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Jail breaks (escape, release)

An escape from jail

Genesis 41. Joseph is released from prison to interpret Pharaoh’s dream.

Acts 12. An angel helps Peter escape from jail.

Acts 16:27–28. A Philippian jailer fears a jail break

Jealousy (covetousness, protectiveness, suspicion)

A jealous attitude or disposition; fear of losing the affection of another person

Exodus 20:5–6. A jealous God

Numbers 5:11–29. A fit of jealousy

Job 5:2. Jealousy murders.

Proverbs 6:33–34. Jealousy arouses fury.

Proverbs 14:30. Cancerous jealousy

Proverbs 27:4. Who can survive jealousy?

Jehovah (Adonai, God, Lord)

Translation of a misreading of the word Yahweh

Genesis 22:14. The Lord Will Provide (Jehovah-Jireh)

Genesis 49:18. Waiting in hope for the Lord (Yahweh/Jehovah)

Exodus 34:5–6. The Lord (Yahweh/Jehovah) reveals Himself.

Judges 5:3. A song to the Lord (Yahweh/Jehovah)

Psalm 104:35. Praise the Lord (Yahweh/Jehovah)

Jericho (city)

Ancient city of Palestine near the northwest shore of the Dead Sea

Numbers 22:1. Camping near Jericho

Joshua 6. Destruction of Jericho

1 Kings 16:34. Rebuilding Jericho

2 Kings 2:4–5. Sent to Jericho

Luke 18:35. On the road to Jericho

Jerusalem (city, fortress)

The capital city of Israel

Joshua 10. War with King Adoni Zedek of Jerusalem and other kings

1 Samuel 17:54. Taking Goliath’s head to Jerusalem

2 Samuel 5:6–7. David captures Jerusalem.

2 Kings 25. Fall of Jerusalem

Matthew 21:1–11. Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem

Matthew 23:37. Jesus mourns over Jerusalem.

Jesus (Savior, Son of God, Son of Man)

The second member of the trinity; founder of Christianity

Matthew 1:18–25. Jesus—born of a virgin

Matthew 5–7. Jesus preaches the Sermon on the Mount

Mark 1:9–11. Jesus is baptized by John the Baptist.

Luke 2:6–7. Jesus is born in a stable.

John 19:17–37. Jesus is crucified.

Romans 5:17. The gift of righteousness through Jesus

Romans 8:11. Christ brought back to life

1 Corinthians 1:5. Rich through Jesus

2 Corinthians 4:5. Servants of Jesus

Ephesians 1:5–6. Adopted through Jesus

Philippians 2:8. Jesus humbled himself.

Revelation 22:20. Jesus will return to earth someday.

Jew (Hebrew, Israelite, person)

A member by birth or conversion of the people tracing their descent from the ancient Hebrews

Ezra 3:8. The Jews return from exile.

Esther 2:5. Mordecai

Matthew 2:1–2. The one born king of the Jews

John 1:19. The Jews query John the Baptist.

John 2:18–20. The Jews question Jesus.

John 11:45. Many Jews believe in Jesus.

Jewelry (bracelets, necklaces, rings)

Ornaments such as bracelets, rings, necklaces

Genesis 24:52–53. Gift of jewelry

Exodus 3:22. Ask for jewelry.

Exodus 33:5–6. Take off your jewelry.

Jeremiah 2:32. A woman can’t forget her jewelry.

Ezekiel 16:11–13. God gave jewelry.

Jobs (duties, tasks, work)

Specified duties or responsibilities

Exodus 36:7. More than enough to do the job

Judges 8:21. A man’s job

2 Chronicles 19:11. Do your job.

Ezra 5:8. An excellent job

Luke 15:15. The lost son finds a job.

Jordan River (river)

River in southwest Asia rising in Syria and flowing to the Sea of Galilee

Numbers 13:29. Nations along the Jordan River

Numbers 32. Asking for land east of the Jordan River

Joshua 3. Crossing the Jordan River

Joshua 16:1. Joseph’s territory near the Jordan River

Matthew 3:13. Baptized in the Jordan River

John 10:39–40. Jesus escapes over the Jordan River.

Journey (travel, trip, voyage)

Traveling from one place to another

Numbers 10:33. Three days’ journey

Deuteronomy 8:2. Israel’s 40-year journey through the desert

1 Kings 19:7–8. Elijah’s journey

Ezra 8:21. Praying for a safe journey

Proverbs 16:9. You can plan your journey, but God directs your steps.

Joy (delight, happiness, pleasure)

Intense, ecstatic happiness; one of the fruit of the Spirit

1 Samuel 2:1. Joy in the Lord

2 Samuel 6:14–15. Joy in the Lord

Psalm 13:5. Joy in salvation

Psalm 21:1. Joy in God’s strength

Psalm 71:23. Singing with joy

Ezekiel 7:7. No joy in the mountains.

Galatians 5:22. Joy—a fruit of the Spirit

Colossians 1:11. Endure everything with joy.

Jubilee (see Year of Jubilee)

Judge (adjudicator, arbitrator, determine, moderator)

To hear and decide on in a court of law; to form an opinion or estimation of after careful consideration

Genesis 18:25. God: The judge of the whole earth

Deuteronomy 1:16–17. Judges, be impartial.

Deuteronomy 25:1–2. Judges to decide on punishment

Judges 2:15–16. God sent judges.

Judges 11:27. The Lord is the judge.

1 Chronicles 26:29. Judges appointed

Judgment of God (justice, punishment)

God’s response to the actions of humans

Exodus 6:6. God’s mighty acts of judgment

1 Samuel 3:11–13. A permanent act of judgment

1 Kings 11:10–11. A judgment against Solomon

Ezekiel 7. Judgment against Israel

Ezekiel 25:16–17. Further judgment against Israel

Judgment of people (discernment, mediation)

The act or process of judging; forming an opinion after consideration or deliberation

1 Samuel 29:9. Achish’s judgment

1 Kings 3:16–28. Solomon’s wise judgment

2 Chronicles 22:8. Jehu executes judgment.

Job 12:20. Good judgment

Daniel 2:14. Daniel’s shrewd judgment

Justice (fairness, impartiality, rightfulness)

The principle of moral rightness; upholding what is just

Exodus 23. Rules for justice

Leviticus 19:15. Administering justice

Deuteronomy 10:17–18. Justice for orphans and widows

Deuteronomy 16:20. Strive for justice.

Psalm 72:1–2. Give the king justice.

Luke 18:1–8. Parable of an unjust judge and a widow’s cry for justice

Justification (rightness with God)

The state of being right with God through God’s action in forgiving sins; also, the fact of being justified or validated

Ezekiel 16:52. Justification for actions

Acts 13:38–39. Justification through Jesus

Romans 4:25. Handed over for our justification

Romans 5:16. The gift of justification

Romans 8:30. Predestined and justified

Galatians 2:16. Justification does not come through human effort.