Labor (childbirth, toil, work)
Physical or mental exertion; the physical efforts of childbirth
Genesis 3:16. An increase in labor pain
Genesis 35:16. Rachel’s labor pains
Exodus 1:11. Forced to labor
Joshua 16:10. Forced labor of the Canaanites
Matthew 11:28. Relief for those who labor
1 Corinthians 4:12. Physical labor
Lack (need, shortage)
A deficiency or an absence
Genesis 27:39. Esau will experience a lack of fertile land.
Job 39:13. An ostrich’s lack of feathers
Proverbs 5:22–23. Lack of discipline
Proverbs 31:11. This husband won’t lack anything.
Isaiah 34:16. Not lacking a mate
Mark 9:24. Lack of faith
1 Corinthians 1:7. Not lacking any gift
Laity (laypeople, congregation)
The non-ordained people in a congregation
Romans 16. Paul greets the laity of the churches in Rome.
1 Corinthians 12:4–31. The same Spirit equips ministers and the laity.
Philippians 4:2–3. Lay leaders
1 Peter 2:9. Lay priests
Lamb (sheep)
A young sheep
Genesis 22:7–8. The lamb for a burnt offering
Genesis 30:34–35. Laban tries to cheat Jacob by taking away the black lambs asked for as wages.
Exodus 12. Passover lamb
Exodus 29:38–39. A regular offering of a lamb
Leviticus 4:32–33. Lamb as a sin offering
Jeremiah 11:19. Like a trusting lamb
Lamb of God (conqueror, Jesus, sacrifice)
Term used by John the Baptist to denote a sacrifice for sin; many believe the term refers to Jesus.
Isaiah 53:7. Led like a lamb to the slaughter
John 1:29, 36. Lamb of God
1 Corinthians 5:7. Our Passover lamb
1 Peter 1:19–20. Christ—the lamb with no defects
Revelation 5—6. The lamb that was slaughtered
Revelation 19:7. The marriage of the lamb
Revelation 21:22–23. The lamb in New Jerusalem
Lame (disability)
Disabled so that movement is difficult
Leviticus 21:18. The lame could not go near the altar.
Deuteronomy 15:21. Lame animals could not be sacrificed.
2 Samuel 5:6. The blind and the lame
Matthew 15:30–31. Healing the lame
Mark 9:45. Go lame and avoid hell.
Lamp (light)
Clay or pottery vessel that contains oil and burned with a wick for illumination; also a metaphor for the continuation of a life, prosperity in a life, or revelation and guidance
1 Kings 15:4. A lamp in Jerusalem
Job 18:5–6. Lamp of the wicked
Job 29:2–3. Lamp of God
Psalm 119:105. A lamp for my feet
Proverbs 20:27. Person’s soul as a lamp
Matthew 25:1–13. Parable of bridesmaids and their lamps
Mark 4:21–22. A lamp in a room
Lamp stand (candelabrum, menorah)
A seven- or nine-branched candelabrum used in worship and as a symbol of Judaism
Exodus 25:31–39. Lamp stand for the tabernacle
Exodus 31:8. Pure gold lamp stand
Exodus 37:17. Making the lamp stand
Leviticus 24:4. Keeping the lamps on the lamp stand lit
Hebrews 9:2. The lamp stand in the tent
Revelation 2:5. The lamp stand of the church at Ephesus
Land (earth, ground, soil, territory)
The solid ground of the earth
Genesis 1:9–10. Creation of land
Genesis 15:7. A gift of land
Deuteronomy 30:5. The land of your ancestors
1 Kings 14:15. Uprooted from the land
Nehemiah 9:25. A rich land
Job 31:38–40. The witness of the land
Landmark(s) (familiar sights, markers)
A prominent identifying feature; fixed marker that indicates a boundary line
Deuteronomy 19:14. Don’t remove landmarks.
Deuteronomy 27:17. Remove a landmark and be cursed.
Proverbs 23:10. Ancient landmark
Hosea 5:10. Like those who remove a landmark
John 4:4–6. A local landmark
Language(s) (verbal communication, words, speech)
The use of human voice sounds and written symbols representing these sounds
Genesis 10:5. Different languages
Genesis 11:6–7. A confusion of languages
Genesis 31:47. Laban’s language
2 Kings 18:28. Judean language
Acts 2:4. Speaking other languages
1 Corinthians 12:10. Speaking and interpreting languages
Laodiceans (people)
Of or relating to Laodicea (ancient city in what is now west Turkey)
Colossians 2:1. Working for the people of Laodicea
Colossians 4:15–16. The church at Laodicea
Revelation 1:11. A scroll for Laodicea
Revelation 3:14–16. Warning to the Laodiceans
Large families (church, nuclear family)
Families with numerous members
Genesis 17:1–2. Abraham’s large family
Exodus 1:5–7. Jacob’s large family grows larger.
Leviticus 26:8–9. Promise of large families
1 Chronicles 4:27. A large family, but not as large as Judah
Nehemiah 5:1–2. “We have large families!”
Revelation 7:9–10. God’s large family
Lashes (see Flogging)
Lascivious behavior (lecherous behavior)
Actions that express lust
Genesis 19:4–5. Lascivious behavior of the men of Sodom
Genesis 39:7–12. Lascivious behavior of Potiphar’s wife
Ezekiel 16:25–26. Lascivious behavior of Jerusalem
Ezekiel 23. Lascivious behavior of Oholah and Oholibah
2 Peter 2:17–18. Lascivious behavior encouraged by false teachers
Last days (see End times)
Last Supper (Passover)
The last meal Jesus had with his disciples before his crucifixion
Matthew 26:17–30. The Last Passover with the disciples
Matthew 26:26–28. The Lord’s Supper is introduced at the last supper.
Mark 14:18. At the last supper, Jesus declares that he will be betrayed.
Luke 22:24–26. At the last supper, the disciples argue over greatness.
John 13:4–5. Jesus washes his disciples’ feet at the last supper.
Laughter (amusement, hilarity, mirth)
The sound produced by laughing
Genesis 21:5–7. A son whose name means “laughter”
Job 8:20–21. God fills mouths with laughter.
Proverbs 10:23. The laughter of a fool
Ecclesiastes 2:1–2. Experimenting with laughter
Jeremiah 30:19. Laughter will be heard.
James 4:9–10. Laughter into mourning
Law (commandment, decree, rule)
The rule of conduct or procedure established by custom, agreement, or authority; also, books of Moses’ Teaching (the Law)
Exodus 12:24. A permanent law
Exodus 29:28. Aaron’s portion—a permanent law
Leviticus 16:29–30. Atonement—a permanent law
Deuteronomy 17:12–13. Never defy God’s law.
Acts 25:8. Jewish law
Romans 2:14. A law to themselves
Lawful (allowable)
Being within the law; allowed by law, particularly the law of Moses
Ezekiel 18:19. What is lawful and right
Matthew 12:3–4. David did what was not lawful.
Matthew 12:9–15. Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?
Matthew 14:3–4. Herod’s marriage is not lawful.
Matthew 19:3. Is divorce lawful?
Lawsuit(s) (complaint, court case, grievance)
An action or a suit brought before a court
Exodus 23:2–3. Don’t show favoritism in lawsuits.
2 Samuel 15:1–6. Absalom discusses lawsuits.
Hosea 10:4. Lawsuits spring up.
Micah 6. God’s lawsuit against his people
1 Corinthians 6:7. Lawsuits among believers
Lawyer (attorney, legal representative, law expert)
One whose profession is to give legal advice and represent clients in legal matters; an expert in the law of Moses
Matthew 22:34–36. Tested by a lawyer
Luke 10:25–26, 29. Questions from a lawyer
Acts 24:1. Tertullus the lawyer
Titus 3:13. Zenas the lawyer
Lay-offs/Firings (job loss)
Suspension or dismissal of employees
Genesis 3:23. Adam is fired from his job as gardener in Eden.
Numbers 20:12. Moses is dismissed from the job of taking the Israelites into the Promised Land.
1 Samuel 15. God plans to replace Saul as king.
1 Kings 11. Demoted to king over one job, rather than all of Israel
Laying on of hands (identification, transference of guilt)
Identifying with the animal to be sacrificed; also, commissioning someone for an office
Leviticus 1:4. Place your hand on the animal.
Numbers 27:18–23. Moses lays hands on Joshua.
Acts 6:5–6. Laying hands on the new deacons
Acts 13:2–3. Laying hands on Barnabas and Saul
1 Timothy 4:14. Laying hands on Timothy
Laziness (idleness, sluggishness, slothfulness)
Resistance to work; a disposition to idleness
Exodus 5:6–8. The Israelites are accused of laziness.
Proverbs 12:24. Lazy hands
Proverbs 19:15. The problem of laziness
Ecclesiastes 4:4–6. Is laziness better than hard work?
Ecclesiastes 10:18. The results of laziness
Leadership (direction, guidance, management)
The position or office of a leader
Genesis 25:16. Leaders of tribes
Exodus 3:16. Assemble the leaders.
Numbers 33:1. Moses’ and Aaron’s leadership
1 Samuel 12. The people reject Samuel’s leadership in their desire for a king.
Acts 24:2. Wise leadership
Romans 12:8. If you’re a leader, lead.
Learning (culture, education, knowledge, wisdom)
The act or process of gaining knowledge
Leviticus 23:42–43. Future generations will learn of this custom.
Deuteronomy 5:1. The necessity of learning God’s laws
Proverbs 4:3–4. Learning from parents
Proverbs 23:12. Learning from a father
2 Corinthians 7:7. Learning about comfort
Leaven (yeast)
An agent, such as yeast, that causes batter or dough to rise, especially by fermentation
Exodus 12:15. Remove the leaven.
Leviticus 2:11. Don’t use leaven with a grain offering.
Leviticus 6:17. Don’t bake with leaven.
Matthew 16:6. Beware the leaven of the Pharisees.
Left-handed (blessing with the hands, use of the hands)
Using the left hand more skillfully than the right; a lesser blessing given with the left hand
Genesis 48. Left-handed blessing
Judges 3:15–30. Ehud is left-handed.
Judges 20:16. Left-handed troops
Legalism (nitpicky)
Strict literal adherence to the law or a particular code
Isaiah 29:13. A definition of legalism
Matthew 15:1–20. Pharisees’ legalism
John 1:17. Law versus grace
Romans 14:1. Be welcoming, rather than legalistic.
Galatians 3:24–25. Legalism is not necessary after Christ’s coming.
Colossians 2:20–22. Avoid legalism.
Legend(s) (folklore, inscriptions, myths, traditions)
An unverified story handed down from an earlier time; an inscription
Job 26:12. Job discusses a legend.
Daniel 5:24–25. The legend on the wall
Zechariah 3:9. Engraving a legend
Acts 17:22–24. The legend of the unknown god
Legion (crowd, many, multitude)
Major unit of the Roman army consisting of 3,000 to 6,000 infantry troops; a large number
Matthew 26:53. Twelve legions of angels
Mark 5:1–20. The legion of demons
Leisure (free time, freedom, holiday)
Freedom from time-consuming duties, responsibilities, or activities
Genesis 2:2–3. A day to not work
Psalm 46:10. While you’re at leisure . . .
Ecclesiastes 2:1. Experimenting with leisure activities
Mark 6:31. Jesus suggests leisure time.
Lent (Lenten season, preparation and repentance before Easter)
The forty weekdays from Ash Wednesday until Easter; these days represent the forty days Jesus spent in the wilderness before his temptation.
Genesis 3:19. Ash Wednesday pronouncement (Lent begins)
Matthew 3:2. A time to repent
Matthew 4:1–2. The forty days of Jesus’ fast
Matthew 6:16–18. A season of fasting; rules for fasting during the season
Leper (person with leprosy)
A person suffering from leprosy
Leviticus 13:45–46. Rules for lepers
Leviticus 22:4. Priests who are lepers
2 Kings 5. Naaman the leper
Matthew 26:6–7. Simon the leper
Mark 1:40–42. Healing a leper
Leprosy (disease)
Chronic contagious disease characterized by ulceration of the skin, loss of sensation, paralysis, gangrene, and deformation
Leviticus 13:24–25. Identifying leprosy
Numbers 12:10–12. Miriam’s leprosy
2 Samuel 3:29. May leprosy never leave his house.
2 Kings 5:26–27. Gehazi gains leprosy after lying to Naaman and Elisha.
2 Kings 7:3–11. The four men with leprosy
2 Kings 15:1–7. Jeroboam becomes leprous.
Luke 17:11–19. Healing ten men of leprosy
Lesbians (see Homosexuality)
Letter writing (see Correspondence)
Leviathan (sea serpent, monster)
An ancient monster which lives in the sea, sometimes a metaphor for God’s power
Job 3:8. Dangerous, dragon-like monster
Job 41:1–34. Poetic description of Leviathan’s strength compared to the Lord
Psalm 74:13–14. God’s power over Leviathan
Psalm 104:26. God created Leviathan
Isaiah 27:1. The monster in the sea
Levirate marriage (marriage, family relationships)
Law delivered by Moses which states that a brother is to marry his deceased brother’s widow and name the first son after the deceased brother
Genesis 38:8. Production of progeny
Deuteronomy 25:5–10. Providing a legacy
Ruth 3:1–18. Responsibility of family
Ruth 4:10. Maintaining a family name
Levites (priests, tribe of Levi, sons of Aaron)
Designation given to descendents of the tribe of Levi who are best known for their priestly services in the tabernacle and temple
Exodus 28:1. Members of the family of Aaron
Exodus 32:26–29. Cost of being God’s priests
Numbers 3:45. Set apart for the Lord
Numbers 18:21. Israel gives one-tenth to the Levites
1 Kings 8:4. Performing the duties of the priesthood
Hebrews 7:5–11. The priesthood of Melchizedek
Hebrews 8:6. Jesus’ priesthood is greater
Liar (deceiver, false witness)
Someone who doubts God’s promises, rejects sound teaching, and presents false witness
Genesis 20:2. Abraham lies to save Sarah.
Job 24:25. Liar’s words are worthless.
Psalm 26:4–5. The righteous avoid being with liars.
Psalm 58:3. Liars go astray.
John 8:44. The devil is the father of lies.
Acts 5:1–6. God’s judgment upon liars.
1 John 1:10. Denying sin makes God a liar.
1 John 2:22. Liars reject the Messiah.
1 John 4:20. Love God and hate others.
Liberality (free, lavish, openly)
Giving to and caring for those who are less fortunate
Deuteronomy 15:4. God blesses the poor.
Esther 1:7. The king lavishes food upon guests.
Hosea 2:8. The Lord’s provision is misused.
Matthew 6:26. God provides for animals and humans.
Galatians 2:10. Caring for the poor
Ephesians 1:8. God gives wisdom.
James 1:5. God gives to those who ask.
Liberate (set free, release, save)
To free from political structures, social groups, and even personal sin
Exodus 3:10. God freed Israel from bondage in Egypt.
Psalm 102:20. Set free from the power of death
Isaiah 51:14. Prisoners will be set free.
Matthew 16:19. Heaven and earth liberated
Matthew 27:20. Barabbas released instead of Jesus
Galatians 3:13. Christ frees us.
1 Timothy 2:6. Christ died to free us from sin.
Titus 2:14. Freed in order to do good things
James 1:25. God’s teaching brings freedom.
Liberty (freedom, release)
Being free to believe, act, and think; freedom from sin
Leviticus 25:54. The year of jubilee
Isaiah 61:1. Freedom for the captives
Jeremiah 34:8–11. Freedom given, freedom taken
John 8:32. The truth brings freedom.
John 8:36. Freedom in the Son
Romans 6:1–2. Freed from sin
Galatians 5:13. Serve one another with freedom.
1 Peter 2:16. Use freedom appropriately.
Jude 4. Grace is not a warrant for unchecked freedom.
License (permit, authorization, credentials)
Permission or decree which authorizes or prevents certain actions
Exodus 3:14. God authorizes leaders.
Acts 22:25–29. Citizenship
Hebrews 6:3. God allows actions.
Licentious (immoral, promiscuous, sinful)
Sinful actions which bring about God’s judgment
2 Samuel 11:1–13. Sexual immorality
Micah 7:18. God forgives the sins of his people.
Romans 1:18. God’s anger revealed against immorality
Ephesians 5:3. Avoid even the mention of sinfulness.
Colossians 3:5. Stop sinful lifestyles.
1 Thessalonians 4:7. Called to be holy
James 1:21. Accept the word, reject immorality.
2 Peter 2:9. Immorality punished
Jude 8. Sin contaminates the body.
Lie (deception, falsehood, half-truth)
Intentionally misrepresenting the truth
Deuteronomy 19:18–19. Expel falsehood.
1 Samuel 15:29. God does not lie.
Job 15:6. Lies condemn.
Psalm 5:9. Lies come from the heart.
Proverbs 19:5. Liars will be punished.
John 8:44. Satan is the father of lies.
Romans 1:25. Exchanged God’s truth for a lie
2 Thessalonians 2:9. Deception occurs through lies.
Revelation 22:15. Liars remain outside the gates of heaven.
Life (eternal life, kingdom of God, human life)
Gift of God, creator of all life; eternal life initiated and offered through faith in Christ
Genesis 2:7. Life comes from God.
Genesis 3:24. Tree of life
Ecclesiastes 12:7. God gives life and death.
Luke 12:20. Life demanded
John 1:3–5. Jesus is the source of life.
John 3:16. Eternal life
John 10:10–11. Jesus gave his life.
John 17:3. Eternal life is knowing God.
Romans 5:17. Life in Christ
1 Corinthians 8:6. All life is because of Christ.
Philippians 2:30. Risking your life
James 4:14. Brevity of life
Lifestyle (behavior, conduct, way of life)
Manner of conduct which demonstrates one’s commitments and outlooks in life
Psalm 1:1–6. Lifestyles of unbelievers
Psalm 84:11. Blessings for the blameless
Ecclesiastes 8:15. Recommended lifestyle
Ezekiel 18:5–9. Lifestyle of the righteous person
Micah 6:8. The lifestyle God requires
Romans 6:21. Deadly lifestyle
Galatians 5:16. Follow your spiritual nature.
Ephesians 4:1–2. Live worthy of your calling.
1 Thessalonians 3:13. Prepared for Christ’s return
1 Timothy 4:12. Lifestyle of younger Christians
Jude 7. Results of bad lifestyle
Light (life, eternal life, holiness)
Absence of darkness, biblical metaphor with life, death, joy, blessing, rescue, and sorrow
Genesis 1:3. The beginning of creation
Psalm 27:1. God’s presence and favor
Isaiah 9:2. Deliverance
Amos 5:18. Judgment
John 3:19. Jesus is light.
2 Corinthians 4:6. Light of knowledge
Colossians 1:12. Eternal life
1 Timothy 6:16. God’s holiness
1 Peter 2:9. Called into light
Light of the world (Jesus, light)
Image applied to Jesus, underscoring his self-revelation in the world. His followers, in turn, are themselves to be light and spread light among the world.
Matthew 5:14. Disciples shine the light.
Matthew 28:19–20. Command to spread the light
John 1:9. Jesus came into the world.
John 8:12. Jesus is the light.
John 9:5. The mission of Jesus
Ephesians 5:14. Christ converts us.
Lightning (bright, glittering, judgment)
Sign of God’s presence, His revelation, and judgment
Exodus 19:16–17. God’s presence
2 Samuel 22:15. Sign of judgment
Job 28:23–28. God’s control of weather
Psalm 135:7. God’s creation of weather
Matthew 28:3. Angel bright like lightning
Luke 17:24. The coming of God’s kingdom
Revelation 4:5. God’s majesty revealed
Revelation 20:9. Judgment from heaven
Likeness (archetype, image, image of God)
Lines of continuity between a source and its extension
Genesis 1:26. Created in God’s image
Genesis 5:3. Children in their parent’s image
Romans 6:5. Made like Christ in life and death
1 Corinthians 15:49. God’s likeness passed on
Hebrews 1:3. Jesus is God’s likeness.
Hebrews 10:1. Old Testament sacrifices only a likeness of Christ’s sacrifice
James 3:9. Avoid cursing people made in God’s image.
Lily (flower, plant, scent)
Flower known for its beauty, image of God’s people for whom God supplies the sustenance needed to grow and bloom
Song of Songs 2:1–2. An image of beauty
Isaiah 35:2. God’s people will bloom again.
Hosea 14:5. God (re)establishes his people.
Luke 12:27. God’s provision
Limitation(s) (humility, limit, restraint)
Boundaries set by God’s creative decrees and through His revelatory Word
Exodus 7:3. God limits human hearts.
Psalm 119:96. God’s commandments are without limit.
Psalm 147:5. No limit to God’s knowledge
Ecclesiastes 5:2. Limit your words.
John 3:34. God’s unlimited gift of the Spirit
2 Corinthians 12:7. Humility through limitation
Philippians 2:6–11. Divine self-limitation
Lineage (ancestry, descent, family)
Group of individuals tracing descent from a common ancestor
Genesis 25:17. Ancestry and death
Exodus 3:6. God of your fathers
Deuteronomy 1:8. Promise made to Abraham’s lineage
Judges 2:17. Refusing to live like ancestors
Matthew 1:1. The lineage of Jesus
Luke 2:4. David’s lineage
Romans 11:28. Jews loved by God
Galatians 1:14–16. Leaving behind traditions of ancestry
Linen (cloth, garment, sheet)
Material made of flax, often used in reference to the temple and its officials
Genesis 41:42. Joseph’s robe
Exodus 26:31. The veil in the tabernacle
Exodus 28:39. Priestly garments
Ezekiel 44:17. Used for coolness of material
Matthew 27:59. Tomb clothes
Revelation 19:8. The bride wears linen.
Revelation 19:14. God’s army clothed in white linen
Linguistics (language, speech, tongue)
Use of unique languages for the purpose of communication
Genesis 10:5. Nations have their own languages.
Genesis 11:1–9. Languages confused by God
Deuteronomy 28:49. Foreign language
Nehemiah 13:24. Israel learning other languages
Mark 15:34. Jesus spoke Aramaic.
Acts 2:6. God enlightens language through the Spirit.
1 Corinthians 14:11–19. Pray for the gift of interpretation.
Revelation 5:9. God saves people from every language.
Lion(s) (animal, powerful, royal)
Most powerful of animals known in the ancient world, personification of courage, ferocity, and royalty
Genesis 49:9. Royal status
Numbers 23:24. Powerful like a lion
Judges 14:6. Samson’s Spirit-empowered strength
1 Samuel 17:36. David’s victories
1 Kings 13:24. Lion attacks human.
Job 10:16. Preying like a lion
Daniel 6:22. God shuts the lions’ mouths.
Revelation 4:7. Heavenly creature like a lion
Revelation 5:5. Christ, the Lion of Judah
Lion of Judah (Christ, Jesus, Messiah)
Messianic title for Jesus alluding to Genesis 49:9, where Judah is depicted as a lion
Genesis 49:9. Judah the lion cub
Hosea 5:14. Judgment from God
1 Peter 5:8. The devil is only like a lion
Revelation 5:5. Messianic title
Lion’s den (cave, den, lair)
Lion’s lair representing its home
Psalm 10:9. Hiding place
Daniel 6:16. Punishment for disobedience to king
Daniel 6:22. God’s protection of Daniel
Amos 3:4. Poetic description of God announcing judgment
Nahum 2:11. Feeding place
Lips/Mouth (speech, sing, tongue)
Used generally referring to how one uses lips/mouth for praise or blame, truth or lies, wisdom or folly
Job 27:4. Speaking the truth
Psalm 71:23. Singing with joy
Habakkuk 3:16. Showing fear
Matthew 15:8. Lip service, but not heart service
Luke 4:22. Wisdom from Jesus’ lips
Romans 3:13. The danger of deceitful talk
James 3:10. Lips that praise and curse
1 Peter 3:10. Do not say evil things.
Listening (hearing, obey, paying attention)
Paying close attention to what is said; to hear and obey God’s commands
Genesis 17:20. God listens.
Genesis 49:2. Listening to your elders
Deuteronomy 6:4. Command to listen
Joshua 10:14. God listens to a man.
Psalm 34:15. God hears the righteous.
Psalm 102:1. Plea for God to listen
Ephesians 6:1. Listen to your parents.
Hebrews 13:17. Listening to leaders
1 John 2:3. Listening is indicator of knowing Christ.
Literature (narrative, literary, writing)
All writings and literary forms included as Scripture, representing various genres, such as poetry, history, prophecy, and so forth
Ecclesiastes 12:9–10. Written carefully
Daniel 1:4. Daniel learned literature.
Daniel 1:17. Understanding given by God
2 Peter 1:21. God inspired literature.
Revelation 1:19. God’s revelation through literature
Litigation (indictment, lawsuit, legal action)
The process of filing a lawsuit; a legal dispute or complaint between two parties
Exodus 18:13. Leaders discern disputes.
Lamentations 3:33–36. The Lord does not deny justice.
Matthew 5:25. Settling out of court
Luke 11:46. Some lawyers unhelpful
Acts 26:1. Self-defense
Romans 3:26. God’s justice in Christ
1 Corinthians 6:1. Settle Christian complaints in the church.
Colossians 2:14. Christ’s death canceled our debt.
Livestock (animal, cow, farm animal)
Asset used for food, labor, and sacrifice
Genesis 1:28. Humanity’s care of the animals
Genesis 2:20. Named by man
Genesis 4:20. Earliest livestock
Genesis 13:2. Sign of wealth
Psalm 66:15. Used in sacrifices
Acts 10:9–16. Eating of animals
Living water (Holy Spirit, temple, water)
Metaphor for life, most often associated with God’s temple in the Old Testament; in the New Testament, related to the gift of the Spirit in believers
Genesis 2:10. Flowing from Eden
Song of Songs 4:15. Running water
Jeremiah 17:13. Spiritual sustenance
Zechariah 14:8. Waters flowing from God’s temple
John 4:10–11. The Holy Spirit indwelling
John 7:38. Outward effects of God’s inner work
Revelation 22:1. Flows from God
Revelation 22:17. A gift from God
Loan(s) (borrowing, lending, sharing)
Borrowed money which needs to be repaid
Exodus 21:2. Forgiving debts in the year of jubilee
Exodus 22:25. Lend money without interest to God’s people.
Deuteronomy 23:19–20. Fair interest may be charged to outsiders.
Psalm 15:5. Lending fairly to all
Proverbs 11:15. Warning against cosigning a loan
Matthew 18:34–35. Forgiving debts
Luke 19:23. Squandering a loan
Locust(s) (bugs, insects, swarm)
Common bug in the ancient world which brought devastation to crops; sometimes used as a metaphor for judgment and destruction
Exodus 10:4. Sent as judgment
Exodus 10:14. Plague of locusts
Leviticus 11:22. Types of food
Matthew 3:4. Food of God’s prophet
Revelation 9:3. Persecution and pain
Revelation 9:7. Spiritual battle
Logic (argument, maturity, thinking)
Disciplined thought that is honoring to God and represents Christian maturity
1 Kings 3:16–28. Solomon’s logic reunites a mother and son.
Job 13:6. Good logic is worth listening to.
Proverbs 29:9. Fools are illogical.
Matthew 22:37. Loving God with the mind
Mark 12:28. Jesus’ use of logic
Romans 1:21. Lack of logic in the sin-plagued mind
1 Corinthians 13:11. Leaving aside childish ways of thinking
1 Corinthians 14:20. Maturity in thinking
James 1:5. Asking for wisdom in thinking
Lonely/Loneliness (alone, solitude)
Being isolated from God or from other humans, longing for community
Deuteronomy 31:6. God will not leave his people.
Job 19:13–14. Lack of friends in times of trouble
Psalm 13:1. When God seems absent
Psalm 102:7. Insomnia and loneliness
Ecclesiastes 4:8. No immediate family
Matthew 28:20. Jesus will never leave his people.
Mark 15:34. Jesus’ loneliness at the cross
2 Timothy 1:4. Longing for a friend
Revelation 1:9. Exiled and lonely
Longevity (duration, lifespan, lifetime)
Length of one’s life
Genesis 5:1–32. Long lifespan
Genesis 6:3. God limits the human lifespan
Genesis 15:15. God promises Abraham old age.
Ruth 4:15. Child nourishes old age.
Matthew 10:39. Preservation of life in Christ
Luke 1:36. A child of old age
Longing (burning, desire, yearning)
Earnest desire for something, either good or bad
Deuteronomy 5:21. Sinful desires
2 Samuel 11:3–4. Sexual longing
Psalm 107:9. God satisfies the soul.
Psalm 119:20. Longing for God’s law
Proverbs 13:12. Goodness of fulfilled longings
Isaiah 63:15. Longing for the new creation
Luke 15:16. Longing for sustenance
Romans 8:19. Creation longing for the children of God
1 Corinthians 14:1. Earnestly desire spiritual gifts.
2 Corinthians 5:2. Longing for heaven
Philippians 2:26. Longing for friends
Hebrews 11:16. Longing for heavenly country
Looting (contraband, plunder, stealing)
Acquiring of goods which do not belong to you, generally after warfare
1 Samuel 23:1. Looting during a raid
2 Chronicles 21:16–17. Judgment from God
Lamentations 1:10. Looting the temple
Ezekiel 26:12. Destruction from looting
Obadiah 13. Warning against looting
Zechariah 2:8. Looters will be looted.
LORD (Christ, God, master)
In the Old Testament, the unutterable name of Israel’s God; in the New Testament, designation applied directly to Jesus. Can also mean any master.
Genesis 2:4. The creator God
Exodus 6:6. The God of the exile
Psalm 110:1. The Lord speaks to the king.
Psalm 115:11. Fear and trust the Lord.
Psalm 116:5. Merciful and righteous
Psalm 118:29. Give thanks for the Lord’s goodness.
Proverbs 19:23. Fear the Lord.
Isaiah 33:22. Judge, lawgiver, king, and savior
Matthew 4:10. Worship the Lord only.
Matthew 8:25. Jesus is called “Lord.”
Romans 10:9. Confessing Jesus as Lord
1 Corinthians 8:6. Only one Lord, Jesus Christ
1 Corinthians 12:3. Spirit-empowered confession of Christ as Lord.
Philippians 2:10–11. One day all will confess that Jesus is Lord.
Lord’s Day (see Sabbath)
Lord’s Supper (breaking bread, Eucharist, last supper)
Jesus’ final meal shared with his disciples involved the breaking of bread and sharing of wine on/near the Passover.
Mark 14:12–15. Passover meal
Luke 22:19–20. Bread and cup
1 Corinthians 10:16. Union with Christ
1 Corinthians 11:25. Repeat the sacrament.
Hebrews 13:10. Eating the sacrifice
Lord’s table (see Lord’s Supper)
Loss(es) (stealing, suffer loss, taking away)
Losing something or someone whether through misplacement, theft, death, or other means
Job 1:13–21. Job’s response to loss
Job 27:19. Possessions gone overnight
Luke 15:1–7. Lost sheep
1 Corinthians 3:15. Painful loss of work of the church
Philippians 3:7. Loss of worldly things for Christ
Hebrews 10:34. Cheerful response to loss of possessions
Lost (unsaved, wandering)
Referring to people who are wandering from true belief and repentance
Matthew 10:6. Jews who are lost
Luke 15:32. Celebrate a lost person now found.
Luke 19:10. Jesus’ purpose is to save the lost.
John 18:9. Jesus lost none of his own.
Hebrews 4:11. Lost because of bad examples
1 Peter 2:25. Like lost sheep, cared for by the shepherd
Lots (dice, divination, magic)
Commonly practiced means of gaining knowledge in circumstances during biblical times
Leviticus 16:8. Lots used for discernment
Joshua 18:6. Lots done in the presence of God
Nehemiah 10:34. Priests draw lots.
Psalm 22:18. Lots using dice
Jonah 1:7. Lots show that Jonah is responsible for the storm.
Luke 23:34. Jesus’ clothes were divided by lots.
Loud noises (clamor, sound, thundering)
Associated with both the actions of humanity and of God, highlighting everything from acts of judgment to senseless chatter
Genesis 19:13. Complaints of God’s people
Exodus 12:30. Cries of death
Joshua 6:20. The broken wall
1 Samuel 7:10. Loud noise causing confusion
Psalm 150:5. Praising God out loud
Isaiah 29:6. Loud sounds as judgment
Jeremiah 51:55. Silencing a city’s livelihood
Ezekiel 3:12. God’s thundering voice
Matthew 24:31. A gathering trumpet call
1 Corinthians 13:1. Language without love is nothing but loud noise.
Revelation 19:1. The cries of heaven
Love (affection, care, desire)
Feelings of great affection toward another person or God; a steady quiet decision of the will to care for another person
Genesis 22:2. A beloved son
2 Samuel 1:26. Platonic love
Psalm 33:18. The Lord’s steadfast love
Isaiah 43:4. Precious to God
Matthew 5:44. Love your enemies.
John 3:16. God loved the world.
John 5:42. No love for God
John 13:35. Love as indicator of true discipleship
Romans 5:8. God’s love demonstrated in Christ
Romans 12:9–10. Genuine familial love
Romans 14:15. Caring for the opinions of others
1 Corinthians 13:1. The necessity of love
1 Corinthians 13:13. The greatest is love.
1 Corinthians 14:1. Pursue love.
1 Corinthians 16:22. Those who do not love the Lord are accursed.
Galatians 5:6. Faith working through love
Galatians 5:22. Love produced by the Spirit
Ephesians 5:2. Love sacrificially.
Ephesians 6:24. God’s favor is upon those who love him.
Colossians 3:19. Husbands should love their wives.
2 Timothy 2:22. Pursue love.
1 Peter 4:8. Love extinguishes the sins of God’s people.
1 John 2:15. Do not love the world.
1 John 4:7. Love comes from God.
1 John 4:11. Imitate God’s love.
1 John 5:3. Loving God means obeying God.
Jude 21. Remain in God’s love.
Love stories (accounts, narratives)
Stories of love won and love lost in the Bible; greatest love story of all is between God and His people
Genesis 29:9–30. Jacob and Rachel
Ruth 3:6–14. Boaz and Ruth
Song of Songs 1:1–4. Two young lovers
Isaiah 62:5. God rejoices over his bride.
Loyalty (allegiance, faithfulness, obedience)
Remaining true to someone or something in the face of opposition or opportunity
Genesis 12:1–4. Abram’s loyalty to God
Numbers 32:11. Lacking loyalty
Deuteronomy 13:6–10. Breaking family loyalties
Joshua 1:16–17. Loyalty to leadership
1 Samuel 19:1–2. Losing and gaining loyalty
Psalm 119:113. Loyalty divided
Jeremiah 2:11. Loyalty to the gods
Matthew 10:37–39. Loyalty to God above family
Luke 16:13. Serving two masters
John 14:21–24. Obedience to God
1 Corinthians 15:30–31. Loyalty to Christ in spite of danger
Lucifer (see Satan)
Lukewarm (apathetic, indifferent, tepid)
Moderately warm; neither hot nor cold
Proverbs 1:32. Folly of indifference
Revelation 3:16. A lukewarm church
Lumber (timber, tree, wood)
Wood used to construct altars, buildings, walls, or boats
Genesis 6:14. A boat of cypress wood
Genesis 22:3. Altar for burnt offering
Exodus 26:15. Construction lumber
Leviticus 1:7. Lumber for sacrifices
Nehemiah 13:31. Nehemiah’s building plan
Lust (desire, passion, sexual appetite)
Impetuous sexual desire which is contrary to God’s will
Genesis 19:4–8. Lot offers his daughters
Numbers 25:1–2. Lust and syncretism
2 Samuel 11:1–27. David takes Bathsheba.
1 Kings 11:1–13. Solomon’s weakness leads to other immorality.
Job 31:1. Choosing not to look
Psalm 141:4. Prayer to remove temptation
Proverbs 6:25–26. Desiring only beauty
Isaiah 57:5. Burning with lust
Jeremiah 5:8. Lustful men are wild.
Ezekiel 6:9. Lust committed in heart and mind
Ezekiel 22:11. Abominations
Amos 2:7. Dishonoring to God
Matthew 5:27–28. Looking with lust is adultery.
Romans 1:24–26. Given over to perversion
Romans 7:5. Lust results in death.
Ephesians 4:19. Continual lust
Colossians 3:5. Put lust to death.
2 Timothy 2:22. Put aside youthful lusts.
Titus 2:11–12. God’s grace helps us avoid lust.
1 Peter 2:11. Lust attacks.
2 Peter 2:14. Stay away from lust.
1 John 2:16. Lust is not from God.
Luxury (comfort, extravagance, opulence)
Lavish state of affairs
Genesis 1:28–31. Paradise
1 Kings 4:22–23. Diet fit for a king
Esther 1:5–6. Royal banquet
Proverbs 19:10. Fools do not live in luxury.
Amos 6:3–4. Warning to those who are pampered
Matthew 26:6–13. Luxury for Jesus
Luke 7:25. Luxury under a king
1 Timothy 2:9–10. Modest luxuries
James 5:5. The danger of luxury
Lying (dishonesty, falseness, white lies)
Misleading someone with falsified, malicious, or otherwise incorrect information
Genesis 12:12–13. Lying about family
Psalm 31:18. Silence lying lips.
Psalm 120:2. Deliverance from lies
Proverbs 12:22. God disgusts in lying lips.
Acts 5:3. Lies originate from Satan.
Romans 1:25. Truth exchanged for a lie
Colossians 3:9. Living as a new person
1 Timothy 2:7. God’s apostles tell the truth.
Hebrews 6:18. Impossible for God to lie
1 John 1:6. Do not lie about your relationship with God.
1 John 2:21. Lies cannot come from the truth.
Revelation 14:4–5. God’s people do not lie.
Lyre (harp, instrument, strings)
A stringed musical instrument used in worship and celebration
Genesis 31:27. Used in celebrations
1 Samuel 10:5. Carried by prophets
Psalm 33:2. Instrument of praise
Daniel 3:15. Call to worship