Faction(s) (groups, parties, sections)
Group forming cohesive, often contentious, minority within a larger group
1 Kings 16:21. Two factions
1 Corinthians 11:19. The need for factions
2 Corinthians 12:20. Factions among the Corinthian church
Galatians 5:19–20. Factions—a product of the corrupt nature
Facts (details, information, specifics)
Information presented as objectively real
1 Samuel 23:23. Come back with the facts.
Acts 19:35–36. Undeniable facts?
Acts 21:34. Difficult fact-finding
Romans 4:19. Abraham knew the facts.
1 Corinthians 10:7, 14. Look at the facts.
Failure (catastrophe, fiasco, sin)
Not having achieved one’s desired end or ends; one that fails
Judges 2:1–5. Consequences of Israel’s failure
Acts 5:35–36. Theudas’s failure
Romans 5:15–17. One person’s failure affects all.
Romans 11:11–12. Israel’s failure
Fainthearted (cowardly, nervous, timid)
Deficient in conviction or courage; timid
Deuteronomy 20:3–8. Don’t be fainthearted.
Joshua 2. The fainthearted in Jericho
Judges 7:3. An out for the fainthearted
Isaiah 7:3–4. A command to avoid faintheartedness
Jeremiah 49:23. Fainthearted Hamath and Arpad
Fairness (equality, impartiality, justice)
Exhibiting a disposition free of favoritism or bias; impartiality
Psalm 98:8–9. Judging with fairness
Psalm 99:4. God established fairness
Proverbs 1:1–3. Acquiring fairness
Proverbs 29:14. Judging the poor with fairness
Isaiah 32:1. Ruling with fairness
Faith (assurance, confidence, conviction, trust)
Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, an idea, or a thing
Genesis 15:6. The faith of Abram
1 Samuel 2:12. No faith
1 Samuel 23:16. Strengthening David’s faith
Matthew 8:10. Amazing faith
Matthew 8:23–27. Little faith during a storm
Matthew 11:6. Keeping the faith
Luke 8:48. The faith that leads to healing
Hebrews 11:1. A definition of faith
Faithfulness (constancy, loyalty, steadfastness)
Exhibiting a steadfast adherence to a faith or cause
Genesis 32:9–10. God’s faithfulness
Joshua 24:14. Serve God with faithfulness.
1 Chronicles 9:26. Resume of faithfulness
Psalm 36:5. Praising God’s faithfulness
Psalm 100:5. Enduring faithfulness
Isaiah 11:5. Messianic faithfulness
Fall (autumn, sin)
The season of autumn; the loss of innocence after Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden; also, to experience defeat or ruin
Genesis 3. The fall
Deuteronomy 11:14. Rain in the fall
2 Kings 17. The fall of Samaria
2 Kings 25. The fall of Jerusalem
Psalm 66:8–9. Not allowed to fall
Romans 11:12. The fall of the Jewish people
False god(s) (see Idol[s])
False messiah(s) (antichrist, false leaders)
Anyone falsely claiming to be the Messiah
Matthew 24:23–24. False messiahs
2 Thessalonians 2:9. A false messiah
1 John 2:22. The false reject God.
Revelation 13:13. Power of a false messiah
False prophet(s) (false messengers)
Spokesmen or messengers who claimed to speak for God but were not sent by God
Numbers 31:16. Balaam the false prophet
1 Kings 22. Four hundred false prophets
Nehemiah 6:14. False female prophet
Isaiah 44:25. Signs of false prophets
Jeremiah 6:13–14. Message of false prophets
Jeremiah 14:14. Lies of false prophets
Ezekiel 13:8–9. God acts against false prophets.
Matthew 7:15–16. Beware of false prophets.
False teacher(s) (false doctrine, heresy)
Teachers who teach heresy, rather than truth
1 Timothy 1:3–4. Teaching a false doctrine
1 Timothy 6:3–4. The conceit of false teaching
2 Timothy 4:3. The desire to hear false teaching
Titus 1:10–11. False teachers ruin families.
2 Peter 2:1–3. False teachers
2 John 7–11. Don’t even greet a false teacher.
False witness(es) (liar)
A person or persons who provide false testimony; liar
Exodus 20:16. Don’t be a false witness.
Deuteronomy 19:18–19. Punish a false witness.
1 Kings 21:8–10. Finding false witnesses
Psalm 27:12. False witnesses
Proverbs 6:16, 19. God hates false testimony.
Proverbs 12:17. Deceitful witness
Falsehood (see Lying)
Fame (prominence, notoriety, recognition)
Great renown; public estimation
Deuteronomy 26:18–19. God will provide fame in exchange for obedience.
Joshua 6:27. Joshua’s fame
1 Samuel 18:6–7. David’s fame eclipses Saul’s.
1 Kings 4:30–31. Solomon’s fame
1 Chronicles 14:17. David’s fame
2 Chronicles 26:15. Uzziah’s fame
Isaiah 66:19. God’s fame
Familiarity (acquaintance, informality, intimacy)
Enthusiastic or impatient desire or interest
Numbers 11:4–6. Desire for familiar foods
Psalm 139:3. God is familiar with our ways.
Isaiah 53:3. Familiar with suffering
Acts 26:26. Agrippa’s familiarity
Romans 7:1. Familiar with Moses’ teachings (the law)
Family (kin, relations, relatives)
Parents and offspring; people sharing a common ancestry; believers united by the Holy Spirit
Genesis 7:1. Noah’s family
Exodus 12:3. One Passover lamb per family
Leviticus 27:22. Family property
Psalm 68:6. God makes families.
Proverbs 27:27. Promise of provision for a family
Galatians 6:10. Family of believers
1 Peter 4:17. Judgment starts with the family of God.
Famine (deprivation, scarcity, starvation)
Drastic wide-reaching food shortage
Genesis 12:10. Abram faces a famine.
Genesis 41. Pharaoh dreams of a famine.
Deuteronomy 32:24. Starved by famines
Ruth 1:1. Fleeing to Moab due to a famine
2 Samuel 24:13. David’s choice: fleeing, famine, or plague
1 Kings 8:37–38. Famine in the land; prayers for mercy
2 Kings 6:24–25. A severe famine
Romans 8:35. Even famine can’t separate us.
Revelation 6:7–8. Wars and famines to come
Fanatic (extremist, zealot)
Person marked by extreme unreasoning enthusiasm as for a cause
John 2:16–17. After driving out the moneychangers, Jesus’ zeal might have seemed like fanaticism to some.
Acts 26:9–11. Paul’s fanaticism against Christianity
Romans 10:2. Devoted but misguided
Galatians 4:17–18. Avoid fanatics.
Farmer (cultivator, grower, planter)
One who works on or operates a farm; one who cultivates crops
Genesis 4:2–3. Cain—the first recorded farmer
Isaiah 28:24. Questions about farmers
Jeremiah 14:4. Disappointed farmers
Amos 5:16. Mourning farmers
Zechariah 13:4–5. False prophets will admit to being farmers.
Mark 4:3–20. Parable of the farmer sowing seeds
James 5:7. Have the patience of farmers.
Fashion (make, form, style)
The make or form of something; a distinctive or peculiar and often habitual manner or way; a prevailing custom, usage, or style
Exodus 28:15. Fashioning a breastpiece for a high priest
Job 10:8. Would He destroy what He fashioned?
Psalm 33:15. God fashions each heart.
Isaiah 40:19. Fashioning silver chains for an idol
Isaiah 45:18. He who fashioned the earth
Fasting (abstain)
Partial or total abstinence from food as to show humility and submission before God
2 Samuel 12:15–17. David fasts and pleads for his child’s life.
2 Chronicles 20:3. Jehoshaphat proclaims a fast.
Ezra 8:21. Ezra proclaims a fast.
Esther 4:15–16. Esther proclaims a fast.
Matthew 6:16–18. Jesus preaches about fasting.
Matthew 9:14–15. Does Jesus fast?
Father (God, man with children)
Man who has offspring; also, a name for God or a respected leader
Genesis 2:24. Leaving father and mother
Genesis 17:5. The father of many nations
Ruth 4:18–22. David’s forefathers
Matthew 6:9. God the Father in heaven
Romans 8:15. Abba Father
Ephesians 1:2. God our Father
Father-in-law (the father of one’s spouse)
The father of a man’s wife
Genesis 30:25–31:55. Jacob is cheated by his father-in-law
Genesis 38. Tamar and her father-in-law, Judah
Genesis 41:50. Joseph’s priestly father-in-law
Exodus 18. Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro
1 Samuel 18:19–21. David’s father-in-law, Saul
John 18:12–13. Annas, the father-in-law of Caiaphas
Fault (blemish, error, mistake)
Character weakness or defect
Genesis 16:5. Abram’s fault
Exodus 5:15–16. Pharaoh’s fault
1 Samuel 29:3. No fault in David
Job 15:14. Faultess mortal?
Colossians 1:22. Entering God’s presence without fault
Jude 24. Standing without fault
Faultfinding (blaming, nagging, nitpicking)
Petty or nagging criticism; carping
Job 40:2. Will you find fault with God?
Romans 9:19. Why does God still find fault?
2 Corinthians 6:3. You can’t fault us.
James 1:5. God doesn’t find fault.
Jude 16. Complaining and finding fault
Faultless (see Fault)
Favor (approval, esteem, partiality)
The state of being held in high regard
Genesis 30:6. Favor with God
Genesis 32:5. Trying to win Esau’s favor
Numbers 6:22–26. The blessing of God’s favor
Deuteronomy 33:23. Naphtali enjoys God’s favor.
Zechariah 11:7. Favor and Unity
Matthew 22:15–16. Jesus’ favor
Luke 1:28. Highly favored
Luke 2:40. Jesus has God’s favor.
Favoritism (bias, partiality, preference)
A display of partiality toward a favored person or group
Genesis 25:27–28. Isaac and Rebekah show favoritism.
Exodus 23:2–3. Don’t show favoritism.
Leviticus 19:15. Don’t play favorites in situations requiring justice.
Acts 10:34. God doesn’t play favorites.
Romans 2:11. Again, God doesn’t play favorites.
Ephesians 6:9. Be like your Master in heaven: don’t play favorites.
Fear(s) (anxiety, concern, worry)
A feeling of agitation or anxiety caused by present or imminent danger; also, to be in awe of, revere
Genesis 9:1–2. Fear of man
Genesis 22:12. Fear God.
Genesis 31:42. The Fear of Isaac
Exodus 19:16. Shaking with fear
Leviticus 25:17. The only kind of fear to have
2 Chronicles 20:29–30. The fear of the Lord falls on other nations.
Psalm 55:4–5. Fear and trembling
Feast(s) (banquet, holiday)
A large, elaborate meal for many guests; a periodic religious festival
Genesis 21:8. Abraham holds a feast.
Leviticus 23:2. Required feasts
2 Samuel 3:20–21. David holds a feast.
2 Kings 6:22–23. A feast for enemies
Proverbs 17:1. Dry bread is better than a feast.
Jeremiah 51:37–39. A feast for Babylon
Feelings (manner, point of view, thoughts)
Susceptibility to emotional response; sensibilities
Numbers 5:12–15. Feelings of jealousy
Psalm 17:10. The wicked and their feelings
Proverbs 29:11. A fool and his feelings
Habakkuk 3:16. A rotten feeling
John 12:27. Jesus—too troubled to express His feelings
2 Corinthians 7:13–15. Titus’s feelings
Feet (measurement, movement, steps)
The lower extremities of the vertebrate legs; also, a unit of measurement
Genesis 6:15. How many feet?
Genesis 18:3–4. Washing feet
Genesis 49:33. Pulled in his feet
Exodus 12:11. Sandals on your feet
Exodus 26:7–8. Tent measurements in feet
Ruth 3:6–7. Uncovering Boaz’s feet
2 Samuel 19:24. Untended feet
2 Samuel 22:37. A wide path for David’s feet
Fellowship (companionship, friendship, partnership)
Relating to God and with fellow believers
Exodus 20:24. Fellowship offerings
2 Chronicles 31:2. Priests assigned to the fellowship offerings
1 Corinthians 1:9. Called into fellowship
Galatians 2:9. Right hand of fellowship
Philippians 2:1–2. Fellowship of the Spirit
Female (girl, woman)
A member of the sex that produces ova or bears young
Genesis 1:27. Created male and female
Genesis 15:9. Sacrificing a female animal
Genesis 21:28–30. Using female lambs as a sign
Judges 21:10–11. Claim these females.
Luke 22:56. A female slave confronts Peter
Acts 16:16. A demon-possessed female slave
Fermentation (making alcohol)
Chemical reaction that turns a complex organic compound into a simple substance, i.e., alcohol is converted by yeast
Leviticus 10:9. Priests to avoid fermented drinks while on duty
Numbers 28:7. Fermented drink offering
Deuteronomy 14:26. Fermented drink
Deuteronomy 29:6. No wine in the wilderness
Isaiah 63:2. Wine-making metaphor
Fertility (childbearing, fruitfulness, productiveness)
The quality or state of being fertile; birthrate of a population; also, capable of bearing or producing crops abundantly
Genesis 1:22. Birds, be fertile.
Genesis 29:31–35. Leah’s fertility
Genesis 30:14–15. Fertility superstition: mandrakes will cause pregnancy
Genesis 35:9, 11. The command to be fertile
1 Kings 14:23. Worshiping a fertility goddess
Festival (assembly, celebration, feast)
Required holiday or celebration where Israel commemorated an event or a person
Exodus 5:1. A festival in God’s honor
Exodus 12:14–17. Festival of Unleavened Bread
Exodus 12:21–27. Passover
Leviticus 23:5. Passover festival date
Leviticus 23:33–34. Festival of Booths
Leviticus 25:3–5. Festival for the land
Fever(s) (temperature)
Abnormally high body temperatures; a disease characterized by a high fever
Leviticus 26:14–15. Fever as a result of disobedience
Deuteronomy 28:20–22. Curses and fevers
Job 30:30. Job’s fever
Matthew 8:14–15. Curing a fever
John 4:46–53. Curing another fever
Field(s) (land, pasture)
A broad, level, open expanse of land
Genesis 4:8. Killing fields
Genesis 23. Abraham buys Machpelah’s field.
2 Samuel 2:15–17. Field of Enemies
2 Samuel 14:28–30. Destroying Joab’s barley field
Jeremiah 4:3. Unplowed fields
Jeremiah 32. Jeremiah buys a field.
Matthew 27:6–10. Field of blood
Fig tree (shrub, tree)
Tree or shrub that produces the common fig
Genesis 3:7. First clothes made from the leaves of a fig tree
1 Samuel 25:18. Fruit of the fig tree
Jeremiah 24. Figs as a metaphor
Hosea 2:12. Destroyed fig trees: punishment for God’s unfaithful wife
Joel 1:7, 12. Other prophecies of destroyed fig trees
Micah 4:4. Prophecy of peace: sitting under fig trees
Matthew 21:18–22. Jesus curses the fig tree.
Fight (see Battle[s])
Figures of speech (hyperbole, metaphor, simile)
Expressions in which words are used in a nonliteral way (metaphor or simile) or in which certain phrases are repeated through a device like anaphora (repeating the same word at the beginning of each sentence) or epistrophe (repetition of a word or expression at the end of each sentence or phrase)
Psalm 7:14. Metaphor
Psalm 10:9. Simile
Psalm 118. Epistrophe
Matthew 5:3–11. Anaphora
John 10:6. Jesus uses a figure of speech.
John 16:29–30. Without figures of speech
Financial planning (investing, planning, using wisely)
Money management
Exodus 22:25. Don’t charge interest on loans.
Ecclesiastes 2:8–9. Building a nest egg
Ecclesiastes 2:20–21. Estate planning woes
Luke 12:13–15. Jesus’ advice about financial planning
2 Corinthians 9:6–7. Give wisely and cheerfully.
Finger(s) (digits, hand)
One of the five digits of the hand
Genesis 41:42. A sign of Joseph’s authority: a signet ring on Joseph’s finger
Exodus 29:12. Aaron and sons’ commissioning: blood on the finger
2 Samuel 21:20. Six-fingered man
Psalm 8:3–4. God’s fingers
Psalm 144:1. He trained my fingers.
Isaiah 2:8. Idols Israel’s fingers molded
Matthew 23:1–4. Pharisees don’t lift a finger to help.
Finishing well (ending)
Coming to the end of one’s task or life in a God-pleasing way
Deuteronomy 34:10–12. A life well spent
2 Kings 23:25. Josiah works to finish well.
Philippians 1:6. God wants you to finish well.
2 Timothy 4:6–8. Finishing well
Revelation 7:9–10, 13–14. People who finished well
Fire (blaze, flames, inferno)
Chemical change that produces heat and light and is composed by flame
Exodus 3:2. Fire on a bush
Exodus 13:21–22. Column of fire
Leviticus 1:10–13. An offering made by fire
Leviticus 10:1–2. Unauthorized fire leads to death by fire.
Psalm 50:3. A devouring fire
Proverbs 26:20. No wood, no fire; no gossip, no quarrel
Daniel 3:22. An extremely hot fire
Firstborn (born first)
First in order of birth, whether people or animals
Genesis 4:4. Abel offers firstborn animals.
Genesis 27:32. Isaac’s firstborn son, Esau
Exodus 11–12. Death of the firstborn
Exodus 22:29–30. God wants the firstborn.
Luke 2:6–7. Mary’s firstborn son
Romans 8:29. Firstborn among many
Firstfruits (first, best, more to come)
The firstborn child or the best part of a crop offered to God
Exodus 23:16, 19. Firstfruits
Exodus 34:22, 26. Bring the first and the best.
Leviticus 2:12. Firstfruit offerings are not burned on the altar.
Numbers 18:12. Firstfruit offerings are gifts for the priests and Levites.
2 Chronicles 31:5. A tithe of firstfruit offerings
Fish (go fishing, big fish)
Any of the cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates
Genesis 1:26. Humans to rule over the fish of the sea
Exodus 7:20–21. Plague of blood affected the fish.
Nehemiah 13:16. Selling fish on the Sabbath
Job 12:7–8. Fish as teachers
Jonah 1:17–2:10. Big fish swallows Jonah.
Matthew 14:13–21. Jesus feeds over 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish.
John 21:1–11. The miraculous catch of fish
Fisherman (occupation)
One who fishes as an occupation
Isaiah 19:8. Mourning fishermen
Ezekiel 29:4. God as a fisherman, trawling for Egypt
Matthew 4:18, 21. Fishermen at the Sea of Galilee
Luke 5:1–11. Fishermen on task
Fishing for people (conquer, witnessing)
Metaphor for sharing the Good News of Jesus with people and also for enemy nations sent to conquer Israel
Jeremiah 16:16. Enemies fishing for Israel
Matthew 4:19. Fishing for people
Matthew 13:47–50. Parable of the fishing net: throwing back the wicked
Luke 5:10. Catching people
Flattery (adulation, sycophancy)
Excessive or insincere praise
Job 32:21–22. Job avoids flattery.
Psalm 5:9. Flattery of the wicked
Daniel 11:32. Flattery of a conqueror
1 Thessalonians 2:5. Paul never used flattery.
Jude 16. Flattery of the sinful
Flesh (body, nature)
The soft tissue of the body of a vertebrate; also, a metaphor for human existence
Genesis 2:21–24. Flesh of his flesh
Genesis 6:3. Flesh and blood
Leviticus 13. Disease of the flesh
Job 41:23. The flesh of Leviathan
Luke 24:38–39. Jesus in the flesh
1 Corinthians 15:50. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God.
Flies (insects)
Any of the two-winged insects of the Diptera order
Exodus 8:20–32. Plague of flies
Psalm 105:31. Recalling the plague of flies
Ecclesiastes 10:1. Dead flies
Isaiah 7:18–19. Whistling for flies
Isaiah 51:6. Dying like flies
Flirt (play, seduction)
To make playfully romantic sexual overtures without serious intent
Song of Songs 1. Flirting with the groom
Isaiah 3:16. Flirting of the women of Zion
Ezekiel 23. Metaphor of a flirting, adulterous nation
James 4:4. Flirting with the world
Flock(s) (animals, Christians)
Group of animals that live, travel, or feed together; also, a metaphor for Israel or a group of Christians in the same church
Genesis 27:9. Rebekah sends Jacob to the flock.
Deuteronomy 16:2. An animal from the flock
1 Samuel 17:15. David tended the family flock.
Psalm 79:13. God’s flock
Isaiah 40:10–11. He takes care of his flock.
Matthew 26:31. Scattered flock
Luke 12:32. Little flock
1 Peter 5:2–3. Be examples for the flock.
Flogging (punishment, whipping)
A severe beating with a whip or a rod
Deuteronomy 25:3. Flogging limit
Psalm 89:32. Punished with flogging
Matthew 10:17. Flogging in the synagogue
Matthew 27:26. Jesus was flogged.
Acts 22:24. Paul was flogged.
2 Corinthians 11:23–24. Catalogue of flogging
Hebrews 11:36. Flogged for the faith
Flood (deluge, inundation, torrent)
An overflowing of water onto land that is normally dry
Genesis 6–8. The great flood
Genesis 49:4. Reuben is like a flood.
Joshua 4:18. Seasonal flood level of the Jordan
Job 20:28. The wicked punished with a flood
Proverbs 15:28. A flood of stupidity
Malachi 3:10. A flood of blessings
Matthew 24:37–29. Caught unawares by the flood
Flow (current, pour)
To move or run smoothly with unbroken continuity
Exodus 14:26. Flow of the Red Sea
Numbers 24:7. Prophecy of plenty: flowing water
Nehemiah 9:15. Water flowing from a rock
Psalm 147:18. God causes water to flow.
Proverbs 5:16. Water flow—metaphor for promiscuity
Ecclesiastes 1:7. Water cycle starts with flowing water.
Flower(s) (blossom, bloom, lily, rose)
The reproductive structure of some seed-bearing plants
Exodus 25:31–34. Flower-shaped cups of the lamp stand
Psalm 103:15–16. Like a flower
Isaiah 28:1. Like a withered flower
Nahum 1:4. The flowers of Lebanon
Matthew 6:28–29. God cares for flowers and people.
James 1:10–11. Rich people and flowers
Focus (center, concentration, hub)
Center of interest or activity
Psalm 86:11. Focus my heart.
Isaiah 26:3. A mind focused on God is kept in perfect peace.
Romans 12:17. Focus your thoughts.
Colossians 3:1. Focus on things above.
1 Timothy 4:16. Focus on what you do.
Hebrews 12:2. Focus on Jesus.
Follow through/Follow up (going along with, continuing on with)
The instance of following up, as to review new developments
Matthew 18:15–16. How to follow up on a confrontation
Romans 1:8–13. Paul’s follow-up to ministry
2 Corinthians 2:1–4. Paul’s follow-up to a painful letter
Galatians 5:16. You won’t have to follow through.
Philippians 2:25–28. Ephaphroditus’s follow-up visit
Follower (disciple)
One who subscribes to the teachings and methods of another
Numbers 16. Korah and his followers
Psalm 106:17–18. Abiram’s followers
Matthew 23:15. Followers of the Pharisees and scribes
Acts 9. A murderer of followers becomes a follower of Christ
Acts 24:14. A follower of the way
2 Corinthians 12:2. A follower of Christ
Folly (foolishness, madness, stupidity)
A lack of good sense, understanding, or foresight
1 Samuel 25:25. Folly goes with him.
Job 42:8. Folly of Job’s friends
Psalm 38:5. My folly
Psalm 69:5. God sees all folly.
Proverbs 5:23. Folly can lead to death.
Food (sustenance, Word of God)
Material (plants or animals) that contains or consists of essential body nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, etc.
Genesis 1:29. Green plants for food
Genesis 3:17–19. Food by the sweat of your brow
Genesis 41:29–31. Plenty of food before the famine
Leviticus 26:26. One of the curses of disobedience: destroyed food supply
Mark 6:41. Jesus gives thanks for the food before performing a miracle.
Food preparation (baking, cooking, frying)
Any of the various ways that food is prepared
Genesis 18:7. Servant prepares food for visiting angels.
Genesis 19:3. Lot prepares a meal.
Genesis 27:30–31. Esau prepares a meal.
Leviticus 7:9. Various ways to prepare a grain offering
Joshua 5:11. Roasting—one way of preparing food
Judges 6:19. Gideon prepares a meal.
John 12:2. A prepared meal at the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus
Foolishness (folly)
Lacking good judgment
Ecclesiastes 2:12–13. An advantage over foolishness
Ecclesiastes 7:25. The foolishness of wickedness
Ecclesiastes 10:13. Foolish talk from a fool
Isaiah 9:17. Foolishness of those who reject God
Mark 7:20–22. Foolishness starts within.
Foot washing (cleansing the feet)
Washing the grime off a person’s feet—a task usually performed by servants in Bible times
Genesis 19:2. Lot offers to wash the feet of visiting angels.
Genesis 24:32. Washing the feet of Abraham’s servant
Exodus 30:17–21. Bronze basin for foot washing
1 Samuel 25:41. Foot washing as a metaphor for an acceptance of a marriage proposal
John 12:3. Washing Jesus’ feet
John 13:1–20. Jesus washes His disciples’ feet.
Forbearance (patience, restraint, self-control)
Tolerance and restraint in the face of provocation
1 Samuel 25:23–31. Abigail encourages forbearance.
Proverbs 25:15. A ruler’s forbearance
Romans 2:3–4. God’s forbearance
Romans 3:25–26. God’s forbearance
Forbidden (banned, illegal, prohibited)
An act or item one is commanded to avoid
Genesis 2:15–17. The forbidden fruit
Leviticus 4. When you do what’s forbidden . . .
Deuteronomy 2:37. Forbidden to go to the Ammonites
Ezra 7:24. Forbidden to demand tolls or fees from temple workers
Lamentations 1:10. Forbidden to enter the congregation
1 Peter 4:3. Forbidden worship
Forefather (ancestor)
A person from whom one is descended
Numbers 26:58. Amram’s forefather
Joshua 19:47. Dan the forefather
1 Chronicles 24:19. Aaron, the priests’ forefather
Romans 4:1. Our forefather Abraham
Foreigner(s) (alien, stranger)
One who is from outside a particular group or community; an outsider
Genesis 17:12. Circumcise every male child, even those of foreigners.
Exodus 2:22. His name is Foreigner.
Exodus 12:43–44. Foreigners excluded from the Passover
Exodus 22:21. Never oppress foreigners.
Leviticus 24:21–22. Same rule for Israelites or foreigners
Deuteronomy 23:20. Foreigners can be charged interest.
Ruth 2:10. “I’m only a foreigner.”
Foreknowledge (awareness)
Awareness of something before its existence or occurrence
Acts 2:23. God’s set purpose and foreknowledge
Romans 8:29. Foreknowledge and predestination
Romans 11:2. Foreknowledge and predestination
1 Peter 1:1–2. God’s foreknowledge
Forerunner (forbear, precursor, predecessor)
One that precedes, as in time
Malachi 4:5–6. Elijah was the forerunner of John the Baptist
Matthew 3:1–4. John the Baptist: the forerunner of Jesus
Romans 8:29. Jesus is our forerunner.
Hebrews 6:19–20. Our forerunner behind the veil
Forget (fail to remember)
Unable to remember something
Genesis 41:51. He Helps Me Forget—Manasseh, son of Joseph
Deuteronomy 4:9–10. Don’t forget, Israel.
Deuteronomy 8:11. Don’t forget God.
Deuteronomy 14:27. Don’t forget the Levites.
Psalm 10:12. Don’t forget, God.
Psalm 45:10. Forget your people.
Psalm 119:16. I never forget your Word.
Forgiveness (absolution, clemency, pardon)
The act of forgiving
Psalm 130. Forgiveness from God
Proverbs 14:9. Forgiveness among decent people
Mark 1:4. Forgiveness of sins
Luke 1:77. Saved through forgiveness of sins
Luke 4:18–19. Jesus proclaims the forgiveness of sins.
Luke 7:47. Forgiving a sinful woman
Fornication (sexual sin)
Sexual intercourse between partners who are not married to each other
Isaiah 23:17. Tyre’s fornication
John 8:41. Not born of fornication
2 Corinthians 12:21. Repenting of fornication
Galatians 5:19. Fornication: a work of the flesh
Ephesians 5:3. Fornication should not be named among you.
Forsake (abandon, give up, renounce)
To give up something held dear
Deuteronomy 31:6, 8. He won’t forsake you.
Joshua 1:5. Joshua would not be forsaken.
2 Kings 21:14. A forsaken remnant
Psalm 27:9–10. Forsaken by parents, but taken by God
Psalm 37:28. Saints are not forsaken.
Psalm 71:18. Even when I’m old and gray, please don’t forsake me.
Proverbs 4:2. Don’t forsake my teaching.
Fortress (bastion, fortification, stronghold)
A fortified place, particularly a military stronghold
2 Samuel 5:7, 9. The fortress Zion
2 Samuel 12:26–27. The fortress of Rabbah
2 Kings 15:23–25. Capture of a royal fortress
Nehemiah 1:1–2. The fortress at Susa
Psalm 18:2. The ultimate fortress: God
Fortune (destiny, luck, wealth)
The chance happening of fortunate or adverse effects; extensive amounts of material possessions or financial wealth
Genesis 30:11. What good fortune!
Isaiah 65:11. God of good fortune
Hosea 12:8. Ephraim’s fortune
Fortune-telling (see Divination)
Forty (number)
The cardinal number equal to 4 times 10
Genesis 7:4. Forty days and nights of rain
Genesis 8:6–7. Forty days later
Exodus 16:35. Forty years of manna
Exodus 24:18. Forty days and nights on Mount Sinai
Exodus 26:19–21. Forty silver sockets (tabernacle furnishings)
Numbers 14:34. Forty years of wandering
Matthew 4:1–2. Forty days of fasting
Foul language (see Profanity)
Foundational truths (basic beliefs)
Truths that are the basis for Christianity
Matthew 7:24–29. Building on a foundation of truth
John 3:16. Truth to build on: Jesus died for you.
John 14:16. Truth to build on: The Holy Spirit is with you forever.
Acts 10:34. Truth to grow on: God doesn’t play favorites.
Romans 1:4. Truth to build on: Jesus is the Son of God who rose from the dead.
Romans 10:9–10. Truth to build on: God’s approval comes through Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 4:14. Truth to build on: Jesus will return to earth.
Fountain (cascade, spray, spout)
An artificially created jet or stream of water
Nehemiah 2:13–14. Fountain Gate
Psalm 36:9. God: The fountain of life
Proverbs 16:22. Understanding: A fountain of life
Proverbs 18:4. The fountain of wisdom
Jeremiah 2:13. God: The fountain of life-giving water
Jeremiah 9:1. A fountain of tears
Revelation 21:6. The fountain of the water of life
Four horsemen (apocalypse, end times)
The four horsemen described in the book of Revelation
Zechariah 1:8–11. The four horsemen patrol.
Zechariah 6:1–7. The four horsemen patrol.
Revelation 6:1–8. The four horsemen ride.
Fox(es) (the animal, deceitful person)
Carnivorous mammals of the genus Vulpes, and related to dogs and wolves
Judges 15:4–5. Foxes and fire
Nehemiah 4:3. Sarcastic comments about a fox and the wall of Jerusalem
Song of Songs 2:15. Catch the little foxes.
Ezekiel 13:4. Prophets like foxes
Luke 13:31–32. Herod the fox
Fragrance (aroma, perfume, scent)
The state or quality of having a pleasing odor
Song of Songs 1:2–3, 12. The fragrance of cologne and perfume
Song of Songs 2:13. The fragrance of the grapevine
Song of Songs 4:10–11. A fragrant bride
Song of Songs 7:8, 13. Pleasing fragrances
John 12:3. The fragrance of nard
2 Corinthians 2:14–16. The fragrance of the believer
Frankincense (oil, perfume)
Aromatic gum resin obtained from African and Asian trees
Exodus 30:34–35. Pure frankincense
Numbers 5:15. Frankincense for jealousy test
Matthew 2:11. Frankincense: a gift for a king
Revelation 18:11–13. Cargo of frankincense
Freedom (choice, independence, liberty)
Liberty of a person from slavery, detention, or oppression
Genesis 27:40. Esau will eventually gain his freedom.
Exodus 21:2. Freedom from slavery in the seventh year
Acts 7:25. Freedom for Israel from God
Romans 8:20–21. Freedom of God’s children
1 Corinthians 8:9. Don’t use freedom to cause a person to sin.
Galatians 4:5. Jesus paid for our freedom.
Freewill (autonomy, freedom)
Offerings made voluntarily
Exodus 35:29. Freewill offerings
Leviticus 7:16. Freewill offerings eaten
Leviticus 22:21. Bring freewill offerings to the Lord.
Leviticus 23:37–38. In addition to freewill offerings
Deuteronomy 12:6. The freedom to bring freewill offerings
Friction (resistance, tension)
The rubbing of one object or surface against another; also, conflict
Genesis 27:40–41. Jacob’s trickery and Isaac’s blessing create friction.
1 Samuel 17:26–29. Friction between David and Eliab
1 Timothy 6:4–5. Constant friction
Friend (acquaintance, companion, comrade)
A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts
Genesis 26:26. Abimelech’s friend
Exodus 33:11. God’s friend, Moses
Deuteronomy 13:6. Tempted by your best friend?
Job 2:11. Job’s friends come to comfort him.
Proverbs 17:17–18. What a friend does
Proverbs 18:24. A loving friend
Proverbs 27:6. Wounds by a friend
Colossians 4:14. Paul’s friend, Dr. Luke
James 2:23. Abraham, the friend of God
Friendship (relationship)
The relationship between friends
Deuteronomy 23:3, 6. Never offer friendship
1 Samuel 20:42. David and Jonathan’s friendship
2 Samuel 16:17–18. No loyalty in friendship
Psalm 109:4–5. When friendship goes bad
John 11:1–12:11. Jesus’ friendship with Mary, Martha, and Lazarus
John 15:13–15. Jesus’ friendship with his disciples and other believers
Frog(s) (amphibian)
Any of the numerous tailless amphibians of the order Anura
Exodus 8:1–15. The second plague: frogs
Psalm 78:45. Rehashing the plague of frogs
Psalm 105:30. Frogs in Egypt
Revelation 16:13. Like frogs
Frugality (see Stewardship)
Fruit (fruit of the vine, results)
The ripened ovary or ovaries of a seed-bearing plant; also, the result of an activity
Genesis 1:11–12. The creation of fruit
Genesis 2:9, 16–17. Fruit of the garden
Genesis 3. Fruit that leads to a fall
Leviticus 19:23–25. Fruit trees
Proverbs 11:30. Fruit of the righteous
Matthew 7:17–20. Good and bad fruit
Luke 3:9. Produce good fruit or be cut down.
Fruit of the Spirit (characteristics)
The characteristics developed by the Holy Spirit
2 Corinthians 6:6–7. Fruit you can see
Galatians 5:22–23. Fruit of the Spirit
Ephesians 4:2. Show the fruit of the Spirit
Ephesians 5:9. Fruit in goodness, righteousness, and truth
Colossians 3:12. God’s people have this kind of fruit.
Fuel (add to, encourage, fire)
Something consumed to produce energy
Isaiah 9:5. Boots and garments as fuel
Isaiah 9:19. People like fuel
Isaiah 44:15. Trees used as fuel
Ezekiel 4:12. Excrement for fuel
Ezekiel 15:1–4. Vine as fuel
Fugitive (deserter, escapee, renegade)
Running away or fleeing as from the law
Genesis 4:12–14. Cain the fugitive
Judges 12:5. Fugitives from Ephraim
Proverbs 28:17. A fugitive with a murder charge
Isaiah 15:9. Fugitives from Moab
Jeremiah 50:28. Fugitives and refugees from Babylon
Ezekiel 24:25–26. A fugitive messenger
Fulfillment (accomplishment, completion, satisfaction)
An action that brings something to an end or completes it
2 Chronicles 36:21. Fulfillment of God’s words spoken through Jeremiah
Psalm 119:123. The fulfillment of God’s promise
Daniel 11:14. Fulfillment of Daniel’s vision
Luke 22:15–16. The Passover fulfilled
Luke 22:37. A prophecy to be fulfilled
Full (filled, packed)
Containing all that is possible; complete in every particular
Genesis 6:11–13. Full of violence
Genesis 41:1. Two full years of imprisonment for Joseph
Exodus 16:20. Manna full of worms
Deuteronomy 23:24. Eat until you’re full.
Acts 11:24. Full of the Holy Spirit
Acts 13:9–10. Full of the Holy Spirit versus full of dirty tricks
1 Peter 3:10. A full life
Fundraising (collecting, soliticiting)
Collecting money for a cause
Romans 15:26–28. The fundraiser for the poor
1 Corinthians 16:1–3. Paul’s fundraising suggestions
2 Corinthians 8:10–12. Matching donations for the fundraiser
2 Corinthians 9:1–3. Workers to help with the fundraising
Funeral (ceremony, interment, memorial)
Ceremonies held in connection with the burial or cremation of a dead person
Genesis 50:11. Jacob (Israel’s) funeral
2 Samuel 3:33–34. Abner’s funeral
2 Chronicles 35:25. Song at Josiah’s funeral
Jeremiah 34:4–5. Funeral fires
Ezekiel 19:1. Funeral song for princes
Ezekiel 27. Funeral song about Tyre
Amos 8:10. Festivals into funerals
Furniture (equipment, furnishings)
The movable articles in a room or an establishment that make it fit for living or working
Genesis 48:2. Jacob’s bed
Exodus 27. Furnishings for the tabernacle
Exodus 30:1–10. More furnishings
Exodus 31:7. Furniture of the tabernacle
2 Samuel 9:7. David’s table
Matthew 21:12. Jesus turns over the furniture of the moneychangers.
Futility (ineffectuality, pointlessness, uselessness)
No useful result
Job 7. The futility of life
Job 9:1–3. Arguing with God is futile. (Part 1)
Job 38–41. Arguing with God is futile. (Part 2)
Psalm 89:47. Created for futility?
Ephesians 4:17. Futility of their thinking
Future (forthcoming, impending, upcoming)
The indefinite time yet to come
Genesis 44:15. Joseph knows the future?
Exodus 12:17. Future generations
Deuteronomy 6:20. In the future
2 Samuel 7:19. The future of David’s dynasty
Psalm 31:15. The future of David’s dynasty
Proverbs 23:18. There is a future.
Jeremiah 29:11. Plans for a hope-filled future