Calendar (almanac, dates, time)
A system for reckoning time
Exodus 23:15. In the month of Abib
Leviticus 23:27. A date to mark
Numbers 1:1. Keeping track of time
Numbers 9:2–3. On the fourteenth day
Numbers 33:3. On the fifteenth day
Calf worship (idols)
Using calf-shaped idols in worship
Exodus 32. Gold calf
Deuteronomy 9:16–21. Moses recaps the calf incident.
Nehemiah 9:17–18. God didn’t abandon his people, even when they made the gold calf.
1 Kings 12:28–31. Jeroboam encourages calf worship.
Psalm 106:19. Worshiping the calf
Called/Calling (election, ministry, occupation)
The selection of a leader for a purpose; those who are the elect or chosen by God
Matthew 4:18–20. Calling the first disciples
Romans 1:6–7. Called to belong to Jesus
Romans 8:28–30. Those who are called
Hebrews 3:1. Heavenly calling
2 Peter 1:10. Make your calling secure.
Camel(s) (domestic animals, herds)
Domesticated, humped ruminant mammal
Genesis 12:16. Plenty of camels for Abram
Genesis 24:17–19. Rebekah provides water for Abraham’s camels.
Genesis 32:13–15. Jacob gives camels to appease Esau.
Leviticus 11:4. Don’t eat camels.
Judges 7:12. Many camels
Jeremiah 2:23. Judah is like a young camel.
Mark 10:25. Camel through a needle
Candle(s) (light, wax, tallow, wick)
Cylindrical mass of tallow or wax used to provide light
Isaiah 42:3. Flickering candle
Isaiah 43:17. Snuffed like a candle wick
Matthew 12:20. Jesus—the chosen servant
Cannibalism (curse, siege behavior)
Eating the flesh of another human being
Leviticus 26:29. The covenant curse of cannibalism
Deuteronomy 28:53. Cannibalism as a result of the curse
2 Kings 6:28–29. Cannibalism during a famine
Jeremiah 19:9. Fulfillment of a covenant curse
Lamentations 4:10. Cannibalism in the midst of a siege
John 6:51–52. Jesus accused of cannibalism
Canon (Bible, books, Scriptures)
The books of the Bible officially accepted as Scripture
Deuteronomy 4:2. Commandment to avoid adding to Scriptures
Deuteronomy 31:26. Law—part of the canon
Mark 12:26. Jesus discusses the book of the law
2 Peter 3:16. Paul’s letters accepted as part of the Scriptures.
Capability (see Ability[ies]), Talent)
Capital punishment (execution)
Killing a person by judicial process
Genesis 26:11. Penalty for touching Isaac or Rebekah
Genesis 40:19. Chief baker to be hanged
Exodus 21:12. Capital offenses
Leviticus 20:9. Curse leads to death.
Deuteronomy 13:9. Punishment for idolatry
Esther 7:8–10. Haman is put to death.
Daniel 3:6. Penalty for refusal to bow to the statue set up by Nebuchadnezzar
Capital(s) (headquarters, hub, main city)
The town or city that is the official seat of government; also the upper part of a pillar
Genesis 36:32, 35. Edom capitals
Joshua 13:9–10. Capital of Heshbon
1 Chronicles 1:50. A capital city of Edom
Isaiah 7:8–9a. Capital cities of Israel and Judah
Captive (hostage, prisoner, slave)
One forcibly confined, enslaved, or taken prisoner as a result of war
Deuteronomy 21:10. Rules about taking captives
Judges 18:30. Priests until captivity
1 Samuel 30. The captives of Ziklag
2 Kings 6:22. Handling the captives during a siege
2 Kings 24:15. Capturing Jehoiakin
2 Corinthians 10:5. Taking thoughts captive
Ephesians 4:7–8. Rescuing captives of sin
Caravan(s) (convoy, group, parade)
A group of travelers journeying together
Genesis 37:25. Caravan of Ishmaelites
1 Kings 10:2. Queen of Sheba’s caravan
Isaiah 21:13. Caravan of Arabians
Isaiah 30:6. Caravan through the Negev
Luke 2:43–44. Jesus travels in Passover caravan
Careers (see Trade, Work)
Carnal (earthly, self-centered thoughts, sexual desires)
Relating to the physical or sexual appetite
Romans 7:14. Spiritual versus carnal
Romans 8:7. Hostile toward God
Romans 15:27. Using earthly materials
1 Corinthians 3:1. Not spiritual but carnal
Carnivorous animals (bears, lions, vultures, wolves)
Flesh-eating predators
Genesis 31:39. Flocks killed by wild animals
Leviticus 7:24. Law against eating an animal killed by another
Leviticus 26:22. The curse of the carnivores
1 Samuel 17:34–35. Rescuing the flock from carnivores
Job 39:30. Carnivorous birds
Carpenter (wood worker)
A worker who makes finished wooden products
Exodus 38:22–23. Bezalel
2 Samuel 5:11. Hired carpenters
2 Kings 12:11–12. Contributions to pay carpenters
Isaiah 41:7. Encouraging carpenters
Isaiah 44:13. Work of carpenters
Matthew 13:55. Jesus and Joseph
Catastrophe (calamity, disaster, tragedy)
A great and sudden calamity
Genesis 19:29. Catastrophe at Sodom and Gomorrah
Jeremiah 11:23. Catastrophe God allows
Revelation 8:13. Catastrophe, catastrophe, catastrophe
Revelation 9:12. More and more catastrophes
Revelation 11:14. Second and third catastrophes
Cattle/Cow (bulls, oxen, steers)
Mammals of the genus Bos
Genesis 13:5. Lot’s cattle
Genesis 24:35. Abraham’s cattle
Exodus 9:1–7. Plague on cattle
Leviticus 1:2. Offering of cattle
Deuteronomy 2:35. Cattle as spoils of war
Psalm 50:10. All cattle belong to God
Jeremiah 5:17. Cattle taken as a result of Judah’s disobedience
Caught in the act (accused, convicted)
Individuals caught in the middle of a wrongdoing
Deuteronomy 22:22. The adulterers
Joshua 7. Achan
Psalm 10:2. The wicked
Mark 14:72. Peter
John 8:1–11. Woman caught in adultery
Cause and effect (cycles, triggers)
The cycle of events or actions and the effects produced by them
Deuteronomy 28:1. Cause: obedience; effect: blessing
Deuteronomy 28:15. Cause: disobedience; effect: curses
Judges 4. Cause: Israel’s sin; effect: conquered by the Canaanites
Judges 9. Cause: Abimelech’s murders; effect: punishment from God and ambushes
Isaiah 3. Cause: arrogance/oppression of the women of Zion; effect: punishment from God
Cautions (see Admonitions, Warning[s])
Cave (cavern, grotto, tomb)
Hollow or natural passage into the earth
Genesis 19:30. Taking shelter in a cave
Genesis 23:7–19. Abraham buries Sarah in a cave.
Joshua 10:16–27. Hiding in a cave
Judges 15:8. Samson in a cave
1 Samuel 22:1. Escape to a cave
Cedars of Lebanon (trees)
Trees indigenous to the mountains of Lebanon
Judges 9:15. An allegory involving the cedars of Lebanon
1 Kings 5:6. Cedars used in building the temple
1 Kings 10:27. Plentiful cedars
2 Kings 19:23. Sennacherib threatens deforestation
Psalm 92:12. The righteous are like the cedars.
Psalm 104:16. The Lord’s trees
Isaiah 2:12–13. A prophecy against the cedars of Lebanon
Celebrate (commemorate, honor, remember)
To observe special days or events with ceremonies of respect
Exodus 5:1. A festival to celebrate
Exodus 12. Celebrate Passover
Exodus 23:14. Celebrate three times a year
Leviticus 23:39. Celebrate for seven days.
Numbers 9:4–5. Celebration in the desert
Matthew 26:18. Jesus celebrates Passover
Celibacy (see Abstinence)
Censer (incense)
Vessel for burning incense
Leviticus 10:1. Censers of Nadab and Abihu
Numbers 16. Challenge with censers
1 Kings 7:50. Temple furnishings
2 Kings 25:15. Babylonians loot the censers.
Census (poll, population count, survey)
An official enumeration of a population, often for taxation or military purposes
Exodus 30:11–12. Ransom after a census
Numbers 1. Moses takes a census.
Numbers 4:1–2. Census of the Levites
Numbers 26:52–53. Census of the Levites
2 Samuel 24. A bad census
Centurion (Roman soldier)
Commander in the Roman army with authority over 100 soldiers
Matthew 8:5–13. A centurion believes
Matthew 27:54. The centurion at the cross
Mark 15:44–45. The centurion’s report
Acts 10. Cornelius the centurion
Acts 22:25. Paul appeals to a centurion.
Ceremony (observance, ritual, service)
A formal act as prescribed by a ritual or custom
Genesis 50:10. Ceremony for Jacob
Exodus 12:25. Passover ceremony
Numbers 9:14. Passover ceremony
Acts 21:24. Purification ceremony
Acts 24:18. Paul talks of the purification ceremony.
Chaff (leftovers, hay, straw, winnowing)
Finely cut straw or hay used as fodder
Job 13:25. Dry chaff
Job 21:18. Swept away like chaff
Psalm 1:4. Wicked are like chaff.
Psalm 35:5. Enemies treated like chaff
Isaiah 17:13. Chased away like chaff
Chain(s) (bonds, fetters, links, shackles)
Connecting links used for binding or for ornamentation
Exodus 28. Chains for the high priest
Judges 8:26. Chains on camels
Judges 16:21. Chaining Samson
1 Kings 6:21. Chains at the temple
Isaiah 28:22. Chains in Jerusalem
Mark 5:4. Chains of a demon-controlled man
Challenge (confront, dare, test)
A call to engage in a contest, fight, or competition
Numbers 16. Korah challenges Moses and loses.
1 Samuel 17:8–11. Goliath challenges Israel.
1 Kings 18. Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal.
Job 38. God challenges Job.
Jeremiah 49:19. God challenges Edom.
Change (alteration, conversion, transformation)
To cause to be different; to have a different form or appearance
Numbers 23:19. God never changes.
1 Kings 8:48–49. A change of heart
1 Kings 13:33. Jeroboam didn’t change.
Psalm 7:12. Change or be shot.
Jeremiah 7:3. Judah—change!
Chaos (confusion, disorder)
Condition or place of great disorder or confusion
Exodus 8:24. Chaos in Egypt
Isaiah 34:11. Chaos in Edom
Habakkuk 3:2. Mercy in chaos
Acts 21:30. Chaos in Jerusalem
Character (personality, qualities, temperament)
The combination of qualities that distinguish a person
Ruth 2:1. Boaz’s outstanding character
Proverbs 31:10. Wife of strong character
Romans 5:3–4. Endurance produces character.
2 Corinthians 5:12. Prouder of appearance than of character
Ephesians 5:13–14. Light exposes true character.
Chariot (conveyance, transport)
Two-wheeled, horse-drawn conveyance used in war or for ceremony
Genesis 41:43. Joseph’s chariot
Exodus 14:5–31. Pharaoh pursues Israel with chariots.
Judges 4:15. Sisera and his chariots
2 Samuel 10:18. The Arameans and their chariots
2 Samuel 15:1. Absalom’s chariot
1 Kings 4:26. Solomon’s chariots
1 Kings 18:44–45. Ahab’s chariot
Chastity (see Purity)
Cheating (deception, dishonesty, trickery)
Deceiving by trickery
Genesis 27. Esau is cheated out of his birthright.
Genesis 30:27–43. Laban tries to cheat Jacob out of his wages.
Malachi 3:8–9. Cheating God by withholding tithes
Mark 7:20–23. Cheating makes a person unclean.
Cheerfulness (brightness, exuberance, jollity)
Having good spirits; being merry
1 Kings 8:66. Cheerful hearts at the temple dedication
Esther 8:16. Cheerfulness after deliverance
Proverbs 15:13, 15. Cheerful face and heart
Proverbs 16:15. Cheerful king
Ecclesiastes 3:12. Be cheerful.
2 Corinthians 9:7. Cheerful givers
Chemistry (science)
The science of the composition, structure, properties, and reaction of matter
Exodus 30:34–35. Instructions on mixing incense
Job 38:29–30. Formation of ice
John 1:3. Chemistry possible because of God’s creation
Cherubim (angels, living creatures)
Winged celestial beings
Genesis 3:24. Cherubim guard the Garden of Eden
Numbers 7:89. Cherubim on the ark
2 Samuel 6:2. God enthroned between cherubim
1 Kings 6:23. Cherubim in the temple
Ezekiel 1. Ezekiel’s vision of cherubim
Child abuse (mistreatment)
The mistreatment of children
Genesis 37. Abusing Joseph
Exodus 1:15–16. Murdering children
Joel 3:3. Children not cherished
Child sacrifice (human sacrifice)
Killing children to appease a god
Genesis 22. Isaac’s sacrifice as test for Abraham
Leviticus 18:21. Never sacrifice children.
Leviticus 20:2–5. Death punishment for sacrificing children
2 Kings 23:10. Stopping child sacrifices
Jeremiah 32:35. Sites for child sacrifices
Childbirth (having children, reproduction)
The process of giving birth
Genesis 35:16–18. Rachel dies in childbirth.
Exodus 1:15–16. Orders to kill during childbirth
Leviticus 12:1. Childbirth makes a woman ritually unclean.
Isaiah 21:3. Fall of Babylon is like childbirth.
Luke 2:2–7. Birth of Jesus
Romans 8:22. Creation groans like a woman in childbirth.
Childless (barren, infertile)
Unable to have children
Genesis 16:1. Sarai was childless.
Genesis 25:21. Praying for a childless wife
1 Samuel 2:5. The prayer of a formerly childless woman
1 Samuel 15:33. Agag’s mother soon to be childless
2 Samuel 6:23. Michal is childless
Psalm 113:9. Turning a childless woman into a joyful mother
Isaiah 54:1. Song of a childless woman
Children (blessings from God, daughter, son, youth)
A son or daughter; an offspring
Genesis 29:31. Children for the unloved wife
Genesis 30:1–2. Desperate for children
Deuteronomy 6:6–7. Teach God’s laws to children.
1 Samuel 2:20. Children dedicated to the Lord
Psalm 127:3–5. Children as an inheritance
Jeremiah 38:23. Children exiled to Babylon
Matthew 11:16–17. Jesus compares adults to children.
Matthew 19:13–15. Jesus blesses children.
Choice(s) (alternatives, options, selections)
The act of choosing
Exodus 17:8–9. Choosing fighting men
Numbers 14:3–4. The Israelites rebel and want to choose another leader.
Deuteronomy 1:13. Choosing good leaders
Joshua 24:15. Choose who you will serve.
1 Chronicles 21:11–12. Choosing between punishments
Choir (chorale, music, singers)
Organized company of singers
1 Chronicles 15:16. David chooses a choir.
2 Chronicles 5:13. The choir at the temple dedication
2 Chronicles 29:28. The choir at the temple rededication
Nehemiah 12:28–29. Choirs at the dedication of the rebuilt wall of Jerusalem
Psalm 68:26. Thanking God with choirs
Choir directors (leaders, singers)
People chosen to lead a choir
1 Chronicles 15:22. Chenaniah is chosen to direct.
Psalm 4, direction. Notes for the choir director
Psalm 59, direction. Notes for the choir director
Psalm 60, direction. Notes for the choir director
Christ (Messiah, Suffering Servant the Chosen One)
Greek translation of the Hebrew word Messiah—the Savior foretold in the Old Testament
Matthew 1:1. History of the Christ
Matthew 11:2–3. Jesus—the chosen servant
Matthew 24:24. False Christs
Matthew 26:67–68. The Christ mocked
John 1:41. Christ found
Acts 16:18. Speaking in the name of the Christ
Christianity (Christian faith, the church, the Way)
Belief system based on the teachings of Jesus; embracing the belief that Jesus is the Son of God who died for the sins of all and was resurrected
Acts 11:26. First mention of Christians
Acts 26:10. Paul—the enemy of Christianity at one point
Acts 26:27. Can Paul persuade Agrippa to become a Christian?
Romans 9:1. The truth of a Christian
Romans 12:6. Agreeing with the Christian faith
1 Peter 4:16. Pride in being a Christian
Christmas (Advent, birth of Jesus, holiday)
Holiday that celebrates the birth of the Savior, Jesus
Isaiah 7:14. Prophecy of Christmas to come
Micah 5:2. Setting of the first Christmas
Matthew 1:18. The Holy Spirit’s part in Christmas
Luke 1:25–38. The promise of Christmas
Luke 2:1–20. The birth that started Christmas
Church (believers, community, congregation)
Christians all over the world; the body of Christ; also a building where a congregation meets
Matthew 16:18. Building the church
Acts 2. Birth of the church
Acts 5:11. Fear sweeps the church
Acts 8:1. Persecuted church
Romans 16:1. A deacon of the church
1 Corinthians 7:17. Guidelines for the church
1 Corinthians 10:32. Don’t mislead church members.
Church discipline (admonishing, reproving)
Following biblical guidelines in order to reprove those within the community
Matthew 18:15–17. A model for church discipline
1 Corinthians 5:11. Paul calls for discipline.
1 Corinthians 6:9–10. Conduct that calls for church discipline
2 Corinthians 2:6–7. Don’t over-discipline.
Ephesians 4:25. Speak the truth in church discipline.
Cinnamon (spice)
Dried bark of tropical trees that is ground to make a spice
Exodus 30:23. Cinnamon in oil
Proverbs 7:17. A bed perfumed with cinnamon
Song of Songs 4:13–14. A love like a paradise with cinnamon
Revelation 18:12–13. No one to buy cinnamon
Circumcision (rite of inclusion, symbol of God’s promise)
The surgical removal of the foreskin of the male reproductive organ
Genesis 17:9–14. Covenant of circumcision
Exodus 4:25. Moses’ son circumcised
John 7:22–23. Jesus discusses circumcision.
Acts 7:8. Continuing circumcision
Romans 2:25–29. Value of circumcision
Circumstances (conditions, situations, status)
Determining or modifying factors; the results of events
1 Chronicles 29:29–30. Circumstances of David
Romans 4:10. The circumstances of faith
1 Corinthians 7:15. The circumstances that break a marriage vow
Philippians 4:11. Contentment regardless of the circumstances
Colossians 4:8. Reporting on circumstances
Cistern (container, reservoir, tank)
Receptacle for holding water
Genesis 37:21–22. Joseph thrown into a cistern
Leviticus 11:35–36. Clean cistern
1 Samuel 19:22. Saul searches for David at the cistern in Secu
2 Kings 18:31. Sennacherib uses the analogy of a cistern to mock Hezekiah.
Proverbs 5:15. Drink from your own cistern.
Jeremiah 38. Jeremiah is imprisoned in a cistern.
Cities of refuge (Bezer, Ramoth, Golan, Kedesh, Shechem, Hebron)
Six designated cities where those who commit accidental manslaughter can escape those seeking revenge
Numbers 35:6–34. Cities of refuge
Deuteronomy 4:41–42. Cities of refuge east of the Jordan
Deuteronomy 19:1–10. Places of refuge
Joshua 20. Cities chosen as places of refuge
Citizen (inhabitant, national, resident)
Person entitled by birth or naturalization to the protection of a state or nation
Acts 16:37. Paul is a Roman citizen.
Acts 21:39. Citizen of Tarsus
Ephesians 2:19. Citizens together
Philippians 3:20. Citizens of heaven
Citizenship (nationality, residency)
The status of a citizen with rights and privileges
Acts 22:28. The price of citizenship
Ephesians 2:12. Excluded from citizenship
City walls (fortification, reinforcement, strengthening)
Fortifications used to protect a city and its citizens from danger
Joshua 2:15. A house in the wall
Joshua 6. Wall of Jericho falls
1 Samuel 31:12. Wall of Beth Shan
2 Kings 14:13. Wall of Jerusalem
Nehemiah 1:3. Wall of Jerusalem destroyed
Nehemiah 6:15. Wall of Jerusalem rebuilt
City(ies) (capital, metropolis, municipality)
Center of population, commerce, and culture; a large town
Genesis 4:17. Cain’s city
Genesis 33:18. The city of Shechem
Joshua 6:3. The city of Jericho
Joshua 8:1. The city of Ai
Judges 1:16. The City of Palms (Jericho)
1 Samuel 15:5. The city of Amalek
2 Samuel 5:7. The City of David
Isaiah 62:12. The City Not Deserted
Revelation 21:10. The holy city of Jerusalem
Civil disobedience (insurrection, revolt, rebellion)
Refusing to obey laws without resorting to violence
Exodus 1:16–17. Civil disobedience of the midwives
Esther 4. Civil disobedience of Esther
Daniel 6. Civil disobedience of Daniel
Matthew 12:1–2. Civil “disobedience” of Jesus’ disciples
Matthew 12:9–10. Jesus disobeys the rules.
Acts 5:29. Civil disobedience of the apostles
Civil war (war)
War between regions of the same country
Judges 20. War between Israel and Benjamin
2 Samuel 1–4. War between David’s house and Saul’s
1 Kings 12:1–24. Jeroboam versus Rehoboam
1 Kings 15:16–17. Asa, king of Judah, versus Baasha, king of Israel
Civility (courtesy, graciousness, politeness)
Courteous behavior
Genesis 18. Civility of Abraham
Genesis 24. Civility of Abraham’s servant and Rebekah
Ruth 2. Civility of Boaz
1 Samuel 25. Civility of Abigail
Luke 17:11–19. Civility of a leper
Clans (kin, family, tribe)
Tribal divisions
Genesis 24:37–38. Abraham’s clan
Exodus 6. Clan divisions of the Levites
Leviticus 25:10. Returning to the clan
Joshua 7:14. Presenting clans for judgment
Clapping (applauding, praising, sign of joy or derision)
The act or sound of clapping the hands
Psalm 47:1. Clap your hands
Psalm 98:8. Rivers clapping
Isaiah 55:12. Trees clapping
Lamentations 2:15. Derisive clapping
Clay (earth, soil, mud)
Material used to make pottery, bricks, and tiles; it hardens when fired
Leviticus 6:28. Break the clay pot
Leviticus 14:5, 50. Cleansing and clay bowls
Job 10:9. Made from clay
Isaiah 45:9. Inquiries from clay
Isaiah 64:8. We are the clay.
Clean/Cleanliness (ritually pure, unsoiled)
Ceremonially or morally able to approach God or to be used in the worship of God, based on prescribed rules and regulations having been met
Genesis 7:2. Clean animals on the ark
Leviticus 6:10–11. A clean place
Leviticus 7:19. If you’re clean, you can eat.
Leviticus 13. Declared clean of a skin disease
Psalm 24:3–4. Clean hands
Psalm 51:7. Clean with hyssop
Matthew 8:2–3. Be clean!
Cleanse (clean, purify, wash)
To restore someone to ritual purity; to purge the sin of someone
Leviticus 16:30. Cleansed on the day of Atonement
Psalm 51:2. Cleanse me from sin.
Jeremiah 33:8. God cleanses sin.
Ezekiel 36:25. A promise of cleansing
Matthew 10:8. Commissioned to cleanse
Hebrews 10:22. Cleansed from guilt
Clergy (see Levites; Priest)
Clothing (attire, garments)
Garments worn by people
Genesis 24:53. A gift of fine clothing
Genesis 45:21–22. Joseph provides clothing.
Leviticus 13:47–50. Clothing and mildew
Leviticus 19:19. Clothing regulation
Deuteronomy 22:5. Gender-related clothing
Clothing mishaps (crime of fashion, mistake, slip up)
Clothing choices which reflect poor planning and/or immodest values
Genesis 3:7. Makeshift clothing
Proverbs 23:20–21. Picking out clothes when drunk
Nahum 3:5. Threat of exposure
Matthew 22:10–12. Not dressed for the occasion
Mark 1:6. A strange look
1 Timothy 2:9. Appropriate and modest clothing
Cloud (cumulonimbus, nimbus, pillar of cloud)
A body of water droplets visible in the atmosphere miles above sea level; also a manifestation God used when leading Israel out of Egypt
Exodus 13:21. Pillar of cloud
Exodus 19:9. Coming in a cloud
Luke 21:27. Jesus will return in a cloud.
Acts 1:9. A cloud at Jesus’ ascension
Cobra (snake)
Venomous hooded snake native to Asia and Africa
Psalm 58:4–5. Like cobras
Psalm 91:13. Stepping on cobras
Isaiah 11:8. Sign of peace: an infant near a cobra’s hole
Code of Hammurabi (laws)
Ancient codes of law ratified by Hammurabi, a Babylonian king; similarities between the code and biblical commandments have been found.
Exodus 21:18–19. The code: accidental injuries
Exodus 21:23–25. The code: an eye for an eye
Matthew 5:38–39. Jesus responds to the code
Coin(s) (currency, denarii, drachma, silver)
Pieces of metal with specific weights used as currency
Matthew 17:24–27. Coin in a fish’s mouth
Matthew 26:14–16. Judas betrays Jesus for 30 coins.
Mark 12:42. A widow’s coins
Luke 10:35. The good Samaritan’s coins
Luke 15:8–10. Parable of the lost coin
John 2:15. Scattered coins
Collaboration (see Cooperation)
Collateral (guarantee, security)
Property used as security for a loan
Exodus 22:26–27. Clothing as collateral
Deuteronomy 24:10–13. Rules about collateral
Deuteronomy 24:17. Don’t take collateral from widows.
Collateral damage (casualties, damages)
Unintentional damage as a result of a situation (usually in a military setting)
Judges 11:29–40. The harm of a vow
Judges 21. Death of women as a result of war with Benjamin
2 Samuel 4:4. Crippled as a result of bad news
Color(s) (hue, shade)
Specific colors mentioned in the Bible, some of which are symbolic
Exodus 24:9–10. Sapphire blue
Exodus 26. Colors used for the tabernacle
Exodus 28:15. Breastplate colors
1 Chronicles 29:2. Colors in the temple
Ezekiel 17:2–3. Riddle of the colorful eagle
Comfort (reassurance, relieve, soothe)
To soothe in a time of affliction
Ruth 2:13. The comfort of Boaz
Psalm 71:21. Built up and comforted
Isaiah 12:1. Comforted by God
Isaiah 28:12. A place of comfort
Isaiah 40:1–2. Comfort my people
Isaiah 61:2. The comfort of God’s chosen servant
2 Corinthians 1:3–7. The God of comfort
Comforter(s) (advocate, helper, Holy Spirit)
One who offers comfort; a name for God or the Holy Spirit
Ecclesiastes 4:1. No comforter
Jeremiah 8:18. A Comforter in sorrow
Lamentations 1:16. A distant comforter
John 14:26. A comforting helper
Commandment(s) (law, regulation, Ten Commandments)
A law or order; one of the Ten Commandments
Exodus 20:1–17. The Ten Commandments
Joshua 22:5. Follow the commands.
Matthew 22:37–40. The greatest commandment
Luke 23:56. Obeying the Sabbath commandment
Romans 7:7–13. What the commandments show
Ephesians 6:2–3. A commandment with a promise
Commemorate (see Memorial)
Commerce (business, selling, trade)
The buying and selling of goods
Genesis 23. Abraham buys a tomb.
Ruth 4. Boaz conducts business.
2 Samuel 24:19–25. David buys a threshing floor.
1 Kings 10:22. The king’s commerce
Ezekiel 27:17, 33. Tarshish commerce
Commission (assign, hire, order)
Granting power or authority to carry out a task
Numbers 27:18–20. Joshua is commissioned.
Deuteronomy 3:28. Reminded to commission
Matthew 28:19. The Great Commission
Acts 26:12. Paul’s old commission
Colossians 1:25–26. Paul’s new commission
Commitment (pledge, promise, vow)
Something pledged, for instance, an engagement or a vow; being bound to someone emotionally or intellectually
Joshua 24:27. A stone of commitment
Jeremiah 30:22. A statement of commitment
Jeremiah 31:36–37. God’s commitment to his people
John 6:66. Lack of commitment
Romans 12:1–2. Actions of commitment
Committees (board, team, working group)
A group of people delegated for a particular function
Numbers 16. A rebellious committee
Acts 6. Committee to help Greek widows
Acts 15. Decided by committee
Acts 25:12. Festus’s advisory committee
Common sense (good judgment)
Having or exhibiting native good judgment
Job 12:24. Common sense taken away
Proverbs 12:15, 21. Common sense proverbs
Proverbs 15:5. How to show good sense
Proverbs 17:18. Lacking common sense
Proverbs 19:8. It’s common sense to love yourself.
Micah 6:8. A common sense approach to life
Romans 1:20. Belief in God is simply common sense.
Common-law wife (see Concubine[s])
Communication (announcement, message, speech)
The exchange of thoughts, messages, or information
Genesis 34:6. Communicating to settle a problem
Exodus 20:22. What Moses was to communicate to the Israelites
Deuteronomy 6:7. Communicating God’s laws
Matthew 6:9–15. Communicating with God
2 Timothy 4:2. Communicate the gospel
Communion (see Lord’s Supper)
Community (body, fellowship, group)
A group of people living in the same locality
Exodus 12:3–11. Tell the whole community.
Exodus 16:1. Moving a community
Exodus 35:20–21. Community contributions
2 Chronicles 31:18. Those the community depend on
Jeremiah 30:20. An established community
Companionship (see Friendship; Husband[s]; Wife[ves])
Comparison(s) (assessment, contrast, evaluation)
Comparing or evaluating; estimating the similarities or differences
Job 28:17–18. No comparison
Job 39:13. Wings of an ostrich can’t compare with a stork.
Psalm 86:8. God is incomparable.
Psalm 89:6. God is incomparable.
Proverbs 8:11. Nothing compares with wisdom.
Romans 5:15–16. No comparison between grace and sin
Compassion (concern, kindness, sympathy)
Deep awareness of the suffering of another
Exodus 33:19. God’s compassion
Deuteronomy 13:17. God will have compassion.
Judges 2:18. Moved to compassion
1 Kings 3:26. A mother’s compassion
Matthew 9:36. Jesus’ compassion
Compatibility (attuned, like-mindedness, well-suited)
The capability of existing together in harmony
1 Samuel 13:14. A heart compatible with God’s
2 Corinthians 6:15. Incompatibility
1 Thessalonians 5:13. Peace: the secret to compatibility
1 Peter 3:8. How to be compatible
Compensation (see Wages)
Competition (contest, rivalry, struggle, war)
A contest between rivals
Genesis 30. Competition for having children
1 Kings 18:22–24. Competition on Carmel
Jeremiah 12:5. How can you compete?
1 Corinthians 9:24–27. Compete to win.
Complacency (self-satisfaction)
Contented to a fault; self-satisfied and unconcerned
Proverbs 1:32. Complacency of fools
Isaiah 32:9, 11. Complacent women
Ezekiel 30:9. Frightened out of complacency
Amos 6:1. Complacency in Zion
Zephaniah 1:12–13. Consequences for complacency
Complaining (see Grumbling)
Complete (finished, full, total, whole)
Having all the necessary parts, components, or steps; bringing to a finish
Deuteronomy 16:15. Complete joy
Esther 2:12. Completing a beauty treatment
Zechariah 4:9. Zerubbabel will complete the temple.
Luke 6:49. Complete destruction
Luke 14:28. Be sure you can complete a task.
John 15:11. Having Jesus’ complete joy
Acts 20:24. Paul wants to complete his mission.
Compliment (admiration, affirmation, praise)
An expression of praise, admiration, or gratitude
Genesis 12:10–11. Abraham compliments Sarai.
Ruth 2:11–12. Boaz compliments Ruth.
1 Kings 10:1–9. The queen of Sheba compliments Solomon.
Song of Songs 1:10, 16. Compliment for a bride and groom
Luke 7:9. Jesus compliments the faith of a centurion.
Composure (calm, poise, self-possession)
A calm or tranquil state of mind
1 Samuel 25:17–19. Abigail keeps her composure in the face of death threats.
Proverbs 15:1. Why it’s best to keep one’s composure
Isaiah 7:3–4. Isaiah tells Ahaz to keep his composure.
Isaiah 26:3. The secret to keeping one’s composure
Comprehension (see Understanding)
Compromise (conciliation, give and take, negotiate)
A settlement of differences in which each side makes concessions; a settlement to something pejorative or detrimental
Genesis 13:8–9. Abram and Lot compromise
Luke 12:58. Compromise before court
2 Corinthians 4:2. Paul refuses to compromise.
James 4:4. Compromising behavior
1 John 2:15. John warns against compromising.
Compulsive behavior (habits, obsession, uncontrollable)
Behavior patterns governed by compulsion
Mark 5:5. Compulsive behavior of a demon-possessed man
Romans 7:18–20. Compulsive sin
2 Corinthians 12:6–9. Paul’s compulsion
Comrades (see Friendship)
Conceit (see Pride)
Concubine(s) (common-law wives, secondary wives)
A woman contracted to a man as a secondary wife
Genesis 22:24. Nahor’s concubine
Genesis 35:22. Jacob’s (Israel’s) concubine
Judges 8:30–31. Gideon’s concubine
2 Samuel 3:7. Saul’s concubine
1 Kings 11:3. Solomon’s concubines
1 Chronicles 1:32. Abraham’s concubine
Condemn/Condemnation (criticize, denounce, disapprove)
To express strong disapproval of; to find someone guilty
Job 9:20. Self-condemnation
Job 40:8. Condemning God
Psalm 109:31. Condemned to death
Matthew 12:42. Condemned by the queen from the south
Romans 3:8. They are condemned.
Romans 8:1. No condemnation
Condition (circumstance, situation, state)
State of being
Genesis 34:15. On one condition
1 Samuel 11:2. Compromising condition
Proverbs 27:23. Condition of a flock
Matthew 12:45. A bad condition
John 5:6. Do you want to change your condition?
Condolences (commiseration, pity)
A formal declaration of sympathy with a person who has experienced grief or misfortune
2 Samuel 10:1–2. David’s condolences
2 Kings 20:12. King Merodach’s condolences
Job 2:11. Condolences of Job’s friends
John 11:19. Condolences upon the death of Lazarus
Conduct (behavior, manner, ways)
To comport oneself in a specific way
Esther 1:17–18. The queen’s conduct
Job 21:31. Conduct of the wicked
Proverbs 20:11. A child’s conduct
Jeremiah 4:18. Israel’s conduct
Jeremiah 32:19. God sees the conduct of Adam’s descendants.
Confession (admission of guilt, acknowledgment)
To admit a wrongdoing; to acknowledge faith
Leviticus 5:5. If you’re guilty, confess.
Numbers 5:5–7. Confess your sin.
Nehemiah 1:6. Nehemiah confesses.
Romans 10:9. Confession of faith
Philippians 2:10–11. Confession about Jesus
1 John 1:9. Confess sins.
Confidence (assurance, belief)
Trust or faith in a person or thing
2 Kings 18:19. Hezekiah’s confidence questioned
Nehemiah 6:16. Self-confidence of enemies
Psalm 71:5. My confidence
Proverbs 3:26. Your confidence
Micah 7:5. An expression of woe
2 Corinthians 3:4. Confidence from Christ
Confirmation (authentication, proof, verification)
Something that confirms or verifies
Genesis 17:2. God provides confirmation.
Deuteronomy 29:13. Confirming that God is God
1 Kings 1:14. Confirmation from the prophet Nathan
Daniel 9:27. Confirmation of the Messiah
Acts 15:27. Confirmation by Judas and Silas
Conflict (argument, disagreement, quarrel)
Open or prolonged fighting; a battle or war
2 Samuel 2:14–17. Conflict between Abner and Joab
Habakkuk 1:3. Conflict abounds.
2 Corinthians 7:5. Conflicts
Galatians 5:17. Conflict between the corrupt nature and the spiritual nature
Philippians 4:2. Conflict between Euodia and Syntyche
3 John 9–10. Conflict between John and Diotrephes
Conformity (agreement, conventionality, submission)
Action or behavior that corresponds with customs, rules, or styles
Romans 12:2. Avoid conformity.
Ephesians 2:1–2. You once conformed.
Colossians 2:8, 20. Encouraged to conform
1 Peter 1:14. An apostle’s advice about conformity
Confrontation (argument, conflict, disagreement)
A meeting face-to-face in order to confront someone; discord or a clash of opinions
Exodus 8:20–21. Confronting Pharaoh
1 Samuel 12:7. Samuel confronts the people of Israel.
Job 38:1–2. God confronts Job.
Psalm 17:13. A wish for confrontation
Matthew 18:15–17. Rules for confrontation
Confusion (bewilderment, perplexity, misunderstanding)
The state of being confused; a disturbed mental state
Genesis 11:6–7. Language confusion
Exodus 14:24. An army in confusion
Deuteronomy 28:28. Confusion God allows
Joshua 10:10. Confusion at Gibeon
1 Samuel 14:20. Confusion among the Philistines
Congregation (flock, parishioners, worshipers)
A body of assembled people, especially for religious worship
Leviticus 4:13–14. Shared guilt of a congregation
Leviticus 8:3. Gathering the congregation
Psalm 22:22. Praise within the congregation
Acts 13:43. Dismissing the congregation
Hebrews 2:11–12. Jesus repeats the call to praise God within the congregation.
Conqueror(s) (defeater, overcomer, subjugator, vanquisher)
One who overcomes by force of arms
2 Kings 25. Arrival of the conquerors
Isaiah 14:12. Fall of a conqueror
Isaiah 49:24. Prisoners of conquerors
Micah 1:15. God will send a conqueror.
Romans 8:37. More than conquerors
Conquest (capture, invasion, takeover)
The act of conquering
Judges 3:8. Conquest of Cushan
Judges 6:2–4. Conquest of Midian
Amos 6:13. Conquest of Lo Debar
Revelation 6:2. A rider bent on conquest
Conscience (ethics, principles, scruples)
Awareness of a moral or ethical aspect to one’s conduct
Genesis 20:5–6. Abimelech’s conscience
1 Samuel 24:4–5. David’s conscience
1 Samuel 25:30–31. Abigail reminds David of his conscience.
Job 27:6. Not accused by conscience
1 Corinthians 4:4. A clear conscience
Consecrate (make holy, sanctify, set apart)
To declare or set apart as sacred
Exodus 19:10. Set yourselves apart.
Exodus 28:38. Consecrated gifts
Exodus 29:27. Set this apart.
Leviticus 8:11. Consecrated altar and utensils
Leviticus 16:19. Consecrated altar and utensils
Numbers 6:11. Consecrated head
Consensus (agreement, harmony)
A view or stance reached by the whole group
Deuteronomy 27:15. Group consensus
1 Samuel 8:4–5. Consensus of the people
2 Chronicles 18:12. A consensus demanded
Nehemiah 10:30. Reaching a consensus about intermarriage
1 Corinthians 1:10. A consensus encouraged
Consent (assent, blessing, permission)
To give assent as to the proposal of another
Genesis 34:8. Hamor seeks Jacob’s consent to a marriage between Shechem and Dinah.
Job 39:9. Will the wild ox consent?
Hosea 8:4. Israel fails to seek God’s consent.
1 Corinthians 7:5. Mutual consent
Philemon 14. Seeking Philemon’s consent
Conservation (maintenance, preservation)
The controlled use of and systemic protection of natural resources, particularly forests
Genesis 2:15. Adam appointed as conservator of Eden
Leviticus 19:23–25. Controlled use of fruit trees
Deuteronomy 20:19. Conservation law in a time of war
Consideration (contemplation, deliberation, thought)
Careful thought
1 Samuel 26:21. Saul considers his behavior.
1 Kings 16:31. Ahab’s lack of careful consideration
Job 1:8. For Satan’s consideration: Job
Psalm 119:59. Considering one’s life
Matthew 1:20. Joseph considers the matter of Mary’s pregnancy.
Consistency (constancy, dependability, steadiness)
Agreement or coherence; reliability or uniformity of results or events
Nehemiah 5:9. Nehemiah pleads for consistent behavior.
Luke 16:13. Inconsistent service
Romans 14:22. Just be consistent.
1 Corinthians 10:21. Can’t be consistent
Conspiracy(ies) (plot, scheme, secret plan)
Agreeing with someone to perform an illegal or subversive act
2 Samuel 15:12. Absalom’s conspiracy
2 Kings 15:15. Shallum’s conspiracy
Esther 2:21. The conspiracy of Bigthan and Teresh
Psalm 64:2. Hide me from conspiracies.
Isaiah 8:11–12. Don’t call everything a conspiracy.
Jeremiah 11:9. Conspiracy in Judah
Constellation(s) (stars)
Arbitrary formation of stars perceived as a figure or a design
Job 9:9. Creator of the constellations
Job 38:31–32. Connector of the constellations
Amos 5:8. God made the constellations.
Contamination (contagion, infectivity, pollution)
The state of being contaminated or made impure
Leviticus 13:49–59. Contamination in clothing
2 Corinthians 6:17. Avoid that which contaminates.
2 Corinthians 7:1. Cleanse self from contaminants
James 1:27. Avoid contamination by the world.
Contemplate (see Meditate/Meditation)
Contempt (condescension, derision, disdain)
Disparaging or haughty disdain
Leviticus 22:9. Treated with contempt
Numbers 14:11, 23. Israel’s contempt for God
Numbers 16:30. Consequences of treating God with contempt
Deuteronomy 17:12. Consequences of treating leaders with contempt
Psalm 31:18. Contempt of the wicked.
Proverbs 18:3. Contempt comes with the territory
Contentment (ease, satisfaction)
The state of being satisfied; content
Joshua 7:7. Joshua bewails a lack of contentment.
Proverbs 19:23. Fear of the Lord brings contentment.
Ecclesiastes 4:8. Not content with wealth
Philippians 4:11–12. Paul’s contentment
Hebrews 13:5. Be content
Contract (binding agreement, pact, treaty)
An agreement between two or more parties enforceable by law
Genesis 21:27. Abraham contracts with Abimelech.
Genesis 26:26–31. Isaac contracts with Abimelech.
1 Kings 5:8–11. Solomon’s contract with Hiram
Isaiah 16:14. Moab’s contracts
Isaiah 21:16. Kedar’s contracts
Contrast (difference, disparity, dissimilarity)
To set in opposition in order to show or emphasize differences
Proverbs 15:13. Joyful heart and heartache
Proverbs 15:20. Wise and foolish sons
Proverbs 16:8. Honest acquisition versus unjust gain
Proverbs 17:1. Dry bread versus a family feast
John 1:5; 3:19. Light and dark
Contrite/Contrition (remorseful, repentant, sorrow)
Sincere remorse for wrongdoing
Psalm 51:17. Contrite heart
Isaiah 57:14–15. Metaphor for contrition
Isaiah 66:2. God notices contrition.
Controversy (argument, debate, disagreement)
A public dispute
Exodus 4:24–25. Controversy over circumcision
Joshua 9:15–16, 18. A controversial decision
1 Samuel 25:10–11. Nabal’s controversial decision
2 Samuel 6:20. Michal’s controversial stance
Acts 10–11. Peter stirs up controversy by visiting Gentiles.
Conversation (discussion, talk)
A spoken exchange of thoughts and opinions
Exodus 13:9–10. Passover: part of your conversation
Numbers 12:8. God and Moses conversed.
1 Samuel 19:7. Conversation between Saul and Jonathan
Jeremiah 38:24, 27. Secret conversation
Colossians 4:6. Season your conversation.
Conversion (born again, change, renewal)
Adopting a new religion, faith, or belief
Acts 2:41. Three thousand converted
Acts 8:26–39. An Ethiopian’s conversion
Acts 9. Saul’s conversion
Acts 10. Cornelius and his household are converted.
Acts 13:16. Paul addresses converts to Judaism.
Acts 16:29–33. A Philippian jailer’s conversion
Acts 17:4, 17. Converted to Judaism
Conviction (awareness, knowledge of guilt, certainty)
An awareness that one is guilty of a crime; the state of being convinced; finding someone guilty of a crime
Proverbs 24:25. Convicting the guilty
John 8:46. Can anyone convict Jesus?
John 16:8–9. Holy Spirit convicts
1 Thessalonians 1:5. Deep conviction
Jude 15. The Lord convicts
Convince (encourage, persuade, talk into)
To bring to firm belief by the use of an argument or evidence
Acts 16:15. Lydia convinces Paul.
Acts 19:8. Speaking boldly to convince
Acts 28:23. Trying to convince the Jews
2 Timothy 1:5, 12. Paul is convinced.
Hebrews 6:9. Better things in store: we are convinced.
Convocation (holy assembly)
An assembly of the clergy and laity
Leviticus 23:4, 37. Assigned holy assemblies
Numbers 10:7. Fanfare at the convocation
Numbers 29:1, 7, 35. Hold these convocations.
Deuteronomy 9:10. Recalling the convocation at Mount Sinai
Cooking (food preparation)
Preparing food
Genesis 18:7. A meal cooked for special guests
Genesis 25:29–30. Jacob cooks
Genesis 27:14. Rebekah cooks a meal to deceive Isaac.
Jeremiah 1:13. Jeremiah’s vision of a boiling pot
Ezekiel 4:9. Cooking as an example
Ezekiel 24:3–5. Cooking metaphor
Cooperation (assistance, collaboration, support)
Working together toward a common end
Exodus 36. Cooperating to build the tabernacle and its utensils
2 Chronicles 24. Cooperating to repair the temple
Nehemiah 2:17–18. Calling for cooperation to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem
Ecclesiastes 4:9. Better to cooperate
3 John 8. We must cooperate.
Copper (ore, tools, utensils, weapons)
Malleable metallic element used for making utensils and weapons
Deuteronomy 8:9. Mining for copper
Job 28:1–2. Melting rocks for copper
Ezekiel 22:17–18, 20. Smelted copper
Ezekiel 24:11. Copper pot
Matthew 10:9. Copper coins
Corban (gift, offering)
Greek word that means “given”; a vow declaring an item as dedicated to God
Exodus 20:12. Why corban violates this commandment
Numbers 30:1–2. Justification for corban
Mark 7:11–12. Jesus rebukes the Pharisees about corban items.
Cornerstone (bridging stone, Jesus)
Stone at the corner of a building that unites two intersecting walls; a metaphor for Jesus
Job 38:6–7. Cornerstone of creation
Isaiah 28:16. A precious cornerstone
Jeremiah 51:26. No cornerstones to be found
Zechariah 10:4. Judah’s cornerstone
Ephesians 2:20–21. Jesus is the cornerstone.
1 Peter 2:6–8. The stone rejected becomes the cornerstone.
Coronation (crowning)
The act of crowning a sovereign
1 Samuel 10. Saul’s coronation
2 Samuel 5:3–4. David’s coronation
1 Kings 1:38–40. Solomon’s coronation
2 Kings 11:12. Joash’s coronation
1 Chronicles 12:38–39. Feast in celebration of David’s coronation
Corporal punishment (discipline, spanking)
Pain used as a disciplinary measure
Proverbs 13:24. Refusing to spank
Proverbs 22:15. Spanking and foolishness
Proverbs 23:13–14. Spanking and discipline
Proverbs 29:15. Wisdom through spanking
Corpse (cadaver)
A dead body
Leviticus 22:4. Skin disease and touching a corpse
Judges 14:9. Honey from a lion’s corpse
2 Kings 9:37. Jezebel’s corpse
Isaiah 14:19. Corpse metaphor of rejection
Isaiah 26:19. Corpses will rise.
Isaiah 34:2–3. The stench of corpses
Isaiah 37:36. Many, many corpses
Jeremiah 34:19–20. Corpses for food for wild animals
John 11:39. The corpse of Lazarus
Correction (discipline, modification)
Disciplinary measures or punishment intended to rehabilitate or improve
Leviticus 26:23–24. God’s corrective measures
Job 36:10. Corrective warnings
Proverbs 5:12. Despising correction
Proverbs 10:17. Ignoring correction
Proverbs 12:1. Loving correction
Correspondence (communication, letters, messages)
Communication by the exchange of letters
2 Kings 20:12. Letters from Babylon
Ezra 4:6–22. Letters to and from Artaxerxes
Jeremiah 29:1. Jeremiah’s letter to the captives in Babylon
Romans 1:1. Letter from Paul to the Roman believers
1 Corinthians 1:1. Letter from Paul to the Corinthian believers
Galatians 1:1–2. Letter from Paul to the believers in Galatia
Corruption (bribery, death, dishonesty, distortion)
The state of being corrupt
2 Kings 23:13. The Hill of Corruption
Ezra 9:11. Corrupting the land
Isaiah 1:4. A corrupt nation
Hosea 9:9. Deep into corruption
Cosmetics (eye shadow, makeup, women)
Preparations designed to beautify the body
2 Kings 9:30. Jezebel applies eye shadow.
Jeremiah 4:30. Judah’s cosmetics
Ezekiel 23:40. Metaphorical makeup
1 Peter 3:3. Beauty does not come from makeup
Cost(s) (charge, price, rate)
An amount paid or requirement in payment of a debt or purchase
Joshua 6:26. Frightening cost in the curse on Jericho
2 Samuel 24:24. David insists on paying the cost of the threshing floor.
1 Chronicles 12:19. A high cost
Proverbs 7:23. The cost of following the adulterous woman
Isaiah 55:1. No cost
Luke 14:28, 33. Count the cost of following Jesus.
Counsel (advice, direction, guidance)
Advice given as a result of consultation; a plan of action or behavior
2 Samuel 15:31. Unwise counsel
2 Chronicles 18:4. Seeking God’s counsel
2 Chronicles 22:5. Following bad counsel
2 Chronicles 25:16. Consequences of avoiding wise counsel
Job 12:13. Wise counsel comes from God.
Job 38:2. Who darkens God’s counsel?
Counselor (advocate, Holy Spirit, lawyer)
Person who counsels; another name for the Holy Spirit
2 Samuel 15:12. David’s counselor
1 Chronicles 26:14. A chosen counselor
1 Chronicles 27:32. A chosen counselor
John 14:16, 26. Sending the Counselor
John 15:26. When the Counselor comes
Coups (overthrow, rebellion, takeover)
Brilliantly executed stratagem; the prize is usually a kingdom
2 Samuel 15–18. Absalom’s failed coup
2 Kings 9–10. Jehu’s successful coup
2 Kings 11–12. Jehoiada’s coup
2 Chronicles 22:10–23:21. Jehoiada’s coup on behalf of Joash
Courage (bravery, confidence, valor)
Quality of mind that enables one to face danger or fear with resolution
Joshua 1:1–9. God tells Joshua to have courage.
2 Samuel 4:1. Ishbosheth loses courage.
Ezekiel 22:14. Will Jerusalem have courage?
1 Corinthians 16:13. Be courageous.
Hebrews 3:6. Be courageous.
Courts (judges, temple courts)
Open ground partially enclosed by walls; person or body of persons whose task is to hear and render decisions on cases submitted
Exodus 21:22. The court decides.
2 Kings 23:11. In the temple courtyard
1 Chronicles 26:18. Temple courts
Job 11:10. God’s court
Matthew 5:25. Settle before going to court.
James 2:6. Dragged into court
Courtship (love)
The period of courting
Genesis 29. Jacob courts Rachel.
Judges 14:1–2. How Samson courted
Ruth 3. Courtship of Ruth and Boaz
Song of Songs 4:1. Courting phrases
Covenant (agreement, contract, promise)
A binding agreement based on obligations; usually between God and people
Exodus 6:2–4. God remembers His covenant with the patriarchs.
Exodus 34:10. A covenant made
Leviticus 2:13. Salt of God’s covenant
Deuteronomy 7:12. If Israel is faithful, God will keep His covenant.
2 Kings 23:3. A covenant renewed
1 Chronicles 16:15. A covenant forever
Covet (crave, desire, yearn for)
Blameworthy desire for what someone else has
Exodus 20:17. You shall not covet.
Deuteronomy 7:25. Don’t covet idols of other nations.
Romans 7:7. Paul reviews the commandment against coveting.
Romans 13:9. Instead of coveting, love.
James 4:2. Coveting and murder
Cowards (fearful, deserters)
Those who show cowardice
Genesis 3. Adam shows cowardice.
Genesis 12:10–13. Abram shows cowardice.
Joshua 7:4–5. Cowardice at Ai
1 Samuel 17:11. Saul and his army
Psalm 78:9. Cowardice of the men of Ephraim
Matthew 8:25–26. Cowardice during a storm
John 9:21–22. Cowardice of the parents of the man born blind
Craftsman (artisan, skilled worker)
A man who practices a craft with great skill
Genesis 4:22. Tubalcain—a tool maker
Exodus 35:30–35. Bezalel—master artist
1 Kings 7:14. Hiram—skilled craftsman
1 Chronicles 4:14. Valley of Craftsmen
Proverbs 8:29–30. Wisdom—a master craftsman
1 Corinthians 3:10. Paul—a skilled craftsman at sharing the gospel
Craftsmanship (artistry, skill)
Work produced by skilled labor
Genesis 1:31. God is pleased with His craftsmanship.
Exodus 36:8–9. Craftsmanship at work
1 Chronicles 22:15–16. Craftsmanship encouraged
2 Chronicles 4:18. Craftsmanship for the temple
Hosea 13:2. Craftsmanship for idols
Cravings (hunger, passion, thirst)
To have an intense desire for something
Numbers 11:4. Craving for food other than manna
Job 20:20. The wicked have no respite from cravings.
Psalm 106:14. Unreasonable desire
Proverbs 10:3. Unreasonable desire
1 John 2:16. Some cravings come from the world.
Creation (conception, formation, establishment)
The world and all the creatures and things in it; the act of making the world
Genesis 1–2. The creation story
Job 38:4–5. God created the earth.
Matthew 13:34–35. Truth hidden since creation
Romans 1:20. God’s qualities seen since the creation of the world
Romans 8:19–23. All creation waits for the second coming.
2 Corinthians 5:17. A new creation
Ephesians 1:4. Chosen before creation
Creativity (imagination, inventiveness, vision)
The ability to create
Genesis 1–2. God is creative.
Exodus 31:1–5. Bezalel is creative.
Deuteronomy 4:32. Heavens show God’s creativity.
Psalm 33:3. Be creative in praise.
Hebrews 13:21. God equips us to be creative.
Creator (Author, God, Maker of heaven and earth)
One who creates; usually used in reference to God
Genesis 14:19, 22. God the Creator
Ecclesiastes 12. Remember your Creator.
Isaiah 27:11. For the rebellious, the Creator is pitiless.
Isaiah 40:28. Untiring Creator
Matthew 19:4–5. Male and female made by the Creator
Creature(s) (being, mortal, person)
Something created
Genesis 1:28. Rule over every living creature.
Genesis 6:17–20. Creatures saved in the flood
Genesis 9:2. Creatures under the control of people
Leviticus 11. Creatures under the control of people
Psalm 136:25. God gives food to his creatures.
Ezekiel 1. Ezekiel’s vision of the four living creatures
Credentials (qualifications, testimonial)
That which entitles one to confidence, credit, or authority
Exodus 34:6–7. God’s credentials
Ruth 2:1. Boaz’s credentials
Matthew 16:13–16. Jesus’ credentials
John 16:13–15. Holy Spirit’s credentials
Philippians 3:4–6. Paul’s ministry credentials
Credibility (authority, reliability, trustworthiness)
The quality or capability of eliciting belief
Deuteronomy 19:15. Two witnesses required for credibility.
John 5:34–36. Jesus does not rely on humans for credibility.
John 8. Jesus’ credibility questioned
Acts 2:12–41. The credibility of the apostles and Christ
2 Corinthians 6. Paul’s credibility as a minister
Credit (acknowledgment, recognition)
Official certification or recognition; approval for an act; influence based on the good opinion of others
Genesis 15:6. Belief credited to Abram.
Esther 2:22. Esther credits Mordecai for the discovery of a plot against Xerxes.
Luke 6:32. No credit given for loving those who love you
Romans 4:24. Faith credited to us
1 Peter 2:20. Credit deserved?
Creed (article of faith)
A formal statement of religious belief
Deuteronomy 6:4–9. The Shema
1 Kings 18:39. Declaring that God is God.
Acts 16:31. A simple creed
1 Corinthians 15:3–8. Paul’s creed
Philippians 2:6–11. Creed affirming Jesus is God
Cremation (death custom)
Incinerating a corpse
Genesis 38:24. Cremation as an execution
Leviticus 20:14. Cremate them.
Numbers 16:35. God chooses to cremate.
Joshua 7:25. Cremation of Achan and his family
1 Samuel 31:11–12. Cremation of Saul and his sons
Amos 2:1. Anger of God due to cremation
Crime solvers (detective, police)
Those who took an active part in solving crime or administering justice
Joshua 7. Joshua
1 Samuel 15. Samuel
1 Kings 3:16–28. Solomon
1 Kings 21. God
Acts 5:1–11. Peter
Crime(s) (law breaking, felony, offense, sin)
An act committed in violation of a law
Genesis 31:36. What is Jacob’s crime?
Deuteronomy 19:16. Witnesses to a crime
1 Samuel 20:1. What is David’s crime?
Psalm 69:27. The crimes of the persecutor
Ecclesiastes 8:11–12. Encouraged to commit crimes?
Matthew 27:23. What is Jesus’ crime?
Criminal(s) (felon, offender, sinner)
One who commits a crime
Exodus 2:11–15. Moses
2 Samuel 11. David
Matthew 27:38. Jesus is crucified with two criminals.
John 18:30. The Jews insist that Jesus is a criminal.
1 Peter 4:15–16. No suffering for being a criminal.
Crises (disasters, predicaments)
Crucial or decisive points or situations; an emotionally stressful event or a traumatic change in a person’s life
Numbers 14. Crisis point after the return of the twelve spies
1 Samuel 25. Crisis averted in David’s life
1 Kings 19. Elijah in crisis
Psalm 77. A soul in crisis
1 Corinthians 7:26. Corinthian crisis
Criticism (censure, condemnation, disapproval)
Critical comment or judgment
Genesis 37:10. Joseph is criticized for his dream.
Numbers 12:1–2, 8. Miriam and Aaron’s criticism
Numbers 21:4–5. The criticism of the people of Israel
2 Samuel 6:20. Michal’s criticism
Romans 14:3–4. Don’t criticize.
2 Corinthians 8:20. Avoiding criticism
Crocodile (see Leviathan)
Crooked (bent, curved, twisted)
Marked by bends, curves, or angles
2 Samuel 22:27. How God reveals himself to the crooked
Psalm 125:5. When people become crooked
Proverbs 2:12, 14–15. Crooked paths
Proverbs 8:8. There is nothing crooked in wisdom.
Isaiah 59:8. Crooked paths of rebellious people
Luke 3:5. Crooked ways made straight
Cross, the (crucifixion of Christ)
The instrument upon which Jesus was crucified; the central point of Christianity
Mark 8:34. Pick up your cross.
Mark 15:29–30. Come down from the cross!
1 Corinthians 1:17–18. Message of the cross
Galatians 5:11. Offense of the cross
Galatians 6:12–14. Boasting in the cross
Colossians 2:14. What Christ did on the cross
Hebrews 12:2. Enduring death on the cross
Crowds (groups, multitude, people, populace)
Large groups of people
Matthew 4:25. Large crowds follow Jesus.
Matthew 7:28. Jesus amazes the crowds.
Luke 3:7. Crowds of vipers?
John 7:12. Crowds are split about Jesus.
Acts 5:15–16. Crowds desire healing from Peter
Acts 8:6. Crowds listen to Philip.
Crown (honor, Christian’s prize, wreath)
The symbol of a king or queen’s honor or office; metaphor for royalty
2 Samuel 1:10. Saul’s crown
2 Samuel 12:29–30. Crown of the king of Rabbah
Esther 1:10–11. Vashti’s crown
Proverbs 12:4. The crown of a husband
John 19:2. The crown of thorns
1 Corinthians 9:25. The believer’s crown
James 1:12. The crown of life
Crucifixion (cross, death)
Execution on a cross; the metaphor for the death of the old nature
Matthew 27:31–56. Jesus crucified
Mark 15:20–41. Mocked then crucified
Luke 23:33–49. Crucified at the place called The Skull
John 19:4–17. The people want Jesus crucified.
Acts 2:36. The crucified Lord
Romans 6:6. We also were crucified.
Galatians 2:19. I have been crucified.
Cubit (measurement)
Measurement equal to the length of the forearm—from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow (about 17 to 22 inches)
Genesis 6:16. Measurements for the ark
Exodus 25:10. A chest two and a half cubits long
Exodus 26:13. Cubits of the tent curtains
1 Kings 7:23–24. Cubits used in making the temple furnishings
Ezekiel 40:5. Cubits of the temple wall
Cults (factions, sects)
Religious sects considered to be extremists
Matthew 24:24. The false messiahs
Acts 15. The Judaizers
1 Timothy 6:20–21. Gnostics
Culture (civilization, social mores)
The behavior patterns, beliefs, and institutions of society
Genesis 17:9–13. Circumcision is a necessity in the Jewish culture.
Deuteronomy 18:9. Don’t adapt the culture of the other nations.
Matthew 5:10. Countercultural thinking of Jesus.
Matthew 6:2. Hypocrites hope to be seen in the synagogues
Luke 2:41. Passover—a part of the culture
John 4:9. Samaritans ostracized
Cumin (spice)
A Mediterranean herb of the parsley family
Isaiah 28:24–25, 27. Beating black cumin
Matthew 23:23. Tithing cumin
Cuneiform (writing)
Wedge-shaped characters used by the Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, Babylonians, and Persians from 3500 BC until AD 75
Ezra 1:8. List written in cuneiform
Esther 10:1–2. Recorded in cuneiform
Daniel 1:4. Daniel would have learned cuneiform.
Daniel 4:1. Nebuchadnezzar would have used cuneiform.
Cupbearer (butler, wine steward)
One who fills and distributes wine in a royal household
Genesis 40. Pharaoh’s cupbearer
2 Chronicles 9:3–4. Solomon had cupbearers.
Nehemiah 2:1. Nehemiah was a cupbearer.
Cups (fortune-telling, goblets, metaphorical)
Various types of cups used throughout the Bible
Genesis 44. Joseph’s silver cup
Esther 1:7. Golden cups
Matthew 20:22. Jesus’ cup of suffering
1 Corinthians 10:16. Cup of blessing
1 Corinthians 11:25. Cup of the new promise
Curds (cheese)
Coagulating part of the milk used in cheese making
Genesis 18:8. Abraham serves curds.
Deuteronomy 32:14. A description of God’s care for his people
2 Samuel 17:28–29. A description of God’s care for his people
Isaiah 7:15, 22. Curds and honey
Ezekiel 34:3. Bad shepherds eat the curds, but neglect the flock
Curiosity (inquisitiveness, interest)
A desire to know or learn
Genesis 3:6. Eve’s curiosity led to sin.
Genesis 18:16–33. Abraham is curious about God’s plans for Sodom and Gomorrah.
Genesis 32:29. Jacob is curious about the man with whom he wrestled.
1 Samuel 6:19. Curiosity led to death.
John 21:21. Peter is curious about John’s future.
Currency (see Coin[s]; Money)
Curse(s) (misfortune)
The misfortune that came as the result of disobedience to one of God’s commandments
Genesis 3:14. The snake is cursed.
Exodus 22:28. Never curse a leader.
Numbers 22. Balak tells Balaam to curse the Israelites.
Deuteronomy 28:15–68. Curses to come with sin
2 Kings 2:24. Elisha calls a curse upon mocking youths.
Nehemiah 10:29. An oath with a curse
Curtain(s) (drapery)
Material which served as coverings and sectioning aids in the temple and tabernacle
Exodus 27:9–10. Curtains for the tabernacle court
Exodus 35:17. Curtains made by craftsmen
Leviticus 16:2. Curtains hide the ark of the covenant
Numbers 4:25–26. Gershonites in charge of the curtains
Matthew 27:51. Temple curtain tears at Jesus’ death.
Hebrews 6:19–20. Jesus went behind the curtain for us.
Customs (mores, society, traditions)
Practices followed by a people group
Leviticus 20:23. Customs of other nations
2 Kings 17:34. Following other customs
John 19:40. Burial customs
Acts 6:14. Stephen is accused of wanting customs changed.
Acts 21:21. Has Paul abandoned Jewish customs?
Cyrus cylinder (clay cylinder, cuneiform text)
Document written by Cyrus the Great, the Persian king (now housed in the British Museum)
2 Chronicles 36:22–23. Scripture confirmed in the Cyrus cylinder
Ezra 6:10. Scripture inscribed on the Cyrus cylinder
Isaiah 44:23–45:8. Scripture confirmed on the Cyrus cylinder