– H –

Habit(s) (custom, routine, tendency)

Recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior

Exodus 21:29. A bad habit

Numbers 22:30. A donkey’s habit

Zechariah 8:21. Make a habit of asking.

1 Corinthians 15:33. Good habits corrupted

1 Timothy 5:13. A habit of idleness

Hades (see Hell; Sheol)

Hail (ice pellets, sleet)

Precipitation in the form of spherical pellets of ice; also, to summon someone

Exodus 9:13–35. Plague of hail

Job 38:22–23. Storehouses for hail

Psalm 78:47–48. Recalling the plague of hail

Isaiah 28:17. Sweeping away lies with hail

Haggai 2:17. Struck by hail

Revelation 8:7. Hail, fire, and blood

Hair (locks, mane, tresses)

Any of the filaments characteristically growing out of the epidermis of a mammal

Exodus 25:3–4. Goats’ hair

Leviticus 10:6. Uncombed hair as a sign of mourning

Judges 13:5. Don’t cut Samson’s hair.

2 Samuel 14:25–26. Absalom’s hair

1 Timothy 2:9. Beauty is not about hairstyles.

Hallelujah (praise, worship)

An acclimation that means “Praise the Lord”

Psalm 104:35. Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!

Psalm 106:1. Hallelujah! Give thanks.

Psalm 111:1. Hallelujah! I will give thanks.

Psalm 146:10. The Lord rules. Hallelujah!

Revelation 19. Hallelujah in heaven

Hallowed (consecrated, holy, sacred)

Something sacred or sanctified

Exodus 20:11. Hallowing the Sabbath

Exodus 29:21. Hallowed garments

Leviticus 12:4. Women forbidden to touch hallowed items after childbirth

Leviticus 19:8. Hallowed offerings

Matthew 6:9. His name is hallowed.

Hand(s) (fingers, furnish)

The part of the human arm below the forearm and consisting of the wrist, palm, four fingers, and a thumb; also, physical help

Genesis 19:16. Grabbing Lot and his family by the hands

Genesis 27:22–23. Faking Esau’s hairy hands

Exodus 17:10–13. Lifting Moses’ hands

Luke 13:13. Healing with hands

Luke 23:46. Into God’s hands

Luke 24:38–40. Touching the hands of the risen Christ

Acts 6:6. Hands placed on the called

Handicap (see Disability)

Handsome (attractive, good looking, striking)

Pleasing and dignified in form and appearance

Genesis 39:6. Handsome Joseph

1 Samuel 9:2. Handsome Saul

1 Samuel 16:12. Handsome David

2 Samuel 23:20–21. Handsome Egyptian

1 Kings 1:5. Handsome Adonijah

Psalm 45:2. A handsome descendant

Handwriting (scrawl, script, writing)

Writing done with the hand

Exodus 32:16. Handwriting on tablets

Numbers 17:2–3. Handwriting on staffs

Isaiah 8:1. Handwritten on a tablet

Daniel 5. The handwriting on the wall

Colossians 2:13–14. Handwriting of requirements

Hanukkah (festival of dedication, festival of lights)

Eight-day Jewish festival commemorating the victory in 165 B.C. of the Maccabees over Antiochus Epiphanes

John 10:22–42. Jesus attends the Festival of the Dedication.

Happiness (delight, gladness, glee)

A state of enjoyment marked by pleasure or satisfaction

Job 21:13. Happiness of the wicked

Psalm 106:4–5. Happiness of people

Proverbs 17:20. Happiness eludes the twisted.

Proverbs 23:26. Find happiness in obedience.

Isaiah 9:3. Happiness to come

Harass (annoy, bother, pester)

Irritate or torment persistently

Numbers 25:17. License to harass

Numbers 33:55. Drive them out or face harassment.

Deuteronomy 2:9. Don’t harass the Moabites.

Psalm 56:2. Harassed by enemies

Matthew 9:36. Harassed people

Hard-heartedness (callousness, pitilessness)

Lacking in feeling or compassion

Deuteronomy 15:8. Never be hard-hearted.

Proverbs 28:14. Disaster for the hard-hearted

Ezekiel 3:7. Hard-hearted Israel

Hardship (suffering)

Extreme privation

Deuteronomy 15:18. No hardship if you free a slave

Psalm 119:143. Trouble and hardship

Isaiah 30:6. Israel’s hardship

Lamentations 3:5. A lament of hardship

2 Corinthians 12:10. Paul’s acceptance of hardship

Harlot (see Prostitution)

Harmless (not detrimental, safe)

Incapable of causing harm

Proverbs 1:11. Thugs out to hurt the harmless

Matthew 10:16. Harmless as doves

Philippians 2:14–15. Be blameless and harmless.

Hebrews 7:26. Harmless high priest

Harmony (accord, agreement, concord)

Agreement in feeling or opinion

Job 22:21. In harmony with God

Psalm 133:1. Living in harmony

Acts 4:32. Believers in harmony

Romans 12:16. Live in harmony.

Romans 15:5. Encouragement to live in harmony

Harp (musical instrument)

An instrument consisting of an upright, open triangular frame with strings played by plucking with the fingers

Genesis 4:21. The first to play the harp

1 Samuel 10:5. Prophets led by music of the harp, flute, and lyre

Psalm 33:2. Praise God with the harp.

Psalm 57:8. Wake up, harp and lyre!

Psalm 71:22. Giving thanks with a harp

Psalm 144:9. Singing a new song with a harp

Harvest (gather, reap, season)

Act or process of gathering crops

Genesis 30:14. Wheat harvest

Genesis 41:34. Collecting the harvest in readiness for a famine

Genesis 47:24. Tithe from the harvest

Exodus 23:16. Festival of the Harvest

Exodus 34:22. Celebrate with grain from the wheat harvest.

Leviticus 19:10. Don’t harvest everything in the field.

Leviticus 23:9–10. Give the first harvested grain.

Haste (alacrity, speed)

Rapidity of action or motion

Genesis 19:14. Hasten out of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Exodus 12:11. Eat it in haste.

Deuteronomy 16:3. Left in haste

Judges 13:10. Ran in haste

1 Samuel 20:38. Make haste.

Hat(s) (head covering, turban)

A covering for the head

Exodus 28:4, 37. Hat for the high priest

Job 29:14. Putting on justice and righteousness as one puts on a hat

Isaiah 3:18–23. Hats will be taken away.

Ezekiel 24:17. Put on your hat and don’t grieve.

Daniel 3:21. Thrown into the furnace wearing hats

Zechariah 3:5. A clean hat for God’s servant

1 Corinthians 11:4. Hats not to be worn while praying

Hatred (abhorrence, loathing, revulsion)

Intense animosity or hostility

2 Samuel 13:15. Hatred for the abused

Psalm 25:19. Hatred of enemies

Proverbs 10:18. Hiding hatred

Galatians 5:19–20. Hatred—a product of the corrupt nature

Colossians 3:8. Get rid of hatred.

James 4:4. Hatred toward God

Haughty (see Pride)

Hawk(s) (bird of prey)

Any of the various birds of prey of the order Falconiformes

Leviticus 11:13–16. Hawk—an unclean bird

Job 28:7. The hawk can’t find wisdom.

Job 39:26. Who controls the hawk’s flight?

Healing (curing, relieving)

Curing someone of an affliction

Proverbs 12:18. Wise words bring healing.

Proverbs 13:17. A dependable envoy brings healing.

Isaiah 53:5. Healing from the wounds of God’s servant

Jeremiah 8:15. Terror instead of healing

Luke 13:14. Healing on the Sabbath

John 5:16. Persecuted for healing on the Sabbath

Health (physical condition, soundness, wellness)

The overall condition of an organism

Psalm 41:3. The Lord will support.

Psalm 90:10. If health allows

Proverbs 1:12. Like those in good health

Isaiah 38. Hezekiah returns to health after an illness

Jeremiah 8:22. Spiritual medicine for an unhealthy people

Mark 3:4. Restore someone to health or let him die?

Hearing (hear, perceive)

The sense by which sound is perceived; the capacity to hear

Genesis 29:33. His name means Hearing.

1 Samuel 4:14–15. A cry heard

Amos 8:11. A famine of hearing God’s Word

Matthew 13:15. Hard of hearing

Luke 9:9. Hearing about Jesus

Hearsay (see Gossip)

Heart (compassion, feelings, sympathy)

The chambered muscular organ that pumps blood; also, the repository of one’s deepest beliefs and feelings

Exodus 28:29. Carrying the names over his heart

Deuteronomy 4:29. Searching for God with all your heart

Deuteronomy 6:5–6. Love God with all your heart.

Deuteronomy 7:7. God’s heart

Judges 16:15. Your heart isn’t mine.

1 Samuel 1:15. Pouring out my heart

Heartache (anguish, grief, sorrow)

Emotional anguish

Proverbs 10:10. When a wink causes heartache

Proverbs 15:13. Heartache and depression

Proverbs 17:25. A parent’s heartache

Ecclesiastes 1:18. Heartache and wisdom

Romans 9:2. Paul’s heartache over his people

Heathen (pagan)

One who adheres to a religion that does not acknowledge God

Matthew 6:7. Vain repetition like the heathen

Matthew 18:17. Dealing with a heathen

1 Thessalonians 4:3–5. Heathens who don’t know God

Heaven (paradise)

The abode of God, angels, and souls granted salvation

Matthew 6:10. God’s will is done in heaven.

Matthew 6:20. Treasure in heaven

Matthew 8:11. The kingdom in heaven

Luke 6:23. Reward in heaven

Revelation 8:1. Silence in heaven

Revelation 12:7. War in heaven

Heavens (sky, space, and the planets)

The sky or universe as seen from Earth; the firmament

Genesis 1:1, 6–8. The heavens created.

Genesis 49:25. Blessings from the heavens

Deuteronomy 28:12. Opening the heavens

Deuteronomy 33:26. Riding through the heavens

1 Samuel 2:10. Thundering from the heavens

1 Chronicles 16:26. Maker of the heavens

Hebrew (language, person)

A member or descendant of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; an Israelite; also, the Semitic language

Genesis 14:13. Abram the Hebrew

Genesis 39:13–14. Complaints about Joseph the Hebrew

Exodus 1:15–16. Hebrew midwives and childbearing women

John 5:2.  Bethesda in the Hebrew language

John 19:13.  Gabbatha in the Hebrew language

Acts 22:2. Speaking in the Hebrew language

Hedonism (pagan)

Pursuit or devotion to pleasure

Proverbs 21:17. Poverty of the hedonist

Ecclesiastes 2:1–3. Study of hedonism

Luke 15:11–32. Hedonism of a son

1 Timothy 5:6. Hedonism deadens a life.

Heirs (inheritors)

Those who inherit

1 Kings 14:8. David’s heirs

2 Kings 10:1. Ahab’s heirs

Acts 3:25. Heirs of the promise

Romans 8:17. God’s heirs

Galatians 3:29. Abraham’s heirs

Hell (Hades, Sheol, torture)

Place of punishment for unbelievers

Deuteronomy 32:22. The depths of hell

Psalm 49:14–15. Driven and brought back from hell

Psalm 139:8. A bed in hell

Proverbs 7:27. The way to hell

Matthew 5:30. Maimed in life is better than hell

Matthew 16:18. Gates of hell

Help/Helping (aid, assist)

Offering assistance; gift of service

Exodus 2:23. Cries for help

Leviticus 11:47. Instructions to help you understand

Deuteronomy 22:4. Help out.

Psalm 28:2. Calling to God for help

Mark 9:24. Help my lack of faith.

1 Corinthians 4:17. Timothy will help.

1 Corinthians 12:28. A gift for helping

Helpless (frail, powerless, weak)

Unable to manage by oneself; lacking power or strength

Deuteronomy 32:10. Helping the helpless

Job 6:13. Completely helpless

Psalm 41:1. Those who help the helpless

Matthew 5:3. Spiritually helpless

Matthew 9:36. Helpless crowd

Herald (messenger)

Person who announces important news

Daniel 3:4–6. The herald proclaims the furnace consequence.

Habakkuk 2:2. Heralding the revelation

1 Timothy 2:7. Appointed as a herald

Heredity (genetics, inherited traits)

The genetic transmittal of traits from parent to offspring

Genesis 1:27. Starting the chain of heredity

Genesis 5:3. A son in his own image

Exodus 20:5. A heredity of punishment or mercy

Psalm 51:5. A heredity of sin

Jeremiah 31:29–30. No longer responsible for what’s passed on

Heresy (dissent, sacrilege, unorthodoxy)

An opinion or doctrine at variance with established religious beliefs

Acts 24:14. Christians believed to be heretical

1 Corinthians 11:19. A warning about heretical beliefs

Ephesians 4:14. No longer swayed by heresy

Titus 3:10. Avoid those who teach heretical beliefs.

2 Peter 2:1. Heresy of false teachers

Heritage (birthright, inheritance, legacy)

Property that can be inherited; a tradition passed on from preceding generations

Job 20:29. An appointed heritage

Job 27:13. A ruthless man’s heritage

Job 31:2. A man’s heritage

Psalm 127:3. Children are a heritage.

Isaiah 54:17. A heritage of protection

Hermeneutics (interpretation, study)

The study of interpretations or explanations of Scripture

Matthew 2:15. Interpreting the prophets in reference to Jesus

Matthew 5:21–22. Hermeneutics in the Sermon on the Mount

Matthew 19:3–6. Jesus teaches hermeneutics.

Luke 3:4–6. The hermeneutics of John’s advent

2 Timothy 2:15. Proper hermeneutics

Heroes (champions, the courageous)

Persons noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose

1 Samuel 17:51. Death of a Philistine hero

Psalm 52:1. An evil hero

Proverbs 16:32. What’s better than being a hero?

Zephaniah 3:17. The ultimate hero

Hebrews 11:4–40. Heroes of the faith

Hesitate (falter, vacillate)

To be slow to act, speak, or decide

Judges 18:9. Don’t hesitate.

Job 30:10. No hesitation

Proverbs 23:13. Don’t hesitate on discipline.

Acts 10:19–20. Don’t hesitate, Peter.

Hide/Hidden (conceal, mystery, secret)

To keep out of sight; something kept out of sight

Genesis 3:7–8. Trying to hide from God

Genesis 18:17. Nothing to hide from Abraham

Exodus 2:1–3. Keeping Moses hidden

Deuteronomy 29:29. Some things are hidden.

Joshua 2. Hiding two spies

Psalm 139:15. Nothing is hidden from God.

High Places (worship place)

Translated from the Hebrew word ramah, which means “to be high”; places where idols were worshiped

Deuteronomy 12:2. Destroy the high places.

1 Kings 11:7. Solomon builds a high place.

1 Kings 13:2–3. Judgment on those who worship at the high places

1 Kings 14:22–24. People of Judah built worship sites for themselves.

1 Kings 15:14. Committed, but did not destroy the high places

High Priest (priest)

The chief of the priests

Exodus 28:11–12. Stones worn by Aaron the first high priest

Leviticus 16:32–33. The high priest makes atonement.

Leviticus 21:10. Rules for the high priest

Numbers 35:25. Stay in the city of refuge until the death of the high priest.

2 Kings 12:10. High priest collects the contributions for the temple.

Hindrance (barrier, impediment, obstacle)

Something that gets into the way of something else

1 Samuel 14:6. Nothing is a hindrance for God.

Matthew 19:14. Don’t be a hindrance to children coming to Jesus.

1 Corinthians 9:12. Avoiding hindering the Good News

Acts 28:31. Preaching with hindrance.

History (account, record, the past)

Chronological record of events

Exodus 9:18. Worst hailstorm in history

2 Chronicles 13:22. A written history

Ezra 4. The Samaritans’ view of history

Esther 10:2. History of the kings of the Medes and Persians

Isaiah 41:4. God determined the course of history.

Hoard/Hoarding (accumulate, cache, stockpile)

A hidden fund or supply stored for future use

Proverbs 11:26. Grain hoarding

Ecclesiastes 5:13. Hoarding riches

Amos 3:10. Hoarding plunder

Holiday(s) (feast days, festivals)

A religious feast day to commemorate or celebrate a particular event

Esther 2:18. A holiday

Esther 8:17. Enjoying a holiday

Esther 9:19, 22. Holiday in Adar

Holiness (consecration, set apart)

Attribute of God that signifies his transcendence; also a quality in the people of God

Genesis 2:3. Holiness of the seventh day

Exodus 3:5. Holy ground

Exodus 19:10. Set apart as holy

Exodus 22:31. God’s holy people

Isaiah 6:1–3. God is holy.

1 Thessalonians 5:23. May God make you holy.

Holy kiss (greeting)

Christian greeting

Romans 16:16. A holy kiss

1 Corinthians 16:20. Everyone greet with a holy kiss.

2 Corinthians 13:12. Holy people, greet with a kiss.

1 Thessalonians 5:26. Greet with a holy kiss.

Holy Land (Palestine)

The biblical region of Palestine and the cities and places that can be found there

Genesis 17:8. The promise given to give Abraham’s descendants a permanent home

Joshua 16:5–10. Ephraim

Ruth 1:1. Bethlehem

1 Kings 3:15. Jerusalem

Matthew 3:13. Galilee

Matthew 16:13. Casesarea Philippi

Holy Place(s) (tabernacle, temple, places of worship)

Places made holy by the presence of God or by the order of God

Exodus 3:5. Mount Horeb—holy ground

Exodus 15:17. The holy place built by God

Exodus 25:8. A holy place made for God

Exodus 26:33–34. Holy places in the tabernacle

Exodus 29:43. God makes a place holy.

Leviticus 16:2, 17. Rules for the holy place

Holy Spirit (God, Spirit of God)

Third person of the trinity; God in active form

Genesis 1:2. The Spirit of God

Psalm 51:11. Don’t take away the Holy Spirit.

Luke 1:15. Filled with the Spirit before birth

Luke 4:1–2. Led the Holy Spirit

John 14:16–17. Promise of the Holy Spirit

Acts 2. Arrival of the Holy Spirit

Romans 5:5. The gift of the Holy Spirit

1 Corinthians 6:19. The temple of the Holy Spirit

2 Corinthians 6:6–7. The Holy Spirit’s presence

Holy war (jihad)

A war deemed to have religious or high moral purpose

Exodus 17:15–16. God goes to war.

Numbers 21:14. History of the wars of the Lord

Deuteronomy 20. Rules about holy war

Joshua 6. Carrying the ark into a holy war

1 Samuel 11. Holy war against the Ammonites

1 Samuel 25:28. The Lord’s battles

Home (abode, house, residence)

A place where one lives

Genesis 12:1. Abram leaves home.

Leviticus 25:29. Rule for selling a home

Deuteronomy 6:7. Teach children at home.

Mark 10:29–30. Giving up one’s home for the Good News

Romans 16:3–5. Greet the church in this home.

Revelation 21:3. God’s home is with humans.

Homeless (dispossessed)

Having no home or haven

Genesis 23:3–4. No permanent home for Abraham

Job 20:9. Homeless plight of the wicked

Isaiah 58:7. Share with the homeless.

Matthew 8:20. No permanent home for Jesus

1 Corinthians 4:11. Paul is homeless.

Homeopathic medicine (alternative medicine, herbal medicines)

Treating diseases based on the administration of small doses of a drug; using herbal medicines

2 Kings 20:7. Boiled figs for illness

Luke 10:34. Treating wounds with oil and wine

1 Timothy 5:23. Wine for a stomach ailment

Revelation 3:18. Eye ointment

Homosexuality (lesbian, same sex)

Sexual orientation to persons of the same sex

Genesis 19. Homosexuality leads to destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Romans 1:26–27. Indecent acts with men and women

1 Corinthians 6:9–10. Those who won’t inherit

1 Timothy 1:10. Laws intended for homosexuals

Jude 7. Homosexual activities

Honesty (candor, sincerity, truthfulness)

The quality or condition of being honest

Genesis 30:33. Jacob’s honesty

1 Chronicles 29:17. God delights in honesty.

Psalm 25:21. Protected by honesty

Proverbs 29:14. Judging with honesty

Isaiah 59:14. Honesty can’t come in.

Honey (product of bees)

Yellowish viscid fluid produced by bees

Genesis 43:11. A gift of honey

Exodus 3:8. Flowing with milk and honey

Exodus 16:31. Like wafers made with honey

Leviticus 2:11. Never burn honey.

Deuteronomy 8:8. Honey in the promised land

Judges 14:8–20. Samson finds honey.

Honor (admiration, respect, reputation)

High respect

Genesis 30:20. Hoping for honor

Exodus 5:1. A festival in God’s honor

Exodus 14:4. God will receive honor.

Exodus 15. Moses and the people honor God with a song.

Exodus 20:12. Honor your father and your mother.

Honorable (admirable, praiseworthy, respectable)

Deserving or earning honor and respect

Deuteronomy 32:4. God is honorable.

Deuteronomy 33:21. Gad does what is fair and honorable.

1 Kings 1:42. An honorable man

Proverbs 20:3. An honorable action

Philippians 4:8. Whatever is honorable

Hope (anticipation, expectation, optimism)

To wish for something with the expectation of its fulfillment

Genesis 49:18. Waiting with hope

Job 4:6. Do you have hope?

Psalm 9:18. Hope of the oppressed

Psalm 27:14. Wait with hope.

2 Thessalonians 2:16. Hope from God

Hopeless (despondent, forlorn, in despair)

Having no hope

1 Chronicles 29:15. No hope.

Job 13:15. Hopeless

Isaiah 57:10. You didn’t think it was hopeless.

Acts 27:31. There’s no hope if you leave.

Ephesians 2:12. Without God, without hope

Horoscope (see Astrology)

Horse(s) (animal)

Large hoofed mammal having a short-haired coat, a long mane, and a long tail

Genesis 49:17. Like a viper that bites a horse

Exodus 14:9. Pharaoh’s horse-drawn chariots

1 Kings 9:19. Cities for horses

1 Kings 10:28–29. Imported and exported horses

1 Kings 20:20–21. Escaping on a horse

Hospitality (kindness, warmth, welcome)

Cordial and generous reception of or disposition toward guests

Genesis 18. Abraham’s hospitality

Genesis 19:1–11. Lot’s hospitality

Romans 12:13. Practice hospitality.

Romans 16:23. Practice hospitality.

Hebrews 13:2. Show hospitality.

1 Peter 4:9. Offer hospitality.

3 John 8. Be hospitable to missionaries.

Hostage situations (captives, prisoners)

Capturing a person in a conflict as security that specified terms will be met by the opposing party

Genesis 14. Lot taken captive

1 Samuel 30. Hostages taken at Ziklag.

2 Kings 14:13–14. Hostages of Jehoash

House arrest (imprisoned)

Confinement to one’s quarters, rather than prison

Jeremiah 37:14–16. A house turned into a prison

Acts 28:15–16, 30–31. Paul under house arrest

Philemon 1. Writing while under house arrest

House church (believers, church)

A body of Christian believers meeting in a home

Acts 1:13–14. Waiting for the Holy Spirit together

Acts 20:20. Paul mentions house church meetings.

1 Corinthians 16:19. The church in the home of Aquila and Prisca (Priscilla)

Colossians 4:15. The church in the home of Nympha

Philemon 1–2. The church in the home of Philemon

Household gods (idols, teraphim)

Idols kept in the home

Genesis 31. Rachel steals Laban’s household gods.

Judges 18:14, 17–18. Other household gods

1 Samuel 19:12–13. Michal uses idols to help David escape.

2 Kings 23:24. Josiah disposes of idols.

Ezekiel 21:21. Household gods of the king of Babylon

Households (families, homes)

Domestic unit consisting of the members of a family who live together along with non-relatives

Genesis 12:17. Pharaoh’s household

Exodus 12:3–4. One Passover animal per household

Leviticus 22:11. A slave born in a priest’s household

Numbers 1:4. The head of a household

Joshua 7:14. Checking household by household

Humanity (civilization, humankind, people)

Human beings considered as a group

Job 34:11. God’s judgment on humanity

Psalm 22:6. Scorned by humanity

Proverbs 3:4. Favor with God and humanity

Proverbs 29:26. Justice for humanity

Proverbs 30:14. Oppression of humanity

Isaiah 49:26. All humanity will know.

Humiliation (degradation, disgrace, shame)

A lowering of pride, dignity, or self-respect

Psalm 69:7. Humiliation endured

Psalm 71:13. Disgrace and humiliation

Proverbs 25:9–10. Humiliation from a neighbor

Proverbs 29:23. Humiliation due to pride

Isaiah 23:9. Humiliation of honored people

Humility (meekness, modesty)

Being humble; lacking in pride

2 Samuel 22:28. The humble and the proud

Psalm 138:6. God’s care for humble people

Proverbs 15:33. Humility before honor

Proverbs 22:4. Humility before riches

Zephaniah 2:3. Search for humility.

Philippians 2:3. Consider others as better.

Colossians 2:18. False humility

1 Peter 5:5. Serve with humility.

Humor (absurdity, comedy, wittiness)

The quality that makes something laughable or amusing

Psalm 2:4. Humor at presumption

Psalm 37:13. A joke with no punch line

Proverbs 11:22. Beauty and the beast—a humorous aphorism

Habakkuk 1:10. Laughing at kings

Hunger (desire, famine, starvation)

A strong desire or need for food; strong desire or craving

Deuteronomy 8:3. Suffering from hunger

Psalm 147:14. Satisfying hunger

Lamentations 2:19. Fainting from hunger

Ezekiel 7:19. Failing to be rescued from hunger

Matthew 5:6. Hungering for God’s approval

Romans 8:35. Staying with God even while hungry

Hunting (pursuing, searching, tracking)

The sport of pursuing game; conducting a search for someone

Genesis 27:3. Go hunting, Esau.

Leviticus 17:13. When you hunt, pour out the blood.

1 Samuel 26:17–18, 20. Why are you hunting for me, Saul?

Psalm 140:11. Let the evil hunt the evil.

Lamentations 4:19. Hunted by enemies

Hurt (damage, harm, injure)

To cause physical damage or pain

Genesis 37:22. Don’t hurt Joseph.

Proverbs 3:21–23. Wisdom helps keep from hurt.

Proverbs 9:7. Hurt by the wicked

Isaiah 27:7. Will the Lord hurt Israel?

Matthew 26:22. Hurt at the pronouncement of imminent betrayal

Ephesians 4:29. Hurt with words

Husband(s) (male spouse)

A man joined to a woman in marriage

Genesis 3:6. Sinning with her husband

1 Samuel 1:8. Hannah’s husband, Elkanah

2 Samuel 3:14–16. A woman with two husbands

Isaiah 54:4–5. Your Maker is your husband.

John 4. A woman with five husbands

Ephesians 5:25–28. Husbands, love your wives.

Hygiene (cleanliness, sanitation)

The promotion and preservation of health

Leviticus 14:8. Washing to be clean

Numbers 19:14–16. Hygiene rules about dealing with a dead body

Deuteronomy 23:12–13. A rule for keeping the camp hygienic

Matthew 23:25–26. Hygiene and hypocrisy

John 13:10. Physical and spiritual hygiene

Hymn(s) (sacred song)

Song of praise or thanksgiving to God

Nehemiah 12:8, 46. Hymns of thanksgiving

Psalm 26:6–7. A hymn of thanksgiving

Matthew 26:30. Singing a hymn after the Last Supper

Acts 16:25. Singing hymns in prison

Ephesians 5:18–19. Instead of being drunk, sing hymns.

Colossians 3:16. Use hymns as instruction.

Hyperbole (exaggeration)

Figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect

Deuteronomy 1:28. Hyperbole in the wilderness

1 Samuel 18:7. Hyperbole with Saul and David

Matthew 5:29. Hell and hyperbole

Matthew 19:24. Hyperbole about salvation

Matthew 23:24. Camels and hyperbole

Hypocrisy (duplicity, insincerity, pretense)

The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess

Proverbs 11:3. Hypocrisy leads to ruin.

Matthew 23:28. Full of hypocrisy

Mark 12:15. Recognizing hypocrisy

Luke 12:1. Watch out for hypocrisy.

1 Peter 2:1. Get rid of hypocrisy.

Hypocrites (fraud, phonies)

People given to hypocrisy

Psalm 26:4. Not found among the hypocrites

Hosea 10:1–2. They are hypocrites.

Matthew 6:5. Don’t be like the hypocrites.

Matthew 7:5. Hypocrite, remove that beam.

Matthew 23:13–15. Hypocritical scribes and Pharisees

Acts 23:2–3. God will strike you, you hypocrite!

Hyssop (perfume, plant)

Woody Eurasian plant with spikes of small blue flowers and aromatic leaves used in perfumery

Exodus 12:22. Branch of hyssop

Leviticus 14. Hyssop and cleansing

Numbers 19:1–6. Take a hyssop sprig.

Psalm 51:7. Purified with hyssop

John 19:29. Vinegar on hyssop

Hebrews 9:19. Sacrifices and hyssop