in worship
Matthew 11:18–19. Jesus’ authenticity
2 Corinthians 6:8–9. Paul’s authenticity
Philippians 2:20. Timothy—a model of authenticity
1 Peter 1:7. Trials help develop authentic faith.
Authority (clout, influence, power)
The power to enforce laws, judge, or exact obedience
Numbers 27:20–21. Moses passes some of his authority to Joshua.
Esther 9:29. Esther and Mordecai’s authority
Isaiah 22:20–21. God gives authority.
Matthew 7:28–29. Jesus’ authority
Matthew 10:1. Jesus gives authority.
Authorization (approval, endorsement, permission)
The act of authorizing or sanctioning
Genesis 41:44. Nothing to be done without Joseph’s authorization
Ezra 3:7. Authorized to rebuild the temple
Ezra 4. The Israelites’ authorization to rebuild the temple is stripped away.
Nehemiah 2. Nehemiah gains the king’s authorization to travel to Jerusalem.
Acts 15:24. Lacking authorization
Autumn (fall)
The season of the year between summer and winter
Deuteronomy 11:14. God promises rain in autumn.
Jeremiah 5:24. What the rebellious don’t notice about autumn
Joel 2:23. Give thanks for autumn rain
James 5:7. Waiting patiently for autumn rain
Avenger (nemesis, punisher, righter of wrongs)
One who takes vengeance or inflicts punishment
Numbers 35:12. Avengers halted at cities of refuge
Deuteronomy 19:5–6. Avenger of blood
Joshua 20:5. Avengers cannot harm.
2 Samuel 14. The woman of Tekoa pleads against revenge.
Psalm 8:2. Protection from the avenger
Awaken (rouse, stir, wake up)
To cause to wake up; to resurrect from death; to acknowledge an act of God
Psalm 57:8. David awakens to praise.
Psalm 80:2. Awaken and help.
Song of Songs 2:7. Don’t awaken love.
Romans 13:11. Time to awaken
Ephesians 5:13–14. Awaken and rise.
Awareness (alertness, consciousness, responsiveness)
Having cognizance or knowledge
Genesis 19:30–38. Lot’s lack of awareness
Genesis 28:10–22. Jacob now aware of God’s presence
Exodus 34:29. No awareness of glory
Nehemiah 4:15. Awareness of plot
Matthew 16:8. Jesus’ awareness of his disciples’ lack of faith
Awe (admiration, astonishment, fear, wonder)
A mixed emotion of reverence, respect, and dread
1 Samuel 12:18. In awe of God
1 Kings 3:28. In awe of Solomon
Job 25:2. Bildad speaks of awe.
Psalm 119:120. In awe of God’s laws
Jeremiah 2:19. No awe of God
Ax (tool)
The quality of being authentic, genuine, or trustworthy
Deuteronomy 19:5. Accident with an ax
Judges 9:47–49. Abimelech urges ax usage.
2 Kings 6:1–7. Elisha makes an ax head float.
Ecclesiastes 10:10. As sharp as an ax?
Luke 3:9. John the Baptist uses an ax metaphor to warn the people of Israel.