– G –

Gain (acquire)

To come into possession or use of

Genesis 37:26. What will we gain?

2 Kings 15:19. Gaining support

Job 11:12. What an empty-headed person gains

Psalm 44:3. Who gained the victory?

Ecclesiastes 1:3. What do people gain?

Matthew 19:16. Gaining eternal life

1 Timothy 6:6. Great gain

Titus 3:5. Gaining God’s approval

Gall (bitter herb)

Bitter herb; liver secretion

Psalm 69:21. Gall—metaphor for bitterness

Lamentations 3:15, 19. Sated with gall

Matthew 27:34. Wine mixed with gall

Gallows (hanging)

Device with two upright posts supporting a crossbeam from which a noose is suspended and used for execution by hanging

Esther 2:22–23. Hung on the gallows

Esther 5:14. Setting up the gallows

Esther 6:4. To the gallows with Mordecai?

Esther 7:10. Haman is hung on his own gallows.

Esther 8:7. Aftermath of being hung on the gallows

Esther 9:25. Joining their father on the gallows

Gambling (betting, dicing, gaming)

To bet on an uncertain outcome

Job 6:27. Gambling for an orphan

Psalm 22:18. Gambling for garments

Proverbs 16:33. You can gamble, but God determines the outcome.

Joel 3:3. Gambling for a nation

Jonah 1:7. Gambling for blame

Luke 23:34. Gambling prophecy fulfilled

Game(s) (entertainment, pastime, sport)

An activity providing entertainment or amusement; also, wild animals, birds, or fish hunted for sport or food

Genesis 27:2–7. Hunt wild game.

Job 21:11. Children of the wicked still happily play games.

Matthew 11:16–17. Children’s games

1 Corinthians 9:25. Competing in the games

Gang(s) (see Mercenary[ies])

Garden(s) (Eden, Gethsemane, vegetable)

Plot of land for the cultivation of flowers, vegetables, herbs, or fruit

Genesis 2:8–25. The Garden of Eden

Genesis 3. Fall in the Garden of Eden

Genesis 13:10. Like the Lord’s garden

Deuteronomy 11:10. Vegetable garden

2 Kings 21:18. The garden of Uzza

Jeremiah 39:4. Escape through the king’s garden

Matthew 26:36. In the Garden of Gethsemane

Gardener (tender)

One who works or tends a garden for pleasure or hire

Genesis 2:15. The first gardener

Amos 7:14. Fig grower

Luke 13:6–9. Parable with a gardener

John 20:15. Is he the gardener?

Garment (clothing)

An article of clothing

Ruth 3:8–9. Spread your garment.

1 Samuel 19:13. Covered with a garment

1 Kings 11:30–31. Torn garment; torn kingdom

Proverbs 20:16. Hold that garment.

Proverbs 31:24. Linen garments

Isaiah 50:9. Wearing out like a garment

Gate(s) (Beautiful Gate, city gate, Sheep Gate)

A structure that can be swung, drawn, or lowered to block an entrance or a passageway

Genesis 34:20. At the city gate

Joshua 2:5. Gate of Jericho

1 Samuel 23:7. A gate with a double door

1 Chronicles 26:16. Shallecheth Gate

2 Chronicles 23:5. Foundation Gate

2 Chronicles 25:23. From gate to gate

2 Chronicles 33:14. Fish Gate

Nehemiah 3:1. Sheep Gate

Acts 3:2. Beautiful Gate

Gather (assemble, collect, group)

To cause to come together; convene

Genesis 29:7. Gather the livestock.

Genesis 49:2. Gather around.

Exodus 5:6–8. Gathering their own straw

Exodus 16. Gathering manna

Leviticus 8:3. Gather at the tent.

Leviticus 23:22. Don’t gather all of the grain.

Gehenna (hell, valley)

English transliteration of the phrase, “the valley of Hinnom”

Joshua 15:8. Valley of Hinnom

2 Kings 23:10. Making Gehenna unclean

2 Chronicles 28:3. Sacrifices in Gehenna

Jeremiah 7:32. From Gehenna to Slaughter Valley

Mark 9:43. Better a cut-off hand than to end up in Gehenna

Gem(s) (jewel)

Pearl or mineral that has been cut and polished for use as an ornament

Exodus 28:17–30. Gems on Aaron’s breastplate

1 Chronicles 29:2. Gathering gems

2 Chronicles 3:6. Beautifying with gems

Job 28:18. More valuable than gems

Ezekiel 28:13. Covered with gems

Revelation 4:3. Gems on God’s throne

Revelation 21:11, 17–21. Gems in heaven

Gender (femininity, masculinity, sex)

Sexual identity, especially in relation to society or culture

Genesis 24:11. Task of women—drawing water

Exodus 1:16. Task of women—help in childbirth

Exodus 18:21. Task of men—leadership

Exodus 38:8. Task of women—serving at the entrance to the tabernacle

Numbers 4:35. Task of men—serving at the tabernacle

Numbers 36:8. Gender-based rule

Psalm 1:1. Not gender-specific

Titus 2:5. Gender-specific task

Genealogy (family record, family tree)

Record or table of the descent of a person, family, or group from an ancestor or ancestors

1 Chronicles 1. Genealogy of Isaac’s descendants

1 Chronicles 2:3–55. Genealogy of Judah’s descendants

1 Chronicles 3. Genealogy of David’s descendants

1 Chronicles 4. Genealogy of Judah’s descendants (continued)

Matthew 1:1–17. Jesus’ genealogy

Generation (age group)

All of the offspring that are at the same stage of descent from a common ancestor

Genesis 15:16. The fourth generation

Exodus 1:6. Joseph’s generation

Numbers 32:13. Death of a generation

Judges 2:10. Sin of a generation

Matthew 8:38. Sinful generation

Matthew 17:7. Corrupt generation

Generation gap (values)

A broad difference in values and attitudes between one generation and another

1 Kings 12. Generation gap

2 Kings 2:23. Older prophet mocked by youths

1 Timothy 5:1–2. Intergenerational conversations

Titus 2:3–5. Bridging the gap

Generosity (liberality)

Liberality in giving

Exodus 12:36. Generosity of the Egyptians

1 Kings 10:13. Solomon’s generosity

Esther 1:7. Xerxes’s generosity

Matthew 20:15. Generosity of a vineyard owner

2 Corinthians 9:11, 13. Generosity inspires thanksgiving.

Genetics (heredity, related characteristics)

The branch of biology that deals with heredity; inherited characteristics among similar or related organisms

Genesis 1:11–12. Producing seed according to genetic makeup

Genesis 1:20–21. Fish and birds doing what they’re genetically created to do

Genesis 1:24–25. Animals created to keep within a genetic code

Genocide (murder)

The systematic and planned extermination of an entire nation, racial, political, or ethnic group

Numbers 31:17. Genocide of Midianites

Deuteronomy 7:1–2. Prepare for genocide.

Deuteronomy 20:13. Kill every man.

Joshua 8:24–25. Genocide at Ai

Esther 3:6. Haman turns to genocide.

Gentile (Greek, Roman, other nations)

A non-Jewish person

Ezra 6:21. Unclean practices of the Gentiles

Acts 10. Associating with a Gentile

Acts 21:25. Gentiles not to eat food sacrificed to idols

Romans 2:9–10. Trouble for Jews and Gentiles

Romans 10:12. No difference between Jews and Gentiles

Gentleness (mildness, tenderness)

Kindness or consideration; not showing harshness or severity

Psalm 18:35. God’s gentleness

Proverbs 15:1. A gentle answer

Matthew 5:5. The blessing of gentleness

2 Corinthians 10:1. The gentleness of Christ

Galatians 5:22–23. One of the fruit of the Spirit

1 Timothy 6:11. Pursue gentleness

1 Peter 3:15. A gentle defense

Genuine (authentic, valid)

Not spurious or counterfeit; authentic

1 Corinthians 11:19. Genuine believers

2 Corinthians 8:8. Genuine love

2 Corinthians 9:13. Genuine act of service

Philippians 2:20. Genuine interest

1 Timothy 1:2. A genuine child in the faith

James 2:22. Genuine faith

Geometry (measurement relationships)

The mathematics of the properties, measurement, and relationship of points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids

1 Kings 6. Geometry of the temple

Nehemiah 3:19–20. At the Angle

Job 38:5. Geometry of the earth

Ezekiel 42. Geometry of the temple in Ezekiel’s vision

Gethsemane (garden)

Place near the Mount of Olives; possibly a grove of olive trees

Matthew 26:36. Praying in the Garden of Gethsemane

Mark 14. Betrayed in the Garden of Gethsemane

Luke 22:39. Going to the garden near the Mount of Olives

Ghost (phantom, specter, spirit)

The spirit of a dead person

1 Samuel 28:11–20. Saul seeks the ghost of Samuel.

Matthew 14:26. A ghost?

Matthew 28:19. Holy Ghost

Luke 24:36–37. Seeing a ghost?

Giant(s) (huge, massive)

Person or thing of great size

Genesis 6:4. Giants in the land

Numbers 13:33. Giant descendants of Anak

Deuteronomy 2:20–21. Land of the giants

Deuteronomy 3:11. Last of the giants

1 Samuel 17. Goliath the giant

2 Samuel 21:16, 18. Son of a giant

Gift(s) (ability, bequest, present)

Something bestowed voluntarily and without compensation

Genesis 32:13–15. A gift for Esau

Genesis 43:11. Gifts for Joseph

Numbers 18:6–7. Levites and priests: Gifts from God

Deuteronomy 33:13–16. The best gifts

1 Corinthians 12:28–31. Spiritual gifts

1 Corinthians 13:8. The gift of languages

Ephesians 3:16. The gift of the wealth of God’s glory

Girl(s) (female)

Female child

Genesis 24:13–14. Searching for the right girl for Isaac

Exodus 1:16. Girls allowed to live

Leviticus 12:5. Uncleanness after giving birth to a girl

2 Kings 5:2–4. A servant girl helps Naaman.

Ezekiel 23. A tale of two girls: Oholah and Oholibah

Matthew 9:18–26. A dead girl returns to life

Giving (bestowing, charitable)

According or tendering to another

Genesis 9:12. Giving the rainbow

Genesis 17:8. Giving the land

Exodus 23:1. Giving false testimony

Numbers 18. Giving the best to the priests

Deuteronomy 1:21. Giving them the land

Giving up (quitting, surrendering)

Stopping; ceasing from doing something

Numbers 20:7–8. Rock, give up your water.

1 Kings 19. Elijah gives up.

Nehemiah 6:9. Nehemiah and the people persist, instead of giving up.

Luke 18:1–8. Never give up on prayer.

Galatians 6:9. We’ll reap if we don’t give up.

Hebrews 12:1. Run and never give up.

Gladness (cheerfulness, delight, happiness)

The experience of joy and pleasure

Psalm 51:8. Joy and gladness

Isaiah 51:3. Gladness will return to Zion.

Isaiah 65:14. Singing for gladness

Jeremiah 48:33. Gladness is gone.

Gleaner (gather grain)

A person who picks up the leftover grain or other crops in a field after the reapers have gathered it

Deuteronomy 24:19. Leaving wheat for gleaners

Ruth 2. Ruth becomes a gleaner.

Job 24:6. Gleaners in the vineyard of the wicked

Jeremiah 6:9. The gleaners of Benjamin

Gleaning (gathering)

Gathering leftover grain or other crops from a field

Leviticus 19:9–10. Allow the poor to glean.

Deuteronomy 24:20–21. Leave olives for others to glean

Isaiah 24:13. Gleaning of grapes

Jeremiah 49:9. Gleaning grapes

Glorify (exalt, praise)

Give glory, honor, or praise

Psalm 22:23. Glorify God.

Psalm 34:3. Glorify God when gathered for worship.

Psalm 63:3. Glorify God with the lips.

Psalm 107:32. Glorify God when gathered for worship.

John 13:32. Glorify the Son of Man.

Glory (honor, magnificence, renown)

Great honor, praise, or distinction accorded by common consent

Exodus 15:6. God’s glory

Exodus 16:7. Glory of the Lord

Exodus 33:18. Moses asks to see God’s glory.

1 Samuel 4:21–22. The glory is gone.

1 Kings 8:11. Filling the temple with glory

Mark 10:37. Jesus’ glory

Romans 2:10. Glory for everyone

Glossolalia (see Language[s]; Tongue[s])

Gluttony (excess, greed)

Excessive eating or drinking

Deuteronomy 21:20. Our son the glutton

Proverbs 23:2. Given to gluttony? Put a knife to your throat.

Proverbs 23:20–21. Gluttons will be poor.

Matthew 11:19. Accusing Jesus of gluttony

Gnashing of teeth (agony)

Metaphor for physical agony; grinding the teeth in fear or sorrow

Matthew 8:12. Weeping and gnashing of teeth

Matthew 13:42. Gnashing in the furnace

Matthew 22:13. Gnashing in the darkness

Matthew 24:51. Hypocrites gnash

Matthew 25:30. Worthless servant joins the weepers and gnashers.

Gnat(s) (bugs, flies, pests)

Any of various small, biting two-winged flies

Exodus 8:16–19. A plague of gnats

Psalm 105:31. God spoke and gnats came.

Matthew 23:24. Straining gnats

Gnostic(s) (heretic)

Adherents of Gnosticism

Colossians 2:10–15. We’re complete in Christ, unlike what Gnostics believe.

1 Timothy 6:20. Beware Gnostics.

2 Peter 2:12. Gnostics are false teachers.

Jude 19. Gnostics cause divisions.

Gnosticism (knowledge)

Belief system centered around secret knowledge and the soul’s imprisonment

Colossians 1. Truth to combat Gnostic beliefs

Colossians 2:3. Real knowledge versus secret, Gnostic knowledge

1 John 1:10. Deception of Gnosticism

2 John 7–11. Another deception of Gnosticism

Goals (objectives)

The purposes toward which one’s efforts are directed

Job 6:11. What goal do I have?

Psalm 146:9. Goal of the wicked

Habakkuk 2:3. Hurrying toward the goal

Romans 15:6. Having the same goal

Romans 15:20. Paul’s goal

1 Corinthians 9:26. A clear goal

Goat(s) (animal)

Any of the various hollow-horned, bearded ruminants of the genus Capra

Genesis 30:32–33. Jacob’s wages: speckled goats

Exodus 12:3. For Passover, use a lamb or a goat.

Exodus 26:7. Sheets made of goats’ hair

Leviticus 3:12. Offering of a goat

Matthew 25:31–46. Parable of the sheep and the goats

God (Almighty, Creator, God of Israel, Yahweh)

The Triune God and Creator; the one who revealed Himself to various individuals and interacted through the lives of the people He created

Genesis 1. God creates.

Genesis 6:9. God approves.

Exodus 3. God reveals himself to Moses and his plans for his people.

Jeremiah 23:24. God is immense.

Mark 10:18. God is good.

John 4:24. God is a spirit.

Hebrews 13:8. God is unchanging.

Goddess (idols)

A female being of supernatural powers or attributes believed in and worshiped by people

Exodus 34:13. Goddess Asherah

1 Kings 11:5. Solomon turns to the goddess of the Sidonians.

Isaiah 65:11. Goddess of destiny

Jeremiah 7:18. Worshiping the queen of heaven

Acts 19:27. Greek goddess Artemis

Gods (idols)

Being of supernatural powers or attributes and worshiped by people

Genesis 31:30–32. Household gods

Genesis 35:2. Get rid of the foreign gods.

Exodus 12:12. Punishing the gods of Egypt

Exodus 20:3–5. Commanded to avoid worshiping other gods

2 Kings 17:29. Making their own gods

2 Kings 17:31. The gods of Sepharvaim

God’s will (choice, decision, determination)

God’s choice

Jeremiah 29:11. God’s plans

Acts 18:21. If it is God’s will

2 Corinthians 8:5. In keeping with God’s will

Ephesians 1:5–6, 11. God chose.

Ephesians 1:8–9. God revealed.

Colossians 1:1. An apostle by God’s will

Going “Green” (conservation)


Genesis 1:29. Green plants given for food

Genesis 2:15. The call to take care of the earth

Leviticus 19:23. Plant trees, but avoid overworking the fruit trees.

Deuteronomy 22:6–7. Caring for the animals in the environment

Psalm 8:6–8. The task of caring for the environment

Gold (metal)

A soft, yellow malleable metallic element occurring in veins and alluvial deposits

Genesis 2:11–12. Where gold is found

Genesis 13:2. Abram’s gold

Exodus 3:22. Take the Egyptians’ gold.

Exodus 25:10–13. An ark covered in gold

1 Kings 6:20–22. Gold in the temple

Acts 3:6–7. We don’t have gold, but we have a miracle.

Golden rule (law of reciprocity)

The biblical teaching on treating others as one would be treated

Matthew 7:12. The golden rule and Moses’ teachings

Luke 6:27. One aspect of the golden rule

Luke 6:31. The golden rule

Good (excellent, high-quality)

Being positive or desirable in nature; not bad or poor

Genesis 1. God’s good creation

Genesis 3:6. Good fruit, bad choice

Genesis 39:21. On good terms

Exodus 3:8. A good land

Psalm 25:8. The Lord is good.

Matthew 12:35. Good people do what is good.

Mark 10:17–18. Good Teacher; good God

Good housekeepers (busy wife, entrepreneur, follower of Christ)

A woman who exemplifies the characteristics of a successful wife, mother, businesswoman, or chef

Judges 4. Deborah—wife, prophet, and judge

Proverbs 31:10–31. Wife in Proverbs 31

Luke 10:38–42. Martha of Bethany

Acts 16:13–15. Lydia of Thyatira

Acts 18:1–3, 24–26. Priscilla—tentmaker and teacher

Good News (see Gospel)

Good Shepherd (God, Jesus)

A name Jesus assigned to Himself as a metaphor for His role in the life of His people; a parallel to God’s being called a shepherd in the Old Testament

Psalm 23:1. The Lord is my shepherd.

John 10:11. The Good Shepherd gives His life.

John 10:14. The Good Shepherd knows His sheep.

Good works (charitable deeds, God-pleasing work)

Charitable deeds, emotionally satisfying work, or actions that reveal one’s faith

Matthew 6:1–4. Don’t announce good works.

2 Corinthians 9:8. Abound in every good work.

Ephesians 2:10. God created us to do good works.

Ephesians 4:28. Thieves should turn to good works.

Philippians 1:6. You are God’s good work.

Goodness (decency, integrity, kindness)

The state or quality of being good

Exodus 33:19. All of God’s goodness

Psalm 23:6. Goodness and mercy will follow me.

Psalm 25:7. God’s goodness and mercy

Romans 15:14. Filled with goodness

Galatians 5:22. Goodness: a fruit of the Spirit

Hebrews 6:4–5. The goodness of God’s Word

Gospel (good news, Jesus, salvation)

The good news of Jesus Christ

Matthew 24:14. The gospel will be preached.

Mark 8:35. Losing your life for the gospel

Mark 13:10. Gospel preached to all nations

Romans 1:15–16. Not ashamed of the gospel.

Ephesians 1:13. The gospel of your salvation

Gospels, the (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John)

The books describing the life and times of Jesus Christ

Matthew. The Gospel of the Messiah

Mark. The Gospel of the Suffering Savior

Luke. The Gospel of the Savior of Jews and Gentiles

John. The Gospel of the Light of the World

Gossip (hearsay, rumor)

Rumor or talk of personal, sensational, or intimate nature; a person who spreads gossip

Leviticus 19:16. Never gossip.

Psalm 41:6. Gossip collector

Proverbs 16:28. Hazard of gossip

Proverbs 18:8. Where gossip goes

Proverbs 26:20. Gossip and quarrels

Government (administration, regime, rule)

The act or process of government, particularly the control and administration of public policy in a political unit

Isaiah 9:6–7. Government of the Messiah

Micah 4:8. Former government

Luke 23:13–14. Jesus: a rebel against the government?

John 4:46–54. Jesus heals a government official’s son.

Romans 13:1–7. Obey the government.

Grace (clemency, kindness, mercy)

Unearned mercy and salvation extended to a people from God through the Savior, Jesus

Romans 4:16. The gift of grace

Galatians 5:4. Fallen away from grace

Ephesians 2:8–9. Saved by grace

Philippians 1:2. Grace to you

2 Thessalonians 2:16–17. Learn about grace.

2 Timothy 1:8–10. Grace in Christ

Titus 2:11. Grace for all people

Grace and truth (characteristics)

Statement used about Jesus describing attributes Christians are to model

John 1:14. Full of grace and truth

2 John 3. Grace will be with you in truth and love.

Grain (barley, wheat)

The one-seeded fruit of a cereal grass

Genesis 27:28. Fresh grain

Genesis 37:6–7. Joseph’s grain dream

Genesis 41:5–7. Pharaoh’s grain dream

Judges 15:5. Burning grain

Ruth 2:17. Gathering grain

Mark 2:23. Picking and eating grain on the Sabbath

Grain offering (bread, firstfruits, crushed grain)

A sacrificial offering to God given with burnt offerings

Exodus 29:41. Evening grain offering

Leviticus 2. Rules for grain offerings

Leviticus 6:14–15. The people’s grain offering

Numbers 18:9. Grain offerings given to priests and Levites

2 Kings 16:15. Grain offerings of the king

Grandchildren (children)

The children of one’s children

Genesis 31:43. Laban’s grandchildren

Genesis 45:10. Bring the grandchildren to Egypt.

Exodus 10:2. Something to tell the grandchildren

Deuteronomy 4:25. When you have grandchildren

2 Kings 17:41. Setting a bad example for grandchildren

Jeremiah 2:9. Charges against grandchildren

Grandparent(s) (parents of parents)

The parents of a person with offspring

Genesis 50:22–23. Joseph the grandfather

Job 42:16–17. Job the grandfather and great-grandfather

Proverbs 17:6. A grandparent’s crown

Joel 1:3. Pass on messages to grandchildren.

1 Timothy 5:4. Repaying a debt to grandparents

Grapes (berries, wine)

Any of numerous woody vines of the genus Vitis bearing edible berries

Genesis 40:9–11. Cupbearer’s dream about grapes

Leviticus 19:10. Leave fallen grapes.

Leviticus 25:11. Don’t pick grapes in the year of jubilee.

Numbers 6:3–4. No grapes for Nazirites.

Numbers 13:23–24. The spies bring back grapes.

Matthew 21:34. Grapes in Jesus’ vineyard parable

Grasshopper (insect)

Any of numerous orthopteran insects of the families Locustidae and Tettigoniidae

Leviticus 11:22. Grasshopper—a clean food

Numbers 13:33. Feeling as small as grasshoppers

1 Kings 8:37. Curse of the grasshoppers

Psalm 105:34–35. God calls the grasshoppers.

Psalm 109:23. Shaken off like a grasshopper

Ecclesiastes 12:5. The dragging grasshopper

Isaiah 33:4. Gathering like grasshoppers

Gratitude (appreciation, gratefulness, thanksgiving)

The state of being grateful

Leviticus 7:11–12. Gratitude offering

Nehemiah 11:17. Gratitude prayer

Romans 16:3–4. Paul shows gratitude.

Colossians 3:15–16. Show gratitude.

2 Timothy 3:2–3. No gratitude

Hebrews 12:28. Gratitude for an unshakable kingdom

Grave (death, tomb)

A place of burial; often a euphemism for death

Genesis 35:19–20. Rachel’s grave

Genesis 44:29–31. Driven to the grave

Numbers 19:16. Unclean if a grave is touched

Deuteronomy 34:5–6. Unknown location of Moses’ grave

Psalm 30:3. Up from the grave

Psalm 55:15. The grave of the wicked

Grazing (foraging)

Feeding on growing grasses and herbage

Genesis 29:7. Let the livestock graze.

Genesis 41:2. Pharaoh’s dream: well-fed cows graze

Exodus 22:5. When grazing animals damage a field

1 Chronicles 27:29. Grazing herds

2 Chronicles 14:14–15. Capturing grazing animals

Job 1:13–15. Looting Job’s grazing animals

Greater (better, larger, superior)

Larger in size; more powerful or superior

Genesis 39:8–9. No one is greater.

Genesis 49:26. A father’s blessings are greater.

Numbers 24:7. A king greater than Agag

Deuteronomy 4:38. Greater nations

1 Kings 1:37. A greater king than David?

Matthew 11:11. No one is greater than John.

John 1:50. Greater things than that

John 3:30. He must become greater.

Greatness (magnitude, prominence)

The state of being powerful or remarkable; outstanding in magnitude

Deuteronomy 32:3. God’s greatness

1 Chronicles 29:11. God’s greatness

Esther 1:4. Xerxes’s greatness

Esther 10:2. Mordecai’s greatness

Psalm 34:3. Praise God’s greatness.

Psalm 49:16–17. Greatness of the wealthy

Psalm 69:13. Greatness of God’s mercy

Great tribulation (persecution)

Intense suffering or persecution; the period during the end times when Christians suffer for their faith

Daniel 9:27. A coming tribulation that brings destruction

Daniel 12:1. Rescued from the tribulation

Matthew 24:15–22. A period of great tribulation

Revelation 7:14. Out of the great tribulation

Great white throne (final judgment, seat of judgment)

A scene in the vision of John the apostle when God judges the earth

Revelation 20:11–15. Judgment at the Great white throne

Greed (avarice, gluttony, materialism)

An excessive desire to acquire or possess more than one needs or deserves

Psalm 52:7. Strength through greed

Proverbs 1:19. Greed takes away life.

Proverbs 11:6. Trapped by greed

Isaiah 57:17. Sinful greed

Luke 12:15. Beware of greed

Romans 1:29. Lives full of greed

Greek (Gentile, language)

A person of Greek ancestry; language in which the New Testament was written and to which the Hebrew Scriptures were translated

Mark 7:25–30. Faith of a Greek woman

John 19:20. Notice written in Greek

Acts 6:1–7. Greek-speaking Jews

1 Corinthians 10:32. Whether Jewish or Greek

Revelation 9:11. A king with the Greek name Apollyon

Greetings (compliments, good wishes)

Salutations usually given in a letter or upon meeting someone

1 Samuel 16:5. Samuel brings greetings.

Luke 1:28. Angelic greetings

Acts 15:33. Friendly greetings

Romans 16:22. Greetings from Tertius

1 Corinthians 16:19. Christian greetings

Philippians 4:21. Greetings to you

Grief (anguish, heartache, sorrow)

Deep mental anguish as from bereavement

Genesis 26:34–35. Isaac and Rebekah’s grief

Genesis 37:29. Reuben’s grief

Joshua 7:6. Grief over sin

Judges 11:35. Jephthah’s grief

2 Samuel 13:30–31. David’s grief

Matthew 2:18. Grief in Bethlehem

1 Timothy 6:10. Causing themselves grief

Growth (see Spiritual Growth)

Grudge (begrudge, ill-will, resentment)

A deep-seated resentment or rancor

Genesis 50:15. Will Joseph hold a grudge?

Leviticus 19:18. Never hold a grudge.

Jeremiah 3:5. God won’t hold a grudge forever, will he?

Nahum 1:2. God holds grudges.

Mark 6:19. A grudge against John the Baptist

Luke 11:53–54. A grudge against Jesus

Grumbling (complaining)

To complain in a surly manner

Exodus 16. Grumbling of Israel

Numbers 14:27. God hears the grumbling.

Numbers 17:5. Silencing the grumbling

Matthew 20:11. Grumbling at a landowner

John 6:41. Grumbling about Jesus

James 5:9. Condemnation for grumbling

Guarantee (assurance, promise, security)

Something that assures a particular outcome or condition

Genesis 43:8–9. Judah makes a guarantee.

Deuteronomy 24:6. Guarantee on a loan

Job 17:3. Bail guarantee

Psalm 33:17. Horses are no guarantee of victory.

Ephesians 1:14. The Holy Spirit is our guarantee.

Guarding (protecting, safeguarding)

Protecting from harm

Genesis 3:24. Angels guard the tree of life.

Deuteronomy 24:8. Guard against outbreaks.

Joshua 10:18–19. Post a guard.

Psalm 17:8. Guard me.

Psalm 138:7. You guard my life.

Guerilla tactics (raiding parties)

Tactics used by small forces to undermine the enemy

Judges 9:33–34. Abimelech’s guerilla tactics

Judges 15:4–5. Samson’s guerilla tactics

1 Samuel 30. Guerilla tactics at Ziklag

2 Samuel 14:28–30. Absalom’s guerilla tactics get attention.

Guests (visitors)

Those who receive the hospitality of another

Judges 19:23. Protecting a guest

Esther 5:12. An invited guest

Psalm 5:4. Evil is not God’s guest.

Matthew 9:15. Wedding guests

Matthew 22:1–14. Guests at the great banquet

Guidance (advice, counsel)

Guiding someone, giving counsel or advice

1 Samuel 24:20. Under David’s guidance

1 Chronicles 10:13–14. The wrong guidance

2 Chronicles 24:13. The foremen’s guidance

Proverbs 11:14. Lack of guidance

Proverbs 20:18. Guidance and war

Guile (craftiness, cunning, deviousness)

Treacherous cunning; skillful deceit

Exodus 21:14. Slaying with guile

Psalm 32:2. Blessed to have no guile

Psalm 34:13. Avoid speaking guile.

Psalm 55:11. Deceit and guile

John 1:47. A man with no guile

Guilt (blame, fault, responsibility)

Responsible for committing an offense

Genesis 44:16. Guilt uncovered

Deuteronomy 21:8–9. Getting rid of guilt

1 Samuel 26:9. Free of guilt

Lamentations 2:14. Guilt exposed

Ezekiel 24:23. Wasting away due to guilt

John 16:8–11. Convicting the world of guilt

Guilt offerings (sacrifices)

Offerings given for unintentional sin or for causing loss to someone

Leviticus 5. Guilt offerings

Leviticus 6:1–7. Repay and bring a guilt offering.

Leviticus 7:1–10. Rules for guilt offerings

Leviticus 14:17. Blood of the guilt offering

1 Samuel 6:17. The Philistines’ guilt offering