– I –

“I Am” (name of God)

Statements by which Jesus declared Himself; name of God

Exodus 3:14. I Am Who I Am.

John 6:35. I am the bread of life.

John 8:12. I am the light of the world.

John 8:57–58. Before Abraham was, I am.

John 10:7–9. I am the gate.

John 10:11. I am the good shepherd.

Ichabod (name)

A word meaning “no glory”; a name given to the son of Phinehas after the Philistines took the ark of the covenant

1 Samuel 4:19–22. Ichabod is born.

1 Samuel 14:2–3. Ichabod’s nephew

Identity (character, personality, uniqueness)

Characteristics by which a person or thing is recognized or known

Genesis 10:5. An identity for each nation

Genesis 27:23. Faking Esau’s identity

Genesis 45. Joseph reveals his identity.

1 Peter 2:10. No identity at first

Idleness (lazy, unemployment, without substance)

Not employed or busy; insubstantial

Deuteronomy 32:47. Idle talk

Proverbs 31:27. Bread of idleness

Ecclesiastes 10:18. Idleness of hands

1 Timothy 5:13. A habit of idleness

Idol(s) (false god)

An image used as an object of worship

Exodus 34:17. Don’t make idols.

Deuteronomy 7:26. A disgusting idol

Judges 8:27. Gideon’s idol

Judges 17:3–6. Micah’s idol

2 Kings 21:7. Manasseh’s idol

Psalm 106:19. Worshiping an idol

Idolatry (worshiping false gods)

Idol worship

Exodus 20:3–5. Idolatry is forbidden.

Joshua 24:2. Idol worship long ago

1 Kings 12:28–31. Jeroboam ushers in idolatry.

Jeremiah 44:5–6. Israel’s idolatry

Hosea 13:1–2. Guilty of idolatry

Ignorance (lacking in knowledge, unawareness)

The condition of being unaware, uninformed, and uneducated

Ezekiel 45:20. Sins of ignorance

Acts 3:17. Acting in ignorance

Acts 17:30. Acting in ignorance of people in the world

Ephesians 4:17–18. Ignorance of people in the world

1 Peter 2:15. Silence the ignorance of foolish people

Ignore (disregard, overlook)

Refuse to pay attention to

Leviticus 5:2–4. Ignore and be guilty.

Leviticus 20:4–5. Ignore them at your peril.

Joshua 23:16. Ignore God and face His anger.

Nehemiah 4:4–5. Don’t ignore their guilt, God.

Esther 3:3. Why do you ignore this?

Illegitimacy (unlawful)

A birth out of wedlock

Deuteronomy 23:2. Illegitimate son

Hosea 5:7. Illegitimate births

John 8:41. Jews claim they are not illegitimate.

Illness (see Disease; Sickness)

Illumination (clarification, enlightenment, explanation)

Enlightening intellectually or spiritually

Psalm 119:18. Asking for illumination

Luke 24:45. Jesus provides illumination on the Scriptures.

John 14:26. The Holy Spirit will bring illumination.

Ephesians 1:16–17. Praying for illumination

Hebrews 4:12. Scriptures pierce and illuminate.

Image (copy, idol, likeness)

To make or produce a likeness of; a reproduction of an object; a mental picture of something real

Genesis 5:3. In Adam’s image

Job 4:16. A vague image

Jeremiah 44:19. Image of the queen of heaven

Acts 17:29. Images made from gold, silver, or stone

1 Corinthians 13:12. A blurred image

2 Corinthians 3:18. Changed into Christ’s image

Image of God (likeness)

Something created with the characteristics of God or bearing His likeness

Genesis 1:26–27. Made in God’s image

Genesis 9:6. In the image of God

Romans 5:14. An image of the one to come (Jesus)

Romans 8:29. In the image of God’s Son

1 Corinthians 11:7. God’s image and glory

2 Corinthians 4:4. Christ is God’s image.

Imitate/Imitation (custom, routine, tendency)

Recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior

Luke 10:37. Imitate a good example.

1 Corinthians 4:16. Imitate Paul.

1 Corinthians 11:1. Imitate Christ.

Ephesians 5:1–2. Imitate God.

2 Thessalonians 3:7. Imitate a disciplined life.

Hebrews 13:7. Imitate the faith of leaders.

Immanuel (name)

Hebrew name meaning “God with us”

Isaiah 7:14. God with us

Isaiah 8:8. O Immanuel

Matthew 1:20–23. Name him Immanuel.

Immaturity (childishness, irresponsibility)

Not fully grown or developed

Isaiah 3:12. Oppressed by the immature

1 Corinthians 13:11. We were once immature.

1 Corinthians 14:20. Don’t be spiritually immature.

Ephesians 4:14. No longer immature

Hebrews 5:11–13. Still babies

Imminence (nearness, proximity)

Something about to occur

Matthew 24:2–3. Wondering about the imminence of Jesus’ prediction

John 21:22–23. Mistaking the imminence of Jesus’ return

Philippians 4:5. The imminence of God

2 Timothy 4:1. The imminence of Jesus’ return

2 Peter 3:11–12. The imminence of the day of God

Immolation (death, fire, sacrifice)

Death by fire

Genesis 19:24–26. Immolation of Sodom, Gomorrah, and their inhabitants

Leviticus 10:1–2. Immolation of Nadab and Abihu

Psalm 106:18. Immolation of the wicked

Matthew 3:11–12. Immolation of the old life

2 Peter 3:7. Immolation of heaven, earth, and the ungodly

Immorality (decadence, sin, wickedness)

Living in a manner contrary to established moral principles

Judges 19. Immorality of worthless men

Psalm 12:8. When immorality increases

Jeremiah 3:9. Israel’s immorality

Romans 13:13. Outing immorality

Immortality (living forever)

Endless life or existence

Proverbs 12:28. The pathway to immortality

Romans 2:7. God gives immortality.

1 Corinthians 15:53–54. Clothed with immortality

1 Timothy 6:15–16. God’s immortality

Immunity (invulnerability, protection, resistance)

Resistance to infection; exemption from legal duties, penalties, or liabilities

Numbers 5:19. An immunity to ill effects

Romans 1:28–32. An immunity to God

2 Corinthians 4:3. An immunity to the gospel

Impatience (haste, hurry, rashness)

An inability to tolerate delay

Numbers 21:4–5. Impatience leads to criticism.

Job 4:2, 5. Impatience and panic

Job 21:4. Shouldn’t I be impatient?

Micah 2:7. Is God impatient?

Zechariah 11:8. Impatient with the sheep

Imperfection (see Blemish)

Impetuous (hasty, impulsive, reckless)

Marked by sudden forceful energy or emotion; impulsive and passionate

2 Samuel 11:2–4. Impetuous behavior

Job 6:3. Impetuous words

Habakkuk 1:6. Imminent invasion of an impetuous nation

Importance (significance, value, worth)

Someone or something of significance

Genesis 48:19. The importance of Ephraim and Manasseh

Exodus 18:22. Moses to judge only cases of importance

Leviticus 16:31. Atonement: the most important festival

Esther 9:28. Importance of these days

John 3:30. Increasing in importance

1 Corinthians 15:3. The gospel is of first importance.

Impossible (impracticable, unattainable)

Incapable of existing or occurring; not capable of being accomplished

Genesis 20:18. Impossible to have children

Exodus 32:9. They are impossible.

Exodus 34:8–9. Acknowledging the impossibility of dealing with Israel

Psalm 142:4. Escape is impossible.

Matthew 19:26. Impossible to save themselves

Luke 1:37. Nothing is impossible for God.

Romans 8:3. Impossible to meet God’s standards

Impostor(s) (fake, fraud)

One who engages in deception under an assumed name or identity

Joshua 9. The Gibeonites are impostors.

1 Kings 14:1–6. An impostor

Matthew 7:15. False prophets are impostors.

2 Corinthians 6:8. Regarded as an impostor

2 Timothy 3:12–13. Evil impostors

Impotence (helplessness, powerlessness, weakness)

Lacking physical strength; incapable of sexual intercourse

1 Kings 1:4. Concern and impotence

Ecclesiastes 12:5. Signs of old age and impotence

Imprecation (see Curse[s])

Impressions (name)

Effects, feelings, or images retained as consequences of an experience

Deuteronomy 6:7. Cause God’s commandments to have an impression on your kids.

1 Kings 10. Solomon makes a deep impression on the queen of Sheba.

Ecclesiastes 9:13. Wisdom’s impression

Impulsive behavior (impetuous, reckless, spontaneous acts)

Hasty, thoughtless behavior that sometimes leads to bad consequences

Judges 14. Samson’s impulsive behavior

1 Samuel 25. David’s impulsive behavior, part 1

2 Samuel 11. David’s impulsive behavior, part 2

2 Samuel 13. Amnon’s impulsive behavior

Proverbs 14:29. Impulsive behavior exalts folly.

Impurity (contamination, pollution, uncleanness)

In a state of ritual uncleanness; contaminated

Leviticus 14:19. Cleansed from an impurity

Leviticus 15:19. Monthly impurity

Leviticus 20:21. An act of impurity

Ezra 9:10–11. Impurity affects the land.

Matthew 23:27. Full of impurity

In the war room (battle plans)

Discussions between leaders about troops, strategy, and war

Numbers 21:21–35. God’s counsel about soldiers marching ahead of the Israelites

Joshua 1. God’s counsel about the upcoming wars in Canaan

Judges 4. Counsel of war between Deborah and Barak

1 Samuel 15. Counsel of war between Samuel and Saul

Ephesians 6:10–20. Paul’s advice about spiritual war

Inadequacy (insufficiency, lack, shortage)

Not adequate to fulfill a need or requirement

Exodus 4:10. Moses feels inadequate.

Judges 6:1–15. Gideon feels inadequate.

Isaiah 6:5. Isaiah feels inadequate.

Jeremiah 1:6–7. Jeremiah feels inadequate.

Hebrews 10:1–14. Animal sacrifices were inadequate to take away sin.

Incarceration (imprisoned)

Confined; placed in prison

Genesis 39:19–23. Joseph is incarcerated.

Genesis 42:14–17. Joseph’s brothers are incarcerated.

Matthew 11:2–3. John is incarcerated.

Acts 4:1–3. Peter and John are incarcerated.

Acts 12. Peter is incarcerated again.

Acts 16:22–40. Paul and Silas are incarcerated.

Incarnation (in flesh)

God taking on human flesh

Luke 1:30–33. Incarnation announcement

John 1:1–18. Incarnation of the Word

1 Corinthians 15:45–47. Jesus as a second Adam

Galatians 4:4. Incarnation of God’s Son

Philippians 2:7. Jesus’ willingness to be human

Incense (spices and oils)

Aromatic spices burned in the temple and tabernacle to produce a pleasant odor

Exodus 25:3–6. Contributions for incense

Exodus 30:1–10. An altar for burning incense

Exodus 30:34–38. Recipe for incense

Leviticus 2:1–2. An offering with incense

Leviticus 16. Atonement offering with incense

Incest (sexual sin)

Sexual relations between persons closely related

Genesis 19:30–38. Lot and his daughters

Leviticus 18:6–18. Rules against incest

Leviticus 20:11–12. Death penalty for incest

Deuteronomy 27:22. Cursed for incest

1 Corinthians 5:1. Paul writes about incest in the church.

Inclination(s) (leaning, penchant, proclivity)

A tendency toward a certain condition

Genesis 6:5. Evil inclinations

Genesis 8:21. Man’s inclinations

Deuteronomy 31:21. Inclination of their behavior

Jeremiah 7:24. Stubborn inclinations

Income (profits, salary, wages)

Amount of money received during a period of time for labor or services or for the sale of property or goods

Genesis 47:22. Priests’ income

Numbers 18:21, 25–26. A tithe from every income

Deuteronomy 12:6. A tithe from every income

Ezra 4:13. Will rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem hurt the king’s income?

Ecclesiastes 5:10. Craving a bigger income?

Incompetence (ineptitude, lacking skill, useless)

Not qualified; inadequate or unsuited

1 Kings 18:26–27. Elijah mocks the incompetence of the Baal prophets.

Psalm 107:27. Disaster inspires incompetence.

Daniel 2. Nebuchadnezzar’s anger over the incompetence of his astrologers

Acts 19:13–16. Incompetent at exorcism

Inconsistent (conflicting, incompatible)

Displaying or marked by a lack of consistency

John 7:40–43. Inconsistency in a crowd

Acts 5:1–10. Peter calls Ananias on his inconsistency.

1 Corinthians 1:12–13. An inconsistency

Galatians 1:6–8. An inconsistent gospel

James 1:6. Doubting and inconsistency

Indecisiveness (irresolution, vacillation, wavering)

Prone to or characterized by indecision

Joshua 24:15. Joshua makes a decision, even if the people don’t.

1 Kings 18:21. Indecision of Israel

Matthew 27:18–21. Pilate’s indecision

Acts 4:21. Indecision of the authorities

Independence (autonomy, liberty, self-determination)

The state or quality of being independent; self-governance

Judges 18:7. Totally independent

Judges 21:25. Independent ways

2 Chronicles 21:8–10. A fight for independence

1 Corinthians 11:11. Not totally independent

Indescribable (beyond words)

Someone or something beyond description

Ezekiel 1. Ezekiel’s nearly indescribable vision

2 Corinthians 9:15. God’s grace is indescribable.

2 Corinthians 12. Paul’s indescribable vision

Revelation 15:1–2. John’s vision is almost beyond description.

Revelation 21:1–2. A city of indescribable beauty

Indictment (condemnation, denunciation)

A written statement charging a person with committing an offense

Job 42:7–10. God’s indictment of Job’s friends

Isaiah 13:11. God’s indictment against the wicked

Jeremiah 3:6–7. God’s indictment against Israel and Judah

Ezekiel 16:1–2. God’s indictment against Jerusalem

Matthew 23:33, 35–36. Jesus’ indictment against the Pharisees and scribes

Indifference (lack of interest, unconcern)

Not mattering one way or another; having no marked feeling for or against

Proverbs 1:32. Indifference destroys.

Isaiah 13:17–18. The Medes and Persians will be indifferent to Babylon’s plight.

Isaiah 49:14–16. God cannot be indifferent to his children.

Jeremiah 6:23. Judah will be invaded by an indifferent nation.

Jeremiah 13:14. God will show indifference, rather than compassion.

Indigestion (acid stomach, digestive disorder, dyspepsia)

Discomfort of illness resulting from an inability to digest something

Jeremiah 30:6. Fear and indigestion

Lamentations 1:20. Distress and indigestion

Nahum 2:10. Upset stomachs

1 Timothy 5:23. A cure for Timothy’s indigestion

Revelation 10:9–10. The scroll that gave John indigestion

Indignation (annoyance, righteous anger)

Anger roused by something unjust

Genesis 31:36–42. Jacob’s indignation at Laban’s accusation of theft

Psalm 78:49. God’s wrath and indignation

Psalm 119:53. Indignant over the wicked

Jeremiah 15:17. Jeremiah’s indignation

Nahum 1:6. Who can withstand God’s indignation?

Indolence (see Idleness, Laziness)

Indulgence (extravagance, lenience, treat)

Giving in to the desires and whims of someone

Exodus 32:6. Indulging in sin

Numbers 25:1. Indulging in immorality

Matthew 23:25. Self-indulgence

Galatians 5:13. Don’t use freedom to indulge in sin.

Colossians 2:23. Indulging the flesh

Industrious (diligent)

Assiduous in work or study

1 Kings 11:28. Industrious Jeroboam

2 Kings 23. Josiah is industrious.

Ezra 7:10. Industrious Ezra

Nehemiah 4:7. Anger at the industrious workers

Proverbs 6:6–8. The industrious ant

Inebriation (see Drinking)

Inequity (see Sin[s])

Inexperience (naiveté, immaturity, rawness)

Lack of knowledge gained from experience

Judges 2:10. Inexperience with the ways of the Lord

1 Samuel 3:7. Samuel is inexperienced about God.

1 Samuel 17:38–39. Inexperienced with battle armor

2 Kings 12:2. Helping an inexperienced king

Infallible (flawless, perfect)

Incapable of error

2 Samuel 22:31. Infallible God

Psalm 19:7. Infallible teachings

Acts 1:3. Infallible proofs

2 Timothy 3:16. Scriptures point out our fallibility.

Infant (baby, child, toddler)

A child in infancy

Numbers 11:12. As a nurse carries an infant

Numbers 12:12. Like a stillborn infant

Isaiah 11:8. Infants and cobras

Isaiah 65:20. No longer a premature death for infants

Luke 2:12. An infant in a manger

Infanticide (abortion, death, murder)

Killing an infant

Exodus 1. Infanticide in Egypt

Leviticus 20:1–2. Condemning infanticide by sacrifice

2 Kings 6:28–30. Infanticide in Samaria

Lamentations 2:20. Confronting God about infanticide during a famine

Matthew 2:16–18. Infanticide in Bethlehem

Infatuation (fascination, obsession, passion)

An unreasoning or extravagant passion

Genesis 34. Shechem’s infatuation

Genesis 39:7–20. The infatuation of the wife of Potiphar

Judges 14:1–2. Samson’s infatuation

2 Samuel 13. Amnon’s infatuation

Ezekiel 23. Metaphor of the infatuation of Samaria and Jerusalem

Inferiority (inadequacy, lowliness, weakness)

Second-rate; persistent sense of inadequacy or a tendency toward self-diminishment

Judges 6:14–15. Gideon feels inferior.

1 Samuel 9:19–21. Saul feels inferior.

Job 12:3. Job is not inferior.

Daniel 2:39. An inferior kingdom

2 Corinthians 11:6. Paul doesn’t feel inferior.

Infertility (barren, childlessness, unproductiveness)

Inability to have a child

Genesis 16:1–2. An infertile Sarai tries to gain children another way.

Genesis 30. Rachel’s infertility

Exodus 23:25–26. No infertility

1 Samuel 1. Hannah’s infertility

2 Kings 2:20–21. A cure for infertility

Luke 1:7. Elizabeth’s infertility

Infidelity (betrayal, disloyalty, unfaithfulness)

Unfaithfulness to a sexual partner, particularly a spouse

Numbers 5:11–19. Infidelity test

Numbers 14:33. Israel’s infidelity

Judges 19:2–3. Infidelity of a concubine

2 Chronicles 30:7. Infidelity of ancestors

Ezekiel 23. Metaphor of Israel’s infidelity

Infinite (endless, inestimable, vast)

Having no boundaries or limits; immeasurably great or large

Job 36:26. God’s infinite years

Psalm 147:5. God’s infinite understanding

Romans 11:33. God’s infinite riches, wisdom, and knowledge

Ephesians 3:10. God’s infinite wisdom

Philippians 3:8. Infinite value of knowing Christ

Infirmity (see Disease; Sickness)

Influence (authority, power)

The ability to affect indirectly or intangibly

Proverbs 20:1. Under the influence

Romans 3:19. Influenced by Moses’ Teachings (the Law)

Romans 6:2. Sin’s influence

Romans 7:5. Influence of the corrupt nature

Colossians 2:20. The world’s influence

Inform (enlighten, tell)

To impart information to; make aware

Ruth 4:3–4. Just to inform you

1 Samuel 22:17. Uninformed Saul

Ezra 4:14–15. A letter to inform the king

Esther 4:8. Informing Esther

Jeremiah 51:31. Informing the king

Ingratitude (thanklessness, ungratefulness)

Lack of gratitude

Numbers 14. Israel’s ingratitude

Psalm 109:4–5. Attitude of ingratitude

Ezekiel 16:17–18. Ingratitude and adultery of the people of Jerusalem

Luke 17:11–18. Ingratitude of nine lepers

2 Timothy 3. Ingratitude in the last days

Inheritance (bequest, birthright, heritage, legacy)

Something inherited or regarded as a heritage

Genesis 21:10. Isaac’s inheritance

Deuteronomy 18:2. The Lord is the Levites’ inheritance.

Joshua 13:6–7. Land as an inheritance

Psalm 2:8. Inheriting nations

Luke 12:13–14. Jesus not the judge of inheritances

Iniquity (see Evil; Sin[s])

Initiative (ingenuity, plan, resourcefulness)

The power or ability to begin or follow through energetically with a plan or task

Numbers 25:6–13. Rewarding Phinehas’s initiative

1 Corinthians 9:17. Not from Paul’s own initiative

2 Corinthians 8:17. Titus’s initiative

2 Peter 1:20–21. Human initiative

Injure (damage, harm, hurt)

To cause physical harm to someone or something

Exodus 21:22–25. Injuring a pregnant woman

Proverbs 8:36. If you sin, you injure yourself.

Zechariah 12:3. Injure Jerusalem, injure yourself.

Luke 10:18–19. You won’t be injured.

Revelation 9:19. Horses that injure

Injustice (bias, inequality, unfairness)

Violation of another person’s rights or of what’s right

Job 6:29–30. Don’t permit injustice.

Psalm 7:3–5. Consequences of injustice

Proverbs 13:11. Wealth and injustice

Proverbs 22:8. Planting injustice

Amos 5:10. On the side of injustice

Inn(s) (public house)

Public lodging house serving food and drink to travelers

Genesis 42:27. Before there were established inns

Luke 2:6–7. No room in the inn

Luke 10:33–34. Taking an injured man to the inn

Acts 28:15. Three Inns

Innocence (blamelessness, purity, virtue)

The state of being uncorrupted by evil, malice, or wrongdoing

Genesis 18:23–33. The innocent and the guilty

Genesis 20:4–5. Abimelech’s innocence

Exodus 23:7. Don’t kill the innocent.

1 Samuel 25:26. Kept from shedding innocent blood

Psalm 17:2. Verdict of innocence

Psalm 26:6. Washing hands in innocence

Inquire (ask, query, question)

To seek information by asking a question

Genesis 25:22. Rebekah inquires of the Lord.

Deuteronomy 17:9–10. Inquire of the priests and judge.

Joshua 9:14. Failure to inquire of God

Judges 18:5. Inquiring about a journey

1 Samuel 9:9. Prophets inquire of God.

Insanity (madness, mental illness)

Persistent mental disorder or derangement

Deuteronomy 28:15, 28. Curse of insanity

1 Samuel 21:12–15. David fakes insanity.

Ecclesiastes 2:12. Studying insanity

Zechariah 12:4. Struck with insanity

2 Peter 2:15–16. Balaam’s insanity

Insect(s) (ant, bug, creature, pest)

Any of the numerous small arthropod animals of the class Insecta

Leviticus 11:20–23. Clean and unclean insects

Deuteronomy 14:19. Swarming, winged insects

Malachi 3:11. Stopping the insects

Insecurity (anxiety, lacking confidence, timidity)

Lacking emotional stability; inadequately guarded

Psalm 37:9–11. The hope of the insecure

Psalm 94:18. A place of insecurity

Proverbs 27:24. Insecurity of wealth

John 15:7. Help for the insecure

1 John 4:1–3. Help for discernment insecurity

Insensitive (inconsiderate, unfeeling, unsympathetic)

Lacking in sensitivity to the feelings or circumstances of others

Genesis 38:8–10. God ends the life of an insensitive man.

Exodus 5:6–11. Pharaoh is insensitive to the Israelites.

Deuteronomy 15:9. Insensitivity to the poor is condemned.

1 Samuel 1:13–14. Eli is insensitive to Hannah’s plight.

Psalm 119:69–70. Cold and insensitive

Lamentations 1:2. Insensitivity to Jerusalem’s plight

Luke 13:14–16. Jesus is appalled at the insensitivity of a synagogue leader.

Insincerity (see Hypocrisy)

Insomnia (restlessness, sleeplessness)

Chronic inability to fall asleep or remain asleep for a length of time

Esther 6:1. Xerxes’s insomnia

Psalm 22:2. Unable to sleep

Psalm 77:2. Up all night

Ecclesiastes 2:22–23. No rest at night

Daniel 6:18–19. Darius’s insomnia

Inspiration of Scriptures (see Bible)

Instinct (feeling, impulse, nature)

An inborn characteristic of a species that is often a response to specific environmental stimuli

Proverbs 1:17. A bird’s instinct

Proverbs 30:27. Instinct of locusts

Isaiah 1:3. Animal instincts

2 Peter 2:12–13. Creatures of instinct

Jude 10. Watch out for the instincts of the destructive.

Instruction (education, teaching, training)

Imparted knowledge

Exodus 24:12. For the people’s instruction

2 Chronicles 17:7–9. Instruction in Judah

Job 22:21–22. Accept God’s instruction.

Proverbs 19:27. A father’s instruction

Lamentations 2:9. No instruction

Malachi 2:7. Seek instruction from a priest.

Instrument(s) (equipment, musical, tool)

A tool for making music or performing a task

Psalm 92:2–3. Ten-stringed instrument

Isaiah 8:7. Assyria is God’s instrument.

Acts 9:15–16. God’s chosen instrument

2 Timothy 2:21. An instrument for a noble purpose

Insubordination (defiance, disobedience, rebelliousness)

Lack of submission to authority

1 Timothy 1:8–9. The lawless and the insubordinate

Titus 1:6. Children accused of insubordination

Titus 1:10–11. Insubordinate, idle talkers

Insult(s) (affront, offend, upset)

To treat with gross insensitivity

Psalm 4:2. You insult my honor.

Psalm 44:15–16. Those who insult and slander us

Psalm 69:9. Insults from the enemy

Psalm 74:22. Insults of godless fools

Ezekiel 8:17. Judah insults God.

Matthew 5:11. Blessed are you when people insult you.

Insurrection (anarchy, civil disobedience, rebellion)

An attempt to overthrow the ruling authorities

2 Samuel 20. Sheba’s insurrection

Ezra 4:19. A history of insurrection?

Psalm 55:9–11. Insurrection in the city

Psalm 64:2. Hide me from insurrectionists.

Luke 23:18–19, 25. In prison for insurrection

Integration (amalgamation, assimilation, incorporation)

Making a whole by bringing all parts together; unifying

Acts 2. The Holy Spirit causes integration.

1 Corinthians 12:12–13. Integrated in one body

Revelation 7:9–10. Integration in heaven

Integrity (honesty, honor, reliability)

Steadfast adherence to a strict ethical code

Genesis 6:9. Noah: a man of integrity

Genesis 17:1. Live with integrity.

Deuteronomy 18:13. Have integrity.

Joshua 24:14. Serve God with integrity.

Job 1:1. Job’s integrity.

Psalm 25:21. Protected by integrity

2 Peter 1:3–5. Add integrity.

Intelligence (aptitude, cleverness, intellect)

The capacity to acquire and apply knowledge

Genesis 41:33, 39. Joseph’s intelligence

Deuteronomy 1:13. Choose intelligent men.

Job 34:2. Listen, intelligent men.

Proverbs 17:28. Silence and intelligence

Daniel 1:3–4. Looking for intelligent men

Intemperance (see Drinking, Gluttony)

Intentions (goals, purposes, plans)

Courses one intends to follow; aims that guide action

Deuteronomy 31:21. Knowing their intentions

1 Kings 8:18–19. Good intentions

Proverbs 12:2. Wicked intentions

Proverbs 14:17. Wicked intentions

Hebrews 4:12. Judging a person’s intentions

Intercession (prayer)

Petitioning God

Isaiah 53:12. God’s servant intercedes for the rebellious.

Jeremiah 7:16. Don’t make intercession.

Jeremiah 27:18. Prophets should intercede.

Romans 8:26–27. The Holy Spirit makes intercession.

Interim activities (intervening, short-term, temporary)

Activities taking place in the interim between major events

1 Samuel 16–2 Samuel 5:5. In the interim between being anointed king and taking the throne, David was on the run from Saul.

Amos 8:11. In the interim between the present and the coming judgment of God, there will be silence from God.

Malachi 4:5–6. In the interim of waiting for the Messiah, a new Elijah will come.

2 Corinthians 2:1–3. In the interim between the writing of 1 and 2 Corinthians, Paul elects not to visit.

Intermarriage (endogamy, marriage)

Marrying someone from another clan or nation

Genesis 34:8–9. Hamor suggests intermarriage.

Deuteronomy 7:2–4. Never intermarry with the nations in the Promised Land.

Joshua 23:12–13. Intermarriage is forbidden.

1 Kings 11:1–2. Solomon breaks God’s commandment against intermarriage.

Ezra 9:14. Ezra prays about intermarriage.

Ezra 10:18–19. Vowing to right the wrong of intermarriage

Intermediary (liaison, mediator)

Acting as a mediator or an agent between persons or things

Exodus 18:15–16. Moses acts as an intermediary.

1 Samuel 19:1–3. Jonathan acts as an intermediary for David.

2 Samuel 3:12. Messengers act as intermediaries for Abner.

Esther 10:3. Mordecai acts as an intermediary.

Proverbs 31:8–9. Act as an intermediary.

Interpretation (analysis, explanation, understanding)

An explanation of a work; an exegesis

Genesis 40:22. Reality of Joseph’s interpretation

1 Corinthians 12:10. Interpretation of tongues

1 Corinthians 14:13. Language interpretation

1 Peter 1:10. The prophets’ own interpretation?

Intimacy (closeness, familiarity, relationship)

The condition of being intimate; marked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity

Proverbs 3:32. Intimate advice

Job 19:19. Job’s intimate friends

Job 29:4. God’s intimate friendship

Hosea 3:3. Avoid intimacy.

John 15:14. Intimacy with Christ

Intimidation (bullying, pressure, threats)

Making someone timid by the use of threats or coercion

1 Samuel 17:4–9. Goliath’s intimidation

2 Kings 18:28–35. Assyrian intimidation

Nehemiah 6:9, 13–14. Intimidation of the enemies to the wall-building effort

Isaiah 41:23–24. Intimidation from idols

Philippians 1:28. Intimidation from opponents

Intoxication (see Drinking)

Introspection (self-examination)

Contemplation of one’s own thoughts, feelings, and sensations

Psalm 7:9. Let God examine thoughts, rather than self-examining.

Psalm 19:14. Let thoughts be God pleasing, rather than introspective.

1 Corinthians 4:3. Paul avoids introspection.

2 Corinthians 10:5. Corral thoughts, rather than giving in to introspection.

Philippians 4:8. The cure for morbid introspection

Invasion (attack, foray, offensive)

The act of invading, especially the entrance of an armed force into a territory to conquer

Exodus 10:1–20. Invasion of locusts

Deuteronomy 28. Invasion—one of the curses of disobedience

Joshua 6. The invasion of the Promised Land begins at Jericho.

1 Samuel 30:14. An invasion of the southern area

2 Kings 25. Invasion and destruction of Jerusalem

Invention (creation, discovery, finding)

A new device, method, or process developed from study and experimentation

Psalm 58:2. Inventing new crimes

Daniel 11:23–24. Invention of the invading ruler

Amos 6:1, 5. Inventing musical instruments

Micah 2:1. Inventing trouble

Romans 1:29–31. Inventing ways of doing evil

Inventory (account, list, record)

A detailed itemized record of things in one’s possession; a periodic survey of all goods and materials in stock

Exodus 25:3–7. Inventory of items needs for the tabernacle

Exodus 38:21. Inventory of materials used for the tabernacle (tent of meeting)

1 Kings 10:14–29. An inventory of Solomon’s wealth

2 Kings 20:13. Hezekiah shows off his inventory.

Ezra 1:7–11. Inventory of temple utensils

Investigation (analysis, examination, study)

A detailed inquiry or systematic examination

Deuteronomy 13:13–15. Make a thorough investigation.

Deuteronomy 17:2–4. Investigate thoroughly.

Deuteronomy 19:16–19. Investigate false witnesses.

Ezra 10:10, 16. Investigate the problem of intermarriage.

Proverbs 25:2. Kings must investigate.

Investment (asset, outlay, time)

An amount invested; a commitment, as of time

Matthew 6:20. A heavenly investment

Matthew 16:24. Investing in Jesus

Luke 19:11–27. A parable about investments

Invisible (see Unseen)

Invitation (call, request, summons)

A request for someone’s presence or participation

Exodus 2:20–21. An invitation to supper

Exodus 34:15. Refuse this invitation.

1 Chronicles 13:1–3. An invitation to bring back the ark

Matthew 22:8–10. Invitation in a parable

Luke 11:37. An invitation to the home of a Pharisee

Revelation 3:20. An invitation to open the door

Iraq (country)

Country of southwest Asia with Baghdad as its capital

Genesis 10:11–12. Building cities in what is now Iraq

Genesis 11:31. Leaving Ur (Iraq)

Genesis 29:1. Jacob travels east (Iraq).

Daniel 1. Daniel and the Israelites are taken captive to Babylon (Iraq).

Jonah 3:1–2. Jonah is sent to Nineveh (Iraq).

Iron (metal)

Malleable, ductile, magnetic or magnetizable metallic element occurring abundantly in ores

Genesis 4:22. Iron tools

Numbers 31:22–23. Put iron through the fire.

Numbers 35:16. Use of iron weapons constitutes murder.

Deuteronomy 3:11. An iron bed

Proverbs 27:17. Iron sharpens iron.

Isaiah 44:12. Blacksmiths shape iron.

Irony (biting wit, mockery, sarcasm, satire)

The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning

2 Samuel 6:20. Michal’s use of irony

Job 12:1–2. Job’s use of irony

Ezekiel 16:17. The irony of a gift misused

Ezekiel 28:3–5. Irony about the king of Tyre

Matthew 22:15–16. The Pharisees’ use of irony

Irresponsible (careless, immature, reckless)

Not reliable or trustworthy

Exodus 16:19–20. Irresponsibility leads to problems.

Judges 16. Samson’s irresponsibility leads to tragedy.

1 Samuel 15. Saul’s irresponsible behavior causes regret in God.

2 Samuel 11. One irresponsible act leads to another.

Luke 15:11–13. An irresponsible lifestyle

Irreverent (disrespectful, satirical)

Lacking proper respect or seriousness for what is sacred

Exodus 20:7. Irreverent use of God’s name is prohibited.

Leviticus 10:1–2. Irreverence leads to death.

2 Samuel 6:6–7. Uzzah’s irreverence

John 8:48–49. The Jews’ irreverence

Irrevocable (final, immutable, irreversible, unalterable)

Impossible to retract or revoke

Esther 1:19. An irrevocable law ousts Vashti.

Esther 8:8. An irrevocable edict

Daniel 6:8–9. Irrevocable law of the Medes and Persians

Romans 11:29. Irrevocable gifts and calling

Galatians 3:15. An irrevocable agreement

Irrigation (watering)

Supplying dry land with water by means of ditches or streams

Genesis 2:5–6. Natural irrigation

Deuteronomy 11:10. Irrigated like a vegetable garden

Ecclesiastes 2:6. Irrigation for the trees

Isaiah 58:11. Irrigation as a figure of speech

1 Corinthians 3:6–8. Metaphorical irrigation

Irritation (annoyance, frustration, pain, vexation)

A condition of inflammation, soreness, or irritability of a body organ or part

Leviticus 13. Skin irritation

1 Samuel 1:6. Hannah’s irritation

Proverbs 10:26. Irritation caused by lazy workers

Proverbs 12:16. Irritation of a stubborn fool

Proverbs 27:3. Irritation caused by a stubborn fool

Islam (nation, religion)

The monotheistic religion based on the doctrine of submission to God and of Muhammad as the last prophet of God; the civilization based on Islam

Genesis 25:17–18. Ishmael is the ancestor of practitioners of Islam.

Galatians 4:22–26. Judeo-Christian beliefs and a precursor to Islamic beliefs

Isolation (seclusion, separation)

The act of isolating

Leviticus 13. Isolation and skin disease

Leviticus 15:31. Necessary isolation

Numbers 12:14–15. Miriam is kept in isolation.

Israel (nation, person)

The descendants of Jacob regarded as the chosen people of God

Genesis 32:28. Jacob’s name is changed to Israel.

Exodus 1. Jacob’s family becomes the nation of Israel.

Numbers 1. Numbering the people of Israel

1 Kings 11:30–33. The nation of Israel splits into two kingdoms.

Ezekiel 14. Israel’s idolatry

Matthew 10:23. Persecuted in Israel

Matthew 15:24. The lost sheep of Israel

Revelation 7:4–8. The sealed tribes of Israel

Ivory (tusks)

Hard, smooth, yellowish-white substance obtained from the tusks of elephants

1 Kings 10:18. Solomon’s ivory throne

1 Kings 10:22. Bringing back ivory

1 Kings 22:39. Ahab’s ivory palace

Psalm 45:8. Ivory palaces

Song of Songs 5:14. A chest like ivory

Ezekiel 27:6. A deck with ivory