– D –

Dairy products (cheese, curds, milk)

Food produced from milk

Genesis 18:8. Abraham gives cheese to his guests.

Genesis 49:12. Milk comparison

Numbers 16:13–14. A land flowing with milk and honey

1 Samuel 17:17–18. Cheese for the captain

Job 10:10. Poured out like milk

Damnation (condemnation, eternal punishment, hell)

Being condemned to eternal punishment

Psalm 88:11. Places of eternal punishment

Matthew 13:50. Cries of the condemned

Matthew 23:14. The greater damnation

2 Peter 2:4. Condemned angels

Revelation 20:15. Eternally condemned

Dancing (at feasts, in celebration, in worship)

Rhythmic movement to music

Exodus 15:20. Dancing after the victory at the Red Sea

Exodus 32:19. Dancing while worshiping the golden calf

Judges 11:34. Jephthah’s daughter dances.

2 Samuel 6:16. David dances.

Psalm 30:11. From sobbing to dancing

Matthew 14:6–7. The dance that led to John the Baptist’s death

Danger (hazard, menace, threat)

Exposure to harm or risk

1 Samuel 20:21. Signal for danger

Proverbs 14:25. Danger of a liar

Proverbs 27:12. Seeing danger

Matthew 8:28. Dangerous and demon-possessed

Luke 8:23. Disciples in danger

Darkness (absence of light, gloom, night)

Lack of light; metaphor for sin

Genesis 1:2–6. Darkness in the beginning

Exodus 10:21–29. Plague of darkness

Deuteronomy 5:23. Voice out of the darkness

2 Samuel 22:29. The Lord turns darkness into light.

Matthew 6:23. Full of darkness

Dating (see Courtship)

Daughter(s) (child, young woman)

Female child; female descendant

Genesis 5:4. Daughters of Adam

Judges 11:35. Jephthah’s daughter is caught in her father’s vow.

Song of Songs 2:7. Advice to daughters of Jerusalem

Isaiah 16:2. Moab’s daughters

Isaiah 43:6. Exiled sons and daughters

Joel 2:28. Daughters will prophesy.

Mark 5:21–43. Two daughters healed

Mark 6:3. Daughters of Mary and Joseph

Daughter-in-law (daughter by marriage)

The wife of one’s son

Genesis 6:18. Noah’s daughters-in-law

Genesis 8:15–16. Leaving the ark

Genesis 46:5. Jacob’s daughters-in-law

Ruth 1. Naomi’s daughters-in-law

Hosea 4:13–14. Daughters-in-law of Israel

Davidic covenant (promise)

Covenant made between God and King David

2 Samuel 7:12–16. The covenant

1 Kings 2:4. David remembers the covenant.

1 Kings 6:12–13. Solomon remembers God’s covenant with David.

1 Kings 8:25. Solomon remembers God’s covenant with David.

1 Kings 11:11–13. Although Solomon sins, God remembers his covenant with David.

Dawn (daybreak)

When daylight first begins

Genesis 19:15. Destruction begins at dawn.

Genesis 32:24. Wrestling until dawn

Exodus 14:24. Panic before dawn

Judges 16:2. Murder at dawn

Nehemiah 4:21. Spears at dawn

Job 3:9–10. Job curses the dawn of the day of his birth.

Job 38:12–13. God questions Job about the dawn.

Day (daylight hours, daytime)

Period of light between dawn and nightfall

Genesis 1. Creation of day

Exodus 16:23. A day of worship

Exodus 20:8–10. Remember the seventh day.

Leviticus 23:27. Day of Atonement

Numbers 14:14. How God led the Israelites by day

Joshua 10:13–14. The longest day ever

Matthew 4:2. Jesus fasted for 40 days.

Day of Atonement (see Atonement; Day)

Day of the Lord (judgment)

The time in which God judges the earth

Isaiah 13:5–22. Day of the Lord’s anger

Lamentations 2:22. Day of the Lord’s anger

Joel 2:1–11. The day of the Lord is coming.

Zephaniah 1–3. Day of the Lord

Malachi 4:5. Elijah to come before the terrible day of the Lord

Deacon (church leader)

Cleric ranking below a priest in the Anglican or Catholic church; lay leader in the Protestant church who assists the minister

Acts 6:1–7. Seven men chosen as deacons

Romans 16:1. Phoebe the deacon

Colossians 4:7. Tychicus the deacon

1 Timothy 3:8–13. Deacon requirements

Dead Sea (lake, Salt Sea)

Saltwater lake between Israel and Jordan

Genesis 14:3. Battle at the Dead Sea

Numbers 34:3–4. Boundary of Israel’s land to the Dead Sea

Deuteronomy 3:17. The Sea of Plains

Joshua 3:15–16. Cutting off the flow of water all the way to the Dead Sea

2 Kings 14:25. Restoring land boundaries to the Dead Sea

Dead Sea Scrolls (manuscripts)

Scrolls found in Khirbet, Qumran between 1947–1956.

Exodus. Most of Exodus was found among the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Numbers. Most of Numbers was found among the Dead Sea Scrolls.

1 Samuel 1:23–24. Scripture found in the Dead Sea Scrolls

Isaiah. One of the books found among the Dead Sea Scrolls

Jeremiah 42–49. Scripture found among the Dead Sea Scrolls

Deafness (hearing loss)

Partial or complete inability to hear

Exodus 4:11. Unable to hear

Leviticus 19:14. Never curse the deaf.

Psalm 28:1. Don’t turn a deaf ear.

Isaiah 29:18. The deaf will hear.

Matthew 11:4–5. Jesus heals the deaf.

Mark 7:32–35. Jesus heals a deaf-mute man.

Death (bereavement, loss, passing away)

Termination of life

Genesis 5:5. Death of the first man

Genesis 23:1–2. Sarah’s death

Judges 15:6. A revenge death

2 Samuel 8:2. Moabites put to death

Psalm 22:15. Dust of death

Psalm 23:4. Dark valley of death

Proverbs 16:25. Way of death

Romans 6:23. Payment for sin

Death penalty (law)

A sentence of punishment by execution

Leviticus 20. Death penalty for crimes

Leviticus 24:16. Death penalty for cursing the Lord’s name

Numbers 1:51. Death penalty for going near the tabernacle without authorization

Numbers 3:10. Death penalty for performing priestly duties

Numbers 15:32–36. Death penalty for gathering wood on the Sabbath

Numbers 25:5. Death penalty for worshiping Baal

Deuteronomy 19:6. Undeserved death penalty

John 8:3–5. Death penalty for adultery

Deathbed words (blessings, curses, promises)

Words spoken just before a person dies

Genesis 48:21–49:33. Jacob/Israel’s deathbed words

Genesis 50:24–25. Joseph’s deathbed words

Deuteronomy 33. Moses’ deathbed words

1 Kings 2:1–9. David’s deathbed words

John 19:30. Jesus’ deathbed words

Debates (arguments, discussions)

Arguments engaged through the discussion of opposing views

Acts 15:1–35. Circumcision debate

Acts 17:15–34. Paul’s debates in Athens

Acts 18:4. Paul debates in synagogue

Acts 19:8–9. Debates in Ephesus

Acts 25:20. King Agrippa discusses Paul’s debate with Jewish leaders.

Debauchery (decadence, depravity, dissipation, sin)

Extreme indulgence in sensual pleasures

Exodus 32:6. Idolatry and debauchery

Romans 13:13. Avoid debauchery.

2 Corinthians 12:20–21. Grieving over debauchery

Galatians 5:19. Acts of the sinful nature

Ephesians 5:18. Drunkenness leads to debauchery.

1 Peter 4:3. Past debauchery

Debt (arrears, balance due, liability)

Something owed (money, goods, services)

Deuteronomy 15:3. Rules about collecting debts

1 Samuel 22:1–2. Those in debt went to David.

2 Kings 4:7. Elisha helps a widow pay her debt.

Matthew 18:23–35. Jesus’ parable about forgiveness and debts

Luke 7:41–43. A parable about debt

Romans 13:8. Debt of love

Decay (decompose, fester, putrefy)

Break down into composite parts; rot

Psalm 16:9–10. The body of the holy one will not decay in the grave.

Proverbs 12:4. Decay in the bones

Isaiah 5:24. Decay of the rebellious

Acts 2:25–27. Peter confirms that David’s words were said about Jesus.

Acts 13:34. Jesus’ body did not decay in the grave.

Romans 8:20–21. Creation set free from slavery to decay

Deceit (see Lying; Pretense)

Decision (see Choice[s])

Decorating (beautifying, embellishing, furnishing)

Furnishing or adorning something

Exodus 25:33–35. Adorning the lamp stand in the tabernacle

Exodus 39:32–43. Furnishing the tabernacle

1 Kings 6. Building and decorating the temple

1 Kings 7:40–42. More decorations for the temple

Matthew 23:29. Decorating monuments

Decree (command, law, order)

An authoritative order having the force of law

Esther 1:13–22. How Xerxes made decrees

Esther 2:8. Enactment of Xerxes’ decree

Esther 3:8. Haman lies about the Jews’ disobedience of Xerxes’ decrees.

Daniel 2:12–13. Death decree

Daniel 6:7–9. Darius’s decree

Dedication (ceremony)

A rite or ceremony of dedicating; also selfless devotion

1 Kings 8. Dedication of the temple

1 Kings 14:15. A wrong dedication

1 Kings 16:33. Poles dedicated to Asherah

Ezra 6:16. Dedication of the rebuilt temple

Nehemiah 3:1. Dedication of the rebuilt Sheep Gate

Nehemiah 12:27. Dedication of the rebuilt wall of Jerusalem

Deeds (actions, feats)

A praiseworthy act or feat; also a document sealed as an instrument of bond, contract, or conveyance in regard to property

Deuteronomy 3:23–24. Deeds of God

Deuteronomy 34:12. Deeds of Moses

Ezra 9:13. Evil deeds

Psalm 17:7. Miraculous deeds

Psalm 20:6. Mighty deeds

Psalm 99:8. God punishes sinful deeds.

Isaiah 1:16. Get rid of evil deeds.

Jeremiah 32. Jeremiah signs a deed for a field.

Deer (doe, hind, stag)

Hoofed ruminant of the Cervidae family

Deuteronomy 12:15. Deer meat?

Deuteronomy 14:4–5. Deer on the menu

Psalm 18:33. Feet like those of a deer

Psalm 42:1. The longing of a deer

Isaiah 35:6. Leaping like deer

Habakkuk 3:19. Walking like a deer

Defeat (crush, overpower)

To win victory over

Genesis 14:14–15, 17. Defeating Lot’s captors

Exodus 17:13. Defeat of the Amalekites, Part 1

Joshua 8:15–16. Pretending defeat at Ai

2 Samuel 1:1. Defeat of the Amalekites, Part 2

2 Samuel 2:17. Abner’s defeat

1 Kings 5:2–3. Defeating David’s enemies

Defection (abandonment, disloyalty, treason)

Disowning allegiance to one’s country and taking up residence in another; switching from one belief system to another

1 Samuel 27. David appears to defect.

John 17:12. Judas’s defection

Jude 6. Defection of angels

Defense (guard, protection, security)

The act of defending someone or something against attack

Exodus 2:15–17. Moses comes to the defense of the daughters of Jethro.

Psalm 18:18. The Lord’s defense

Isaiah 22:7–8. Judah’s defenses removed

Isaiah 34:8. In defense of Zion

Jeremiah 41:9. Cistern defense plan

Defenseless (exposed, unprotected, weak)

Having no means of protection; vulnerable

Judges 3:13–15. Israel is defenseless against various enemies.

Judges 6:14–15. Gideon feels defenseless.

Psalm 116:6. Protector of the defenseless

Psalm 141:8. Left defenseless?

Jeremiah 4:31. Defenseless

Defiant (disobedient, insubordinate, rebellious)

Full of resistance

Nehemiah 9:26. Israel’s defiance

Isaiah 3:8. Defiance in the presence of God

Jeremiah 5:23. God’s defiant people

Ezekiel 2:4. Ezekiel sent to a defiant people.

Defile/Defilement (unclean)

To render ceremonially unclean

Exodus 20:25. Defiled altar

Leviticus 11:43. Defiled by what is eaten

Leviticus 18:20, 23. Defiled by an unlawful relationship

Leviticus 21:15. The offspring of a priest must not be defiled.

Numbers 18:32. Avoid defiled offerings.

Numbers 35:34. Do not defile the land.

2 Kings 23:16. Defiling the altar

Degenerate (corrupt, deteriorate, worsen)

Sunk to a lower, more corrupt state; also someone immoral or perverted

Isaiah 2:9. Degenerate Israel

Isaiah 3:9. Degenerate Sodom

Jeremiah 2:21. A degenerate plant

Ezekiel 16:30. A degenerate heart

Degradation (deprivation, humiliation, squalor)

Declining to a low, destitute, or demoralized state

Leviticus 19:29. Don’t degrade a daughter.

Deuteronomy 25:2–3. Avoiding the degradation of a criminal

2 Samuel 6:21–22. David is willing to be degraded.

Ezekiel 16:25. Degradation of unfaithful Israel

Deity (God, idol)

God; also refers to any of the pantheon of gods worshiped by other nations surrounding Israel

Colossians 2:9. Christ has the fullness of the Deity

2 Chronicles 15:16. Removing the statue of a Canaanite deity

Isaiah 65:11. Worshiping pagan deities

Amos 5:26. Statues of pagan deities

Delay (postponement, setback, wait)

To stop, detain, or hinder for a while

Genesis 24:56. Wishing to avoid a delay

Psalm 40:17. Do not delay!

Ezekiel 12:25. Consequences will not delay.

Daniel 9:19. Daniel pleads for the Lord to avoid delay.

Hebrews 10:37. He’s coming without delay.

Revelation 10:6. No more delay.

Delegate (assign, designate, pass on)

Person acting for another; also, to entrust to another

Ezekiel 23:24. God delegates judgment to Israel’s enemies.

Acts 6:2–4. Problem of food distribution is delegated to seven men.

1 Corinthians 16:3. Choosing a delegate to bring a gift

Delicacies (luxuries, treats)

Something pleasing to eat that is considered rare or luxurious; also, precise or refined perceptions

Genesis 49:20. Delicacies fit for a king

Numbers 11:8. Manna is like a delicacy.

Psalm 141:4. Delicacies of troublemakers

Proverbs 23:6. Delicacies of the stingy

Jeremiah 51:34. Metaphorical delicacies

Lamentations 4:5. From delicacies to destitution

Delight (enjoyment, relish, satisfaction)

High degree of gratification

Deuteronomy 30:9. What God will delight in doing

2 Samuel 1:26. A friend in whom David delighted

1 Chronicles 29:17. Delighted with honesty

Proverbs 29:17. Correction brings delight.

Song of Songs 3:11. Delight in the king

Isaiah 5:7. Garden of his delight

Isaiah 32:14–15. A delight for wild donkeys

Deliverance (escape, liberation, rescue)

Liberating someone or something

Genesis 45:7. Joseph sent to Egypt to bring about a great deliverance.

Exodus 14:13–31. Deliverance at the Red Sea

Judges 5. Deborah and Barak’s song of deliverance

Judges 13:5. Samson to begin Israel’s deliverance

1 Samuel 2:1. Hannah’s song of deliverance

2 Samuel 22. David’s song of deliverance

Deliverer (Savior)

Someone who makes freedom or rescue possible for someone else

Judges 3:9, 15. Israel’s deliverers

2 Kings 13:4–5. Delivered from Aram’s power

Psalm 18:2. God—the ultimate deliverer

Psalm 70:5. Pleading for the deliverer to act

Acts 7:35. Moses the deliverer

Demands (anxiety, weight)

To claim as just or due; an urgent requirement or need

Genesis 9:4–5. What God demands

Exodus 21. Other demands

1 Kings 20. Benhadad’s demands

Nehemiah 5:18. No demands from Nehemiah

Micah 7:3. Gifts demanded

Demon possession (influence, inhabitation)

Inhabitation or influence by demons

Matthew 8:28–34. Possessed by a legion of spirits

Matthew 9:32–34. Rendered mute by a demon

Matthew 11:18. John accused of demon possession

Matthew 12:22. Jesus helps a demon-possessed man.

Mark 1:23–27. Jesus helps another demon-possessed man.

Acts 16:16–40. Paul and the demon-possessed servant girl

Demons (evil spirits, former angels)

Evil spirits

Deuteronomy 32:17. Sacrificing to demons

Psalm 106:37. Children sacrificed to demons

Matthew 4:24. Curing people of demon possession

Matthew 7:22. Forcing out demons in Jesus’ name

Matthew 8:16. Helping those possessed by demons

Matthew 12:24. Jesus is accused of working with demons.

Demonstration(s) (display, exhibition, show)

Showing the merits of a product or service; showing conclusive evidence

Genesis 24:12. Abraham’s servant asks God to demonstrate his kindness.

Exodus 4:21. A demonstration of God’s power

Acts 17:2–3. Paul’s demonstration

1 Corinthians 2:4. Demonstration of the Spirit’s power

2 Corinthians 6:3–4, 7. Enduring many things

2 Corinthians 8:24. Demonstration of love

Denarius (coin, money)

A silver coin equal to one day’s wage

Matthew 18:28. Owing a hundred denarii

Matthew 20:1–16. Everyone given one denarius

Matthew 22:19–21. Who is on the denarius?

Mark 6:37. Will 200 denarii feed over 5,000 people?

Luke 7:41–42. Five hundred denarii debt

Denial (disavowal, repudiation, renunciation)

Refusal to admit the truth or reality; also, the refusal to satisfy a request

Exodus 23:6. Denial of justice

Proverbs 30:8–9. Denial of God

Isaiah 29:21. Wrongdoers who deny justice will come to an end.

Matthew 26:33–35, 69–75. Peter’s denial of Jesus

Acts 4:16. Can’t deny the miracle of Peter and John

Titus 1:16. Denying God

Departures (leave-takings)

Leave takings expressed throughout the Bible

Genesis 31:53–55. Jacob’s departure from Laban

Deuteronomy 16:6. Anniversary of the departure from Egypt

2 Kings 2:1–14. Elijah’s departure

Acts 1:9. Jesus’ departure from earth

Acts 20. Paul’s departure from Ephesus

Depend (rely, trust)

Place reliance or trust in

2 Chronicles 16:7. Consequences of not depending on God

Psalm 62:7. Glory depends on God

Psalm 118:8–9. Better to depend on God

Psalm 123:2. As servants depend on masters

Isaiah 31:1. The horror of depending on Egypt or war horses

Matthew 22:40. The whole basis of the law depends on two commandments.

1 Corinthians 7:31. Don’t depend on the things of this world

Dependability (see Integrity; Reliability)

Deposit (credit, place, security)

To place for safekeeping or as a pledge

Genesis 38:16–18. Leaving a deposit with Tamar

Deuteronomy 24:10–12. Rules for collecting a deposit on a loan

Ezra 5:14–15. Depositing articles in the temple

Ezekiel 24:6. Metaphorical deposit

Depravity (decadence, immorality, evil)

Corrupt practice or act

Ezekiel 16:47. Taking time to be depraved

Ezekiel 23:11. Even more depraved

Romans 1:29. Filled with depravity

2 Timothy 3:8. The depraved leading the depraved

2 Peter 2:19. The depraved leading the depraved

Depression (despair, gloominess, misery)

Feelings of dejection and hopelessness

Leviticus 26:14–16. Depression: a consequence of disobedience

1 Samuel 1:15–16. Hannah’s depression

Proverbs 15:13. Heartache and depression

Proverbs 17:22. Depression: a drain on strength

Isaiah 65:14. Depression is what those who disobey God can expect.

Descendant(s) (offspring, progeny, successor)

One who proceeds from an ancestor

Genesis 3:15. Eve’s descendant

Genesis 22:17–18. Blessing on Abraham’s descendants

Leviticus 6:18. Aaron’s descendants can eat some of the grain offerings.

Numbers 26:59. Levi’s descendants

Matthew 1:20. David’s descendant, Joseph

Romans 4:16. A promise for every descendant

Desecrate/Desecration (defile, despoil, profane)

To violate the sanctity of someone or something

Leviticus 21:11–12. The high priest must not desecrate the sanctuary.

Leviticus 22:15. Priests must not desecrate the offerings.

Ezekiel 24:21. God will desecrate the sanctuary.

Daniel 11:31. God will desecrate the temple fortress.

Acts 24:6. Paul accused of desecrating the temple.

Desert of Sin (wilderness)

Wilderness lying between Elim and Mt. Sinai

Exodus 16–17:1. The desert of Sin

Numbers 33:11–12. Camping and moving in the Desert of Sin

Desert(s) (wilderness)

Arid land with sparse vegetation

Genesis 14:5–6. Defeat of the Rephaim in the desert

Genesis 16:6–7. Hagar flees to the desert.

Genesis 21:20–21. Ishmael lives in the desert.

Exodus 3–4. Moses meets God in the desert.

Numbers 3:4. The Desert of Sinai

Numbers 13:3. Spies sent from the Desert of Paran

Deserter (apostate, fugitive, traitor)

One who abandons military service without leave; one who leaves others in the lurch

Judges 7:3. Twenty-two thousand deserters

Psalm 78:9. Deserters of Ephraim

Ezekiel 7:14. Everyone will be a deserter.

Matthew 26:56. The disciples become deserters.

Deserve (earn, justify, warrant)

To be worthy of or suitable for

Genesis 40:15. A punishment Joseph didn’t deserve

Leviticus 20:11. A crime deserving of death

2 Samuel 3:39. What evildoers deserve

1 Kings 2:26. A priest deserving of death

Ezra 9:13. Punished less than what was deserved

Psalm 28:4. A punishment equal to what is deserved

Desires (requirements, wants, wishes)

What one longs or hopes for

2 Samuel 3:21. Everything David desires

Job 20:20. Desires of the godless

Psalm 37:4. Giving you the desires of your heart

Proverbs 3:15. Your desires can’t equal wisdom.

Matthew 23:25. Uncontrolled desires

Romans 6:12. The body’s desires

Romans 7:7–8. The body’s desires

Despair (depression, despondency, misery)

To lose all hope or confidence

Leviticus 26:36. Despair in the land of enemies

Numbers 14:6. Despair of Joshua and Caleb at the complaints of Israel

Deuteronomy 28:65. Despair for Israel

Esther 6:12. Haman in despair over Mordecai’s promotion

Psalm 88:15. A psalmist’s despair

Ecclesiastes 2:20. Despair for hard work

Desperate (distressed, frantic, worried)

Having lost hope; moved by despair

2 Samuel 24. A desperate situation

2 Samuel 12:18. A desperate act?

Job 6:26. Desperate words

Psalm 60:3. Desperate times

Psalm 142:6. A desperate cry

Despise (hate, spurn)

To regard with contempt or scorn

1 Samuel 2:30. Insignificance of those who despise the Lord

2 Samuel 6:16. Michal despises her husband David.

2 Samuel 12:9–10. God’s message to David: Why did you despise my word?

Esther 1:17. Wives will despise their husbands.

Job 5:17. Don’t despise discipline.

Psalm 51:17. What God does not despise

Proverbs 1:7. What stubborn fools despise

Isaiah 60:14. Those despised bow

Destiny (fate, fortune)

The fate to which a particular person is destined

Job 8:13. Destiny of the godless

Psalm 73:16–17. Destiny of oppressors

Ecclesiastes 7:2. Everyone’s destiny?

Ecclesiastes 9:2–3. All share the same destiny

Isaiah 65:11. Goddess of destiny

Destruction (annihilation, devastation, obliteration)

The act of destroying

Genesis 19:29. Lot and his daughters escape the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Leviticus 27:28. Dedicated for destruction

Numbers 21:3. Claimed for destruction

Deuteronomy 7:9–10. God sends destruction

Deuteronomy 30:15. Choose: life or destruction?

Joshua 6:18. Stay away from things marked for destruction

1 Kings 13:34. Jeroboam’s family: marked for destruction

Details (information, particulars)

Particulars considered individually or in relation to the whole

Exodus 30:11–14. Details for the census and ransoms

2 Samuel 11:18. Details of the battle

1 Kings 6:38. Details of building the temple

1 Chronicles 28:19. Making the details clear

Determination (fortitude, resolve, willpower)

Firmness of purpose; resolve

1 Samuel 1:9–10. Hannah’s determination

1 Samuel 20:33. Saul’s determination

1 Kings 21:7–10. Jezebel’s determination

Acts 20:22. Paul’s determination

Acts 21:13–14. Paul is determined to go to Jerusalem.

Detestable (loathsome, repugnant, vile)

Inspiring abhorrence or scorn

Genesis 43:32. What’s detestable to Egyptians

Leviticus 7:21. Touching what’s detestable

Deuteronomy 7:26. Idols are detestable.

Ezekiel 5:9, 11. Detestable actions of the people of Jerusalem

Ezekiel 7:3–4. Punishment for detestable actions

Devil, the (see Satan)

Devoted items (forbidden items, taboo)

Items or animals that God forbids Israel to have

Leviticus 27:28–34. Can’t redeem devoted items

Joshua 6:18. Avoid devoted things.

Joshua 7. Achan’s theft of devoted items

Joshua 22:20. Wrongfully claiming devoted items

1 Chronicles 2:7. The harm of claiming devoted items

Devotion (dedication, love, worship)

Religious fervor

2 Chronicles 32:32. Hezekiah’s devotion

2 Chronicles 35:26. Josiah’s devotion

Psalm 69:9. David’s devotion

Psalm 119:39. Devotion for God’s Word

Jeremiah 12:3. Jeremiah’s devotion

John 2:17. Jesus’ devotion

Devout (devoted, dedicated, pious)

Devoted to religion or religious duties

1 Kings 18:3. Obadiah was devout.

Luke 2:25. Simeon was devout.

Acts 2:5, 12. Devout Jewish men in Jerusalem

Acts 8:2. Devout mourners bury Stephen.

Acts 10:1–2. Devout Gentiles

Acts 13:50. Devout women persecute Paul.

Diets (regimen, weight maintenance)

Habitual nourishment; regimens to lose weight

Exodus 16. Diet of manna and quails

Job 20:16. Diet of the godless person

Psalm 42:3. A diet of tears

Daniel 1:11–16. The diet of Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah

Matthew 3:4. John the Baptist’s diet

Differences (disparity, diversity)

The quality of being different; disparity in opinions

Leviticus 10:10. Knowing the difference between clean and unclean

Leviticus 15:3. It makes no difference.

Deuteronomy 1:39. Knowing the difference between good and evil

1 Kings 3:9. Solomon desires wisdom to know the difference between good and evil.

2 Chronicles 12:7–8. Knowing the difference between serving God and serving foreign kings

Romans 14:1. Differences of opinion

Difficulty (see Hardship)

Dignity (poise, pride, self-respect)

The quality or state of being worthy, honored, or esteemed

Exodus 28:2. Clothes to enhance the dignity of the priests

Job 40:9–10. Dignity like God’s

Proverbs 30:29–31. Who or what moves with dignity?

Titus 2:7. Be an example of dignity.

Diligence (attentiveness, meticulousness, thoroughness)

Being conscientious and showing care about performing a task

Ezra 5:8. Building the temple with diligence

Ezra 6:12–13. Do the work with diligence.

Ezra 7:21, 23. Do the work with diligence.

Proverbs 4:23. Keep your heart with diligence.

Hebrews 6:11. Show diligence.

Dimensions (extent, size, scope)

Range over which something extends; the quality of spatial extension

Job 38:4–5. Dimensions of the earth

Ezekiel 42:11. Temple dimensions

Psalm 102:25. God set the dimensions of the earth long ago.

Proverbs 8:27–29. Wisdom helped establish the earth’s dimension and that of the seas.

Isaiah 48:13. Dimensions established by God

Direction (advice, management, path)

Guidance or supervision of action or conduct; an explicit instruction; also, the line or course on which something is moving or is aimed to move

Genesis 13:10. Looking in the direction of Sodom

Genesis 24:48. Led in the right direction

Exodus 38:21. Directed by Ithamar

Deuteronomy 27:18. Leading the blind in the wrong direction

Psalm 36:4. Going in the wrong direction

Proverbs 1:5. Gaining direction

Dirges (funeral songs)

Songs or hymns of grief or lamentation

2 Samuel 3:33–34. A dirge for Abner

2 Chronicles 35:25. A dirge for Josiah

Jeremiah 9:10. Chanting dirges

Lamentations. Jeremiah’s dirge for the fall of Jerusalem and for his people

Ezekiel 19:1. A dirge for the princes of Israel

Matthew 11:17. Dirge of children

Disability (disadvantage, disqualified, restricted)

Inability to pursue an occupation due to a physical or mental impairment

2 Samuel 4:4. Disability of Jonathan’s son

2 Samuel 19:26. Mephibosheth talks of his disability.

Matthew 15:30–31. Curing disabilities

Matthew 18:8. Better disabled than eternally punished

Luke 13:11–12. Jesus helps a disabled woman.

Disagreement (argument, dispute, misunderstanding)

A conflict of opinions; a dispute

Exodus 18:15–16. Settling disagreements

Exodus 24:13–14. Aaron and Hur to settle disagreements

Deuteronomy 21:5. Priests have a say in settling disagreements.

Deuteronomy 25:1. Disagreements brought to court

Acts 15:36–41. The disagreement of Paul and Barnabas

Disappointment (discontent, displeasure)

The state of being defeated in expectation or hope

Genesis 4:3–6. Cain’s disappointment

Psalm 119:116. Avoiding disappointment

Jeremiah 12:13. Harvest disappointment

Jeremiah 14:4. Lack of rain leads to disappointment

Disaster (calamity, catastrophe, tragedy)

A sudden calamitous event bringing great damage or destruction

Genesis 19:18–19. Disaster at Sodom

Exodus 32:12. Moses hopes to avoid disaster.

Deuteronomy 29:19–21. A disastrous attitude

Deuteronomy 32:23. One disaster after another

Joshua 7. Disaster at Ai

Judges 11:35. Jephthah’s vow brings disaster.

2 Kings 14:9–10. Why invite disaster?

Discernment (acumen, insight, judgment, shrewdness)

The quality of being able to grasp or understand what is obscure

Deuteronomy 32:28. No discernment

1 Kings 3:11–12. God gives Solomon discernment.

2 Chronicles 2:12. Huram acknowledges Solomon’s discernment.

Psalm 119:125. Give me discernment.

Proverbs 17:10. A man of discernment

Disciple (believer, follower, pupil)

One who accepts and assists in spreading the doctrines of another; one of the 12 apostles

1 Kings 20:35–43. A disciple of prophets

2 Kings 4:1. Helping the wife of a disciple

Amos 7:14. Not a prophet or a disciple

Matthew 8:19–22. The cost of being a disciple of Jesus

Matthew 10:1–4. Jesus’ twelve disciples

Discipleship (see Disciple)

Discipline (control, correction, obedience)

Training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character

Leviticus 26:18, 23–24. Seven times the discipline

Deuteronomy 8:5. Disciplining children

Deuteronomy 11:2. Discipline from God

Psalm 6:1. Discipline, but not anger

Psalm 94:12. Disciplined, but blessed

Proverbs 1:8–9. Listen to discipline

Proverbs 4:13. Listen to discipline

Discontent (dissatisfaction, restlessness, unhappiness)

Showing dissatisfaction or restless longing

1 Samuel 22:2. David gathers the discontent.

Acts 6:1. Discontent among the believers

Discord (conflict, disagreement, dissension)

Lack of agreement or harmony

Esther 1:18. Discord expected due to Vashti’s behavior

Proverbs 6:14. Sowing discord

Proverbs 6:16, 19. God hates discord.

Galatians 5:19–21. Discord—a product of the sinful nature

Discouragement (despair, disappointment, dismay)

Being deprived of courage or confidence

Exodus 6:9. Discouragement of the Israelites

Numbers 32:6–9. Discouragement of the spies

1 Samuel 17:32. Discouragement of the Israelite army

Psalm 43:5. Discouragement of the soul

Isaiah 42:4. The Lord’s servant will not be discouraged.

2 Corinthians 2:6–7. Don’t discourage the wrongdoer.

Discretion (diplomacy, foresight, good judgment)

Ability to make responsible decisions

1 Chronicles 22:12. Discretion from God

Proverbs 1:4. Purpose of the proverbs

Proverbs 2:11. Protected by discretion

Proverbs 5:1–2. Acting with discretion

Proverbs 8:12. Wisdom acquires discretion.

Discrimination (favoritism, intolerance, prejudice)

Having a prejudiced or a prejudicial outlook

John 4:7–9. Discrimination toward Samaritans

Acts 15:9. God doesn’t discriminate.

1 Timothy 5:21. Avoid discrimination.

James 2:4. Discriminating against people

Disease (leprosy, sickness, skin problems)

A condition of the living animal or plant body or of one of its parts that impairs normal functioning and is typically manifested by distinguishing signs and symptoms

Leviticus 13–14. Skin diseases

Leviticus 22:4. Disease renders a person unclean.

Numbers 12:10. Miriam contracts a disease after criticizing Moses.

Deuteronomy 28:22. Diseases: one result of disobedience

1 Kings 15:23. Asa’s foot disease

2 Chronicles 21:8–20. Jehoram’s intestinal disease

Luke 5:12–13. Jesus cures a skin disease.

Disgrace (humiliation, out of favor, shame)

A sense of shame or loss of favor

Genesis 30:22–23. Rachel’s disgrace

Deuteronomy 22:30. Avoiding a father’s disgrace

Joshua 5:9. Removing disgrace

1 Samuel 11:2. Trying to disgrace Israel

Job 10:15. Job’s disgrace

Disguise (camouflage, concealing outfit, mask)

To furnish with a false appearance or an assumed identity

Genesis 38:13–16. Tamar’s disguise

1 Samuel 28:8. Saul’s disguise

1 Kings 14:1–4. Disguise of Jeroboam’s wife

1 Kings 22:30. Disguise of King Ahab

2 Corinthians 11:13–15. Disguise of false apostles

Dishonesty (deceitfulness, falsehood, lying)

Lack of honesty or integrity

Proverbs 4:24. Remove dishonesty

Proverbs 13:11. Dishonest gain

Jeremiah 9:3. Dishonesty of God’s people

Jeremiah 22:17. Dishonest profits

Luke 16:1–9. Jesus’ parable of a dishonest but shrewd manager

Disloyalty (betrayal, treachery, unfaithfulness)

Lacking in loyalty; unfaithful

Joshua 7:1. Achan’s disloyalty

Psalm 78:57. Disloyal ancestors and descendants

Daniel 9:7. Daniel prays about disloyalty

Disobedience (defiance, sin, waywardness)

Refusal or neglecting to obey

Exodus 34:7. God forgives disobedience.

Job 7:21. Job pleads for forgiveness for disobedience.

Psalm 32:1. The blessing of forgiveness for disobedience

Psalm 107:17. Suffering for disobedience

Isaiah 24:20. Disobedience of the earth

Romans 5:19. Disobedience passed down through Adam

Romans 11:30–32. Disobedience of the Jewish people

Dispensation (allowance, indulgence, special consideration)

A general state or ordering of things; a particular arrangement or provision especially of providence or nature

Deuteronomy 4:5–31. Dispensation of the law

Ephesians 1:10. Dispensation of the fullness of time

Ephesians 3:1–2. Dispensation of God’s grace

Disqualifications (disadvantages, ineligibility, prohibitions)

Items that disqualify or incapacitate

Exodus 19:15. Avoid disqualification

Leviticus 21:18. Disqualified from approaching the altar

Leviticus 22:4. Disqualification from eating the offerings

Judges 7:5–8. Disqualified from military service

Colossians 2:18. Worship of angels disqualifies.

Disrespect (contempt, disregard, insolence)

Showing contempt

Exodus 22:28. Avoid disrespecting God

Esther 1:18. Disrespect of Persian women

1 Corinthians 11:4. Disrespect for God

Dissatisfaction (see Discontent)

Diversity (assortment, mixture, variety)

The inclusion of people of different races or cultures in a group or organization

Acts 2:5–6. Diversity in Jerusalem

Acts 10:35–36. Diversity in God’s kingdom

Revelation 7:9–10. Diversity in heaven

Divination (forecasting, fortune-telling)

Seeking to foresee or foretell future events

Genesis 30:27. Laban’s divination

Genesis 44:5. Joseph’s divining cup

Leviticus 19:26. Avoid those who practice divination.

Numbers 22–24. Balaam’s divination

Deuteronomy 18:10–11. Avoid divination.

1 Samuel 15:23. Rebellion is like divination.

Divisions (family groups, groups, tribes)

The process of dividing

Genesis 36:30. The Horite divisions

Exodus 6:26. Israel divided into family groups

Exodus 12:17. Brought out of Egypt in divisions

Numbers 1:3. Numbering the divisions

Numbers 2:3. The divisions of Judah

Joshua 18:10. The divisions of Canaan

Divorce (annulment, break up, separation)

The dissolution of a marriage

Leviticus 21:7. Priest can’t marry a divorced woman.

Numbers 30:9. Vows are binding for the divorced.

Deuteronomy 22:13–19. No divorce for a false charge

Deuteronomy 24:1–4. Certificate of divorce

Jeremiah 3:8. God divorces Israel.

Malachi 2:16. God hates divorce.

Matthew 5:31–32. Jesus preaches about divorce.

Matthew 19:1–12. Jesus is questioned about divorce.

DIY (Do It Yourself) projects

Projects or activities (often spontaneous) that people have to do themselves or do because someone else should have done them

Genesis 28:18–19. Jacob builds an altar.

Numbers 25:6–9. Phinehas stops a plague.

1 Samuel 15. Samuel does what Saul should have done.

Ezra 4:1–3. Building the second temple

Doctor (see Physician)

Doctrine (dogma, guidelines)

Principle or system for acceptance or belief as by a religious or philosophic group

1 Timothy 1:3. False doctrine

1 Timothy 6:3–4. Teaching false doctrine

2 Timothy 4:3. Sound doctrine

Titus 2:1. Teach according to sound doctrine.

Titus 3:10. Avoid those who teach false doctrine.

Documents (credentials, papers)

Written papers bearing the original, official, or legal form of something and which can furnish evidence or information

Nehemiah 9:38. Document professing obedience to God’s law

Esther 1:21–22. Documents sent to the provinces

Esther 3:13. Documents granting property seizure

Esther 8:10. Documents granting peace

Jeremiah 32:14. Documents in a clay jar

Daniel 6:10. Document forbidding prayer

Dog(s) (canine)

Domestic mammal related to the gray wolf; also a euphemism for a worthless person

Exodus 11:7. Not even a dog will be disturbed by the last plague

1 Samuel 17:43. Is Goliath a dog?

2 Samuel 9:8. A dead dog like Mephibosheth?

1 Kings 14:11. Dogs to eat Jeroboam’s relatives

1 Kings 21:17–19, 23–24. Dogs to eat Ahab’s relatives

Psalm 22:16, 20. Surrounded by dogs

Matthew 15:21–28. A conversation about dogs

Domination (control, power, tyranny)

Supremacy or preeminence over another; exercise of mastery or ruling power

Genesis 1:17–18. The sun and moon dominate the sky.

Judges 4:1–3. The domination of the Canaanites

Daniel 11:12. The southern king will dominate.

John 11:48. Under Rome’s domination

1 Peter 5:8. Under Satan’s domination

Donkeys (Equus asinus)

Domestic animals of the horse family

Genesis 16:11–12. Ishmael: like a wild donkey

Exodus 13:12–13. Redeeming a donkey

Exodus 20:17. Donkey mentioned in the Ten Commandments

Numbers 22:21–35. Balaam’s talking donkey

Zechariah 9:9. The Messiah will enter Jerusalem on a donkey.

Matthew 21:1–11. Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey.

Luke 13:15–16. Wouldn’t you help a donkey on the Sabbath?

Door (access, entrance, gate)

A barrier by which an entry is closed or open; a means of access

Genesis 4:6–7. Sin at the door

Genesis 6:16. Door in the ark

Deuteronomy 3:5. Double doors of the fortified cities of Canaan

Deuteronomy 15:16–17. Piercing a slave at the door

Psalm 141:3. The door of the lips

Proverbs 5:8. Avoid the door of the adulterous woman.

Ezekiel 10:19. Angels at the door

Revelation 3:20. Jesus stands at the door.

Double portion (birthright, inheritance)

Provision in the law of Moses according the firstborn with a double portion of the inheritance; also, an extra blessing or an extra curse

Deuteronomy 21:15–17. A double portion

1 Samuel 1:4–5. Hannah receives a double portion.

2 Kings 2:9. Elisha asks for a double portion.

Isaiah 61:7. A double portion, instead of shame

Revelation 18:6. Babylon will receive a double portion of grief.

Double-mindedness (ambivalence, in two minds)

A state of ambivalence

1 Timothy 3:8. Deacons should not be two-faced.

James 1:6–8. Double-minded man

James 4:8. The hearts of the double-minded

Doubt(s) (misgivings, skepticism, uncertainties)

To lack confidence in someone or something

Matthew 14:28–31. Peter walks on water, then doubts.

Matthew 21:20–22. Have faith, rather than doubt.

Matthew 28:16–17. Some had doubts.

Luke 24:38–39. Why do you doubt?

Romans 14:13, 21. Don’t cause others to doubt.

James 1:6. Ask, but don’t doubt.

Jude 22. Show mercy to doubters.

Dove (pigeon)

A small, wild pigeon

Genesis 8:6–12. Noah sends a dove to search for land.

Genesis 15:9–10. A dove as a sacrifice

Leviticus 1:14. The command to sacrifice a dove

Psalm 55:6. Wings of a dove

Hosea 7:11. Ephraim, the dove

Matthew 3:16. The Holy Spirit is like a dove.

Downhearted (see Discouragement)

Dowry (bride price, gift, offering)

Money, goods, or estate that a woman brings to her husband in marriage; a price paid for a bride

Genesis 24:52–53. Gifts for Rebekah and her family

Genesis 34:12. Shechem’s willingness to pay any price for Dinah

Exodus 22:16–17. Dowry for seduction

1 Samuel 18:25. Dowry for Michal

1 Kings 9:16. Dowry for a princess

Doxology (praise)

A liturgical expression of praise to God

Isaiah 6:3. Doxology in heaven

Luke 2:14. Doxology at the birth of the Savior

Romans 16:27. Paul’s doxology

Ephesians 3:21. Paul’s doxology

Jude 25. Jude’s doxology

Drachma (coin)

Ancient Greek silver coin

Matthew 17:24. Two-drachma tax

Luke 15:8. Woman with ten silver coins

Dragon (the devil, Satan)

Huge serpent; metaphor for Satan

Revelation 12. Attack of the dragon

Revelation 13. Authority of the dragon

Revelation 20:1–3. The dragon defeated

Dread (alarm, dismay, fear)

Great fear; extreme reluctance to face someone or something

Exodus 15:16. Terror and dread of the Egyptians

Psalm 119:39. Dreaded insults

Proverbs 1:33. Dread of disaster

Proverbs 10:24. Dread of the wicked

Isaiah 57:11. Dread of Israel

Jeremiah 42:16. Dreaded famines

Dream interpretation (prophecy)

Explanations from God as to the meaning of dreams

Genesis 40. Joseph interprets the dreams of Pharaoh’s servants.

Genesis 41:25–32. Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dreams.

Daniel 2:16–45. Daniel interprets Nebuchadnezzar’s first dream.

Daniel 4:19–33. Daniel interprets Nebuchadnezzar’s second dream.

Dream(s) (communication, revelation, vision, warning)

Series of thoughts, images, or emotions occurring during sleep; one of the ways in which God spoke to prophets

Genesis 20:1–7. Abimelech’s dream

Genesis 28:10–15. Jacob’s first dream

Genesis 31:10–13. Jacob’s second dream

Genesis 37:5–11. Joseph’s dreams

Genesis 40. The dreams of Pharaoh’s cupbearer and baker

Genesis 41. Pharaoh’s dreams

Numbers 12:5–6. God speaks about dreams.

Daniel 2. Nebuchadnezzar’s dream

Matthew 1:20–23. Joseph’s dream

Drink offering (offering of wine, sacrifice)

One of the daily sacrifices for sin; often accompanied animals given as sacrifices

Exodus 29:40–41. Drink offering with lamb

Numbers 6:17–21. Drink offering with a Nazirite vow

Numbers 15:1–5. Two quarts of wine

Numbers 28:7, 9. A quart of wine with lamb

Drinking (drunkenness)

The consumption of alcoholic beverages

1 Samuel 30:16. Drinking in celebration

2 Samuel 13:28. Absalom plots to kill Amnon while Amnon drinks.

1 Kings 1:25. Drinking with Adonijah

1 Kings 20:12. Benhadad drinking with his allies

Esther 1. Drinking at Xerxes’s banquet

Ecclesiastes 2:3. Drinking to feel better

Matthew 11:18–19. Jesus accused of drunkenness

Dropsy (edema, swelling)

Swelling of the soft tissues

Deuteronomy 8:4. No dropsy in the wilderness

Luke 14:2–4. A man with dropsy

Drought (lack of rain)

Period of dryness due to a lack of rain

Deuteronomy 28:22. Drought is a curse.

1 Kings 17:1–18:46. Three-year drought

Job 12:15. God allows drought.

Job 24:19. Drought, the water stealer

Jeremiah 2:6. Drought in the desert

Jeremiah 14:1. Drought to come

Drug(s) (homeopathic medicines, pharmaceuticals)

A substance used as a medication or in the preparation of medication; often an illegal substance that causes addiction, habituation, or a marked change in consciousness

Matthew 27:34. Jesus is offered a sedative.

Galatians 5:20–21. Taking drugs: an act of the corrupt nature

Dung (excrement, Dung Gate, manure, offal, waste)

Offal of an animal or person

Exodus 29:14. Burning the dung of a bull

1 Kings 14:10. Burning like dung

Nehemiah 2:13. The Dung Gate

Job 20:7. Wicked perish like dung

Ezekiel 4. Baking bread with dung

Duty (job, obligation, responsibility)

Obligatory task, conduct, service, or function that arises from one’s position; active music, military, or priestly service

Genesis 38:8. A man’s duty to brother’s widow

Leviticus 5:14. Failing one’s duty

Numbers 1. Military duty

Deuteronomy 24:5. Discharged from military service

2 Kings 11:4, 7. Guards on duty

1 Chronicles 9:33. Musicians on duty

Luke 1:8–9. Priest on duty

Dysentery (diarrhea)

A disease characterized by severe diarrhea with passage of mucus and blood and usually caused by infection

2 Chronicles 21:14–19. Jehoram will be struck, possibly with dysentery

Acts 28:8. Publius’s father suffering from dysentery