– N –

Nagging (complaining, grumbling, criticizing)

Incessant fault-finding or criticizing which causes strained personal relationships

Proverbs 21:9. A nagging spouse

Judges 16:16. Nagging Samson

Romans 12:10. Showing love and respect within the family

Ephesians 4:29. Helping rather than hurting

Ephesians 6:4. Raising children up right

Colossians 3:21. Not nagging children

1 Peter 5:5. Submitting without complaint

Nail(s) (peg, spike, tack)

A blunt metal object for driving into wood or other objects and fastening things together

Exodus 27:19. Bronze pegs for the tabernacle

Judges 4:21. A murder weapon

1 Chronicles 22:3. Making iron nails

Ecclesiastes 12:11. Firmly driven nails

Isaiah 41:7. Holding idols in place

Ezekiel 15:3. Object used in construction

John 20:25. Scars from nails

Colossians 2:14. Nailing charges to the cross

Nakedness (see Nudity)

Name (label, reputation, title)

Title by which someone is called and known; often refers to a person’s reputation or renown

Genesis 2:19. Adam names animals.

Genesis 12:2. Promise of a great name

Genesis 17:5. God changes Abram’s name to Abraham.

Exodus 20:7. Rightly using God’s name

Deuteronomy 18:20. Speaking in God’s name

2 Samuel 7:9. Promise of a great name

Psalm 7:17. Praising the name of the Lord

Psalm 102:15. Fearing the name of the Lord

Proverbs 18:10. The strong name of the Lord

Proverbs 22:1. Importance of a good name

Isaiah 7:14. A name of one to come

Isaiah 24:15. Honoring the name of the Lord

Joel 2:32. Calling on the name of the Lord

John 17:6. Christ came to reveal God’s name.

Acts 4:12. Power in Jesus’ name

Acts 19:5. Baptized in Jesus’ name

Romans 15:20. Spreading the name of Christ

Ephesians 1:21. Name above all names

2 Timothy 2:19. Departing from iniquity

Names of God (Adonai, Elohim, God)

Various names given to God representative of His character

Genesis 12:8. Yahweh

Genesis 14:22. Lord God Most High

Genesis 21:33. The Everlasting God

Exodus 3:14. I Am Who I Am

Exodus 17:15. The Lord Is My Banner

Deuteronomy 5:9. El is a jealous God

Judges 5:3. The Lord God of Israel

1 Samuel 17:45. The Lord of Armies

Isaiah 1:24. The Mighty One of Israel

Jeremiah 23:6. The Lord Our Righteousness

Daniel 7:9. Ancient One

Names of Jesus (Christ, Lord, Messiah)

Various titles given to Jesus indicating His character as the anointed one of God

Isaiah 9:6. Prophecies of Jesus

Matthew 1:21. The Lord Saves

Matthew 21:11. Prophet

Mark 4:38. Teacher

Mark 8:38. Son of Man

Mark 9:5. Rabbi

Mark 12:35. Messiah

Mark 15:26. King of the Jews

Luke 22:70. Son of God

John 1:1. The Word

John 1:29. The Lamb of God

Acts 19:13. Lord Jesus Christ

1 Corinthians 15:21–22. Second Adam

Philippians 3:20. Our Savior

Revelation 1:8. Alpha (A) and Omega (Z)

Revelation 1:17. First and the last

Revelation 19:11. Faithful and True

Revelation 22:16. Bright morning star

Naming (heading, title)

The action of giving a name to a person, place, or thing

Genesis 1:8. Naming creation

Genesis 2:19. Adam names animals.

Genesis 32:30. Naming a location

Exodus 2:10. Naming a child

Narcissism (egotistic, self-admiration, vanity)

Excessive self-interest to the extent of neglecting the concerns of others

Genesis 3:1–7. Self-promoting disobedience to God

Ezekiel 16:49. Ignoring the poor and needy

Amos 6:6. Caring for self over others

Zechariah 7:4–6. Living for personal benefit

Matthew 24:12. Love growing cold

Luke 9:46–48. Who is the greatest

Luke 11:43. Desiring to be seen

Luke 18:18–25. Giving up riches

Romans 12:10. Honoring others above self

Philippians 3:19. Minds set on worldly things

2 Timothy 3:1–7. Lovers of self

James 1:9–10. God exalts the lowly.

1 Peter 5:5–6. God opposes the arrogant.

Nard (oil, perfume, scent)

An expensive oil used as a perfume for anointing

Song of Songs 4:13–14. Description of a lover

Mark 14:3. Expensive perfume

John 12:3. Anointing Jesus

Nation(s) (land, pagans, people)

A group of people connected together by family, culture, and traditions

Genesis 18:18. All nations blessed through Abraham

Exodus 9:24. The nation of Egypt

Exodus 32:10. Promise of a great nation

Deuteronomy 7:7–8. God chooses a nation.

Deuteronomy 32:8. Divided into nations

Job 12:23. God rules over nations.

Isaiah 37:12. Pagan nations

Isaiah 42:1. Bringing justice to the nations

Isaiah 49:6. Light unto the nations

Ezekiel 25:11. Judgment upon a nation

Amos 9:7. God cares for all nations.

Matthew 24:7. Fighting nations

Matthew 28:19. Making disciples of all nations

Acts 10:22. The Jewish nation

Romans 1:5. Making disciples from every nation

2 Timothy 4:17. Spreading Good News to the nations

1 Peter 2:9. God’s people a holy nation

Revelation 2:26. Authority over the nations

Nativity (birth, genesis, origin)

Circumstances surrounding the birth of a person

Numbers 24:17. A prophesied star

Isaiah 7:14. A virgin shall conceive.

Micah 5:2. Bethlehem prophecy

Matthew 1:18–25. Mary conceives by the Holy Spirit.

Luke 2:1–20. Baby in a manger

Revelation 12:1–5. Christ the ruler

Natural resources (land, mineral, resource)

Materials which occur naturally and can be used for sustenance

Genesis 1:28. Called to steward creation

Genesis 2:11–12. Precious minerals

Exodus 23:10–19. Giving fields a year of rest

Numbers 35:2–3. Preserving pastureland

Psalm 24:1. Everything is the Lord’s.

Nature (countryside, environment, world)

An undeveloped and generally undisturbed piece of land or water

Exodus 3:1. The mountain of God

Numbers 13:3. Wilderness wandering

Psalm 50:10. Creatures of the forest

Psalm 107:33. God’s power over nature

Isaiah 52:7. God’s messenger compared with beauty of nature

Matthew 4:1. Wilderness temptation

Mark 4:39. Jesus’ power over nature

Romans 11:24. Grafted olive branch

2 Corinthians 11:26. Traveling the open country

Navigation (directions, travel, traverse)

Executing a planned route of travel

Numbers 9:23. Obeying the Lord’s travel command

Numbers 21:4. Navigating around Edom

Deuteronomy 1:2. Travel directions

Isaiah 49:11. Navigating the mountains

Matthew 2:12. Divine travel plans

John 4:4. Traveling through dangerous areas

John 7:1. Navigating danger

Acts 27:1–2. Navigating the sea

2 Corinthians 1:15–17. Travel plans

Nazirite (consecrated, devoted, set apart)

An Israelite dedicated to the service of God, taking vows of abstinence from cutting hair, drinking alcohol, and having contact with dead bodies

Numbers 6:1–4. Avoiding strong drink

Numbers 6:5. Avoid cutting hair.

Numbers 6:6–8. Avoiding dead bodies

Numbers 6:9–21. Instructions for completing Nazirite vow

Judges 13:5–7. Dedicated to God

Judges 16:17. Hair is the source of Samson’s strength.

1 Samuel 1:11. Promise of dedication

Amos 2:11–12. Desecrating vows

Acts 18:18. Aquila cuts his hair in completion of a vow.

Acts 21:23. Men vowed to God.

Nearness of God (affections, closeness, intimacy)

The immanence of God with his people; God promises to draw near to those who draw near to him.

Genesis 3:8. God walking in the garden

Exodus 16:7. Hearing the complaints of people

Numbers 16:19. Brought near to do God’s work

Deuteronomy 4:7. God is near those who pray.

Psalm 28:7. Trusting in the Lord’s strength

Psalm 37:4. Happiness in the Lord

Psalm 85:9. Salvation is near those who fear God.

Psalm 119:151. Comfort in God’s nearness

Isaiah 58:2. Desiring for God to be near

Jeremiah 23:23. A God who is both near and far

Matthew 1:23. Jesus is “God with us.”

Matthew 28:20. Jesus is always with us.

Mark 1:15. Kingdom of God is near

John 16:7. Jesus will send a helper (the Holy Spirit).

Acts 23:11. The Lord gives Paul strength.

Philippians 4:5. The Lord is near.

James 4:8. Drawing near to God

Needs (lacking, short supply, wanting)

Essential materials of life for normal functioning and quality of life, either physical or spiritual

Exodus 16:17–20. God provides for needs.

2 Kings 6:26–27. Need for help from God

Hosea 12:8. Absence of need

Amos 4:6. Left with needs

Matthew 10:42. Meeting physical needs

Acts 16:9. Needed in Macedonia

Romans 5:6–8. Christ died for the spiritually needy.

Romans 12:13. Being hospitable with God’s people.

Philippians 4:19. God will richly meet needs through Jesus Christ.

1 Timothy 6:8. Basic needs met

James 2:16. Properly caring for others

1 John 3:17. Remaining in God’s love

Neglect (abandon, disregard, forget)

The willful or fortuitous disregard of something or someone

Deuteronomy 12:19. Not neglecting God’s servants

Joshua 1:5. Promise of nearness

Nehemiah 10:39. Remembering God’s temple

Proverbs 1:8. Listening to the instruction of your parents

Proverbs 8:33. Hearing instruction and growing in wisdom

Jeremiah 48:10. Curse upon those who neglect the Lord’s work

Luke 11:42. Judgment for ignoring justice and love

1 Timothy 4:14. Honoring God’s prophetic gift

Hebrews 2:3. Ignoring salvation

Hebrews 13:2. Being mindful to care for others

Negotiation (debate, deliberation, discussion)

An intense discussion between two or more parties aimed at reaching common ground

Genesis 29:1–20. Jacob negotiates with Laban for Rachel.

Exodus 7:1–13. Moses and Aaron negotiating with Pharaoh

Joshua 10:1–15. Joshua negotiates with God.

Matthew 26:14–16. Negotiating betrayal

Matthew 27:15–23. Negotiating the release of prisoner

Luke 14:31. Preparation for battle

Acts 15:2. Fierce dispute between the apostles

Neighbor(s) (friend, nearby)

Individuals who live in close proximity to one another

Exodus 20:16. Telling the truth about neighbors

Exodus 20:17. Not coveting a neighbor’s things

Exodus 22:5. Damaging a neighbor’s property

Exodus 33:11. God speaks to Moses as a friend.

Leviticus 19:18. Love your neighbor as yourself.

Deuteronomy 19:13. Respecting a neighbor’s property

Proverbs 14:21. Sin of despising a neighbor

Proverbs 17:17. A loving friend

Jeremiah 9:4–5. Pessimistic view toward others

Matthew 5:43–44. Loving neighbors and enemies

Luke 10:29–37. Who is my neighbor?

John 4:39. Witnessing toward neighbors

Romans 13:9–10. Fulfilling the Old Testament law through love

Romans 15:2. Building up your neighbor’s faith

Galatians 5:14. Summing up the law

Colossians 4:5. Wise actions toward unbelieving neighbors

James 4:12. Refrain from judging your neighbor.

Nephew(s) (family, relation)

The son of one’s brother (in-law) or sister (in-law)

Genesis 12:5. Abraham brings his nephew on a trip.

Genesis 14:14. Rescuing a nephew from danger

Genesis 29:12. Keeping marriage within the family clan

1 Chronicles 5:1. Rights of the first-born given to nephews

2 Chronicles 22:8. Nephews ruling together

Acts 23:16. Paul’s nephew cares for Paul.

Nepotism (bias, favoritism, partiality)

Practice of giving preferential treatment to family and friends at the expense of others

Genesis 47:11–12. Joseph cares for his brothers.

1 Samuel 14:50. Keeping leadership in the family

2 Samuel 8:16. Royal historian

2 Samuel 19:13. Preference for trusted family

Nehemiah 7:2. Giving leadership to family

Nest(s) (home, refuge)

Shelter constructed by birds for safely housing their young

Numbers 24:21. A solid nesting place

Deuteronomy 22:6. Sparing a nest of birds

Psalm 84:3. The swallow’s nest

Proverbs 27:8. Wandering from the nest

Isaiah 16:2. Scattered from the nest

Ezekiel 17:23. A fine place for a nest

Matthew 8:20. The Son of Man has no home.

Mark 4:32. Nesting in the shade of the garden

Networking (connected, interconnected, linked)

System of interconnected people or places

John 17:20–21. That they may be one as we are one

Romans 12:5. Christ connects believers.

Romans 16:1–16. Introducing and greeting new people

1 Corinthians 12:12. Unified body of Christ, the church

Galatians 2:1. Networking in Jerusalem

New Age (mysticism, spirituality)

Broad-reaching religious outlook characterized by openness and mystical thought

Isaiah 41:23. Humankind as gods

Isaiah 47:10. A wicked credo

Daniel 5:11. Wiser than the king’s spiritualists

Acts 8:10. Simon the magician wows the crowd.

Acts 17:23. Worshiping an unknown God

Romans 3:4. Truth belongs to God.

2 Corinthians 4:7. Power from God, not from us

Galatians 5:7. Stunted spiritual growth

Colossians 1:27. Riches of this mystery is Christ in you.

1 Timothy 6:20. Turning away from worldly discussions

1 John 1:1–2. Heard, seen, and touched

1 John 2:22. Rejecting the Messiah

1 John 4:1–2. Testing the claims of others

New Covenant (alliance, testament, will)

The promised covenant instituted through the shedding of Christ’s blood and symbolized through the cup of wine at the Lord’s Supper

Jeremiah 31:31. Promise of a new covenant

Luke 22:20. Cup of the new covenant

2 Corinthians 3:6. Ministers of a new covenant

Hebrews 8:13. Superseding the old covenant

Hebrews 9:15. Receiving the promise of an eternal inheritance

Hebrews 12:24. Christ mediated a new covenant

New creation (creation, life, renewal)

An entire re-creative act of God in the world

Isaiah 43:18–19. In breaking of new creation

2 Corinthians 5:17. Living in a new way as new creation

Galatians 6:15. What matters is new creation.

New Jerusalem (Jerusalem above, holy city)

The heavenly Jerusalem which, in the end times, will inaugurate God’s kingdom rule and a new cosmic order

Galatians 4:26. Jerusalem above and below

Hebrews 12:22–23. The heavenly Jerusalem

Revelation 3:12. The city of God

Revelation 21:2. The new city descends.

New Moon Festival (celebration, commemoration, festival)

Upon the commencement of a new month, special sacrifices and instructions were to be followed in a festival ritual

Numbers 10:10. Striking up the band

Numbers 28:11–15. Instructions for the festival

1 Samuel 20:5. Eating at the king’s table

2 Kings 4:23. Consulting a prophet on a festival day

Ezra 3:5. Making offerings for the New Moon Festival

Psalm 81:3. Sounding the ram’s horn to mark the festival

Ezekiel 46:1. Opening the gates of the temple during the festival

Amos 8:5. Ceasing the sale of goods

New Testament (new, revelation, testimony)

Originally written in Greek, the second half of the Christian canon of Scripture, consisting of twenty-seven books

Mark 1:1. The gospel of Jesus Christ

Acts 1:1–2. Recording the life and teaching of Jesus

2 Timothy 3:16. Inspired by God

2 Peter 3:15. Written with wisdom from God

Revelation 1:1. The revelation of Jesus Christ

New year (annual, calendar, season)

Beginning of a new year, a tradition or holiday not bearing great significance in the Bible

Genesis 8:13. Symbolic of new creation

Exodus 40:2. Instructed to set up the tent of meeting

Newborn Christians (immature, young)

Term referring to persons recently converted to Christianity and who (generally) need to grow in their faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ

Matthew 7:14. Entering the narrow gate

Matthew 13:44. Delighting in the kingdom of heaven

Luke 15:10. Angels rejoice over a new convert.

1 Corinthians 13:11. Putting aside childish ways

Ephesians 4:15. Growing up in Christ

Ephesians 4:22. Leaving behind old ways of living

Titus 3:5. The new birth

1 Peter 2:2. Desiring milk of the Word

1 John 2:14. Encouraging Christian growth

Night(s) (darkness, nightfall, sunset)

The period of darkness within each twenty-four hour cycle

Genesis 1:5. Darkness called night

Deuteronomy 16:1. Brought out of Egypt at night

1 Samuel 28:8. Evil deeds done at night

Psalm 42:3. Time of anxiety

Psalm 91:5–6. Not fearing the night

Isaiah 27:3. The Lord protects during the watch of the night.

Matthew 2:14. Leaving under the cover of night

Matthew 4:2. Fasting forty days and nights

Mark 4.27. Time for sleeping

John 9:4. A coming night

1 Thessalonians 2:9. Working night and day

1 Thessalonians 5:6–7. Time of drunkenness

Revelation 22:5. Night will be no more.

Nightmare (dream, night terror, torment)

A vision or dream which causes fear

Genesis 15:12. Dreadful, deep darkness

Genesis 41:1–8. Disturbed by a dream

Deuteronomy 28:66. Living in terror day and night

Job 4:13–14. Visions in the night

Psalm 91:5. No need to fear terrors of the night

Ecclesiastes 5:3. Caused by worrying too much

Daniel 2:1. Troubling dreams for the king

Nile River (river, snake, waters)

A long river in Eastern Africa

Genesis 41:1. Dreaming of the Nile

Exodus 2:3. Abandoning Moses in the waters

Exodus 7:17–24. God’s power of the river

Isaiah 7:18. Tributaries of the river

Amos 9:5. Flooding and receding waters

Zechariah 10:11. Drying up the deep river

Noahic covenant (mercy, salvation)

God’s promise to never bring about a catastrophic flood of this nature again

Genesis 9:8–11. God’s covenant to all humanity

Genesis 9:12–16. The sign of the covenant

Isaiah 54:9. Remembering the covenant

Nomad (drifter, vagabond, vagrant)

One who travels, wanders, or has no permanent abode

Genesis 14:13. Living in the sticks

Deuteronomy 26:5. Wandering people

Judges 19:9. Staying as a guest

Ezekiel 25:4. Threat of nomadic people

Hosea 2:14–15. Recalling the desert wandering of Israel

Hebrews 11:9. Living out of tents

Non-Christian(s) (heathen, nonbelievers, unbelievers)

Someone who consciously or unconsciously rejects the Lord Jesus Christ as the Messiah

Matthew 9:23–24. Doubting the power of Jesus

Matthew 13:58. Hindering miracles

Romans 1:21. Minds closed toward God

1 Corinthians 1:18. The cross is foolish.

2 Timothy 3:7. Blinded toward the truth

Hebrews 4:1–2. Not believing the message heard

Hebrews 6:6. Leaving the faith

2 Peter 3:3–4. Slandering God and his promises

1 John 2:22–23. Rejecting Jesus as the Messiah

Nonviolence (diplomacy, passivity, peace)

Using peaceful means to bring about political or social change

1 Chronicles 22:7–10. David the warrior forbidden to build God’s temple

Psalm 33:16–17. Trusting in God, not military might

Isaiah 2:4. Peace among nations

Matthew 5:9. Blessed are the peacemakers

Matthew 5:43–45. Loving enemies

Luke 14:31–32. Negotiating peaceful terms

Romans 12:18. Living at peace with others

1 Peter 2:21–24. Enduring suffering without making threats

North (direction, geography, up)

A geographical designation used for determining one’s location

Exodus 26:20. On the north side

Joshua 19:27. Northern direction

1 Kings 7:25. Careful building plans

Proverbs 25:23. Wet northern wind

Isaiah 14:31. Enemies in the north

Jeremiah 3:12. Northern portion of the kingdom

Joel 2:20. Portion of the enemies’ army

Amos 8:12. Symbolic of totality

Nostalgia (longing, recollection, reminiscence)

Reminiscing about or longing for a happier past time

Exodus 16:2–3. Longing for Egypt

Haggai 2:3. Remember the former temple (house)

Luke 15:17. Remembering better days

Luke 16:25–27. Remembering a good life

Nourishment (diet, food, nutrition)

Dietary necessities in order to assure good health

Genesis 1:29. Food given to humanity

Genesis 18:6–8. Preparing various foods

Exodus 34:15. Avoiding idol foods

Numbers 11:31. Quails covering the land

Deuteronomy 14:26. Eating well

Proverbs 3:8. A healthy body

Daniel 1:8–16. A vegetarian diet

Matthew 3:4. Strange form of nourishment

Mark 8:1–9. Feeding four thousand

John 21:9. Cooking out

Romans 11:17. Nourished from the roots

Nudity (bareness, naked, undressed)

The state of being naked, without clothing

Genesis 2:25. Naked and unashamed

Genesis 3:7. Realizing nakedness

Genesis 9:20–25. Noah’s drunken nakedness

Jeremiah 13:26. Naked and ashamed

Hosea 2:10. Judgment upon Gomer

Micah 1:8. An act of mourning

Nahum 3:5. Disgracefulness

Habakkuk 2:15. Drunken nakedness

Matthew 27:31. Stripping Jesus of his clothes

Mark 14:51–52. A naked man flees.

Luke 8:27. Demon-possessed man

Luke 10:30. Stripped and beaten

Romans 8:35. Unable to separate from the love of Christ

Nuisance(s) (annoyance, inconvenience, irritation)

A person, place, or thing creating an inconvenience or annoyance

Deuteronomy 2:9. Leave Moab alone.

Psalm 56:2. Enemies that harass

Proverbs 6:3. Pestering a neighbor

Proverbs 27:3. A fool weighs you down.

Mark 5:35. Accused of bothering Jesus

Acts 4:2. Bothered by the apostles’ teaching

Acts 16:18. Casting out a troubling spirit

2 Corinthians 11:9. Not asking for needs, counting on friends

Nullify (annul, cancel, void)

The legal invalidation of an agreement, contract, or covenant

Mark 7:9. Rejecting God’s commandments

Romans 3:3. Our unfaithfulness does not cancel God’s faithfulness.

Romans 7:2. Marriage nullified at death

1 Corinthians 1:19. Nullifying the wisdom of the wise

Galatians 2:21. Accepting God’s grace

Galatians 3:15. Impossible to nullify a contract

Ephesians 2:15. Creating unity through nullifying the commandments

2 Timothy 1:10. Death crushed to death

Hebrews 2:14. Destroying the devil

Numbers (numeral, symbol, unit)

The use of numbers in the Bible can be either literal or symbolic.

Genesis 15:5. Vast number

Genesis 49:28. Twelve tribes of Israel

Exodus 20:10. Resting on the seventh day

Leviticus 25:8. Multiplication

Leviticus 27:18. Subtraction

Numbers 1:45–46. Addition

Deuteronomy 6:4. Only one God

1 Kings 17:12. Approximations

Revelation 7:9. An uncountable crowd

Revelation 13:18. Number of the beast

Revelation 14:1. The fullness of saints (12 x 12 x 1000)

Nunc Dimittis (prayer, prophecy, song)

Latin phrase meaning “Now send forth;” used in reference to Simeon’s blessing of Jesus in the temple

Luke 2:29–35. Prayer and prophecy

Nutrition (see Diets, Food, Nourishment)