– M –

Magi (astrologers, interpreters, wise men)

A class of wise men or astrologers who interpret dreams and messages

Daniel 1:20. Wise and insightful

Daniel 2:10–12. Interpreters, not manufacturers

Daniel 5:15. Limited capabilities

Matthew 2:1–12. Following the astral sign

Acts 13:6. Astrologer and prophet?

Magic (divination, sorcery, tricks)

Magic attempts to gain information from the gods and manipulate an outcome

Leviticus 19:31. Magic is unclean.

Deuteronomy 18:10. Magic forbidden

1 Samuel 28:11–12. Calling up the dead

2 Kings 9:22. Folly of witchcraft

Daniel 1:20. Earthly wisdom

Ephesians 6:11. Armor of God protects us.

Revelation 22:15. Magic involves deception

Magicians (enchanter, sorcerer, witch)

Workers of magic, including sorcerers and witches

Exodus 22:18. Destroying evil artisans

1 Samuel 28:11–12. The medium at Endor

Ezekiel 13:17–23. False prophets

Daniel 1:20. Earthly wisdom

Acts 8:9–11. Simon the magician

2 Timothy 3:8. Magicians of Egypt

Revelation 21:8. Judgment upon magicians

Magnificat (magnify, praise, song)

Mary’s song in Luke 1, following the Latin translation of “praise”

Luke 1:46–55. Mary’s praise-filled song

Majesty (beauty, dignity, royal)

God’s dignity, glory, and power are often associated with His majesty

Exodus 15:7. God’s majestic power

Deuteronomy 33:26. Israel’s unique God

Job 13:11. God’s terrifying majesty

Psalm 93:1. Clothed in majesty

Isaiah 35:2. God’s majestic glory

Lamentations 1:6. Majesty departed from Jerusalem

2 Peter 1:16. The majesty of Christ

Majority (group, large party, superiority)

A dominant or superior group

Exodus 23:2. Avoiding peer pressure

2 Chronicles 30:18. A majority group

Matthew 26:55. Masses come for Jesus.

Acts 21:34. Mob mentality

Acts 27:12. Groups of merchants

1 Corinthians 11:17–34. Haves exclude the have nots.

2 Corinthians 2:6. Majority excommunicates someone

Makeup (cosmetics, face, mask)

Cosmetic products used to enhance one’s appearance

Genesis 37:25. Cosmetic ingredients

Ruth 3:3. Freshening up

2 Samuel 12:20. Ointments

2 Kings 9:30. Eye shadow

Esther 2:9, 12. Extensive beauty treatment

Isaiah 3:24. Replacing self-indulgence with judgment

Jeremiah 4:30. Vain efforts toward beauty

Male (boy, human, man)

God’s creation of humanity is reflected in the distinct creation of both male and female.

Genesis 1:27. Maleness created by God

Genesis 3:6. Man’s culpability in the fall

Exodus 12:29. Loss of first-born males

Mark 10:7. Uniting male and female

Galatians 3:28. Unity in Christ

Titus 2:2. Instructions for mature men

Titus 2:6–8. Instructions for young men

Malice (enmity, evil, spite)

A quality or foundation of a person’s actions which are evil, vengeful, or overtly sinful

Genesis 50:20. What humans meant for evil, God meant for good.

Psalm 41:5. Malice of enemies

Ezekiel 25:15. Revenge

Matthew 16:1. Maliciously testing Jesus

Titus 2:3. Show your dedication to God.

James 1:21. Accepting the saving word

1 Peter 2:1. Putting away malice

Mammon (see Money)

Management (administration, leadership, overseeing)

A position of stewardship wherein the manager is entrusted with responsibility and duties

Nehemiah 3:1–32. Nehemiah delegates work

Proverbs 6:6–8. Self-motivation

Jeremiah 22:13. Bad leadership

Mark 10:42. Absolute power

Luke 7:3. Concern for those you manage

1 Corinthians 12:28. Appointed by God

1 Timothy 3:4–5. Qualified leaders

Mandate (authorization, command, sanction)

An official authorization or command to act a certain way

Genesis 1:28. God’s mandate to humanity

Exodus 20:1–17. The Ten Commandments

John 15:17. Mandate to love one another

Romans 16:25–26. God’s order for the nations

2 Corinthians 8:8. Love better than commands

2 Thessalonians 3:6. Do not associate with undisciplined believers.

1 Timothy 4:10–11. Command to teach truth

Mandrake(s) (flower, plant, love-plant)

A native plant in the Mediterranean known for its pungent fragrances and narcotic properties, particularly as an aphrodisiac

Genesis 30:14–16. Infertility remedy

Song of Songs 7:13. Fragrant flower

Manipulate (exploit, influence, control)

Controlling a situation, people, or persons unfairly and usually with an aim toward personal gain

Genesis 39:16–18. Lying about exploitation

Isaiah 36:15. Do not be fooled.

Galatians 2:4. False Christians

Ephesians 6:9. Warning against manipulating a slave

1 Thessalonians 4:6. The Lord will punish exploitation.

2 Peter 2:3. Trickery

1 John 5:19. World controlled by evil one

Manna (bread, food, sustenance)

The sustenance which God supplied to Israel during their wandering in the desert

Exodus 16:4. God-given food

Numbers 11:6. Complaining about God’s provision

Joshua 5:12. Manna stopped in Canaan

Matthew 4:3–4. Resisting temptation and living on God’s words

John 6:48–49. Bread of life, bread of death

Hebrews 9:4. Manna stored in the ark

Revelation 2:17. Spiritual sustenance

Manners (actions, conduct, habits)

One’s public behavior or habits

Exodus 23:9. Treating foreigners well

Proverbs 3:27–28. Not holding back

Matthew 25:35. Caring for others

Luke 10:5–9. A courteous guest

Romans 12:13. Sharing

Galatians 6:10. Caring for God’s family

1 Thessalonians 2:7–8. Being gentle

Manslaughter (death, homicide, killing)

The crime of killing someone in an instance that is not deemed to be murder

Exodus 17:3. Exaggerated complaints of thirst

Exodus 21:22–25. Eye for an eye

Exodus 21:29. Culpable for an animal’s actions

Numbers 35. Cities of refuge

Numbers 35:27. Avenging manslaughter

Deuteronomy 4:42. Unintentional killing

2 Samuel 1:1–16. Assisted suicide

Manufacture (build, make, produce)

The skill of building or producing items using natural substances

Exodus 35:35. Skilled artisans

Isaiah 44:13. Manufacturing idols

Mark 6:3. Carpentry

Mark 14:58. Manufacturing another kind of temple

Acts 18:3. Tent making

Acts 19:24–25. Idol makers

Hebrews 3:3. Jesus, the builder

Map (chart, plan, guide)

A visual representation of an area which marks out features such as cities and roads

Numbers 32:13. Lost because of sin

Job 19:23. Written directions

Ezekiel 4:1. Clay tablet

Marathon (long-distance, race, running)

Primarily metaphorical in the NT referring to running in the Greek games

Ecclesiastes 9:11. Life as a race

1 Corinthians 9:24–27. Running to win

Philippians 2:16. Unwasted effort

Philippians 3:14. Running for the prize

2 Timothy 4:7. Finishing the race

Hebrews 12:1. Great examples in the race

March/Marching (advance, stride, tramp)

To walk in rhythm and in physical formation with others

Numbers 32:17. Battle formation

Joshua 6:3. Marching around the city walls

Nehemiah 12:31. Celebration march

Jeremiah 46:9. Marching warriors

Nahum 2:5. Stumbling

Habakkuk 1:6. Judgment comes marching

Revelation 20:9. Satan’s last march

Market (agora, assembly, marketplace)

A place for purchasing life’s necessities, public gathering, and social interaction

Matthew 20:3. Idle standing

Matthew 23:7. Pride in the market

Mark 6:56. Sick and beggars

Mark 7:4. Flaunting social standing

Luke 7:32. Children shouting

Acts 16:19. Place for being tried for (in)justice

Acts 17:17. Place for public discussion

Marriage (matrimony, union, wedlock)

The union before God of man to woman

Genesis 2:18–24. First marriage

Proverbs 5:18–20. The joys of marital fidelity

Jeremiah 2:1–3. Israel, God’s bride

Mark 12:25. No marriage in heaven

1 Corinthians 7:10–16. One unbelieving spouse

Colossians 3:18–19. Marital behavior

Revelation 19:7–8. The marriage of the lamb

Marriages in trouble (conflict, divorce, immorality)

Marriages which are “at risk” due to one or both partners giving up on each other, setting aside the bond of the covenant of marriage

Genesis 15:2. Dealing with childlessness

1 Chronicles 15:29. Michal despises David.

Job 2:9–10. Religious disagreement

Jeremiah 44:16–19. Mutual rebellion

Hosea 3:1. Loving an unfaithful wife

Matthew 5:31–32. Instructions regarding divorce

Matthew 19:3–9. When to divorce

Martyr (sufferer, testimony, witness)

One who bears witness for a cause; someone who testifies (in court), is persecuted, or is killed

1 Samuel 22:17–18. Priests murdered

Matthew 14:1–12. John the Baptist

Acts 7:1–60. Stephen is stoned.

Acts 12:2. James killed by the king

Acts 21:13. Prepared for martyrdom

Hebrews 11:35. Gaining eternal life

Revelation 20:4. Martyred saints

Martyrdom (martyr, persecution, suffering)

Suffering for a cause or purpose

Matthew 10:21. Trouble coming

Luke 12:4–5. Not fearing death

Acts 20:24. Witnessing to the Good News

Romans 8:17. Heirs with God

Galatians 5:11. Persecuted for the cross

Colossians 1:24. Filling up what is lacking

Revelation 2:13. Living in a divided kingdom

Masonry (building, stonework)

The craft of working with stone

Exodus 1:11. Building cities

Joshua 10:18. Covering a cave

2 Samuel 5:11. Skilled builders

1 Kings 5:17–18. Building the temple

1 Corinthians 3:11. Christ the foundation

1 Peter 2:6. God as a mason

Massacre (annihilation, mass killing, slaughter)

The slaughtering of human life as an act of judgment, vengeance, or warfare

Genesis 7:23. The flood devastates.

Exodus 14:27. Egyptians drown.

Exodus 32:28. Punishment for idolatry

Joshua 6:15–21. God orders destruction.

2 Samuel 18:7. David defeats Israel’s army.

2 Chronicles 21:4. Consolidating power

2 Chronicles 21:17. Judgment

Master(s) (Lord, ruler, teacher)

An overseer who possesses the power to command

Exodus 1:11. Brutal masters

Luke 16:13. Cannot serve two masters

John 15:20. Servant is not greater than master.

Romans 6:16. Mastered by sin or obedience

Ephesians 6:9. One ultimate master

Colossians 3:22. Obeying masters

Revelation 6:10. The holy Master

Matchmaking (arranged marriage, playing cupid)

The act of arranging a relationship

Genesis 2:23–24. Suitable for one another

Genesis 21:21. Chosen by the mother

Genesis 24:58. A woman’s consent

Genesis 38:6. Chosen by the father

Judges 14:2. Parents’ role

Ruth 3:1–2. Mother-in-law as matchmaker

Hosea 1:2–3. An unlikely match

Materialism (money, riches, vanity)

The valuing of material possessions in disproportion to valuing the things of God

1 Kings 3:11–13. Asking for the right things

Psalm 49:10. Riches will be left behind.

Psalm 62:10. Warnings against misuse of wealth

Ecclesiastes 5:13. Riches lead to downfall.

Mark 4:19. Desiring things

Luke 12:21. Rich in wealth, poor in relationship with God

1 Timothy 6:17. Confidence in God’s riches

Mathematics (counting, math, numbers)

The science of working with numbers

Genesis 15:5. Promise of innumerable offspring

Leviticus 25:8. Multiplication

Numbers 23:10. Growing population

Deuteronomy 1:11. Proverbial multiplication

Matthew 10:30. Tedious arithmetic

Luke 12:52. A divided family

John 19:23. Applied mathematics

Matricide (death, kill, mother)

Killing of one’s mother

Exodus 21:15. Hitting one’s mother

Leviticus 20:9. Cursing one’s mother

2 Chronicles 15:12–13. Killing all non-believers

1 Timothy 1:9. Laws for killers of mothers

Maturity (developed, responsible, sophisticated)

Growing to adulthood; growing in one’s spiritual life and disciplines

1 Corinthians 2:6. Mature wisdom

1 Corinthians 13:11. Put aside childish things.

1 Corinthians 14:20. Childish in evil, mature in thinking

Ephesians 4:11–13. God-given means to grow to maturity

Hebrews 5:14. Discerning good and evil

James 1:4. Maturity through testing

Meaning of life (basis, purpose, reason)

The reason(s) human beings were created by God

Deuteronomy 6:13. Fearing and serving God

Ecclesiastes 12:13. Reflection on life

Matthew 5:16. Demonstrating God’s goodness

Matthew 22:37–38. Greatest commandment

Mark 1:38. Spreading the Good News

John 10:10. Abundant life

1 Corinthians 10:31. All things for God’s glory

Meaninglessness (futility, uselessness, vanity)

Having a false or absent purpose, hope, or direction in life

1 Samuel 12:21. Following empty things

Proverbs 30:8. Avoiding vanity

Ecclesiastes 1:14. Reflecting on vanity

Ecclesiastes 2:1. Failed attempts at light-heartedness

Isaiah 49:4. Failed attempts

1 Corinthians 15:17. Meaningless without Christ

1 Peter 1:18–19. Freed from meaninglessness

Measurement (assessment, evaluation, quantification)

The calculation of a distance, quantity; evaluation of person or persons

Exodus 16:18. Measuring manna

Leviticus 19:35. Measuring fairly

Psalm 39:4. Measuring one’s life

Isaiah 40:12–13. A measurement of God’s greatness

Jeremiah 33:22. Metaphorically unmeasurable

Matthew 7:2. Measuring others carefully

Revelation 21:15–17. The new creation

Meat (animal, flesh)

The flesh of an animal, used for food and sacrifices

Genesis 25:28. Wild game

Exodus 12:8. Flame-roasted Passover lamb

Exodus 16:3. Israel desires to eat meat.

Deuteronomy 12:15. Eating meat is condoned.

Deuteronomy 14:8. Keeping kosher

2 Chronicles 4:6. Meat used in priestly service

Romans 14:21. Avoiding meat for a weaker person

Meat of the Word (solid food, steak)

A metaphor for Christian maturity and the need to be fed in proportion to that maturity

1 Corinthians 3:1–2. Basic teaching instead of advanced teaching

Hebrews 5:12. Advanced truths

Hebrews 5:14. Solid food is for the mature

Mediator/Mediation (advocate, intercessor, reconciliation)

Intervention between two persons/groups for the purpose of bringing about reconciliation which was not otherwise possible

Exodus 28:1. Priests

Exodus 32:30–32. Moses

John 1:17. Kindness and truth mediated

2 Corinthians 5:18. Restored so that we can restore

Ephesians 2:12–17. Brought near by the cross

1 Timothy 2:5. One mediator between God and humanity

Hebrews 9:15. Mediating the new covenant

Medicine (balm, treatment, remedy)

A product or mixture used in aiding wellness or curing ailments

Genesis 37:25. Imported medicine

Genesis 43:11. A fine gift

Proverbs 17:22. A joyful heart

Ezekiel 27:17. Valuable commodity

Matthew 10:8. Curing diseases

Luke 8:43. Failed medication

Luke 9:1. Divine medicine given to apostles

Meditate/Meditation (cogitation, contemplation, reflection)

Thinking deeply or focusing one’s mind on something

Joshua 1:8. Meditating on God’s law

Psalm 1:2. Reflecting day and night on the Lord’s teachings

Psalm 77:12. Considering God’s deeds

Psalm 119:148. Reflecting during the night

Matthew 26:36. Jesus meditates and prays on his final night.

Philippians 4:8. Thinking about good things

2 Timothy 2:7. Thinking with God’s help

Medium(s) (fortune teller, necromancer, spiritualist)

Someone who seeks knowledge regarding the present and future circumstances through consultation with a deceased person

Leviticus 19:31. Warning against seeing mediums

Leviticus 20:6. Judgment against those who use mediums

2 Kings 23:24. Getting rid of mediums

1 Chronicles 10:13. Death for using a medium

Isaiah 8:19. Asking God for help

Isaiah 19:3. Desperate measures

Jeremiah 29:8. The tricks of mediums

Meekness (gentle, humble, lowly)

Approaching others with a spirit of humility and gentleness without the use of coercion to attain a desired end

Psalm 37:11. Blessing of the meek

Zechariah 9:9. The humble Messiah

Matthew 5:5. The meek shall inherit the earth.

Matthew 11:29. Learning humility from Jesus

Ephesians 4:2. Dealing with others

2 Timothy 2:25. A meek rebuke

1 Peter 3:15. Be prepared with a gentle defense.

Melancholia (depression, gloomy, sadness)

A deep sadness or gloom which one experiences

1 Samuel 1:8. Having no children

Ezra 3:12. Weeping for God’s temple

Ecclesiastes 7:3. Sorrow is sometimes better than laughter.

Luke 18:23. Learning of a difficult task

John 16:20. Sorrow turned to joy

2 Timothy 1:4. Longing to see a friend

Revelation 21:4. God will wipe every tear.

Membership (belonging, group)

The reality of being a part of a larger group or community than oneself

Genesis 15:3. Choosing membership

Romans 11:1. Tribal membership

1 Corinthians 1:10. Appeal for unity among members

1 Corinthians 5:9–13. Some are to be excluded

1 Corinthians 12:27. Membership in the body of Christ

Ephesians 2:19. Members of God’s family

1 Timothy 5:8. Household membership

Memorable entrances (making an entrance, putting on a show)

An unusual, unexpected, or fanciful entrance which generates excitement

1 Samuel 18:6. Of damsels and tambourines

1 Chronicles 15:28. Rejoicing over the ark

Matthew 21:9–10. A triumphant entry

Luke 2:1–20. Angels celebrate Christ’s incarnation.

John 2:13–17. Clearing the temple

Acts 2:2–4. Coming of the Spirit

Acts 12:16. An unexpected visitor

Memorial (monument, remembrance, statue)

A monument, statue, or other means of reminder which honors someone no longer present

Genesis 31:44–45. Reminder of an agreement

Genesis 35:20. Rachel’s gravestone

1 Samuel 15:12. Honoring the king

2 Samuel 18:18. Preserving a family name

Isaiah 56:5. Promise of a lasting name

Matthew 23:29. Monuments of folly

1 Corinthians 11:24. Lord’s Supper as memorial

Memorize (commit to memory, learn, remember)

The discipline of committing something to memory

Deuteronomy 6:4. Memorizing the Shema

Deuteronomy 11:19. Knowing God’s commands

Judges 2:12. Forgetting God

Ezra 7:10. Diligent study

Nehemiah 8:13. Studying God’s teaching

Ecclesiastes 12:12. Growing weary

Men (humanity, male, mankind)

Generically, humankind; specifically, the male gender and particularly adults

Genesis 1:27. Maleness created by God

Genesis 17:23. Men were to be circumcised.

Leviticus 6:9. Males and the priesthood

1 Corinthians 16:13. Act like men.

1 Timothy 2:8. The praying man

1 Timothy 3:1–7. Aspiring to be an overseer

1 Peter 3:7. Husbands are to honor their wives.

Menopause (see Menstruation)

Menstruation (menstrual cycle, period)

The once-monthly flow of blood and discharge from the lining of the uterus in a woman

Genesis 31:34–35. Rachel sits on idols during menstruation.

Leviticus 12:2. Menstruation represented loss of (potential for) life.

Leviticus 15:19–24. Sitting on things makes unclean

Leviticus 20:18. Sex during menstruation

Ezekiel 36:17. Unclean

Mark 5:25–34. Chronic bleeding

Mental health (health, [in]sanity, wellness)

The condition or stability of one’s mind in relation to lucidity, sanity, and society

1 Samuel 21:13. Pretending to be insane

Psalm 38:3. Unhealthy on account of sin

Proverbs 3:1–2. Sound teaching brings peace of mind.

Hosea 9:7. Misjudging spiritual people

Mark 5:15. Sanity after demon possession

Acts 26:24–25. Too much education

2 Corinthians 5:13. Being sane for the sake of others

Mercenary(ies) (hired, professional, soldier)

A person interested in personal gain at the expense of ethics

Judges 11:3. Jephthah’s gang

2 Samuel 11:1. David’s mercenaries go to war.

2 Samuel 15:18. Bodyguards

2 Chronicles 25:5–6. Amaziah hires Israelites.

1 Corinthians 9:7. Motivation for working

Mercy (compassion, forgiveness, peace)

God’s compassionate disposition toward those whom He wills

Exodus 25:17–21. The mercy seat for the ark

Deuteronomy 30:3. Mercy upon the exiled

Matthew 9:13. God desires mercy.

Romans 3:25. Christ the throne of mercy

Ephesians 2:4. The richness of God’s mercy

James 2:13. Mercy for the merciful

Jude 22–23. Showing mercy to doubters

Message (gospel, word)

Metonymy for the gospel of salvation in Christ

Acts 13:26. The message of salvation

1 Corinthians 1:18. Power to those being saved

1 Corinthians 2:4. How to deliver the message

2 Corinthians 5:19. The message of reconciliation

2 Timothy 4:17. Strengthened to share the Good News

1 John 1:5. God is light.

1 John 3:11. Love one another.

Messenger (courier, go-between, prophet)

One who brings a message

Genesis 32:6. Bringing information

Haggai 1:13. Prophets are God’s messengers.

Malachi 2:7. Priests as God’s messenger

Matthew 11:10. John the Baptist, God’s promised messenger

2 Corinthians 12:7. Paul’s thorn in the flesh

Galatians 4:14. Welcoming God’s messenger

2 Timothy 1:11. Appointed by God

Messiah (anointed one, deliverer, savior)

An anointed one, especially God’s anointed Messiah in the Second Temple period; the Christ

Matthew 11:2–5. Are you the Messiah?

Mark 14:61–62. Jesus affirms that He is the Messiah

John 4:25. Messianic expectation

Acts 2:36. Crucified Messiah

1 Corinthians 15:1–7. Messiah died for sins.

Hebrews 9:28. The Messiah’s second coming

1 John 5:1. New birth

Metal worker(s) (artisan, idol maker, silversmith)

An artisan skilled in preparing and working with metal

Exodus 35:35. Skills given by God

Numbers 16:38. Fashioning a new cover for the altar

1 Kings 7:23. Temple furnishings

2 Kings 24:16. Weapon makers

Jeremiah 6:29. Metal working metaphor

Habakkuk 2:18. Making worthless idols

Acts 19:24. Silversmith

Metaphor(s) (figure of speech, symbol, trope)

Metaphors communicate something that is unknown by using an image or idea that is already known.

Psalm 23:1. God is a shepherd

Psalm 94:22. God is a rock

Matthew 5:13. Salt of the earth

John 6:35. Bread of life

John 8:12. Light of the world

John 15:5. The true vine

1 Thessalonians 5:3. Labor pains

Meteorology (atmosphere, storm, weather)

The study of atmospheric conditions

Jonah 1:4–16. Futile to ask the gods concerning weather

Matthew 8:24. A sudden, unexpected storm

Matthew 16:2–3. Red night, sailor’s delight

Luke 12:56. Predicting the weather

Acts 27:9–10. Dangerous time for sailing

Middle age (best days, prime)

Period of time between young adult life and later life

1 Samuel 2:33. Judgment upon descendants in their prime

Job 29:4. The prime of life

Psalm 102:24. An early death

Isaiah 38:10. Robbed of life

Midnight (dark, late hour, night)

A late hour of the night when it is still dark

Exodus 11:4. Judgment executed

Judges 7:19. Changing of the guard

Judges 16:3. In bed with a prostitute

Ruth 3:8. Chill of the night

Psalm 119:62. Nocturnal meditation

Acts 16:25. Late night singing

Acts 20:7. Filibuster

Midwife(ves) (assistant, helper, woman)

An assistant trained in aiding in process of childbirth

Genesis 35:17. Comforting in the midst of pain

Genesis 38:28. Keeping track of twins at birth for the birthright

Exodus 1:15–22. Midwives obey God and not an evil king.

Ezekiel 16:4. Birth without a midwife

Migration (moving, relocation, settling)

Moving from one place of habitation to another

Genesis 11:2. Settling in a new area

Genesis 12:1. Abram called to leave his land (and therefore his local gods)

Exodus 12:50–51. Out of Egypt

Numbers 32:13. Constantly moving

Jeremiah 8:7. Missing the signs of migration

Acts 7:2–4. Reflection on Abraham’s migration

Mildew (fungus, mold, unclean)

A type of fungus which grows on damp organic materials

Leviticus 13:49–59. Mildew makes things ceremonially unclean

Leviticus 14:34–39. Mildew in the home

Leviticus 14:54–57. Instructions for dealing with mildew

Deuteronomy 28:22. The Lord judges the land.

2 Chronicles 6:28. Famine conditions

Amos 4:9. Crop killer

Haggai 2:17. Judgment

Military (army, service, soldiers)

Personnel related to warfare who are trained in the art of war

Numbers 1:47–49. Priests excluded from military service

Judges 1:19. Winning some battles, losing others

Judges 3:1–2. Learning about war

Psalm 68:17. The army of God

Isaiah 31:1–3. Trusting in God for strength

Acts 21:34. Military compound

2 Timothy 2:1–4. Soldiers of Christ

Milk (basics, drink, nourishment)

Literally, the filling and fattening milk of an animal for drinking; metaphorically, wealth and luxury or basic teachings or instructions which are essential for growing to maturity

Judges 4:19. Kindness

Isaiah 7:22. Decadence

Isaiah 55:1. Metaphor for God’s law

Isaiah 60:16. Sign of prosperity

Ezekiel 25:4. Meal drink

Hebrews 5:12. Elementary truths

1 Peter 2:2. Desiring God

Milk and honey (food, luxury, wealth)

A symbol of the fecundity of the Promised Land

Exodus 3:8. Land of vitality

Exodus 13:5. Promised Land

Leviticus 20:24. Reassigning the land

Numbers 16:13. Egypt

Deuteronomy 6:3. Instructions for living well in the land of milk and honey

Jeremiah 11:5. Promise renewed

Ezekiel 20:15. The most beautiful land

Millennial rule of Christ (kingdom rule, millennium, reign)

A period of rule, whether literally one thousand years or symbolically, wherein Christ will rule and reign over all things

Revelation 20:2. Satan bound

Revelation 20:3, 7. Satan set free for a while

Revelation 20:4. Christ and the saints ruling

Revelation 20:5. Resurrection of the dead

Revelation 20:6. Blessing being counted among Christ’s priests

Millennium (see Millennial Rule of Christ)

Millstone(s) (equipment, stone, tool)

A large stone used for grinding grain in the process of preparing food

Exodus 11:5. Often worked by slaves

Deuteronomy 24:6. Means for preparing food

Judges 9:53. Used as a weapon

Jeremiah 25:10. Symbol of well-being and health

Matthew 18:6. Used as a weight to drown someone

Matthew 24:41. Job of women

Revelation 18:22. Sign of impending death

Mind (soul, intellect, heart)

The intangible part of a human being that reasons, imagines, and experiences emotion

Psalm 139:1–4. God examines our minds

Romans 8:6–9. Hostile to God

Romans 11:34. The Lord’s unsearchable mind

1 Corinthians 2:16. We have the mind of Christ.

Philippians 4:8. Worthy of our thought

Hebrews 12:2. Fixing our thoughts on Jesus

1 Peter 1:13. Prepared to act

Mineral(s) (gems, precious stones, rocks)

A carbon-based substance obtained through mining the earth, typically precious stones

Exodus 39:10–13. Precious stones

Job 28:1–2. Taken from the ground

Proverbs 3:15. Wisdom over jewels

Jeremiah 17:1. Diamonds

Ezekiel 28:13. Precious stones in God’s garden

Revelation 4:3. Emerald

Revelation 21:18–20. The new Jerusalem

Mining (extracting, digging, harvesting)

Finding and extracting materials from the earth

Genesis 2:11. A land where there is gold

Job 28:2. Taken from the ground

Job 28:4. Working in a mineshaft

Job 28:10. Looking for precious things

Minister (clergy, pastor, servant)

One who serves others, especially in a religious setting

Psalm 104:4. Angels are servants of God.

Jeremiah 33:21. Priests

Acts 6:2–3. Meeting physical needs

Ephesians 4:12. Purpose of ministers

1 Thessalonians 3:2. Servant of the Good News

Hebrews 8:2. Christ as minister

Ministry (healing, preaching, teaching)

Performing works of service to God’s people through teaching, preaching, prayer, and caring for physical needs

Luke 3:23. Beginning ministry in your 30s

2 Corinthians 5:18. Ministry of reconciliation

2 Corinthians 9:12. Caring for needs

Ephesians 4:12. Building up the body of Christ

Colossians 4:17. Complete the ministry

2 Timothy 4:5. Devoted to ministry

Hebrews 8:6. Jesus’ priestly ministry

Miracles of Jesus (miraculous, sign, wonder)

A supernatural or inexplicable event meant to demonstrate who Jesus is and encourage faith in Jesus

Matthew 9:33. Healing a mute

Matthew 16:7–10. Miraculous feeding

Mark 6:5. Deciding to move on

Luke 7:21–23. Curing various ailments

Luke 8:22–25. Calming the storm

John 2:11. Demonstrated Jesus’ glory

John 20:30–31. Recorded so that we will believe Jesus is Messiah

Miracles of others (miraculous, sign, wonder)

A supernatural or inexplicable event, typically done in God’s power and for the purpose of confirming the message of salvation

Exodus 4:17. Moses performs signs.

Joshua 3:5. Purity before miracles

Daniel 2:28–30. A dream and its interpretation revealed to Daniel.

Matthew 7:22. Miracles performed by unbelievers

Matthew 10:1. Disciples given authority

Romans 15:18–19. Means of spreading the Good News

2 Thessalonians 2:9. False signs and wonders

Mischief (bad behavior, disobedient, playful)

Misbehavior which begins playfully and develops to destructive disobedience

Genesis 37:23–24. Bad brothers

Deuteronomy 8:5. God disciplines just as parents discipline.

Psalm 7:14. A vivid picture of developing mischief

Proverbs 17:4. A mischievous tongue

Proverbs 23:13. Discipline a child.

Jeremiah 31:20. A pleasant child?

Miserly behavior (see Hoard/Hoarding)

Mislead (deceive, lie, misguide)

Consciously lying or deceiving others by presenting false information or withholding information

Joshua 24:27. God is not deceived.

Psalm 119:118. Lies mislead from God’s laws.

Isaiah 3:12. Bad leadership

Micah 3:5. Lying prophets

Ephesians 5:6. Judgment upon deceivers

2 Timothy 3:6. Deception in the last days

Hebrews 6:18. God cannot lie.

Misogyny (hate, woman hater)

The hatred and abuse of women

Genesis 19:5–8. Lot sinfully offering his daughters

Genesis 29:31. Leah was unloved.

Deuteronomy 22:13–14. Lying about a woman’s character

Deuteronomy 22:16. Disapproving of the bride

James 1:27. Taking care of widows

Misrepresent (see Mislead)

Mission (charge, commission, task)

The important task of sharing and spreading the message of the lordship of Jesus Christ to all peoples, tongues, and tribes

Isaiah 55:11. God’s word will not return void

Matthew 28:18–20. Great Commission

John 15:16. Appointed to produce fruit

Acts 2:47. Growing numbers

Romans 1:5. Aim of missions

Romans 1:14. Obliged mission

Romans 15:30–31. Praying for other missionaries

Missionary(ies) (apostle, minister, servant)

Those called and commissioned to do the work of spreading the gospel throughout the world

Acts 8:4. Preaching the Word

Acts 13:2. Saul/Paul set apart for mission work

Acts 21:8. Housing church leaders

1 Corinthians 9:1–12. Rights of God’s servants

Galatians 2:8–9. Division of labor

Ephesians 4:11. Gifts from God to the church

2 Timothy 4:5. Charge to work as a missionary

Mistaken identity (false identity, lying, perception)

The situation when one is mistaken for someone they are not

Genesis 20:5. Lying about identity

Genesis 29:23. Jacob is given Leah, instead of Rachel

Esther 2:10. Queen Esther hides her nationality

Mark 8:27–28. “Who do people say that I am?”

John 18:37. Political king vs. King of kings

Acts 13:6. False prophet

Acts 14:12. Barnabas and Paul mistaken for Greek gods

Mistakes (error, fault, oversight)

Actions or judgments which are wrong

Leviticus 5:18. Unintentional mistakes

Numbers 15:25. Forgiveness for mistakes

1 Samuel 26:21. Admitting mistakes

Job 19:4. Unrecognized mistake

Ecclesiastes 5:6. Do not call a promise a mistake.

Matthew 22:29. Not knowing the Scriptures or God’s power

James 3:2. Speaking mistakes

Mistrust (suspicious, skeptical, weary of)

Expressing suspicion or lack of confidence in someone or something

Exodus 16:2–3. Longing for old ways rather than trusting God

Psalm 44:6. Not trusting in military strength

Proverbs 3:5. Put your trust in the Lord

Jeremiah 9:4. Mistrusting close companions in dire times

Micah 7:5. Not trusting others

John 2:24. Mistrusting human nature

Romans 4:20. Trusting in God’s promise

Misunderstanding (false impression, misinterpret, misconstrue)

Failure to correctly understand someone based upon a misinterpretation or a false inference of what was said or written

1 Samuel 1:14. Misunderstood for a drunkard

Psalm 56:5. Misunderstanding and twisting words

1 Corinthians 12:1. Misunderstanding spiritual gifts

1 Thessalonians 3:10. Desire to see those who have misunderstood aspects of faith

1 Thessalonians 4:13. Misunderstanding death

2 Peter 3:16. Paul’s letters are difficult.

Moabites (Lot, Moab, Semitic)

A Semitic tribe who initially settled on the southeastern border of the Dead Sea, generally hostile toward Israel

Genesis 19:37. Moab and the Moabites

Numbers 22:2–4. Tensions between Moab and Israel

Judges 11:18. The borders of Moab

1 Chronicles 18:2. David defeats Moab.

Isaiah 15:1. Predicting judgment

Jeremiah 27:3. Message sent to Moab

Mockery (contempt, derision, ridicule)

Teasing, ridiculing, or acting in a manner which is either uncharitable or uninformed

1 Kings 18:27. Mocking false gods

2 Kings 19:16. Mocking God

2 Chronicles 36:16. The perils of mocking God’s messengers

Psalm 89:50. Request for God to hear

Matthew 20:19. Mocking Jesus

Galatians 6:7. God is not mocked.

Hebrews 11:36. Suffering persecution

Model (example, leadership, pattern)

A person, place, or thing commended as an example to imitate or follow

2 Kings 16:3. Living like an evil king

John 13:15. Following the example of Jesus

1 Corinthians 10:11. Examples in the Old Testament

Philippians 3:17. Imitate me.

1 Timothy 4:12. Model behavior

James 5:10. Suffering like the prophets

1 Peter 2:21. Following Christ’s example

Moderation (restraint, self-control, temperance)

Not given to excess or extremes in attitudes, actions, or opinions

Proverbs 25:16. Avoiding too much food

Proverbs 25:17. Bugging neighbors

Ezekiel 16:49. Ignoring the poor and needy

Romans 15:1. The strong and the weak

1 Corinthians 10:23. Using discernment

1 Timothy 3:3. Qualifications of a leader

1 Peter 4:4. Avoiding wild living

Modesty (humility, reserved, timid)

The behavior or quality of acting in moderation, timidity, or humility

Genesis 3:7. Covering nakedness

Genesis 24:65. A modest woman

Jeremiah 13:26. Threat of immodesty

Romans 12:3. Sober self-assessment

Philippians 2:3. Thinking of and caring for others first

1 Timothy 2:9–10. Dressing modestly

1 Peter 5:5. Serving with humility, rejecting arrogance

Monarchy (government, kingdom, royalty)

A government ruled by a monarch such as king, queen, or emperor

Deuteronomy 33:5. The Lord is king over Israel.

1 Samuel 8:5. Israel asks Samuel for a king.

2 Samuel 2:4. David anointed king

Luke 23:14. Brought before the government

Romans 13:1. Monarchy established by God

Revelation 19:16. King of kings

Money (cash, fortune, treasure)

Commodity used as a medium of exchange or a designation of value

Numbers 31:25–54. Portion of what we have should be given to God.

Proverbs 15:27. Money gotten dishonestly causes pain.

Isaiah 55:2. Spend your resources on what is truly valuable.

Haggai 2:8. Silver and gold belong to God.

Matthew 6:19. Never put money above God.

Hebrews 13:5. Be satisfied with what God gives.

James 5:1–6. Money is gone when we die.

Monotheism (God, Trinity)

A belief in one God

Deuteronomy 6:4–5. Monotheistic mantra

1 Samuel 26:19. Turning from God

Isaiah 45:21. All other gods are false and cannot save.

Acts 17:22–31. The true God created all things.

Romans 1:24–31. Serving the true God

1 Corinthians 8:4–6. But for us, there is one God!

Ephesians 4:5–6. Creator and sustainer of all things

Monotony (dullness, routine, tedium)

Tedious repetition of an action with very little variety or interest

Numbers 11:4–6. Sick of the same food

Proverbs 14:14. Boredom apart from God

Ecclesiastes 1:4. Monotonous life

Ecclesiastes 1:9. Cycles of life

Luke 15:11–16. Sinfully seeking release from monotonous home life

Mood(s) (disposition, spirit, temper)

A negative temperament or attitude which results in angry or emotional behavior

1 Samuel 16:23. Mood-soothing music

1 Kings 20:43. The king’s bad mood

Nehemiah 5:6. Righteous anger

Psalm 13:2. Dealing with anxiety

Isaiah 65:14. Cheer and sadness from God

Matthew 27:3–5. Remorse

James 1:19–20. Slow to anger

Moon (orb, satellite)

The natural satellite which orbits the earth and is visible primarily at night

Genesis 1:14–16. Night light

Deuteronomy 4:19. Idolatrous worship

2 Kings 23:5. Worshiping the moon god

Psalm 72:5. A measure of permanence

Ezekiel 32:7. Darkened moon a sign of coming judgment

Colossians 2:16. Moon festivals

Revelation 21:23. New Jerusalem does not need the moon’s light.

Morale (confidence, discipline, enthusiasm)

The level of certainty or confidence of a particular person or group

Deuteronomy 20:5–9. Keeping morale high

1 Samuel 22:2. Leading the distressed

Nehemiah 4:6. Workers’ morale

Job 8:13–14. Hopeless without God

Jeremiah 38:1–6. Discouraging soldiers

2 Corinthians 1:7. Solidarity in suffering

Philippians 3:3–4. Confidence in God

Morality (ethics, righteous, virtues)

Guidelines for discerning what is right and wrong, good and evil

Genesis 2:16–17. Knowledge of good and evil

Leviticus 11:44–45. God’s holiness as our basis for holiness

Romans 13:14. Called to live like Christ

1 Corinthians 15:33. Corrupting company

1 Timothy 5:1–2. Instructions for correcting morality within Christian community

1 Peter 3:10–11. Turning from evil

Morning (AM, dawn, first light)

The period of time from midnight through noon; daybreak, light

Genesis 1:5. Method of counting time

Exodus 7:15. Early activities of the day

Ruth 2:7. Daybreak

Psalm 30:5. God’s joy comes swiftly in the morning.

Psalm 88:13. Morning prayer

Matthew 27:1. Carrying out evil plans

Luke 24:22–23. Jesus’ tomb is empty in the morning!

Morning star (Christ, light, royal)

A name figuratively given to Jesus Christ, the Promised One

Numbers 24:17. The promise of the morning star

Matthew 2:2. A symbol of royalty

2 Peter 1:19. Waiting for the morning star

Revelation 2:26–29. Gift of God

Revelation 22:16. Christ is the morning star.

Mortality (death, impermanence, loss of life)

The situation or status of being subject to death

Genesis 3:22. Death introduced to humanity

Psalm 62:9. Vanity of all life

Ecclesiastes 8:8. Unavoidable death

Romans 8:36. Christians called to suffer and die

2 Corinthians 4:7. Although we are mortal, we contain a treasure

Philippians 3:10. Becoming like Christ in His death

Hebrews 9:15. Death of Christ

Most Holy Place (consecrated, holy of holies, separate)

The second interior portion of the tabernacle where the ark of the covenant was kept

Exodus 26:33. Separates the ark from the rest of the tabernacle

1 Kings 6:16. Building the temple

2 Chronicles 3:10. Beautiful golden sculptures

Matthew 27:50–51. The torn veil at Jesus’ death

Hebrews 9:12. The priestly sacrifice of Jesus

Mother(s) (female, mom, parent)

Used in reference to a woman and the organic connection she has with progeny

Genesis 3:20. Archetypal motherhood

Deuteronomy 5:16. Commanded to honor mothers

Joshua 2:12–13. Arranging for family protection

Job 31:15. God’s action in the womb

Proverbs 1:8. Do not neglect your mother’s teachings.

Matthew 1:16. Mary the mother of Jesus

1 Thessalonians 2:7. Being gentle like a mother

Mother-in-law (family, relation, relative)

The mother of one’s husband or wife through marriage

Deuteronomy 27:23. Sexual immorality forbidden

Ruth 1:15–18. Ruth’s loyalty to her mother-in-law

Micah 7:6. Trouble in the family

Matthew 8:14. The apostle Peter’s mother-in-law

Matthew 10:35. Loyalty to Jesus before loyalty to family

Motive (grounds, rationale, reason)

A (concealed) rationale for one’s actions

Proverbs 16:2. God knows true motivations.

Jeremiah 20:12. God sees the motives of conquest.

John 7:18. A teacher without dishonest motives

1 Corinthians 4:5. Revealing what is hidden

Philippians 1:18. Preaching a good message with bad motivation

Colossians 3:22. Honoring earthly masters

1 Thessalonians 2:4. God tests our motives.

Mount Horeb (mountain, Mount Sinai)

The general name for the desert mountain range in which Mount Sinai sits

Exodus 17:6. Water from the rock at Mount Horeb

Exodus 33:6. Consecrated after Mount Horeb

Deuteronomy 1:2. Traveling between distances

Deuteronomy 1:19. Desert terrain

Deuteronomy 4:10. Never forget what God did at Mount Horeb.

Psalm 106:19. Idolatry on the mountain

Mount of Olives (hill, mountain, range)

A small range of mountains which overlooks Jerusalem from the East

2 Samuel 15:30. King David on Mount of Olives

2 Samuel 15:32. A place of worship

Zechariah 14:4. Prediction of a great earthquake

Matthew 24:3. A place of revelation

Acts 1:12. Half a mile from Jerusalem

Mount Sinai (see Mount Horeb)

Mountain(s) (height, hill, summit)

A natural elevation of the earth’s surface

Exodus 19:16. God’s presence on the mountain

Judges 6:2. Places of refuge

Isaiah 14:13. Where the (false) gods assemble

Matthew 5:1–2. Sermon on the Mount

Matthew 17:1. Jesus transfigured on the mountain

Matthew 17:20. Faith can move mountains.

Mountain of the Lord (mountain, sacrifice)

Originally the mountain which Abraham ascended to sacrifice Isaac where God provided a sacrifice

Genesis 22:14. The place where God provided a sacrifice

Numbers 10:33. Traveling from the mountain of the Lord

Isaiah 2:3. God’s temple

Zechariah 8:3. The holy mountain at Jerusalem

Mourn/Mourning (weeping, grieving)

To express grief over a loss

Genesis 21:16. Sobbing over a child

2 Samuel 15:30. Covering the head to mourn

2 Kings 22:19. Tearing of clothes

Ecclesiastes 3:4. A time for all things

Matthew 5:4. Mourners will be comforted.

Philippians 3:18. Weeping over enemies of Christ

Moving (active, mobile, on the move)

The process of changing one’s place of residence

Genesis 3:23. Sent out from the Garden

Genesis 12:1. Abraham called to leave his home

Exodus 12:31–32. Leaving Egypt

Ruth 1:16. Asking to stay

Acts 1:8. Worldwide witnesses

Romans 15:28. Paul the mobile missionary

Ephesians 5:31. Moving together in marriage

Mugging (assault, beat up, robbery)

Attacking and/or robbing someone

Proverbs 22:22–23. God pleads the case of the robbed.

Isaiah 10:1–2. Woes against the unjust

Isaiah 61:8. God hates robbery.

Hosea 7:1. Robbing others in public

Matthew 27:38. Jesus crucified with criminals

Luke 10:25–37. The parable of the good Samaritan

2 Corinthians 11:26. Traveling bandits

Multitude (crowd, host, masses)

A large or gathered group of people

Genesis 16:10. Promise of multitudes for offspring

Daniel 11:10. Commanding large forces

Mark 15:11–15. Mob mentality

Acts 5:16. Crowds come to be healed by Jesus.

Acts 21:35. Violent crowds

Revelation 7:9. A multi-ethnic crowd

Revelation 19:1. The multitudes praising God

Mummy (desiccated body, preserved)

Preserving a body after death

Genesis 50:26. Joseph’s preserved body

Luke 23:53. The tomb of Jesus

Murder (assassinate, homicide, kill)

The premeditated killing of another human being

Genesis 9:6. Humans are made in the image of God.

Deuteronomy 17:6–12. Sentencing a murderer to death

Proverbs 28:17. Folly of murder

Matthew 14:1–12. Killing John the Baptist

Acts 5:30. Murdered Jesus brought back to life

James 4:2. Murdering to steal

Murmuring (complain, grumble, moan)

Private or suppressed expressions of dissatisfaction and complaints

Numbers 14:27. Putting up with complaints

Joshua 9:18. Complaining about leaders

Isaiah 29:24. Rebuking murmuring

Luke 5:30. Complaining about Jesus

1 Corinthians 10:10. Condemning complaining

Philippians 2:14. Living without conflict

Jude 16. Sinful people

Music (composition, melody, song)

An instrumental and/or lyrical composition comprised of both rhythmic and melodic elements

Genesis 4:21. First harp and flute

1 Samuel 16:14–23. David’s music comforts Saul.

1 Chronicles 15:16–24. The important role of music

Proverbs 25:20. Dreadful music

Isaiah 42:10. Sing a new song to the Lord.

Colossians 3:16. Songs of instruction

Revelation 5:11–12. Song of the angels

Musician(s) (artist, instrumentalist, performer)

One who is skilled in the performance of music

Judges 5:11. The musicians gather.

1 Chronicles 6:32. Royal musicians

1 Chronicles 15:16–24. Many, many musicians

Nehemiah 12:47. Paid musicians

Nehemiah 13:10–11. Musicians not being paid

Revelation 18:22. Musicians silenced in Babylon.

Mute (silent, speechless, taciturn)

One who is incapable of or is refraining from oral communication

Exodus 4:11. God is in control.

Proverbs 31:8. Speaking on behalf of the mute

Ezekiel 33:22. The Lord makes the mute speak.

Matthew 15:31. Mute people talking

Luke 11:14. A silent demon

1 Corinthians 12:2. Mute idols

2 Peter 2:16. A mute donkey speaks.

Mutiny (insurrection, rebellion, uprising)

A rebellion against a ruling party

Deuteronomy 13:5. Prophets who preach rebellion

Esther 6:2. Rebelling against a king

Matthew 26:5. Avoiding a riot

Acts 5:37. Rebellion squashed, followers scattered

Acts 17:5. A city riot

Acts 21:38. Stirring up a revolution

2 Thessalonians 2:3. A coming mutiny

Myrrh (gum, perfume, spice)

An expensive, fragrant resin obtained from trees found in Africa and Arabia

Genesis 43:11. High-quality products

Esther 2:12. Spa treatment

Proverbs 7:17. A fragrant bed

Song of Songs 1:13. Intimate fragrances

Matthew 2:11. A gift for Jesus

Mark 15:23. A vinegar-like drink

John 19:39. Embalming fluid

Mystery (hidden, puzzle, secret)

Anything which is hidden or secret

Ecclesiastes 7:24. Mysterious wisdom

1 Corinthians 13:2. Understanding mysteries but failing to love

1 Corinthians 15:51. Paul speaks a mystery.

Ephesians 3:9–11. God’s plan for the fullness of time

Ephesians 5:31–32. The mystery of marriage

Colossians 1:25–27. Christ in you

2 Thessalonians 2:7. The mystery of sinful nature

Myth(s) (fable, legend, story)

A false story or idea which is widely held

1 Timothy 1:4. Questing God’s plan

1 Timothy 4:7. Avoiding godless myths

2 Timothy 4:4. Abandoning the truth

Titus 1:14. Commanded to avoid myths

2 Peter 1:16. A power message not based on myths